FBI director has a press conference at 11am

He split the baby down the middle. They are not recommending criminal charges, which means the moonbats will claim there was nothing there all along. On the other hand, Hillary and the state department were reckless with classified material, but not on purpose. The right wing nuts (which I tend to be) will claim that Hillary is not competent to be president.
The State Department has been careless for a long time. Long before Clinton.

Clinton should have tightened the ship, but instead exploited the laxness for her own personal convenience.
So let's not elect anyone that has been secretary of state to the office of president.
If you are trying to find a candidate who does not have a crooked past, good luck with that.
He split the baby down the middle. They are not recommending criminal charges, which means the moonbats will claim there was nothing there all along. On the other hand, Hillary and the state department were reckless with classified material, but not on purpose. The right wing nuts (which I tend to be) will claim that Hillary is not competent to be president.
The State Department has been careless for a long time. Long before Clinton.

Clinton should have tightened the ship, but instead exploited the laxness for her own personal convenience.
So let's not elect anyone that has been secretary of state to the office of president.
If you are trying to find a candidate who does not have a crooked past, good luck with that.
Wouldn't it be nice to do so?
He split the baby down the middle. They are not recommending criminal charges, which means the moonbats will claim there was nothing there all along. On the other hand, Hillary and the state department were reckless with classified material, but not on purpose. The right wing nuts (which I tend to be) will claim that Hillary is not competent to be president.
The State Department has been careless for a long time. Long before Clinton.

Clinton should have tightened the ship, but instead exploited the laxness for her own personal convenience.
So let's not elect anyone that has been secretary of state to the office of president.
If you are trying to find a candidate who does not have a crooked past, good luck with that.
Wouldn't it be nice to do so?
This is why I am writing in a name on the ballot this year, as I have been doing for a while.

This retarded "vote for the lesser of two evils" bullshit has brought us more and more evil choices. Because when you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and asking for more.

We now have two of the most corrupt and evil nominees of our age. And it has fuck-all to do with people who have held office in the State Department.

If America wants to know how we got here, we need to look in the mirror. Not at Mexicans or Muslims. It's WE who are to blame.

Where are all those ass-clowns who were predicting her indictment? Lurking here? Oh, man up you girly-men and begin your campaigns against Comey.

What you thought she would be indicted?? Silly you.

No indictment but Comey had no problem telling us all just how stupid and incompetent Hitlery is.

Works for me.

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