FBI being blamed cause Fla has crappy gun laws.

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


wow it just gets deeper the failure of the government

this guy had been committed as well at one time

yet he still could buy a firearm

He also had a history of domestic violence, 39 polices responses to his address. The system totally failed, but lefties want to blame the tool.

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


wow it just gets deeper the failure of the government

this guy had been committed as well at one time

yet he still could buy a firearm

He also had a history of domestic violence, 39 polices responses to his address. The system totally failed, but lefties want to blame the tool.


yet they could not manage to get his name in the NICS database

it is almost as if they wanted this guy to flip someday
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


wow it just gets deeper the failure of the government

this guy had been committed as well at one time

yet he still could buy a firearm

He also had a history of domestic violence, 39 polices responses to his address. The system totally failed, but lefties want to blame the tool.


yet they could not manage to get his name in the NICS database

it is almost as if they wanted this guy to flip someday

It's what you get when people bet their lives on bureaucratic systems, they never seem to work as designed. Yet folks demand more, go figure.

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .
The local pd wasn't notified of the threat, THE FBI WAS and they sat on the info.

They've been too busy plotting against Trump to worry about some lunatic.

Right the FBI were more concerned with hookers peeing on a bed than public safety.

I honestly think that leftists love these shootings because it gives them another opportunity to try and disarm the people. Their agenda demands that government can control everyone and that means stopping people from fighting against tyranny. That is the very reason our forefathers wanted the second amendment.

The Left certainly never passes up on any opportunity to try to pass more gun laws. A gun law is the solution to every killing. 20,000 already on the books, this killer screaming for attention and known forwards and backwards as a kid off to deep end by both the FBI, the local police and the school and yes, what would have stopped everything? Another gun law! To be fair, just what is the school supposed to do, suspend or eject a kid for errant personal attitudes on his own time? We would have tens of millions of kids suspended and ejected from school---- an even bigger problem. And what should the police have done? Arrest him for maybe committing a crime some day in the future? And what should the FBI do, investigate him more? Keep an agent outside the home of every radical and extremist in the country 24/7?

People in this country honestly do not f---king think anymore. The ONE person(s) who SHOULD have done something is the kid's parents or guardians. Get the kid some help, treatment or something. No guarantees there either.

SO WHAT DOES THE LEFT COME UP WITH? You guessed it. They exploit the situation by putting a bunch of their own kids up to politicizing the affair with signs. Go after those evil, bad guns! I'm waiting for the anti-NRA rhetoric to begin again. BTW, the main course of the NRA is safety and training with guns. The main course of Leftists is prosecuting children for doodling pictures of guns on a book cover, eating pastry that loosely resembles a gun and going "bang-bang" with their finger. Yep, it's the GOVERNMENT'S duty and responsibility to fix the situation---- to stop an unknown and untold number of kids from doing something they haven't done yet. So now they have put a bunch of poor kids up to protesting school shootings, BOYCOTTING their schools, and refusing to go back to school until the government "acts to solve the problem."

Students to Boycott Schools Until Congress Acts on Guns

This should be good. Our idiot politicians in DC are SO GOOD at writing brainless laws. Here comes Gun Law 20,001. People, rather than taking responsibility for their own lives just keep BEGGING for Big Brother. "Take my freedoms away, World, because I cannot be trusted with them!"

Exactly. Parents are the ones who could have stopped it by getting the kid some professional help. We have too many parents willing to let the state raise their children. Liberals like Hillary have made comments to the effect that the state should have the lead role in raising children and the parents should merely play a supporting role. Well, the state can't raise children any better than they get to anything else.

Most school shooters have some things in common:

History of mental illness.
History of taking meds early on for ADHD and other conditions.
History of behavior or language that clearly indicates they think about harming others.
Being expelled at the time of the shootings.

So, when a kid makes threats or otherwise demonstrates behavior that indicates they may be dangerous, clearly they should never be left unsupervised and should be in therapy ASAP. Instead, we do the opposite. The kids get no help, they are often left alone at home when the school kicks them out and it's no surprise that some go off the deep end.

Common sense rarely plays into the school's plans to handle problem students. It's almost like they increase the odds of shootings by the way they make the troubled kids feel like outcasts.

