FBI close to ID of suspect in death of Capitol Cop Brian Sicknick

The Cop died because of the insurrection and many on the right focus on the Cop stroke but forget the stroke came during the insurrection and was caused by someone action.

Now it is true the Cop would have most likely died sooner than later but it does not negate the fact what caused the stroke was the insurrection and the actions of another person and unfortunately the person that caused the officer to have the stroke will most likely found guilty of manslaughter...

Now had this been BLM those that voted for Trump would be crying over the Cop death while demanding justice but seeing it was Trumpicans causing the death those that voted for Trump are now making excuses for the criminal act...
Be specific now and cite for us anyone charged with treason or insurrection? If you can not then admit it was nothing more then a riot.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
Last edited:
More bullshit from the Slimes. Leftard should not forget the Slimes started the whole rant about a fire extinguisher. Too bad Sicknick told his family he may have wandered through some pepper spray but was otherwise fine. He died of a stroke with NO evidence of ANY blunt force trauma. There is no murderer to find. Except for the chicken who shot Ashley Babbitt.

did you cough up that unbiased credible link to the ME's report yet?

i'd love to see it - since his/her autopsy results haven't been made public yet.

always good to see how rw nutters will defend anything as long as it 'burns' the libs.
Your illiteracy due to being a drunk is not my problem. You already have your excuse ready for disregarding ANY proof because you’ll claim it’s not credible or unbiased. So fuck off drunky. No blunt force trauma and no murder. Your ignorance on this subject is no surprise.


View attachment 462937

you got nuthin'.
No blunt force trauma and no fire extinguishers. And no bear spray either. Seems you assholes have nothing drunky. You’re bitch slapped again bitch.

seems you haven't gotten the memo, jr. although azog & i would never be friendly, we seemed to have reached an understanding & he's dropped the bullshit drunken playtime spiel... so you still carrying on is kinda impotent now.

anyhoo, like yer chosen one loves to say: we'll see what happens - just you lying that there's conclusive proof that it was natural causes that killed that cop b4 the ME has determined it - is well

a fucking lie. anyway you slice it or dice it.
Look you illiterate drunken bitch, the family has said natural causes. The medical examiner said NO blunt force trauma bitch. YOU have to prove prove your fire extinguisher bullshit drunky. Oh, already debunked. Try again drunk asshole. When no blunt force force trauma is found, you are to leave here forever. Put up or shut up drunky.


Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.

I’m from the Right... lock him up. It is your side that goes over the top the other way:

* “The Police acted stupidly” (President Obama)
* “Defund the Police”
* Legal Defense Funds for those who assault cops
* Activists on your side who actually conspired or took part in police station and government building bombings are tenured professors or they have received Presidential pardons.

The right doesn't get to bellow "Lock 'em up!!" when you have no evidence of wrongdoing (see Hillary/ Joe/ Hunter). In the case of Donnie's Capitol Sack, we have acres of evidence including likely a year's worth of video (more of which emerges daily). And that is why the arrest total is pushing 400.

These people were violent traitors to their country. GITMO with a weekly waterboarding might be too lenient.
No evidence of wrong doing? WTF are you smoking? There is a clear money trail from corrupt governments and individuals going into the Clinton piggy bank...aka their foundation anytime Hilliary did something that helped them. The FBI in facts, aka known as Hilliarys' boys, destroyed evidence that keep this evil bitch out of jail.

Joe and Hunter, on tape molesting/raping little girls have a clear documented money trail as well---------

There is plenty of evidence.

Sorry, you don't get to make shit up and call it "evidence". You had "plenty of evidence" that the election was stolen from you too. Didn't work out so well did it?

Hunter Biden's laptop? That baby got into a fatal wreck at Debunkshion Junction 5 months ago.

Clintons? Please. 30 years of investigations and you came up with squat. The Clinton Foundation FYI is rated A+ by both CharityWatch and CharityNavigator.

For the love of God, just please cut it out. ;)

They can't;

they bought into the conspiracy theory culture so the only thing they can do is continue to double down on every new theory to explain why the old theories didn't pan out. It literally never ends well for conspiracy kooks.

