FBI Catching Hell

What should he have been arrested for?

To rightwinger: His citizenship should have been revoked, then he should have been treated like a prisoner of war —— not treated like a criminal entitled to the protections Americans get under the Constitution.

This political correctness we find ourselves puts us all in more danger. People like the bombers are obviously protected by it.

Two years ago, what charges would you have filed against him?
I would have been upset if the FBI did nothing....but they DID look this guy over 2 years ago by request of the Russians. Unless they are hiding some red flags they saw back then....what does our resident Hind-Sighters think should have been done differently back then? Arrest this guy because the Russians wanted him checked out?
To rightwinger: His citizenship should have been revoked, then he should have been treated like a prisoner of war —— not treated like a criminal entitled to the protections Americans get under the Constitution.

This political correctness we find ourselves puts us all in more danger. People like the bombers are obviously protected by it.

Two years ago, what charges would you have filed against him?

If he is not a citizen and he has hostile ideas against this country kick his rear out. If an investigation comes up with law violations charge him in a military court if it is a crime against the country.
I would have been upset if the FBI did nothing....but they DID look this guy over 2 years ago by request of the Russians. Unless they are hiding some red flags they saw back then....what does our resident Hind-Sighters think should have been done differently back then? Arrest this guy because the Russians wanted him checked out?

They should have been allowed to investigate him with out fear of some left wing reporter or politician screaming he is only being looked at because he is a Muslim. The FBI and other law enforcement have their hands tied because of political correctness and this administration.
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This political correctness we find ourselves puts us all in more danger. People like the bombers are obviously protected by it.

Two years ago, what charges would you have filed against him?

If he is not a citizen and he has hostile ideas against this country kick his rear out. If an investigation comes up with law violations charge him in a military court if it is a crime against the country.

Thought crimes?

What hostile ideas did he express when he was investigated? What did others have to say at the time? Did he say.....I want to blow up the Boston Marathon?

Monday morning quarterbacking sure is effective isn't it?
Two years ago, what charges would you have filed against him?

If he is not a citizen and he has hostile ideas against this country kick his rear out. If an investigation comes up with law violations charge him in a military court if it is a crime against the country.

Thought crimes?

What hostile ideas did he express when he was investigated? What did others have to say at the time? Did he say.....I want to blow up the Boston Marathon?

Monday morning quarterbacking sure is effective isn't it?

I was not privy to the investigation. You obviously misunderstood me as I was not criticizing the FBI as I think it is amazing that they do as well as they do with all the political correctness they have to be concerned with.

If someone tells you he hates you and wishes you and your family a horrible death are you going to accept him into your home?
Here’s a bit more about Hillary Clinton. Note that the lies about Benghazi were not told to insulate the State Department —— they were told to coverup for Clinton:

House Republicans have concluded that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was responsible for cutting security at the consulate in Benghazi ahead of last year’s attack there, and that the administration lied about why it downplayed terrorism as the cause of the assault.


“This progress report reveals a fundamental lack of understanding at the highest levels of the State Department as to the dangers presented in Benghazi, Libya, as well as a concerted attempt to insulate the Department of State from blame following the terrorist attacks,” the GOP investigation concluded in its 46-page report.

House GOP concludes Hillary Clinton blew Benghazi response
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Republican report says Obama, Clinton blew Benghazi response - Washington Times

Too big to fail has moved from financial institutions to Hillary Clinton. The global government crowd has so much time and money invested in her she is too big to fail. The media always covered for her and Bubba. Now, they must coverup for everything she did in Benghazi, as well as coverup her entire term as secretary of state. And they have to do it until she locks up the nomination three years from now.
The intelligence community is under attack for failing to identify the danger the Bomber Brothers exhibited beforehand

First of all, the Department of Homeland Security never should have been set up. That’s water over the dam, but it’s not too late to shut it down. See #2 permalink in this thread:

The FBI is catching hell for not acting on the signals sent by Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s activities. That’s a crock. The blame lies with the Democrats. The Democrat party’s global policies are seeping into the day to day operations of every intelligence agency. Socialism’s global agenda being implemented by top Democrats permeates DHS; so it’s logical to assume those policies have a negative impact on the FBI, CIA, and so on.

In this excerpt from an article about the Major Nidal Hasen case Rep. Frank Wolf’s opening statement appears to support my oft-repeated warning: Never let a Democrat get anywhere near an intelligence agency.

A top FBI official testified today that Ft. Hood shooter Army Major Nidal Hasan should have been interviewed by FBI and Defense Department investigators before the deadly shooting based on reports from a field office about the major’s activities.

