Fauxahauntus All Concerned About the MOAB Used to Kill Terrorists

Using taxpayer funds to make the world safe by whacking jackasses who use chem weapons is different from stealing.

Cash goes to defense contractors who keep us safe by making the best weapons. That is not stealing.

Stealing means the Democrat takes possession of the cash. That's what Democrats do. That's all they do. They don't feel pity or remorse. And they will not stop, ever, until they are OUT OF OFFICE AND/OR DEAD.

Any idea when he will start doing that?

-- cuz, so far, he hasn't done much but screw over the military, screw over vets, screw over auto workers, screw over factory workers, screw over miners and play golf.

he cheats at golf so he screws over whoever plays with him ..

Apparently, he's alone at his golf resort this weekend. Wonder where the first daughter-wife is ...
Why don't you just combine your names... it would improve the accuracy of your poster name....

Why don't you just combine your names... it would improve the accuracy of your poster name....




Right over your head.


So, how come you didn't answer my question?

C'mon cupcake, pretend you have the balls drumpf doesn't and answer the question.

But, if you're too chicken to do that, how about you post on topic instead of hiding behind really silly and childish ad homs?

Can you do it?

Or are you just gonna keep digging?

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