Look at the Supreme Court. Once he was singing the praises of the blob putting people on the court:

BOOM!!! We are taking this to the supreme court after seeing if the electors will stand up and vote the way their people really voted---for TRUMP.


Roberts is a swamp dwelling epstein pedophile plane flying turd. Bush put him in---because they are both swamp turds.

Its fun to watch.

But they will never disavow any conspiracy theory because they can't....they would have to reorient their entire playbook and admit they've been had.
"Russia Collusion" was the biggest conspiracy theory ever. PROVEN false many times ,shithead Dems still believe in it. Want a Tin Hat , Toots?

Actually it was proven to be authentic with Manafort and other campaign staffers having several meetings with Russian intel agents. Both the mueller report and the GOP controlled Senate have confirmed this; even though the blob's campaign said there was "no contact" between it an any foreign officials.

You look good in aluminum foil... it compliments the world of bullshit where you live.

And you will notice, I'm citing actual reports by the US Government; not Gateway pundit. You should try it some time.
And the Gov't never LIES? Hmmmm..... How do ya explain Iraq and Vietnam?

Again...."they're lying!" A conspiracy theory to prop up the previous conspiracy theories.

Here is what happens next.

I point out Mueller was appointed by the blob's DOJ. They didn't resurrect the ghost of Tip O'Niel or Ted Kennedy. The blob's DOJ did. They picked a republican former FBI director who was in the military (a pretty liberal organization right)? Then I also point out the GOP controlled Senate confirmed the Mueller report detailing Manafort's sharing of campaign data with Russian intel, how blob supporters Michael Flynn was dismissed about lying about his contact with the Russian government and how the blob's AG lied about his contacts with Russian officials--so much so, he had to change his confirmation hearing testimony.

Here is your response (pick one):

A."Republicans were against Trump from the beginning"
B."They hated him"
C."They're all part of the deep state too"
D. "All of the above."

I thought we would just expedite matters.

Anything you want to add to the usual conspiracy theories?
Two words. F and U.

Awww, poor baby. I know you're frustrated.

Get some new material and perhaps you'll offer something we haven't seen before. That I can call your plays for you should probably be a warning to ignorant dumbfucks like yourself that your strategy of spinning conspiracy theories at every turn isn't going to work.

If you need to reach me later on, I'll be taking my victory lap.
Lap this. It is called pee.
Awww, poor baby. I know you're frustrated. You were outsmarted by someone who is clearly superior to you in terms of honesty and intelligence. Don't feel bad, I routinely kick the shit out of blob supporters.

Again, that I can call your plays for you should probably be a warning to ignorant dumbfucks like yourself that your strategy of spinning conspiracy theories at every turn isn't going to work.

If you need to reach me later on, I'll be taking my victory lap.


* mic drop *
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.

I’m from the Right... lock him up. It is your side that goes over the top the other way:

* “The Police acted stupidly” (President Obama)
* “Defund the Police”
* Legal Defense Funds for those who assault cops
* Activists on your side who actually conspired or took part in police station and government building bombings are tenured professors or they have received Presidential pardons.

The right doesn't get to bellow "Lock 'em up!!" when you have no evidence of wrongdoing (see Hillary/ Joe/ Hunter). In the case of Donnie's Capitol Sack, we have acres of evidence including likely a year's worth of video (more of which emerges daily). And that is why the arrest total is pushing 400.

These people were violent traitors to their country. GITMO with a weekly waterboarding might be too lenient.
No evidence of wrong doing? WTF are you smoking? There is a clear money trail from corrupt governments and individuals going into the Clinton piggy bank...aka their foundation anytime Hilliary did something that helped them. The FBI in facts, aka known as Hilliarys' boys, destroyed evidence that keep this evil bitch out of jail.

Joe and Hunter, on tape molesting/raping little girls have a clear documented money trail as well---------

There is plenty of evidence.

Sorry, you don't get to make shit up and call it "evidence". You had "plenty of evidence" that the election was stolen from you too. Didn't work out so well did it?

Hunter Biden's laptop? That baby got into a fatal wreck at Debunkshion Junction 5 months ago.

