FBI and Bomb Squad called to Kari Lake's campaign office after staff receives suspicious white powder in two envelopes with 'threatening' messages


Too? That IS their game, Porkchop!

It'll probably turn out to just be flour, but just another sign that the left is LOSING, knows they are LOSING, and will now try ANYTHING to try to win, because democrats never were about what people want or what is good for this country, it is all about THEM. But this will only double Keri's resolve and increase her lead when she wins!
Ya know what's really funny? If this had happened to a Democrat all we'd be hearing from the TDS crowd here is 'Orange Man Bad'!!!
Sure. You pretend to believe that.

Blind arrogance is the most dangerous form of stupidity.
Some rich Democrat put some if his coke in an envelope to try to scare Lake...better than firebombing, like the leftist domestic terrorists have been doing to churches.

I thought conservatives were supposed to be the crazed,violent threats to America... So much for Biden's false narrative.

Democrats and Death Threats. They're one in the same!

This is an act of terrorism.

This crap has got to stop. The left is unhinged.

We need to start using the Rittenhouse method of security. I am over this crap.
FBI called to Kari Lake's campaign office after staff received suspicious white powder in two envelopes with 'threatening' messages for Republican Arizona Governor candidate

FBI and police were at the Lake offices from 10pm Saturday to 5am on Sunday

A staffer received two envelopes containing a suspicious white powder

There were also threatening messages the campaign considers an 'attack'

A hazmat team and bomb squad also responded to the scene in Phoenix

when the left can't kill enough of their opponents with their virus and their vaxxes they resort to the old fashioned methods of anthrax poisoning.....next it will be plutonium, the stuff OUR FBI/CIA/MEDIA say the Russians use on their opposition. Starting to doubt their claims a little now are we?
FBI called to Kari Lake's campaign office after staff received suspicious white powder in two envelopes with 'threatening' messages for Republican Arizona Governor candidate

FBI and police were at the Lake offices from 10pm Saturday to 5am on Sunday

A staffer received two envelopes containing a suspicious white powder

There were also threatening messages the campaign considers an 'attack'

A hazmat team and bomb squad also responded to the scene in Phoenix

No release on what the supposed powder was. This could all be a last minute stunt by somebody in the Lake campaign for attention, just as easily as a partisan nut-ball attack.
And why should I give a shit? If this were a Democrat, you would not give a flying fuck through a rolling donut, but hot shit and holy...a fuck MAGA MAGGOT GOT WHITE POWDER AND THE FUCKING WORLD ENDS.

Tough shit for her, or does her supplier do home delivery?

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