FBI Director Comey says he feels mildy nauseated by affecting the outcome of the election.

i would of imagine that comey would of also felt nauseasious if anthony weener sent him a close up pic of his weener
If Hillary Clinton had not set up a private server at her house which no one disputes was stupid there would have never been any FBI investigation. People can bitch, piss, and moan about Comey from now till doomsday it won't change the fact Hillary was the one who set the whole thing in motion with that server set up.
"Look, this was terrible. It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. But honestly, it wouldn't change the decision," he said.

Comey's remarks were his first public comment on his decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation, which came after FBI agents discovered new communications connected to the former secretary of state's private server. Comey's letter to congressional leaders informing them of the action was immediately leaked, and Clinton says it contributed to her loss on Election Day.

Wednesday's testimony by Comey came during what was intended to be a routine oversight hearing of the FBI, but was instead dominated by questions relating to investigations surrounding the 2016 campaign.

Senators also asked Comey about Russia. He said Russia represents "the greatest threat of any nation on Earth, given their intention and capability."

He insisted that the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and the possible links between Trump campaign and Russian officials are being treated "consistently under the same principles" as the Clinton email probe. He said the bureau "didn't say a word" about the Russia-Trump probe "until months into it," and that he expects "we're not gonna say another peep about it until we're done." He insisted that was the way the bureau handled the Clinton investigation as well.

The repercussions from Comey's action continue to reverberate across the political spectrum. At a forum in New York on Tuesday, Clinton said Comey's letter to Congress on Oct. 28 was a factor in her loss to President Trump. "If the election had been on Oct. 27, I would be your president," she said, while also putting responsibility for her loss on her own actions.


Comey was asked if he was looking into whether FBI agents may have leaked information about the Clinton investigation. Trump adviser and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said former agents had told him in advance of the reopening of the Clinton email investigation. Comey said if he finds out people leaked information about FBI investigations, "there will be severe consequences."

He was also asked the difference between journalism, protected under the first amendment, and WikiLeaks. Comey said that to his mind, "it crosses a line when it moves from being about trying to educate a public and instead just becomes about intelligence porn, frankly, just pushing out information about sources and methods without regard to interests."
FBI Director Comey Says He Is 'Mildly Nauseous' About Potential Impact On Election

The PROBLEM for Comey: He never leaked or talked about the ongoing investigation into Trump's ties with Russia that had started in July 2016 and before. So NO Comey is lying when he stated that these two investigations "were treated the same." They clearly weren't. Comey was warned by the DOJ about long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election, and he did it 11 days before an election. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton--and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Which is why Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Huma, Clinton's aid is still saying she has no idea how copies of her emails, (ones that the FBI had already reviewed) ended up on her x-husband's laptop whom was being investigated out of the New York City FBI office. (Enter Rudi Guiliani and James Kalstrom--former chief of that FBI office)--whom are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns - CNNPolitics.com


The issue for America right now--is you have Jeff Sessions in charge of the DOJ who probably has Comey sitting in his office making deals. "I'll lay of your investigation into interferring into this election, if you'll get off of this Russian investigation into Trump's campaign surrogates coordination with Vladamir Putiin.


Which is why independent investigations should be done on both.
In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

You don't seem to understand something. In the thousands of emails Comey looked at, looking for knowledge of wrong doing and intent--he committed with one single letter to congress and one email.

1. The DOJ warned Comey NOT to send a letter to congress--and that it was in violation of long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

2. When staff questioned his motive for doing it. He sent an email that specifically stated to "update" the American public.

"Comey’s decision to ignore the advice of Justice leadership is “stunning,” said Matt Miller, who served as Justice Department spokesman under then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. “Jim Comey forgets that he works for the attorney general.”

“I think he has a lot of regard for his own integrity. And he lets that regard cross lines into self-righteousness,” Miller said. “He has come to believe that his own ethics are so superior to anyone else’s that his judgment can replace existing rules and regulations. That is a dangerous belief for an FBI director to have.”

Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy


Trump won this election by an accumulated 70K votes coming out of 3 states. We're there 70K people in these states that changed their votes or that were leaning toward Hillary Clinton because they believed that imminent charges were pending? OH HELL yeah.
Last edited:
More stupid bullshit by leftist communist sympathizers. The only problem and dimshitscum would have if Trump talked to Putin is that they didn't get to suck the juice out before Trump closed Putin's game down. As for yates, so what, anything she says about Trump, Pence, or any other member of the staff will have to be an admission that will bring far reaching slapdowns of her contacts, OR a full scale perjury and maybe treason charge. WE WILL NOT LET YOUR SHIT get away anymore. They are all going to be on the headsmans block. We have only been here a little while, and we already have enough information to have tried some of your beloved shit for treason, Many more are coming.
In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

What would you say if Comey sent a letter to congress saying the FBI recently learned of court documents, and is seeking to open an investigation of the child rape allegations against Donald J. Trump.

DOJ is supposed to report conclusions, not rumors.
lol There were no rumors. Classified documents were sent from the Clinton State Department to Anthony Weiner's computer, which constituted new evidence of wrong doing by the Clinton State Department in an investigation Comey had previously told Congress was closed. Your contention is that Comey should have misled Congress about Clinton's crimes because the truth might hurt her election prospects.

However, the whole issue is nonsense because she won the popular vote but lost the election because she was too grossly incompetent to continue campaigning in the swing states as her internal polls showed the race was tightening. Clinton lost because according to the DoJ she was too incompetent to handle classified documents responsibly and also because she was too incompetent to understand that celebrating her expected victory with donors in California instead of campaigning in the swing states would have consequences.
"Look, this was terrible. It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. But honestly, it wouldn't change the decision," he said.

Comey's remarks were his first public comment on his decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation, which came after FBI agents discovered new communications connected to the former secretary of state's private server. Comey's letter to congressional leaders informing them of the action was immediately leaked, and Clinton says it contributed to her loss on Election Day.

Wednesday's testimony by Comey came during what was intended to be a routine oversight hearing of the FBI, but was instead dominated by questions relating to investigations surrounding the 2016 campaign.

Senators also asked Comey about Russia. He said Russia represents "the greatest threat of any nation on Earth, given their intention and capability."

He insisted that the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and the possible links between Trump campaign and Russian officials are being treated "consistently under the same principles" as the Clinton email probe. He said the bureau "didn't say a word" about the Russia-Trump probe "until months into it," and that he expects "we're not gonna say another peep about it until we're done." He insisted that was the way the bureau handled the Clinton investigation as well.

The repercussions from Comey's action continue to reverberate across the political spectrum. At a forum in New York on Tuesday, Clinton said Comey's letter to Congress on Oct. 28 was a factor in her loss to President Trump. "If the election had been on Oct. 27, I would be your president," she said, while also putting responsibility for her loss on her own actions.


Comey was asked if he was looking into whether FBI agents may have leaked information about the Clinton investigation. Trump adviser and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said former agents had told him in advance of the reopening of the Clinton email investigation. Comey said if he finds out people leaked information about FBI investigations, "there will be severe consequences."

He was also asked the difference between journalism, protected under the first amendment, and WikiLeaks. Comey said that to his mind, "it crosses a line when it moves from being about trying to educate a public and instead just becomes about intelligence porn, frankly, just pushing out information about sources and methods without regard to interests."
FBI Director Comey Says He Is 'Mildly Nauseous' About Potential Impact On Election

The PROBLEM for Comey: He never leaked or talked about the ongoing investigation into Trump's ties with Russia that had started in July 2016 and before. So NO Comey is lying when he stated that these two investigations "were treated the same." They clearly weren't. Comey was warned by the DOJ about long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election, and he did it 11 days before an election. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton--and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Which is why Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Huma, Clinton's aid is still saying she has no idea how copies of her emails, (ones that the FBI had already reviewed) ended up on her x-husband's laptop whom was being investigated out of the New York City FBI office. (Enter Rudi Guiliani and James Kalstrom--former chief of that FBI office)--whom are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns - CNNPolitics.com


The issue for America right now--is you have Jeff Sessions in charge of the DOJ who probably has Comey sitting in his office making deals. "I'll lay of your investigation into interferring into this election, if you'll get off of this Russian investigation into Trump's campaign surrogates coordination with Vladamir Putiin.


Which is why independent investigations should be done on both.
In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

You don't seem to understand something. In the thousands of emails Comey looked at, looking for knowledge of wrong doing and intent--he committed with one single letter to congress and one email.

1. The DOJ warned Comey NOT to send a letter to congress--and that it was in violation of long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

2. When staff questioned his motive for doing it. He sent an email that specifically stated to "update" the American public.

"Comey’s decision to ignore the advice of Justice leadership is “stunning,” said Matt Miller, who served as Justice Department spokesman under then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. “Jim Comey forgets that he works for the attorney general.”

