Favorite Swear Word

Favorite Swear Word

  • Sh!t

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F*ck (to include MF'er)

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • A$$shole

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • B!tch (to include SOB)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
Fuck is the most versatile word in the language.

It can be a noun. "Biden is one stupid fuck."

A verb "Go fuck yourself"

An adjective "Obozo is the worst fuckin president ever"

An adverb "I almost fuckin shit myself when that idiot got re-elected"

Fuck is the most versatile word in the language.

It can be a noun. "Biden is one stupid fuck."

A verb "Go fuck yourself"

An adjective "Obozo is the worst fuckin president ever"

An adverb "I almost fuckin shit myself when that idiot got re-elected"

Laugh, Agree and Thank you!
They had swear words as tits and stuff... I don't think tits is a swear word....?
And the variety of words used for a woman's privates... oy!
Why do women get so upset about that anyway...... I don't care!
Bonzi .................... 'nuff said .........

that's not a swear word.... but I'm sure you swear AT me.. but why, I don't know... remember our love song?
Is humor taboo now??

what's humor... oh no, certainly, humor me :)
Bugs on your windshield? A fly in your soup? Walking through a cow pasture barefoot? Ordering a large banana juice at Waffle House? Dialing 911 and getting put on hold? Calling suicide prevention hot line and getting a recording explaining office hours?
I like the string my husband uses....

G*D M'fing piece of Sh!t!
For me, if it's a guy:

"F*cking A$$ hole"

If it's a girl

"F*cking Bitch"

Not creative, but....
Fuck is the most versatile word in the language.

It can be a noun. "Biden is one stupid fuck."

A verb "Go fuck yourself"

An adjective "Obozo is the worst fuckin president ever"

An adverb "I almost fuckin shit myself when that idiot got re-elected"

Thank you. Saved me typing all that.

It is the ultimate versatile profanity.

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