Clintons? Please. 30 years of investigations and you came up with squat. The Clinton Foundation FYI is rated A+ by both CharityWatch and CharityNavigator.

For the love of God, just please cut it out. ;)

They can't;

they bought into the conspiracy theory culture so the only thing they can do is continue to double down on every new theory to explain why the old theories didn't pan out. It literally never ends well for conspiracy kooks.

Look at the Supreme Court. Once he was singing the praises of the blob putting people on the court:

BOOM!!! We are taking this to the supreme court after seeing if the electors will stand up and vote the way their people really voted---for TRUMP.


Roberts is a swamp dwelling epstein pedophile plane flying turd. Bush put him in---because they are both swamp turds.

Its fun to watch.

But they will never disavow any conspiracy theory because they can't....they would have to reorient their entire playbook and admit they've been had.
"Russia Collusion" was the biggest conspiracy theory ever. PROVEN false many times ,shithead Dems still believe in it. Want a Tin Hat , Toots?

Actually it was proven to be authentic with Manafort and other campaign staffers having several meetings with Russian intel agents. Both the mueller report and the GOP controlled Senate have confirmed this; even though the blob's campaign said there was "no contact" between it an any foreign officials.

You look good in aluminum foil... it compliments the world of bullshit where you live.

And you will notice, I'm citing actual reports by the US Government; not Gateway pundit. You should try it some time.
And the Gov't never LIES? Hmmmm..... How do ya explain Iraq and Vietnam?

Again...."they're lying!" A conspiracy theory to prop up the previous conspiracy theories.

Here is what happens next.

I point out Mueller was appointed by the blob's DOJ. They didn't resurrect the ghost of Tip O'Niel or Ted Kennedy. The blob's DOJ did. They picked a republican former FBI director who was in the military (a pretty liberal organization right)? Then I also point out the GOP controlled Senate confirmed the Mueller report detailing Manafort's sharing of campaign data with Russian intel, how blob supporters Michael Flynn was dismissed about lying about his contact with the Russian government and how the blob's AG lied about his contacts with Russian officials--so much so, he had to change his confirmation hearing testimony.

Here is your response (pick one):

A."Republicans were against Trump from the beginning"
B."They hated him"
C."They're all part of the deep state too"
D. "All of the above."

I thought we would just expedite matters.

Anything you want to add to the usual conspiracy theories?
Two words. F and U.

Awww, poor baby. I know you're frustrated.

Get some new material and perhaps you'll offer something we haven't seen before. That I can call your plays for you should probably be a warning to ignorant dumbfucks like yourself that your strategy of spinning conspiracy theories at every turn isn't going to work.

If you need to reach me later on, I'll be taking my victory lap.
Lap this. It is called pee.
Awww, poor baby. I know you're frustrated. You were outsmarted by someone who is clearly superior to you in terms of honesty and intelligence. Don't feel bad, I routinely kick the shit out of blob supporters.

Again, that I can call your plays for you should probably be a warning to ignorant dumbfucks like yourself that your strategy of spinning conspiracy theories at every turn isn't going to work.

If you need to reach me later on, I'll be taking my victory lap.


* mic drop *

I would take credit for outsmarting the dumbfuck but it really wasn't that hard.

Every conspiracy theory that falls has to be propped up by another conspiracy theory and the result is that the theories have to involve an ever larger group of people and (eventually) envelop those who were once considered allies. See SCOTUS for exhibit A.
they got him.

DOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot
CNN Profiles - Marshall Cohen - Reporter - CNN
By Marshall Cohen, CNN Updated 1:09 PM ET, Sun February 28, 2021

(CNN)The Justice Department has charged a Texas man who was allegedly caught on video attacking a dozen police officers with a chemical spray during the Capitol insurrection, according to court records.
Federal prosecutors say Daniel Caldwell, 49, used a chemical spray against a line of officers that were blocking rioters from entering the Capitol. It happened amid a massive melee with police, who used batons and pepper spray to fend off the crowd, according to footage of the incident that was cited in court filings.
Hours after the riot, Caldwell spoke about the incident in a video that was posted to the far-right social media site Parler, according to prosecutors. The clip was among hundreds of videos later published by ProPublica.
He has been charged with four crimes: assaulting federal officers, obstructing law enforcement, knowingly entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. An attorney isn't listed for Caldwell in the public court docket, and he hasn't had a chance to enter a plea.