“I think he has a lot of regard for his own integrity. And he lets that regard cross lines into self-righteousness,” Miller said. “He has come to believe that his own ethics are so superior to anyone else’s that his judgment can replace existing rules and regulations. That is a dangerous belief for an FBI director to have.”

Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy


Trump won this election by an accumulated 70K votes coming out of 3 states. We're there 70K people in these states that changed their votes or that were leaning toward Hillary Clinton because they believed that imminent charges were pending? OH HELL yeah.
So what you're saying is that the Obama DoJ wanted Comey to mislead Congress about an investigation in order to prevent voters from knowing the truth about Clinton. I agree.
More stupid bullshit by leftist communist sympathizers. The only problem and dimshitscum would have if Trump talked to Putin is that they didn't get to suck the juice out before Trump closed Putin's game down. As for yates, so what, anything she says about Trump, Pence, or any other member of the staff will have to be an admission that will bring far reaching slapdowns of her contacts, OR a full scale perjury and maybe treason charge. WE WILL NOT LET YOUR SHIT get away anymore. They are all going to be on the headsmans block. We have only been here a little while, and we already have enough information to have tried some of your beloved shit for treason, Many more are coming.
More stupid bullshit by leftist communist sympathizers. The only problem and dimshitscum would have if Trump talked to Putin is that they didn't get to suck the juice out before Trump closed Putin's game down. As for yates, so what, anything she says about Trump, Pence, or any other member of the staff will have to be an admission that will bring far reaching slapdowns of her contacts, OR a full scale perjury and maybe treason charge. WE WILL NOT LET YOUR SHIT get away anymore. They are all going to be on the headsmans block. We have only been here a little while, and we already have enough information to have tried some of your beloved shit for treason, Many more are coming.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More stupid bullshit by leftist communist sympathizers. The only problem and dimshitscum would have if Trump talked to Putin is that they didn't get to suck the juice out before Trump closed Putin's game down. As for yates, so what, anything she says about Trump, Pence, or any other member of the staff will have to be an admission that will bring far reaching slapdowns of her contacts, OR a full scale perjury and maybe treason charge. WE WILL NOT LET YOUR SHIT get away anymore. They are all going to be on the headsmans block. We have only been here a little while, and we already have enough information to have tried some of your beloved shit for treason, Many more are coming.
More stupid bullshit by leftist communist sympathizers. The only problem and dimshitscum would have if Trump talked to Putin is that they didn't get to suck the juice out before Trump closed Putin's game down. As for yates, so what, anything she says about Trump, Pence, or any other member of the staff will have to be an admission that will bring far reaching slapdowns of her contacts, OR a full scale perjury and maybe treason charge. WE WILL NOT LET YOUR SHIT get away anymore. They are all going to be on the headsmans block. We have only been here a little while, and we already have enough information to have tried some of your beloved shit for treason, Many more are coming.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


Give it up. All the investigations into alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign have now turned into investigations of crimes committed by the Obama administration to support his Russia hoax. Look for subpoenas for Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan and more, and then criminal indictments.
In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

What would you say if Comey sent a letter to congress saying the FBI recently learned of court documents, and is seeking to open an investigation of the child rape allegations against Donald J. Trump.

DOJ is supposed to report conclusions, not rumors.
lol There were no rumors. Classified documents were sent from the Clinton State Department to Anthony Weiner's computer, which constituted new evidence of wrong doing by the Clinton State Department in an investigation Comey had previously told Congress was closed. Your contention is that Comey should have misled Congress about Clinton's crimes because the truth might hurt her election prospects.

However, the whole issue is nonsense because she won the popular vote but lost the election because she was too grossly incompetent to continue campaigning in the swing states as her internal polls showed the race was tightening. Clinton lost because according to the DoJ she was too incompetent to handle classified documents responsibly and also because she was too incompetent to understand that celebrating her expected victory with donors in California instead of campaigning in the swing states would have consequences.

The irony of all this is who Trump was considering for Secretary of State.

Republicans have long insisted that former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus' mishandling of classified information was far less egregious misconduct than Hillary Clinton's private email use while leading the State Department.

On Thursday, Comey was given an opportunity to rebut some of those charges during a hearing on Capitol Hill before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

"The Petraeus case, to my mind, illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute," Comey told the committee.

Petraeus, the four-star general who oversaw military operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq, resigned as CIA director in 2012 after his extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, became public.

