Fauci: We Could Not Be Positioned More Poorly

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

Dr. Fauci is the leadership as far as the Corona Virus, who would you suggest replacing him with? Dr. Zeke Emmanuel? Dr. Howard Dean?
He's been sidelined.

Atlas has the President's ear now...and HE is whispering "herd immunity"

So we do NOTHING...while the infection spreads like crazy
Exactly right....

Those infected are not having significant problems with it and are recovering quickly... Hospitalizations are down in most states, Death rates are still declining in most states. So there is NO REASON TO NOT ALLOW THIS VIRUS TO CONTINUE ON ITS COURSE.

Herd immunity is how EVERY PANDEMIC ENDS. Vaccinations are just one way to get to herd immunity. As long as we do not have one that is safe the only way to get over this thing is to let the populace get it and get over it. The sooner the better...
Did you forget to remind people that you have no idea what you’re talking about?

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

Dr. Fauci is the leadership as far as the Corona Virus, who would you suggest replacing him with? Dr. Zeke Emmanuel? Dr. Howard Dean?
He's been sidelined.

Atlas has the President's ear now...and HE is whispering "herd immunity"

So we do NOTHING...while the infection spreads like crazy
Exactly right....

Those infected are not having significant problems with it and are recovering quickly... Hospitalizations are down in most states, Death rates are still declining in most states. So there is NO REASON TO NOT ALLOW THIS VIRUS TO CONTINUE ON ITS COURSE.

Herd immunity is how EVERY PANDEMIC ENDS. Vaccinations are just one way to get to herd immunity. As long as we do not have one that is safe the only way to get over this thing is to let the populace get it and get over it. The sooner the better...
Did you forget to remind people that you have no idea what you’re talking about?

The point is that Fauci doesn't know what he's talking about, and he's the one who is supposed to be the expert.

Fauci's scheme of shutdowns and masks doesn't seem to be working very well yet he is still doubling down on it.

A lot of bars aren't ever going to reopen, where will the people buy their firearms if Sleepy Joe closes legit gun dealers?
Fauci lied to everyone early on. For similar reasons, plus general optimism, Trump downplayed this as well. They couldn't have the people buying up all the supplies in a selfish panic. Both should be forgiven for this much, and I'll take an optimistic POTUS over a basement-dwelling coward in Biden.

Fauci doesn't have to focus on economic misery and collapse, mental health, the destruction of family, religion, and the collapse of children's well being. He only thinks in simple terms of his job. Probably paid off by the dems to run his mouth in this way.

Lockdowns are not the answer. It sucks that people have to die, but people die. You want to blame someone, blame China for their initial deception. At least Trump is keeping us afloat while speeding efforts for a cure.
Pennsylvania has had mandatory masks for more than 6 months. Bars are still shut down all over the commonwealth
I wasn’t aware that COVID could only be caught in bars. And y’all expect us to take you seriously?

Nothing works that isn’t enforced.
Pennsylvania has had mandatory masks for more than 6 months. Bars are still shut down all over the commonwealth
I wasn’t aware that COVID could only be caught in bars. And y’all expect us to take you seriously?

Nothing works that isn’t enforced.

They couldn't close Walmart, as people still need food, but they closed restaurants and bars. Do you really think they should close all stores? I don't think anyone suggests that, well, maybe you do.

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

That idiot hasn't been right on anything. Why should he change now?

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

Dr Fauci says he won't go to the White House anymore. Not only because he is unwelcome, but there is too much COVID flying around.
But not to worry. Fauci will be back on the job come 1-20-21 but he'll probably insist on a total sterilization first of the entire COVID-ridden and Rump infected building.
Have you really ever seen a guy so all over the place as Fauci? Okay...so yeah Trump. But this guy is supposed to be a scientist.
One month the guy is saying the President couldn't do any better (his words) to "we are all going to die!!!" the next month.
What is it with this guy?? Is he trying to position himself and hoping for a continuation in a Biden administration?
I don't believe I know of any other scientist out there who waffles around on a weekly basis.

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

It's not just the elderly who are dying. It's every age group.

We have no leadership. We haven't had any through all of this.

Herd immunity won't work. Just like it will go away in the spring and summer didn't work.

Those of us who have actually been paying attention know that people are getting the virus more than once. The second time seems to be worse than the first with some dying the second time they get it.

We also saw last winter that the southern part of our nation, which had the same temperatures in the winter as the north has in the summer, was having cases of the virus. The fact that cases were happening in the south in the winter was a huge red flag that the virus wasn't going to go away in the spring and summer. Which it didn't.

People need to pay attention to what is happening. Herd immunity isn't possible without a vaccine. The only thing to prevent contracting the virus right now since we don't have a vaccine, is to wear a mask, wash your hands, stay away from large groups of people and social distance when you're around people.
Pennsylvania has had mandatory masks for more than 6 months. Bars are still shut down all over the commonwealth
I wasn’t aware that COVID could only be caught in bars. And y’all expect us to take you seriously?

Nothing works that isn’t enforced.
Who is going to enforce it?

A police state?

I was in Joliet Illinois maybe three months ago...sign on the door said "masks required by law"...people without masks walked in, got their stuff and left. You going to put a cop in front of every store? Can't...you idiots are defunding them.
The vast majority of new cases are 20-45 year olds, who have a near zero percent chance of dying from the stupid virus.
And those 20-45 year olds then spread it to the vulnerable.

Actually it's not near zero percent chance of death in that age group.

You're right, that age group then spreads it to everyone they come in contact with. Including those who are most vulnerable.
Have you really ever seen a guy so all over the place as Fauci? Okay...so yeah Trump. But this guy is supposed to be a scientist.
One month the guy is saying the President couldn't do any better (his words) to "we are all going to die!!!" the next month.
What is it with this guy?? Is he trying to position himself and hoping for a continuation in a Biden administration?
I don't believe I know of any other scientist out there who waffles around on a weekly basis.
He likes the camera too much.
The vast majority of new cases are 20-45 year olds, who have a near zero percent chance of dying from the stupid virus.
And those 20-45 year olds then spread it to the vulnerable.

Actually it's not near zero percent chance of death in that age group.

You're right, that age group then spreads it to everyone they come in contact with. Including those who are most vulnerable.
What is the death rate for that age goup?

Watch this...........

Fauci correctly predicted we would hit 100,000 infections daily. We just did that...and have had just short of that almost every day last week.

He says that Trump is listening to Fox News radiologist Scott Atlas and that our current policy is "herd immunity" which will kill off our elderly

We need better leadership. NOW

Wear a maaaaAAAask, Sheeple

Look. Nobody on this plantet gives a fuck if a couple bILLION drop dead...as long as THEY dont personally know them. Like these flag waving assholes who support war against---whatever. Yeah USA ! Until the guys show up to tell you about your kid.

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