I'm in no way excusing their behavior, much like the left does. It's never the gun's fault. It's the shooter's fault, pure and simple. However, parents are responsible for their children. Schools have a responsibility to do right by all the children left in their care every day. Even the FBI ignored the danger this kid posed. Everyone drops the ball on their responsibility and now we blame the NRA and all gun owners, as if another law would do shit to stop these crazies.

Laws that were already on the books in Florida were once touted as the answer to stopping this very thing. Laws fail. All more strict laws would do is tie the hands of the good people who would lose their ability to protect themselves against these crazy people.
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the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .
View attachment 177419

Why is it so important to you to keep the loopholes in the background check laws in place?
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Yeah of course, the problem was the GUN LAWS.

How predictable. I bet these uber hard leftists blame the gun laws for it being rainy.

Why not just be a man and admit it, you hate guns, and the fact that people are able to protect themselves against criminals, who you side with? It would be much easier than play this stupid game that even a complete moron could see through.
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Yeah of course, the problem was the GUN LAWS.

How predictable. I bet these uber hard leftists blame the gun laws for it being rainy.

Why not just be a man and admit it, you hate guns, and the fact that people are able to protect themselves against criminals, who you side with? It would be much easier than play this stupid game that even a complete moron could see through.


Blame the guns? Blame the FBI? Better think again.

Parkland Shooting Copycat Threats Result In School Lockdowns, Arrests

All across this country, STUDENTS are making threats against their schools on social media, leaving notes under doors, etc., etc.---- many kids have been arrested. Why would all these kids be doing this?



What do all these kids HAVE IN COMMON? Are they threatening their parents? The Library? The local movie house? The supermarket or shopping mall?

NO! They are stepping forward with threats against THEIR SCHOOLS. How many are serious and how many are just trying to put a little fear into their school we will never know, but CLEARLY, the government-run PUBLIC SCHOOLS are pissing off a lot of kids to the point of feeling they must take drastic action, up to and occasionally including actually shooting people there with a gun.

UNTIL THAT MATTER IS ADDRESSED, that the PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE CAUSING THIS VIOLENCE and not the weather, not the lunch menu, not this fall's TV schedule, not the NRA or guns themselves, we will NEVER end school shootings.
The local pd wasn't notified of the threat, THE FBI WAS and they sat on the info.

They've been too busy plotting against Trump to worry about some lunatic.

Right the FBI were more concerned with hookers peeing on a bed than public safety.

I honestly think that leftists love these shootings because it gives them another opportunity to try and disarm the people. Their agenda demands that government can control everyone and that means stopping people from fighting against tyranny. That is the very reason our forefathers wanted the second amendment.

The Left certainly never passes up on any opportunity to try to pass more gun laws. A gun law is the solution to every killing. 20,000 already on the books, this killer screaming for attention and known forwards and backwards as a kid off to deep end by both the FBI, the local police and the school and yes, what would have stopped everything? Another gun law! To be fair, just what is the school supposed to do, suspend or eject a kid for errant personal attitudes on his own time? We would have tens of millions of kids suspended and ejected from school---- an even bigger problem. And what should the police have done? Arrest him for maybe committing a crime some day in the future? And what should the FBI do, investigate him more? Keep an agent outside the home of every radical and extremist in the country 24/7?

People in this country honestly do not f---king think anymore. The ONE person(s) who SHOULD have done something is the kid's parents or guardians. Get the kid some help, treatment or something. No guarantees there either.

SO WHAT DOES THE LEFT COME UP WITH? You guessed it. They exploit the situation by putting a bunch of their own kids up to politicizing the affair with signs. Go after those evil, bad guns! I'm waiting for the anti-NRA rhetoric to begin again. BTW, the main course of the NRA is safety and training with guns. The main course of Leftists is prosecuting children for doodling pictures of guns on a book cover, eating pastry that loosely resembles a gun and going "bang-bang" with their finger. Yep, it's the GOVERNMENT'S duty and responsibility to fix the situation---- to stop an unknown and untold number of kids from doing something they haven't done yet. So now they have put a bunch of poor kids up to protesting school shootings, BOYCOTTING their schools, and refusing to go back to school until the government "acts to solve the problem."

