FBI Directors Most Mind Boggling Statement

Exhibit A that America is now just another Banana Republic:

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."

Liberals cry about the 99 percent and the 1 percent and here they are dancing in the streets over this statement. Liberal Elites want that banana republic society of "do as I say, not as I do".
Exhibit A that America is now just another Banana Republic:

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."

What the hell are you whining about now?

Inequality......something you liberals used to give a shit about. Now, it's just a tool.
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.
Exhibit A that America is now just another Banana Republic:

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."

What the hell are you whining about now?

Inequality......something you liberals used to give a shit about. Now, it's just a tool.
They never gave one shit about "equality." That is how the ELITES seduce their gullible sheep. Seduce them with fairy tales of robin hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. On and on and on.

Entertainment industry has beaten us over our heads along with the media and the re-education centers that we call universities. Dominated by the marxist professors all telling tales of the "evils" of the free market. They use the term CAPITALISM to hammer that home. They use "socialism" instead of true marxism.

The fact is the ELITES on BOTH SIDES (with the exception of too few) despise the NOTION (just the notion mind you) of anyone from the PEASANT class even having an OPPORTUNITY to EVER be in their class. You may have heard the concept of NEW MONEY.

There is nothing new under the sun. Perhaps the way we CALL things and LABEL them, but it is really nothing new. We know this elitist system that the leftist want had been around for many centuries. It used to be called the FEUDAL SYSTEM.

Look at how we separating out. That is the way it is. The rich and the fucked. The fucked having ZERO OPPORTUNITY to ever get out. The peasants. The serfs.

The best friend to any ambitious person in those classes in a free market, is the FREE MARKET. It is OPPORTUNITY. Hence the reason so many from the "socialist utopias" try to get here from there. It certainly is not the other way around.

Oh, the stupid left wingers will claim there are many people moving to those "socialist utopias." No, let me clarify. If you are RICH already and move to a SOCIALIST country, you really do not feel the pain. You are insulated.

Trust this. The POOR from this country are not desperately trying to get to those "utopias." Oh, but it sure is the other way around.
Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Shhh! This is about equality, which means we don't complain when Republicans do it, only when Clinton does it because we hates her.
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

You do know that the FBI and THE STATE DEPT. are two different groups right?
Show where the FBI said what you claim. Not the STATE dept.
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?
Exhibit A that America is now just another Banana Republic:

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."
Your quote doesn't say that others in similar circumstances would be charged with a crime.
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Did anyone investigate Rice, Powell or Chaney??

If they did what she did then they should have all been investigated.

Let me know when they get around to it.
I think his hands were tied. Its DC after all. And don't forget that little meeting between Bill and Lynch. Kina sorta looks like the fix was in.

I really liked the way he wasted no time called Hitlery stupid and incompetent. I doubt he thinks she's worth a tinkers damn.

I certainly have to agree.

Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

James Comey's unusual step of detailing the bureau's evidence against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, before recommending that she face no charges, drew immediate fire from some critics who said he was acting more like a politician than a policeman.

Indeed, the speech was a stark departure from the prosecutor's rule of thumb that you should say it in an indictment or you shouldn't say it at all. But former prosecutors said it was a justified exception to assure the public of the probe's independence in an extraordinarily contentious case, especially given the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton's meeting with Comey's boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Neither Powell Nor Rice had "Multiple Personal" servers in an unsecured location.
They also didn't use unsecured devices overseas.
Exhibit A that America is now just another Banana Republic:

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."
Your quote doesn't say that others in similar circumstances would be charged with a crime.
What consequences did Hillary suffer?
She still has her friggen Top Secret clearance!!
Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Neither Powell Nor Rice had "Multiple Personal" servers in an unsecured location.
They also didn't use unsecured devices overseas.

No, they used fucking gmail to conduct State Department business. A private secure server is a damn sight better security-wise than a gmail account.