FBI Executive Assistant Director Mark Giuliano appeared before the House Appropriations Committee to testify about an investigative report by former FBI Director William Webster over how the FBI handled intelligence information and communications between Maj. Hasan and Anwar Al Alawki, the now deceased American-Yemeni cleric who played an operational planning role for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

“It’s easy to go back and second guess. I believe an interview would have been prudent in this case,” Giuliano told Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science subcommittee.

“I am concerned that there were warning signs, and that with more aggressive investigation, there is a chance that this incident could have been prevented. I am further concerned that the reason for less-aggressive investigation may have been political sensitivities in the Washington Field Office, and maybe even the FBI’s own investigating guidelines,” Wolf said in his opening statement at the hearing.

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says - ABC News

If nothing else there must be a serious conflict between those who believe in using the FBI to further the Socialist agenda, and those who do not. A situation like that would undermine any intelligence agency’s effectiveness.

The fact is that the Left always criticized the FBI, and J. Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972), because the agency saw the Communist threat for what it was. Note that before 1972 American Communists were in a perpetual state of anger because they wanted the FBI to treat the Mafia as the enemy within rather than communism.

The same technique Democrats used to protect communism was employed right from the start of the war against Muslim fundamentalism. Then-Senator Biden was a leading proponent of treating enemy combatants like criminals rather than soldiers. After years of promoting the criminal claptrap, dirt bag Biden bragged about killing Osama bin Laden. While he was giving the Chicago sewer rat credit for bin Laden’s sudden demise he ignored one thing. The military did the job NOT POLICE OFFICERS GOING AFTER A CRIMINAL.

Biden is not alone. Democrats always move the enemy into the realm of jaywalking with one slight twist in Boston. It’s okay to tie the Tsarnaev boys to al-Qaeda but not to Islam. Fine distinctions were not possible with communism. There are no subdivisions in communism. A Communist is always a Communist fighting for communism.

Bottom line: Had Communists engaged in terrorism Democrats would have found a way to separate the attacks from communism —— and lay the blame on the FBI into the bargain.

The murders in Benghazi offer another example of the Democrat party’s global policies seeping into intelligence community recommendations based on intel. In this case the military was involved. Democrats sat in the White House and watched the attack unfolding on TV, but the COMMANDER IN CHIEF did nothing to help those Americans under attack.

It’s probably too late for the public to get the full story, but there is a slight chance Hillary Clinton will get her sorry ass nailed to the wall for her part in Benghazi:

The New York Times reported Clinton and then-CIA Director David Petraeus had concocted the plan, which called for vetting rebels and arming Syrian fighters with the assistance of Arab countries.

If Clinton knew about the arms transfers, she may have committed perjury during her Benghazi testimony.

Rand Paul: Hillary's Benghazi story unraveling
'Surprised' by claim she had no knowledge of arms deals
Published: 12 hours ago

Rand Paul: Hillary?s Benghazi story unraveling

If not perjury, Clinton should be nailed for extending the failed “Arab Spring” to Syria. I’d like to know what she thought “rebels” would do after al-Assad is toast. She should get all of the blame when the Muslim Brotherhood takes over in Syria. Her stupidity should be exposed before the nominating convention in 2016. Remember that Hussein will be gone, but she stands a chance of continuing THEIR policies.

someone surely dropped the ball on this one

either it be some department

or political policy

the people need to get to the bottom of it
I would have been upset if the FBI did nothing....but they DID look this guy over 2 years ago by request of the Russians. Unless they are hiding some red flags they saw back then....what does our resident Hind-Sighters think should have been done differently back then? Arrest this guy because the Russians wanted him checked out?

They should have been allowed to investigate him with out fear of some left wing reporter or politician screaming he is only being looked at because he is a Muslim. The FBI and other law enforcement have their hands tied because of political correctness and this administration.

What you call political correctness is in fact the laws of this country and the Constitution
rightwingloon logic:

Having the police do their job and catch a terrorist is horrible martial law!

Arresting someone for a thought crime is perfectly okay!
Let me get this straight.
You people are suggesting that there should have been background checks on these folk?
Russian authorities warned the FBI in early 2011 that suspected bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have been a follower of “radical Islam,” a revelation that raised new questions in Congress on Saturday about whether the Boston Marathon attacks that killed three and wounded more than 170 could have been prevented.

