FBI,DOJ said to be planning to redact info despite Presidents orders

no, no, I get it you think if you make shit up we just believe it. I wanted you all to know that that isn't the case. you are very mistaken, and why trump won. just remember that line.

Trump won for a lot of reasons.Your willingness to believe his bullshit was one of the main ones.
well I wasn't born yesterday, so I know the leftists are nothing more than evil fks that are anti america and anti constitutional. I vote only for those who believe in what I do. Trump was and is spot fking on. He has you all so whacked out it's hilarious.

You were born a minute before yesterday. Trump and his supporters are evil and are anti-America and have no clue what the Constitution is about.
Cut to the chase. We’re deplorable.

Odd that you are so proud of that.
Extremely proud the Hildebeast has relegated herself to permanent Energizer Bunny patrol because of us.
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.

Trump is the president of the United States, not it's king or dictator.
He is their boss and has the authority to fire them. They deserve to be fired if they refuse to follow his orders. That's called "insubordination," and it's a firing offense everywhere I've ever worked.
I'm glad, we're here to remove evil that is the leftists.

We need to stamp out the evil of the alt-right which is what you represent.
you know nothing about me, but thanks for thinking you do. your concern for me is appreciated, but I'm out to kick evil traitors out of DC.

Then we are on the same team. Trump has to go.
He will in 2024. you're stuck with his swamp clean up that long.

You expect him to serve 3 terms?
I wish he could. that would be 2028. see my timeline was two terms. but hey I get you have no constitutional knowledge of our country.
So you say you wont give me the un redacted info?
You're fired.....
Next guy up....so you wont give me the un redacted info?
You're fired....
All the way down the line.

Love to see that. And if anyone can take on the deep state like that it would be President Trump...the people’s president.
We need to stamp out the evil of the alt-right which is what you represent.
you know nothing about me, but thanks for thinking you do. your concern for me is appreciated, but I'm out to kick evil traitors out of DC.

Then we are on the same team. Trump has to go.
He will in 2024. you're stuck with his swamp clean up that long.

You expect him to serve 3 terms?
I wish he could. that would be 2028. see my timeline was two terms. but hey I get you have no constitutional knowledge of our country.

It’s possible he could. Republicans picking up one more state could pass an amendment allowing Mr Trump to respond to the wishes of the people and serve three terms. Just one more state in this season of ass kicking.
So you say you wont give me the un redacted info?
You're fired.....
Next guy up....so you wont give me the un redacted info?
You're fired....
All the way down the line.

If Trump were to do this he would break the deep state.
O’keefe has another one on video today bragging he “can’t be fired”.
you know nothing about me, but thanks for thinking you do. your concern for me is appreciated, but I'm out to kick evil traitors out of DC.

Then we are on the same team. Trump has to go.
He will in 2024. you're stuck with his swamp clean up that long.

It's truly fascinating to watch someone be so devoted to what they believe in, parrot a message that they clearly don't understand and stand behind it 1000% and not know why. All it takes is a catchy little slogan and you're onboard.

What life must be life without having to form your own independent thoughts and opinions.
debate me mther fker, you afraid of the facts?

I'd love to. You pick the topic.

Chances you bail or come up with a lame excuse - 97%
well there is a discussion right here. why do you avoid discussing the OP in the thread? I bet you think these punks have the authority to do what they want right?
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.
Terms of Service Violation
Thanks I fixed it.
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.

A gigantic middle finger to the wannabe dictator Orange idiot. It's good to see.
Hurting your wittle feelings is not a legit excuse for outright insubordination and WILL lead to them being fired....jesus you are such a crybaby.

What was the problem here? What was misworded?
I strongly suggest reading Vox Day’s “SJWs Always Lie”. He devotes a chapter to leftwingers love of “TOS” and “Codes of Conduct”

FBI,DOJ said to be planning to redact info despite Presidents orders

Well of course they are, completely defiant and refusing to accept the orders of their boss, just like good little conspirators trying to save their asses. The cockroaches are still trying to prevent the owners of the house from turning on the Kitchen Light in the middle of the night.

