Faux War - Warning by Minister Michael Boldea

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I just read this about an hour ago. It's from Minister - Michael Boldea Jr. . He isn't well accepted by the mainstream church because he speaks the truth. Which makes him the only one I'll listen to now. I would suggest the rest of you at least read what he has to say here before you condemn it as a lie. - Jeri

p.s. I have kept my vow not to discuss politics on here anymore. This is not about politics - this is about life and death! I've been praying for America and the heaviness is due to knowing that we are facing another 9/11 on our own shores if we intend to go through with this. I don't want this! It does appear none of us do! So why are we doing it? Those of you who pray - I urge you to do it with all your heart right now! I love ya'll. May G-d help us all.

Thursday, September 5, 2013
Faux War

Although I am as yet still in Romania I’ve been keeping a close eye on what is happening with regards to the Syria issue. One thing is certain: the powers that be want a war, and they are pushing the issue with all the ferocity of a rabid pit-bull.

It’s an easy thing to beat the war drum when you’re not the one ducking bullets and shrapnel, and I fear there is a great disconnect between our leaders, and the men and women who will have to carry out the orders they are given once the dust settles and war is agreed upon.

Anyone who understands the true ugliness of war is reticent to encourage it, support it, or be flippant about advancing it.

What troubles me even more is that by all accounts – at least accounts of independent news agencies that are not subservient to a certain political clique – this is a war of pretense, a faux war which has very little purpose other than to further the agenda of powerful individuals.

I realize we think it our mission and calling in life to force our brand of democracy down the throats of every man woman and child in the world, but some people still have a gag reflex, and enough intuition to naturally perceive that true democracy is more than having access to fried chicken, and hamburgers with at least 25% real beef in every patty.

I went to bed last night thinking on this impending war, and I fear whether by hook or by crook the powers that be will have the war they’re clamoring for. As I slept, I dreamt of a beautiful meadow surrounded by trees and flowers and tall grass, and in the middle of the meadow a beautiful pond rife with water lilies, cattail, fairy moss, and duckweed. It was picturesque, a snapshot worthy of any artist’s rendering. As I stood and watched the pond and the flowers, a bloated body floated to the surface with the loud belch of releasing gasses, bobbing in the water, and spoiling the entire landscape and waking me up in the process.

The one thing I understood from this short dream is that things are not as they seem, and I know the dream and the unshakeable knowledge of what it means has to do with this impending showdown. Something will ruin the narrative which has so painstakingly been constructed, and it will be as obvious as a bloated body in a picturesque pond.

Those who know me know I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories. If we go down the rabbit trail of conspiracy theories we start seeing a conspiracy under ever rock, and pretty soon the guy selling us our morning coffee is a secret agent of some shadowy three lettered organization keeping tabs on us.

Some things, however, only make sense if you are open to the possibility of a larger plan, a hidden agenda, and powerful interests lurking in the shadows and moving their pieces about the chess board as they will.

I fear this push for war is just such a situation, wherein forces wielding great power want this conflict to happen at any cost. Let’s face it; our track record hasn’t been so golden in the past few years when it comes to bringing democracy to Middle Eastern nations. By all accounts Egypt is in chaos, Libya is likewise in chaos, and pretty much every nation we’ve stuck our noses in is worse off shape than before, now led by men intent on doing us harm, when before they were merely well compensated allies of convenience.

From a purely diplomatic, logical, and reasonable point of view, I would much rather deal with a greedy man than with a religious zealot, because the weakness of the greedy man is already pre-established. His greed is his weakness, and as long as that’s taken care of the greedy man is malleable, and readily controlled.

It’s a whole different ballgame when it comes to religious zealotry, especially the kind festering in the Middle East.

When you can’t definitively say whether or not you are fighting on the side of good, or whether those you’ve aligned yourself with are just and noble, perhaps it’s time to take a step back and reassess the situation altogether.

In the great scheme we are small and insignificant but our Father isn’t. As such, I would ask you to pray, and fervently so, that God would intervene and spare the lives of those who will surely lose them if we go to war. Since the beginning of time brave men and women have vicariously satiated the bloodlust of cowards, and I fear this time will prove to be no different.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.


That is his link if anyone wants to read his sermons online or watch them on youtube.
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Here Are Our Soon-to-Be Allies in Syria Executing Prisoners

Here Are Our Soon-to-Be Allies in Syria Executing Prisoners

They are executing many Christians over there right now, Chuck. I heard of a Syrian woman pleading with McCain about it - her cousin? I think it was her cousin 18 yrs old - executed. A Christian. She said these executioners are al qaeda and have been sent to Syria from other countries to fight against Assad. I've not been there before - don't know the country but she said there are many good people there and they are the ones who will suffer the most should there be an attack on Syria. I am praying for the people over there as well. It is horrific.

As Pastor Boldea said, we should not be in alliance with such people when we cannot know for certain they are noble and on the right side of this thing. In this case I believe our unholy alliances are going to bring it straight to our shores. Perhaps even on 9/11 anniversary. Who knows. I only feel something terrible is going to come out of this. We need to wake up here as a nation and repent. Our only hope is to repent and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save us. To save our nation.

- Jeri

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