A senior congressional aide privy to the Boston Marathon terror investigation confirmed Saturday that the FBI received the warning after Tsarnaev’s apparently suspicious activities caught the attention of Russian authorities keeping close surveillance on militant Islamist groups in the Caucasus region of the former Soviet Union.

The FBI acknowledged Friday that it had investigated Tsarnaev in 2011, even interviewing him and his family, but “did not find any terrorism activity,” either domestic or foreign.

“The FBI had this guy on the radar and somehow he fell off,” said the congressional aide, who said oversight committees on Capitol Hill are seeking answers from counterterrorism officials. “We heard for several days leading up to this there was no intelligence. Now we know there could have been intelligence.”

The bureau declined to answer questions Saturday about whether it revisited its 2011 investigation of Tamerlan Tsarnaev after the Marathon attack, or why the bureau was unable to identify the suspects in race day security footage two years after interviewing him and his family.

The FBI acknowledged Friday night that a foreign government had asked US officials for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, based on information that he was “a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer, and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.”

FBI was warned 2 years ago of alleged bomber?s radical shift - Metro - The Boston Globe

Seems to me that the FBI knew that Tsarnaev shifted toward the radical and if they didn't know, why the hell not? This guy was looked into by the FBI and yet they initially couldn't figure out who he was? Bullshit, something stinks about this whole thing.
Let me get this straight.
You people are suggesting that there should have been background checks on these folk?

There were background checks on them. The FBI didn't find anything to raise alarms when those checks were done. But alarms were raised by the Russians in 2010 and the FBI certainly should have been aware of it. If they knew why did they ignore it and if they didn't know, why not? hmmmm .....
The intelligence community is under attack for failing to identify the danger the Bomber Brothers exhibited beforehand

First of all, the Department of Homeland Security never should have been set up. That’s water over the dam, but it’s not too late to shut it down. See #2 permalink in this thread:

First of all what kind of filthy god damned neocon scum gave a US security agency a name straight out of a Nazi musical?

Homeland Seiguritheil isn't about Main Street, it's about protecting corporations. Making Boston look like a 1950s Russian satellite city after a bombing works just as well quelling labor riots.

Look at the folks - decent folks most of them - we know on the street and some here as well who believe a police state is a good thing? People who want the "benefits" of corporate greed are pretty well united with big government worshippers in support of police demonstrations of overwhelming force. These are people willing to trade freedom for the illusion of security; American Quislings, Vichy Americans, willing to surrender to avaricious corporations and malfeasant government and who will follow ReagaNUTism and ClintoNUTism all the way down the drain to anti-American rule over American citizens.
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The intelligence community is under attack for failing to identify the danger the Bomber Brothers exhibited beforehand

First of all, the Department of Homeland Security never should have been set up. That’s water over the dam, but it’s not too late to shut it down. See #2 permalink in this thread:

First of all what kind of filthy god damned neocon scum gave a US security agency a name straight out of a Nazi musical?

Homeland Seiguritheil isn't about Main Street, it's about protecting corporations. Making Boston look like a 1950s Russian satellite city after a bombing works just as well quelling labor riots.

Look at the idiots we know on the street and some here as well who believe a police state is a good thing? People who want the "benefits" of corporate greed are pretty well united with big government worshippers in support of throwing away millions in police demonstrations of overwhelming force. These are American Quislings, the Vichy Americans willing to surrender to avaricious corporations and malfeasant government and who will follow ReagaNUTism and ClintoNUTism all the way to the bottom of the drain.


One day of securing a community while a crazed killer is on the lose equates to Soviet totalitarianism
After interviewing him the FBI should have hired him to take part in "drills"
One day of securing a community while a crazed killer is on the lose equates to Soviet totalitarianism? - the right question

It's a start.

Maybe there is hope for the fake conservative element after all.
The intelligence community is under attack for failing to identify the danger the Bomber Brothers exhibited beforehand

First of all, the Department of Homeland Security never should have been set up. That’s water over the dam, but it’s not too late to shut it down. See #2 permalink in this thread:

The FBI is catching hell for not acting on the signals sent by Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s activities. That’s a crock. The blame lies with the Democrats. The Democrat party’s global policies are seeping into the day to day operations of every intelligence agency. Socialism’s global agenda being implemented by top Democrats permeates DHS; so it’s logical to assume those policies have a negative impact on the FBI, CIA, and so on.

In this excerpt from an article about the Major Nidal Hasen case Rep. Frank Wolf’s opening statement appears to support my oft-repeated warning: Never let a Democrat get anywhere near an intelligence agency.