If you believe that Hillary Clinton should be run out by rail over this, then you should also be demanding the same of Rice, Powell, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the gang.

The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten
Comey is a Republican--and right now he is taking a lot of heat for even commenting on this. His job to either prove innocence or guilt, not make commentary. It just goes to show you can't even get politics out of the FBI.

Comey takes heat for 'unprecedented' rebuke

Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Did anyone investigate Rice, Powell or Chaney??

If they did what she did then they should have all been investigated.

Let me know when they get around to it.

Oh look, you made my point for me. Yeah, nothing partisan about this crap at all.
Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Neither Powell Nor Rice had "Multiple Personal" servers in an unsecured location.
They also didn't use unsecured devices overseas.

No, they used fucking gmail to conduct State Department business. A private secure server is a damn sight better security-wise than a gmail account.

If you believe that Hillary Clinton should be run out by rail over this, then you should also be demanding the same of Rice, Powell, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the gang.

The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten

You claimed the FBI said that.
You have yet to post any proof of your claims.
Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Neither Powell Nor Rice had "Multiple Personal" servers in an unsecured location.
They also didn't use unsecured devices overseas.

No, they used fucking gmail to conduct State Department business. A private secure server is a damn sight better security-wise than a gmail account.

If you believe that Hillary Clinton should be run out by rail over this, then you should also be demanding the same of Rice, Powell, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the gang.

The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten

You claimed the FBI said that.
You have yet to post any proof of your claims.

He's just blathering on trying to convince himself that HItlery is blameless and its all just a right wing conspiracy.

He could care less how incompetent she is, he'll still vote for her.

If she were a Rep. he would be singing a totally different tune though. He's a fool.
Oh and what of this little tidbit?

"None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government — or even with a commercial service like Gmail."

Read more at: Hillary’s Banana Republic

So what where you saying about Powell and Rice seawytch?
Oh and what of this little tidbit?

"None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government — or even with a commercial service like Gmail."

Read more at: Hillary’s Banana Republic

So what where you saying about Powell and Rice seawytch?

Give him a minute. I'm sure he'll think of something. Mans an idiot.
Of course he's taking heat. He spoke honestly about how incompetent and stupid Hitlery and her staff were to use a personal server to conduct the business of the SOS.

Did you forget that the FBI report had the same thing to say about Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice?

Other Secretaries Handled Classified Material on Private Email, State Dept. Concludes

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

So, not even on private, secured servers but on a private email system where the server is contained elsewhere.

My hats off to him for doing so. I think his hands were tied on the prosecution end but he had no problem speaking his mind on the incompetence of Hitlery and her staff.

Just think, that incompetent ass wants to be POTUS. I sure hope she never makes it to the WH. Good God. What a disaster that would be. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "Classified."

But you'd vote for Rice or Powell in a NY second wouldn't you? Just another fake Clinton "scandal" from the hypocrite party.

Nothing fake about Hitlery's incompetence and if you can't see it then you are blind as a bat.

Nice deflection to Rice and Powell. Of course when dealing with your hero any deflection in a storm right?? LOL

The deflection is in making this about Hillary. If it was incompetent of Hillary, then it was also incompetent of Rice and Powell, right? And yet you'd vote for them in a second wouldn't you?

Clinton has already admitted it was a mistake to use a personal server. No one else that has ever done what she did has been indicted have they? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are holding Hillary Clinton to a standard you wouldn't hold to anyone else.

Seriously, if you all want to see Hillary brought up on charges for what she did, why are you also not demanding the heads of Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc?

Neither Powell Nor Rice had "Multiple Personal" servers in an unsecured location.
They also didn't use unsecured devices overseas.

No, they used fucking gmail to conduct State Department business. A private secure server is a damn sight better security-wise than a gmail account.

If you believe that Hillary Clinton should be run out by rail over this, then you should also be demanding the same of Rice, Powell, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the gang.

The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten
Salon.hate copies and pastes a propaganda piece from Soros Media Matters and that's your source?


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