FBI Confirms There Was No Insurrection On Jan 6

So you don't believe that the Chinese murder virus was actually Chinese in origin, intended as a biological weapon for possible use against you, your family, and your country?
Here we go again.
Yes, it was obviously Chinese in origin. Did I EVER say otherwise?

Was it created with help from Fauci and Biden, all in an attempt to destroy trump?.....LLLOOOOLL.
Do you believe this ^^^^^^^.
trump is NOT responsible "for a virus that has killed millions across the world."
Nor is biden in cahoots with China in releasing the virus across the world just to 'take down trump.'

trump and biden are responsible for their message about the virus to all of us.
You may LOVE trumps message and response to COVID, I don't.
You may HATE bidens message and response to COVID, I hate it too.

We must do better.

Reactions:JGalt. Why are you giving a 'thanks' reaction when you said the following.
Like I said, you're not only a gullible person, but shallow, uninformed, and out of the loop.
Here we go again.
Yes, it was obviously Chinese in origin. Did I EVER say otherwise?

Was it created with help from Fauci and Biden, all in an attempt to destroy trump?.....LLLOOOOLL.
Do you believe this ^^^^^^^.

It was not created with the purpose of preventing Trump from winning a second term. However, it was employed by the left-sympathetic media as a weapon to claim that he didn't do enough even though he did everything humanly possible to deal with the problem.
trump is NOT responsible "for a virus that has killed millions across the world."
Nor is biden in cahoots with China in releasing the virus across the world just to 'take down trump.'

trump and biden are responsible for their message about the virus to all of us.
You may LOVE trumps message and response to COVID, I don't.
You may HATE bidens message and response to COVID, I hate it too.

We must do better.

Reactions:JGalt. Why are you giving a 'thanks' reaction when you said the following.

I chose to thank you for being honest enough to admit that President Biden has not delivered what he promised.
Finding the truth and Documenting history, and seeking any legislation or security protocols to prevent this from happening again.
what’s wrong with Xiden’s FBI doing that? They are full of the best and brightest who’s sole job is investigations
what’s wrong with Xiden’s FBI doing that? They are full of the best and brightest who’s sole job is investigations

I think you meant "implications", "instigations" , and "perjurizations" instead of investigations.

Just a guess here. :laughing0301:
so what is nancy’s “select committee” really doing??
The usual Democrat propaganda. It is useless theater just like the 2 impeachments of Trump were. The Dems are too stupid to understand that Trump's allies, even if forced to testify, will tell them nothing. No witness can be forced to say anything. It's another collosal waste of the taxpayer's money.
However, it was employed by the left-sympathetic media as a weapon to claim that he didn't do enough
The media is by no means perfect in any way. Any Liberal or Conservative Media.
Media today is all about "Ratings"

It disappoints me when people scream about the radical liberal media, as if they are radical but Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, Waters, etc are ONLY about ratings and NOT truth.

The problem is with the entire media.

PJMedia and TheGateway Pundit or Freedom/Patriot whatever, for example, get quoted here often, and they are far from truthful.
The usual Democrat propaganda. It is useless theater just like the 2 impeachments of Trump were. The Dems are too stupid to understand that Trump's allies, even if forced to testify, will tell them nothing. No witness can be forced to say anything. It's another collosal waste of the taxpayer's money.
But, but didn't Trump rant & rave that only criminals take the 5th?

Once again, Trump steps on his own dick. The guy can't help himself.
But, but didn't Trump rant & rave that only criminals take the 5th?

Once again, Trump steps on his own dick. The guy can't help himself.
Trump’s no lawyer, and obviously he made those comments before we saw the lengths the demafacist will go to abuse their power and weaponize their office

taking the 5th is the only logical thing here
Trump’s no lawyer, and obviously he made those comments before we saw the lengths the demafacist will go to abuse their power and weaponize their office

taking the 5th is the only logical thing here
Yea, when your guilty it is.
Calling Trump mentally ill while biden shits his pants while visiting the pope and lets out long and loud fa
See, this is a good example of your stunted intellect and embarrassing cultism. As if one has anything to do with the other. You have the intellectual ability of a 6 year old.
FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

"The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”

By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports :

The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."
This report is a devastating blow to President Joe Biden and Democrats, who have attempted to make the existence of an “insurrection” on Jan. 6 a key issue in the 2022 midterm elections. Reuters does note that some “cells of protesters,” including members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, did coordinate to “break into the Capitol,” but the FBI found “no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”

None of this excuses the violent riot that happened on Jan. 6. The FBI has arrested 570 rioters and each and every one of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

But that is what the event was: a riot, just like so many other riots. Trying to politicize it and turn it into something it wasn't won’t make the Capitol any safer."
you mean the left would misuse words and dramatize things for their own emotional needs+

I'm shocked, I tell you.
Yea, when your guilty it is.
nah the 5th is more then just about what you are being questioned about, it’s about any potential liability. As we saw with Flynn, the demafacist will charge you even when you did nothing. So it’s best just take the 5th here
See, this is a good example of your stunted intellect and embarrassing cultism. As if one has anything to do with the other. You have the intellectual ability of a 6 year old.
you don’t think an adult shitting themselves while meeting with the Pope has mental health issues?

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