A top FBI official testified today that Ft. Hood shooter Army Major Nidal Hasan should have been interviewed by FBI and Defense Department investigators before the deadly shooting based on reports from a field office about the major’s activities.

FBI Executive Assistant Director Mark Giuliano appeared before the House Appropriations Committee to testify about an investigative report by former FBI Director William Webster over how the FBI handled intelligence information and communications between Maj. Hasan and Anwar Al Alawki, the now deceased American-Yemeni cleric who played an operational planning role for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

“It’s easy to go back and second guess. I believe an interview would have been prudent in this case,” Giuliano told Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science subcommittee.

“I am concerned that there were warning signs, and that with more aggressive investigation, there is a chance that this incident could have been prevented. I am further concerned that the reason for less-aggressive investigation may have been political sensitivities in the Washington Field Office, and maybe even the FBI’s own investigating guidelines,” Wolf said in his opening statement at the hearing.

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says

Ft. Hood Shooter Should Have Been Interviewed, FBI Official Says - ABC News

If nothing else there must be a serious conflict between those who believe in using the FBI to further the Socialist agenda, and those who do not. A situation like that would undermine any intelligence agency’s effectiveness.

The fact is that the Left always criticized the FBI, and J. Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972), because the agency saw the Communist threat for what it was. Note that before 1972 American Communists were in a perpetual state of anger because they wanted the FBI to treat the Mafia as the enemy within rather than communism.

The same technique Democrats used to protect communism was employed right from the start of the war against Muslim fundamentalism. Then-Senator Biden was a leading proponent of treating enemy combatants like criminals rather than soldiers. After years of promoting the criminal claptrap, dirt bag Biden bragged about killing Osama bin Laden. While he was giving the Chicago sewer rat credit for bin Laden’s sudden demise he ignored one thing. The military did the job NOT POLICE OFFICERS GOING AFTER A CRIMINAL.

Biden is not alone. Democrats always move the enemy into the realm of jaywalking with one slight twist in Boston. It’s okay to tie the Tsarnaev boys to al-Qaeda but not to Islam. Fine distinctions were not possible with communism. There are no subdivisions in communism. A Communist is always a Communist fighting for communism.

Bottom line: Had Communists engaged in terrorism Democrats would have found a way to separate the attacks from communism —— and lay the blame on the FBI into the bargain.

The murders in Benghazi offer another example of the Democrat party’s global policies seeping into intelligence community recommendations based on intel. In this case the military was involved. Democrats sat in the White House and watched the attack unfolding on TV, but the COMMANDER IN CHIEF did nothing to help those Americans under attack.

It’s probably too late for the public to get the full story, but there is a slight chance Hillary Clinton will get her sorry ass nailed to the wall for her part in Benghazi:

The New York Times reported Clinton and then-CIA Director David Petraeus had concocted the plan, which called for vetting rebels and arming Syrian fighters with the assistance of Arab countries.

If Clinton knew about the arms transfers, she may have committed perjury during her Benghazi testimony.

Rand Paul: Hillary's Benghazi story unraveling
'Surprised' by claim she had no knowledge of arms deals
Published: 12 hours ago

Rand Paul: Hillary?s Benghazi story unraveling

If not perjury, Clinton should be nailed for extending the failed “Arab Spring” to Syria. I’d like to know what she thought “rebels” would do after al-Assad is toast. She should get all of the blame when the Muslim Brotherhood takes over in Syria. Her stupidity should be exposed before the nominating convention in 2016. Remember that Hussein will be gone, but she stands a chance of continuing THEIR policies.

I agree, Flanders. The blame goes to the Democrats. NOT the FBI! I feel very sorry for the men and women of the FBI today. They are in a very tough situation. HLS should be disbanded immediately. We do not need homeland security. We got along fine without it - the FBI has done a superb job for many years and the formation of Homeland Security was a very bad idea in my opinion.

When you consider that the average american who trains to become an FBI agent has been preparing their entire life for it - you cannot have a history of having ever used cocaine, etc or you cannot become an FBI agent. You can become a president but not a Federal agent. These people wouldn't have applied for such a job if they didn't love our constitution, our nation, our way of life enough to put their own life on the line to defend it. Now they are in a situation of being double crossed by their own government. Through HLS and the Democratic party. What a shame. Our FBI agents deserve a heck of a lot better than this!

The illegal searches in Boston that HLS was behind? Not good. Again, the FBI should have been in FULL Control and they should retire the Democratic controlled HLS completely. Its bad news.
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