Students to Boycott Schools Until Congress Acts on Guns

This should be good. Our idiot politicians in DC are SO GOOD at writing brainless laws. Here comes Gun Law 20,001. People, rather than taking responsibility for their own lives just keep BEGGING for Big Brother. "Take my freedoms away, World, because I cannot be trusted with them!"

Exactly. Parents are the ones who could have stopped it by getting the kid some professional help. We have too many parents willing to let the state raise their children. Liberals like Hillary have made comments to the effect that the state should have the lead role in raising children and the parents should merely play a supporting role. Well, the state can't raise children any better than they get to anything else.

Most school shooters have some things in common:

History of mental illness.
History of taking meds early on for ADHD and other conditions.
History of behavior or language that clearly indicates they think about harming others.
Being expelled at the time of the shootings.

So, when a kid makes threats or otherwise demonstrates behavior that indicates they may be dangerous, clearly they should never be left unsupervised and should be in therapy ASAP. Instead, we do the opposite. The kids get no help, they are often left alone at home when the school kicks them out and it's no surprise that some go off the deep end.

Common sense rarely plays into the school's plans to handle problem students. It's almost like they increase the odds of shootings by the way they make the troubled kids feel like outcasts.

I'm in no way excusing their behavior, much like the left does. It's never the gun's fault. It's the shooter's fault, pure and simple. However, parents are responsible for their children. Schools have a responsibility to do right by all the children left in their care every day. Even the FBI ignored the danger this kid posed. Everyone drops the ball on their responsibility and now we blame the NRA and all gun owners, as if another law would do shit to stop these crazies.

Laws that were already on the books in Florida were once touted as the answer to stopping this very thing. Laws fail. All more strict laws would do is tie the hands of the good people who would lose their ability to protect themselves against these crazy people.
He was 19 and both parents were dead. They adopted him for Christs sake. Wish I'd have had that luxury.
Lots of people dropped the ball, especially the FBI. And FL definitely needs to raise the age for gun ownership. There is no way an 18-year-old should be able to buy an AR-15.
Lots of people dropped the ball, especially the FBI. And FL definitely needs to raise the age for gun ownership. There is no way an 18-year-old should be able to buy an AR-15.

Kids in general are just not as mature and ready for the world as they once were. The State has taken over raising them. They are no longer being raised in the real world, they are growing up thinking social media and SnapChat on their cellphones is "the world." They spend all their time at school on computers. More kids than ever are simply not ready to deal with the world and partly also because parents don't have time and the State has taken them out of the parent's hands. In today's world, you have to walk a tightrope just to not have them taken from your hands, and sometimes all it takes is letting your kid walk home from the park.
The FBI is taking heat because they dropped the ball with this kid just like the Air Force took heat when they dropped the ball with Devin Patrick Kelley the Sutherland Springs church shooter.
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .
The kid hadn't committed any crime so the FBI and local PD couldn't arrest him. However, both agencies knew of his mental illness and troubled history. That means what they did do wrong (and they are rightly being accused of screwing up) is they did not put him on the no firearm registry that the background check uses. The school shares some blame for this too. They banned the kid from school with a backpack is cause enough to contact the local authority and recommend that he be placed on a 'no firearm' recommendation for background checks.

Had any of them done that, he would not have been able to purchase the rifle.

In this country, we do NOT arrest people for what they may do in the future. Minority Report is just a movie.

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

So how many mass murder weapons were purchased by private sale bypassing the background check?

Idiotic question. Either you support background checks or you don't.

Which is it?

Background checks lead to registration which lead to confiscation

No thanks


So your position is that the FBI cannot be blamed here because they nor anyone else could have or should have had the right to confiscate Cruz's guns.


So why is Trump blaming the FBI???
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

When you need permission from the government to keep and bear arms, it is no longer a right to keep and bear arms. Perhaps, if they had better schools up in Massachusetts, the sheep might be able to read the US Constitution.

No charges were ever filed against this shooter, so there was little that the police could do. However, if the tip that the FBI ignored had reached the Miami field office or the Sheriff, action would have been taken to stop the shooter..
The FBI probably would have caught this nutter had they not been obsessed with nothing burgers.

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