FBI Agents that raided Mar-a- Lago are under investigation by John Durham.

I’m not massaging a thing I’m pointing out that your list isn’t showing errors or anything illegal except for the one case of the agent who lied on one FISA application. He was caught and busted. The rest of your list is political fluff not corruption. It certainly doesn’t prove that the entire institution is corrupt
Never said anything was illegal....only FBI was caught fiddle f**king info.
it is you who now is dancing around you original and now disproven claims.,
Speculation is what feeds you clowns.
No way, I’ve been probing the stolen election crowd about speculation as they can’t provide hard proof of anything they claim. I’m not down with that. What is it you think I’m speculating about? I’m all about sticking to the hard facts as we know them. Point out my speculation and I’ll be happy to elaborate
I have no clue. But you referred to my original claims in your last message so what exactly were you referring to?

Slade3200 said:

Cant wait to see what you and @Delldude say once Durhams invention turns up nothing. I already know, he will be a RINO cast away with Sessions, Barr, Wray, Rosenbaum, and Horowitz... So predictable.

As I said, speculation is what feeds you clowns.
As I said, speculation is what feeds you clowns.
Ahh yes the Durham prediction. Sure you can call it speculation but is just a friendly prediction like saying the Jets are gonna stink it up this year.

This Durham situation has been around the block a few times. I remember hearing for years that Clinton and Comey and mueller and Strzok and Hunter etc were all going to jail. And when it doesn’t happen because of a trump appointee whether it be sessions or Rosenbaum or Barr or Wray or Horowitz the response is always the same… deep state RINO. It’s comical. But you’re right speculation at this point. We shall see

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