Gee, why would the conspirators be so deathly afraid of TRANSPARENCY?

The entire list of conflict of interests, contacts, collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and crimes have already been exposed through multiple sources (testimony - Page, McCabe, Oher, the US IG Report, Official Congressional records, Strzok's own texts, and other correspondence between the conspirators), but as long as all of it does not get out to the public they can continue to lie, deny, spin, and justify.

If I were Trump I would publicly demand - ORDER - Sessions to oversee the release of all communications and documents as he has ordered and to judicially charge those who refuse to comply with Obstruction....and if Sessions disobeys a direct order from the President then the President has every right to and should fire Sessions on the spot, replacing him with someone who WILL follow his legal instructions and who WILL do their job!
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.

Trump is the president of the United States, not it's king or dictator.

It's well within his authority to declassify documents. Deal with it.
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.
Terms of Service Violation
I love it. can you say exposed? That means their fking names are in there. hahahahahahahaaha hly fk, can't make this up. Again, the theme this morning, the leftists think we're all stupid.

They are right. You are stupid.
from your position, I can see how you would have that reaction. You hate me, the american citizen fighting for the constitution. I know. you wish me dead. just say punk. I'm man enough to take drivel from fks like you.

So back to the OP, why would anyone think they are above the president of the US. I already posted they aren't? It shows them as guilty of being traitors. I give two shits, what they think, I know what I know, they will be arrested soon.

BTW, peter Strzok thought he was, where is he today?

You have no clue what the Constitution is about. I do. That is why I support Kaspenick's right to do what he does without agreeing with what he does. You are3 the fcks and I can handle trash like you.

They should do the right thing for the country. Doing the right thing is not being a traitor. I would dare Trump to arrest them. Any order to do so should be ignored as no one is under a obligation to follow a unlawful order.
I agree. Evidence of your stupidity is wide spread.
no, no, I get it you think if you make shit up we just believe it. I wanted you all to know that that isn't the case. you are very mistaken, and why trump won. just remember that line.

Trump won for a lot of reasons.Your willingness to believe his bullshit was one of the main ones.
well I wasn't born yesterday, so I know the leftists are nothing more than evil fks that are anti america and anti constitutional. I vote only for those who believe in what I do. Trump was and is spot fking on. He has you all so whacked out it's hilarious.

You were born a minute before yesterday. Trump and his supporters are evil and are anti-America and have no clue what the Constitution is about.
Cut to the chase. We’re deplorable.

Some of you suffer from TDS. Some of you are deplorable racists.
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.

Trump is the president of the United States, not it's king or dictator.
He is their boss and has the authority to fire them. They deserve to be fired if they refuse to follow his orders. That's called "insubordination," and it's a firing offense everywhere I've ever worked.

Voters will fire Republicans starting in November.
12 posts deleted: off topic, trolling, no content pertaining to the OP.

Clean up your act
Terms of Service Violation

Any more proof that these clowns think they are above the President of the United States? I wish Trump would fire ALL of them and run things himself....they can't follow SIMPLE instructions they don't deserve to keep their jobs.

Trump is the president of the United States, not it's king or dictator.
He is their boss and has the authority to fire them. They deserve to be fired if they refuse to follow his orders. That's called "insubordination," and it's a firing offense everywhere I've ever worked.

Voters will fire Republicans starting in November.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched, douchebag.
FBI,DOJ said to be planning to redact info despite Presidents orders

Well of course they are, completely defiant and refusing to accept the orders of their boss, just like good little conspirators trying to save their asses. The cockroaches are still trying to prevent the owners of the house from turning on the Kitchen Light in the middle of the night.

Gee, why would the conspirators be so deathly afraid of TRANSPARENCY?

The entire list of conflict of interests, contacts, collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and crimes have already been exposed through multiple sources (testimony - Page, McCabe, Oher, the US IG Report, Official Congressional records, Strzok's own texts, and other correspondence between the conspirators), but as long as all of it does not get out to the public they can continue to lie, deny, spin, and justify.

