FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

I’ve given up trying to reason with these folks (mostly). So I now I just play along with their paranoia and have some fun at their expense.
This from one who STILL believes Russiagate, Hunter’s laptop is fake, vax is safe and effective, and Fauci is God. Lol.
Less than 1%
They aren’t terrorists they are rioters
:itsok: Attitude like that and you idiots wonder why the FBI is after you.

You guys might want to contact Moscow. Heard Putin is looking for a few good men for an all-expense paid vacation to the Ukranian countryside.
Just someone who knows where the threat is. Nobody carry’s a gun in case the run across a conservative.
This is not accurate. I know entire organizations of minorities that are armed in case they come across conservatives. Look what they did to Ahmaud Arbery.
:itsok: Attitude like that and you idiots wonder why the FBI is after you.

You guys might want to contact Moscow. Heard Putin is looking for a few good men for an all-expense paid vacation to the Ukranian countryside.
So the FBI may now go after people because of “attitude”? Interesting. You’re definitely a defect.
This is not accurate. I know entire organizations of minorities that are armed in case they come across conservatives. Look what they did to Ahmaud Arbery.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Those inbred hicks were criminals not “conservatives”. That broad brush is ridiculous
Maybe. We outnumber you fascists, and you failed to disarm us first.
And here's why the FBI is wathcing you.
YOU mean that, not me. They expect political violence to come from MAGAs because Trump has previously called for political violence and his followers carried it out. He does so to this day.
Yes. When your leader calls for the execution of government officials for...why again...that creates the environment.
I don't even know WTF you're talking about. My people don't burn cities. We burn fireplaces and campfires at best. You're seriously fucked up, lady.
This is the FOX/GATEWAYPUNDIT reality. In their reality all major cities were burned, leaving a post WWII Germany like hellscape where innocent MAGAs are attacked and forced to be nice to gay people.
Ther is a WAR in progress, Democrats started it, and are maintaining it every day. They are the ENEMY of the USA. So you can now stop trying to look like the good guy.
Now you have it "straight". 😐
Another example of why the FBI is watching you now.
Baltimore had its problems, but that pales in comparison to J6.
Austin had some people get near the police station and on the side of the freeway. Thats nothing next to Mardi Gras or your average UT game Saturday night.
Those inbred hicks were criminals not “conservatives”. That broad brush is ridiculous
Tell us more!

Hmmmm…this is why the Democrats will continue to win elections. Resistance is futile and won’t be tolerated.

Guess I am a “terrorist” because of my political views. 🤷‍♂️
"The official said that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

Could it be that since Trumps Neo-GOP silently approved the Jan 6th attack by reneging on their own calls to have a fulsome bipartisan investigation into the events surrounding that day. That's why they object to Lady Justice.

"In a statement to Newsweek, the FBI said: "The threat posed by domestic violent extremists is persistent, evolving, and deadly. The FBI's goal is to detect and stop terrorist attacks, and our focus is on potential criminal violations, violence and threats of violence. Anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism is one category of domestic terrorism, as well as one of the FBI's top threat priorities." The FBI further said, "We are committed to protecting the safety and constitutional rights of all Americans and will never open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity, including a person's political beliefs or affiliations."

They do have to walk on eggshells.
And here's why the FBI is wathcing you.

Yes. When your leader calls for the execution of government officials for...why again...that creates the environment.

This is the FOX/GATEWAYPUNDIT reality. In their reality all major cities were burned, leaving a post WWII Germany like hellscape where innocent MAGAs are attacked and forced to be nice to gay people.

Another example of why the FBI is watching you now.

Austin had some people get near the police station and on the side of the freeway. Thats nothing next to Mardi Gras or your average UT game Saturday night.

Tell us more!
Excuses to turn into Hitler huh?? That would be you.

When people didagree we will send the SS oops FBI out to make you obey us huh??

Now say this why the FBI is watching chump.

Oh you late for looting and burning rally moonbat.
Your post is literally hard to understand due to the many errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

I am not worried if the FBI are watching (I would assume a whole host of people of watching anything posted on the internet), because I am not doing naughty things. If you are not doing naughty things, it shouldn't be an issue for you either.
So the FBI may now go after people because of “attitude”? Interesting. You’re definitely a defect.
Yep..you’re on a list. I’d have someone taste your coup err I mean soup for you. They’re definitely out to getcha.

You seem to be having fun with your paranoia....you don’t mind if I play along, right?
And here's why the FBI is wathcing you.

Yes. When your leader calls for the execution of government officials for...why again...that creates the environment.

This is the FOX/GATEWAYPUNDIT reality. In their reality all major cities were burned, leaving a post WWII Germany like hellscape where innocent MAGAs are attacked and forced to be nice to gay people.

Another example of why the FBI is watching you now.

Austin had some people get near the police station and on the side of the freeway. Thats nothing next to Mardi Gras or your average UT game Saturday night.

Tell us moBaldwin.

The fbi is watching everyone. Don't it make you happy living in a police state?

Of course it does...you're a FASCIST!
The fbi is watching everyone. Don't it make you happy living in a police state?

Of course it does...you're a FASCIST!
Thats not a police state. Thats just modern technology. You have the same rights in 2023 as you had in 1923 - more in fact due to SCOTUS rulings concerning the 4th Amendment and the right to counsel.

A police state is a state wherein citizens do not have fundamental rights against arrest and summary imprisonment.Russia in this instance is a police state.

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