FBI Catching Hell

I agree, Flanders. The blame goes to the Democrats. NOT the FBI! I feel very sorry for the men and women of the FBI today. They are in a very tough situation. HLS should be disbanded immediately. We do not need homeland security. We got along fine without it - the FBI has done a superb job for many years and the formation of Homeland Security was a very bad idea in my opinion.

When you consider that the average american who trains to become an FBI agent has been preparing their entire life for it - you cannot have a history of having ever used cocaine, etc or you cannot become an FBI agent. You can become a president but not a Federal agent. These people wouldn't have applied for such a job if they didn't love our constitution, our nation, our way of life enough to put their own life on the line to defend it. Now they are in a situation of being double crossed by their own government. Through HLS and the Democratic party. What a shame. Our FBI agents deserve a heck of a lot better than this!

The illegal searches in Boston that HLS was behind? Not good. Again, the FBI should have been in FULL Control and they should retire the Democratic controlled HLS completely. Its bad news.

To Jeri: Exactly so.

Incidentally, J. Edger Hoover was the only one who stood up to FDR when he put Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Hoover told FDR that he shouldn’t do it because it was unconstitutional, but FDR did it anyway. It’s worse today. With DHS and the “Justice Department” controlling the intelligence community the Constitution does not stand a chance when it stands in the way of Hussein & Company’s political agenda.

Bottom line: My oft-stated observation should be chiseled on the Washington Memorial:

Never let a Democrat come anywhere near the intelligence community.

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