The FBI and Justice Department later recommended felony charges against him for sharing classified information with Broadwell. He ultimately avoided jail time after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor last year, resulting in two years probation and a $100,000 fine. At the time, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle rallied to Petraeus' defense and criticized the Justice Department for pursuing the case.

Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.

Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted.
"I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout.

Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators.

"So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."

He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."

James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Give it up. All the investigations into alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign have now turned into investigations of crimes committed by the Obama administration to support his Russia hoax. Look for subpoenas for Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan and more, and then criminal indictments.

They'll have to wait in line behind Michael Flynn and his taking tens of thousands from the russians without either getting permission, or reporting them to the DNI.
"Look, this was terrible. It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. But honestly, it wouldn't change the decision," he said.

Comey's remarks were his first public comment on his decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation, which came after FBI agents discovered new communications connected to the former secretary of state's private server. Comey's letter to congressional leaders informing them of the action was immediately leaked, and Clinton says it contributed to her loss on Election Day.

Wednesday's testimony by Comey came during what was intended to be a routine oversight hearing of the FBI, but was instead dominated by questions relating to investigations surrounding the 2016 campaign.

Senators also asked Comey about Russia. He said Russia represents "the greatest threat of any nation on Earth, given their intention and capability."

He insisted that the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and the possible links between Trump campaign and Russian officials are being treated "consistently under the same principles" as the Clinton email probe. He said the bureau "didn't say a word" about the Russia-Trump probe "until months into it," and that he expects "we're not gonna say another peep about it until we're done." He insisted that was the way the bureau handled the Clinton investigation as well.

The repercussions from Comey's action continue to reverberate across the political spectrum. At a forum in New York on Tuesday, Clinton said Comey's letter to Congress on Oct. 28 was a factor in her loss to President Trump. "If the election had been on Oct. 27, I would be your president," she said, while also putting responsibility for her loss on her own actions.


Comey was asked if he was looking into whether FBI agents may have leaked information about the Clinton investigation. Trump adviser and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said former agents had told him in advance of the reopening of the Clinton email investigation. Comey said if he finds out people leaked information about FBI investigations, "there will be severe consequences."

He was also asked the difference between journalism, protected under the first amendment, and WikiLeaks. Comey said that to his mind, "it crosses a line when it moves from being about trying to educate a public and instead just becomes about intelligence porn, frankly, just pushing out information about sources and methods without regard to interests."
FBI Director Comey Says He Is 'Mildly Nauseous' About Potential Impact On Election

The PROBLEM for Comey: He never leaked or talked about the ongoing investigation into Trump's ties with Russia that had started in July 2016 and before. So NO Comey is lying when he stated that these two investigations "were treated the same." They clearly weren't. Comey was warned by the DOJ about long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election, and he did it 11 days before an election. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton--and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Which is why Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Huma, Clinton's aid is still saying she has no idea how copies of her emails, (ones that the FBI had already reviewed) ended up on her x-husband's laptop whom was being investigated out of the New York City FBI office. (Enter Rudi Guiliani and James Kalstrom--former chief of that FBI office)--whom are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns - CNNPolitics.com

/---- Director Comey should get the Medal of Freedom for keeping Hildabeast out of the White House.

I imagine his name is as good as "Mudd" in this country, and it's something he'll get to sleep with for the rest of his life--and eventually could be easily prosecuted over.

So now you hate him again? I get so confused at all the liberal flip flopping

I need a little help a bit confused, do the liberals like Comey now?

In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

What would you say if Comey sent a letter to congress saying the FBI recently learned of court documents, and is seeking to open an investigation of the child rape allegations against Donald J. Trump.

DOJ is supposed to report conclusions, not rumors.
lol There were no rumors. Classified documents were sent from the Clinton State Department to Anthony Weiner's computer, which constituted new evidence of wrong doing by the Clinton State Department in an investigation Comey had previously told Congress was closed. Your contention is that Comey should have misled Congress about Clinton's crimes because the truth might hurt her election prospects.

However, the whole issue is nonsense because she won the popular vote but lost the election because she was too grossly incompetent to continue campaigning in the swing states as her internal polls showed the race was tightening. Clinton lost because according to the DoJ she was too incompetent to handle classified documents responsibly and also because she was too incompetent to understand that celebrating her expected victory with donors in California instead of campaigning in the swing states would have consequences.

The irony of all this is who Trump was considering for Secretary of State.