A message sent on Saturday to Caldwell's LinkedIn profile wasn't answered.
The use of chemical sprays has been a major focus of the investigation into the death of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. CNN reported that prosecutors believe he was attacked with bear spray, which contributed to his death one day later. There is no known connection in court documents or elsewhere between Sicknick's death and the charges against Caldwell.
DOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot

the charges already levied could be amped up once the ME's toxicology report is concluded.

Lock the bastard up! :mad:


What about all the antifa assholes who used various pepper sprays? Lock them up to, or it is it different when it is your side?
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU

I look forward to the next time some lib complains about "food deserts" or "lack of jobs" in black neighborhoods.

I will laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Now you fucking morons are claiming he was killed with bear spray? Seriously? :laugh:

LOL, another kook ^^^ from the far right who can't comprehend the written word.

Show me a written autopsy that supports your bullshit claims. :laugh:

Coroner reports are much like rap sheets, confidential documents

Then why are you idiots claiming to know how he died? :cuckoo:
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Now you fucking morons are claiming he was killed with bear spray? Seriously? :laugh:

LOL, another kook ^^^ from the far right who can't comprehend the written word.

Show me a written autopsy that supports your bullshit claims. :laugh:

Coroner reports are much like rap sheets, confidential documents

Then why are you idiots claiming to know how he died? :cuckoo:

Because they are fine with jailing people, or destroying their lives based on false charges.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU

And all you you Trumpelthinskins are implicated in turning your party into one of grievance, victimhood and empty gestures. Good luck with that - Yer gonna need it!
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU

And all you you Trumpelthinskins are implicated in turning your party into one of grievance, victimhood and empty gestures. Good luck with that - Yer gonna need it!
Well when there continues to be evidence of wrongdoing we’re gonna talk about it.. not going away.. sure make us look like we are getting bullied .. Americans love the under dog
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU

And all you you Trumpelthinskins are implicated in turning your party into one of grievance, victimhood and empty gestures. Good luck with that - Yer gonna need it!
Victimhood? VICTIMHOOD? Just how many "Victim" groups vote Dem? Blacks? Trannys? Sissies? Lezzies? Illegals? Welfare queens? Ya can't say ANYTHING without "offending" some "Minority". Now you have outlawed Dr. Seuss and MR Potato head. You fuckers already wrecked the Boy Scouts.The only REAL Americans are Regular Americans.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

not to mention that during the BLM protests, where the vast majority were peaceful, bill barr sent in multitudes of law enforcement that included boppers
( bureau of prisons ) & border control.

the damn capital police had to wait hours for the NG to show up & the only reason they finally did, was because mike pence ( who was being hunted down ) put in the call.
So when they barricaded federal agents and a federal courthouse and set it on fire that was peaceful? Lol

they were extremist asswipes & certainly NOT the vast majority of protesters. they were rioters, looters, vandalisers. not protesters.

you fail bigley at this.

your sad attempt to declare otherwise is laughable.
Lol when they weren’t doing that they were throw explosives at cops, piss bombs, rioting looting laser beams blinding cops.

learn to comprehend.

those were the extremist asswipes. & NOT the majority of people who attended.

the VAST majority were protesters. plain & simple; but again... thanx for the laughs.

you funny.

ridiculous & stupid ....

but funny AF.
First off you had nothing to protest, so you all are responsible for the burning down of pole black neighborhoods , and down town areas where they needed these stores to work. All of you are Implicated. ALLL OF YOU

And all you you Trumpelthinskins are implicated in turning your party into one of grievance, victimhood and empty gestures. Good luck with that - Yer gonna need it!
No lefty ever gets to lecture anyone about claiming victimhood. Thats literally all you fucking people do.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.

I’m from the Right... lock him up. It is your side that goes over the top the other way:

* “The Police acted stupidly” (President Obama)
* “Defund the Police”
* Legal Defense Funds for those who assault cops
* Activists on your side who actually conspired or took part in police station and government building bombings are tenured professors or they have received Presidential pardons.