If I were Trump I would publicly demand - ORDER - Sessions to oversee the release of all communications and documents as he has ordered and to judicially charge those who refuse to comply with Obstruction....and if Sessions disobeys a direct order from the President then the President has every right to and should fire Sessions on the spot, replacing him with someone who WILL follow his legal instructions and who WILL do their job!

The fact is that the security of this country is more important than Trump's selfish needs. There is no conspiracy. If we turned on the light we would find cockroaches like you and Trump.

The fact is that nothing has been exposed or proven. Just ramblings by dishonest Republicans. Like you. You people need a rubber room.

We see how Nixon PUBLICLY ordering his AG `to fire the special prosecutor, it led to his demise. It will lead to the Republican demise in the midterms in November and White House in 2020.
FBI,DOJ said to be planning to redact info despite Presidents orders

Well of course they are, completely defiant and refusing to accept the orders of their boss, just like good little conspirators trying to save their asses. The cockroaches are still trying to prevent the owners of the house from turning on the Kitchen Light in the middle of the night.

Gee, why would the conspirators be so deathly afraid of TRANSPARENCY?

The entire list of conflict of interests, contacts, collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and crimes have already been exposed through multiple sources (testimony - Page, McCabe, Oher, the US IG Report, Official Congressional records, Strzok's own texts, and other correspondence between the conspirators), but as long as all of it does not get out to the public they can continue to lie, deny, spin, and justify.

If I were Trump I would publicly demand - ORDER - Sessions to oversee the release of all communications and documents as he has ordered and to judicially charge those who refuse to comply with Obstruction....and if Sessions disobeys a direct order from the President then the President has every right to and should fire Sessions on the spot, replacing him with someone who WILL follow his legal instructions and who WILL do their job!

The fact is that the security of this country is more important than Trump's selfish needs. There is no conspiracy. If we turned on the light we would find cockroaches like you and Trump.

The fact is that nothing has been exposed or proven. Just ramblings by dishonest Republicans. Like you. You people need a rubber room.

We see how Nixon PUBLICLY ordering his AG `to fire the special prosecutor, it led to his demise. It will lead to the Republican demise in the midterms in November and White House in 2020.

If we turned on the light we would find cockroaches like you and Trump.

only a few

and if we leave the lights off, there will be dozens wandering around with no one seeing, or able to destroy, them
FBI,DOJ said to be planning to redact info despite Presidents orders

Well of course they are, completely defiant and refusing to accept the orders of their boss, just like good little conspirators trying to save their asses. The cockroaches are still trying to prevent the owners of the house from turning on the Kitchen Light in the middle of the night.

Gee, why would the conspirators be so deathly afraid of TRANSPARENCY?

The entire list of conflict of interests, contacts, collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and crimes have already been exposed through multiple sources (testimony - Page, McCabe, Oher, the US IG Report, Official Congressional records, Strzok's own texts, and other correspondence between the conspirators), but as long as all of it does not get out to the public they can continue to lie, deny, spin, and justify.

If I were Trump I would publicly demand - ORDER - Sessions to oversee the release of all communications and documents as he has ordered and to judicially charge those who refuse to comply with Obstruction....and if Sessions disobeys a direct order from the President then the President has every right to and should fire Sessions on the spot, replacing him with someone who WILL follow his legal instructions and who WILL do their job!

The fact is that the security of this country is more important than Trump's selfish needs. There is no conspiracy. If we turned on the light we would find cockroaches like you and Trump.

The fact is that nothing has been exposed or proven. Just ramblings by dishonest Republicans. Like you. You people need a rubber room.

We see how Nixon PUBLICLY ordering his AG `to fire the special prosecutor, it led to his demise. It will lead to the Republican demise in the midterms in November and White House in 2020.
The security of this country is exactly why the light needs to shine on the cockroaches in the FBI and the DOJ. The idea that you are concerned about American security doesn't pass the laugh test. Plenety has already been exposed. The tape recordings from Nixon's office are what led to his demise. There are no such recordings in Trumps case. All the evidence incriminates the coup plotters in the FBI and the DOJ. They are about to get what's coming to them.

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