Republicans have long insisted that former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus' mishandling of classified information was far less egregious misconduct than Hillary Clinton's private email use while leading the State Department.

On Thursday, Comey was given an opportunity to rebut some of those charges during a hearing on Capitol Hill before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

"The Petraeus case, to my mind, illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute," Comey told the committee.

Petraeus, the four-star general who oversaw military operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq, resigned as CIA director in 2012 after his extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, became public.

The FBI and Justice Department later recommended felony charges against him for sharing classified information with Broadwell. He ultimately avoided jail time after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor last year, resulting in two years probation and a $100,000 fine. At the time, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle rallied to Petraeus' defense and criticized the Justice Department for pursuing the case.

Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.

Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted.
"I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout.

Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators.

"So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."

He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."

James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

There's no irony here. Petraeus is a brilliant man who turned the war in Iraq around when the rest of the military thought it was lost. Because of his personal relationship he broke some rules but never put any classified documents at risk. Clinton, on the other hand, has a long history of incompetence and put thousands of classified documents at risk and was judged by the DoJ and too stupid to know what she had and therefore did not have "intent" to break any rules.
Give it up. All the investigations into alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign have now turned into investigations of crimes committed by the Obama administration to support his Russia hoax. Look for subpoenas for Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan and more, and then criminal indictments.

They'll have to wait in line behind Michael Flynn and his taking tens of thousands from the russians without either getting permission, or reporting them to the DNI.
lol There's no reason to wait. Whatever Flynn has done in no way mitigates the crimes committed by Rice, Brennan, Lynch and others, perhaps even by Obama.
There's no irony here. Petraeus is a brilliant man who turned the war in Iraq around when the rest of the military thought it was lost. Because of his personal relationship he broke some rules but never put any classified documents at risk. Clinton, on the other hand, has a long history of incompetence and put thousands of classified documents at risk and was judged by the DoJ and too stupid to know what she had and therefore did not have "intent" to break any rules.

Petraeus kept classified documents in his attic, and told classified information to a reporter.
lol There's no reason to wait. Whatever Flynn has done in no way mitigates the crimes committed by Rice, Brennan, Lynch and others, perhaps even by Obama.

There is proof of Flynns crimes. The allegations against Rice, Brennan, Lynch etc, are just unsubstantiated political allegations.
There's no irony here. Petraeus is a brilliant man who turned the war in Iraq around when the rest of the military thought it was lost. Because of his personal relationship he broke some rules but never put any classified documents at risk. Clinton, on the other hand, has a long history of incompetence and put thousands of classified documents at risk and was judged by the DoJ and too stupid to know what she had and therefore did not have "intent" to break any rules.

Petraeus kept classified documents in his attic, and told classified information to a reporter.
He told an intelligence officer who had high enough security clearance to see most of the documents if she had been on active duty, so while showing her the documents while she was not on active duty was technically a violation, it involved no risk.
lol There's no reason to wait. Whatever Flynn has done in no way mitigates the crimes committed by Rice, Brennan, Lynch and others, perhaps even by Obama.

There is proof of Flynns crimes. The allegations against Rice, Brennan, Lynch etc, are just unsubstantiated political allegations.
lol You can probably continue to tell that one for a little while longer, but we both know that they did commit crimes intended to influence the election in favor of Clinton.
In other words, you guys are saying it was a terrible thing that the truth about Clinton may have influenced the election outcome. But how could it have influenced the election when she won the popular vote anyway. What influenced the outcome of the election was Clinton's incredible incompetence in not continuing to campaign in the swing states after her internal polls showed the race was close.

What would you say if Comey sent a letter to congress saying the FBI recently learned of court documents, and is seeking to open an investigation of the child rape allegations against Donald J. Trump.

DOJ is supposed to report conclusions, not rumors.

If his agents told Comey they found documentation that supported the possible claim, then sure, it should have been an open investigation.
Why do you on the left think that people can be prosecuted or imprisoned because of something you don't like? It doesn't work that way. In this country, in order to be prosecuted, you have to break a law first. Comey broke no laws.

He did lie to congress. And violate DOJ and FBI guidelines concerning new or ongoing investigations. Comey said " I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony."

Yet Comey testified under oath, that he couldn't comment on ongoing investigations.

We have two conflicting statements.

Sorry, but what did he lie to Congress about? And lying to Congress doesn't seem to bother the left when Hillary did the same thing. On top of that, she destroyed evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress.

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