The right doesn't get to bellow "Lock 'em up!!" when you have no evidence of wrongdoing (see Hillary/ Joe/ Hunter). In the case of Donnie's Capitol Sack, we have acres of evidence including likely a year's worth of video (more of which emerges daily). And that is why the arrest total is pushing 400.

These people were violent traitors to their country. GITMO with a weekly waterboarding might be too lenient.
No evidence of wrong doing? WTF are you smoking? There is a clear money trail from corrupt governments and individuals going into the Clinton piggy bank...aka their foundation anytime Hilliary did something that helped them. The FBI in facts, aka known as Hilliarys' boys, destroyed evidence that keep this evil bitch out of jail.

Joe and Hunter, on tape molesting/raping little girls have a clear documented money trail as well---------

There is plenty of evidence.

Sorry, you don't get to make shit up and call it "evidence". You had "plenty of evidence" that the election was stolen from you too. Didn't work out so well did it?

Hunter Biden's laptop? That baby got into a fatal wreck at Debunkshion Junction 5 months ago.

Clintons? Please. 30 years of investigations and you came up with squat. The Clinton Foundation FYI is rated A+ by both CharityWatch and CharityNavigator.

For the love of God, just please cut it out. ;)
We'll "cut it out" when the Clinton's can say "I remember" the details about Whitewater.

You should have that idiot of yours Ron Johnson go back and re-re-re-re-re-reinvestigate Whitewater, Clinton Foundation, Hillary's emails, and Bubba's blow job. Totally winning strategery! :lol:
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.

I’m from the Right... lock him up. It is your side that goes over the top the other way:

* “The Police acted stupidly” (President Obama)
* “Defund the Police”
* Legal Defense Funds for those who assault cops
* Activists on your side who actually conspired or took part in police station and government building bombings are tenured professors or they have received Presidential pardons.

The right doesn't get to bellow "Lock 'em up!!" when you have no evidence of wrongdoing (see Hillary/ Joe/ Hunter). In the case of Donnie's Capitol Sack, we have acres of evidence including likely a year's worth of video (more of which emerges daily). And that is why the arrest total is pushing 400.

These people were violent traitors to their country. GITMO with a weekly waterboarding might be too lenient.
No evidence of wrong doing? WTF are you smoking? There is a clear money trail from corrupt governments and individuals going into the Clinton piggy bank...aka their foundation anytime Hilliary did something that helped them. The FBI in facts, aka known as Hilliarys' boys, destroyed evidence that keep this evil bitch out of jail.

Joe and Hunter, on tape molesting/raping little girls have a clear documented money trail as well---------

There is plenty of evidence.

Sorry, you don't get to make shit up and call it "evidence". You had "plenty of evidence" that the election was stolen from you too. Didn't work out so well did it?

Hunter Biden's laptop? That baby got into a fatal wreck at Debunkshion Junction 5 months ago.

Clintons? Please. 30 years of investigations and you came up with squat. The Clinton Foundation FYI is rated A+ by both CharityWatch and CharityNavigator.

For the love of God, just please cut it out. ;)
We'll "cut it out" when the Clinton's can say "I remember" the details about Whitewater.

You should have that idiot of yours Ron Johnson go back and re-re-re-re-re-reinvestigate Whitewater, Clinton Foundation, Hillary's emails, and Bubba's blow job. Totally winning strategery! :lol:
Since Hitlery WAS guilty ,and got away with Treason ,it should be opened up. After all ,the dirty ,sleazy tranny loving Democrats opened up Manaforts bank fraud case 15 years after it happened.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Now you fucking morons are claiming he was killed with bear spray? Seriously? :laugh:

LOL, another kook ^^^ from the far right who can't comprehend the written word.

Show me a written autopsy that supports your bullshit claims. :laugh:

Coroner reports are much like rap sheets, confidential documents

That is correct ^ The family would need to authorize release of coroners report, or it would have to be made public by a judge during the trial of the asshole with the bear spray. I suspect we'll be seeing it soon.

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