FBI Drafts Top Child Porn Investigator for Hunter Biden Laptop Case

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Giuliani's information has already been verified by Hunter's ex-business partner, who is in prison now.

The business partner handed over his email password to an investigator.

We aren't talking about his legal business dealings with China..

I was asking for the proof of the claims of illegal conduct....

You guys don't have any.

You can that by now, the FBI has plenty evidence.
Sure, Walter. The Russians planted this laptop way back in April 2019 when nobody really thought Biden would get the nomination, just to be on the safe side. Tell me, did the "Russians" also plant a laptop for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris and Corey Booker, etc. just to make sure they had all their grounds covered and they could whip it out in October right before the election?

Biden always was the front runner in the race which started long ago and we know the Russians were pushing this disinformation about Burisma and Shokin for well over a year.
It makes no sense to me that someone would just hand over a laptop with incriminating evidence on it, especially to some Joe Blow. ( A career politician's son at that.)Either someone is incredibly stupid or someone is incredibly good at smears...
If it really did have child pornography, Biden would have been arrested long ago.
Not necessarily. Sometimes investigations take time. In CP trafficking cases they try to take down the whole ring of pedophiles at once. Arresting one can tip off all the others and they'll destroy the evidence.
So why hasn’t Trump’s DoJ indicted any of these supposed leftist criminals?

He’s been in office nearly 4 years.
Trump is the President.

Not the AG.

You really aren't very good at this are you?
I guess you’re not familiar with Trump’s concept of unitary executive. All powers including the ability to prosecute come from the president.

Either way, Trump appoints the AG. He appoints the deputy AG. He appoints every federal prosecutor.

Your attempt to deflect blame by passing the buck is pretty weak.
Not necessarily. Sometimes investigations take time. In CP trafficking cases they try to take down the whole ring of pedophiles at once.
They’ve had the hard drive for a year. This is a very weak excuse.
No matter WHAT any of you say.....even Mods....I said "We'll" see.
Dude, you are mentally ill.

Trump has killed 220,000 Americans.
Well if you think about it logically, there really does have to be a firing squad to execute anyone who would suggest that another human being is "mentally ill" let alone prosecute it as a crime in court, and impose unwanted drugs by force. "Dead doctors don't lie," it is said, and there's a book out by that name.
Two things, first up the trove has been independently authenticated and is/was indisputably Hunter Bidens along with every email contained therein, this authentication was not hard to achieve, they simply followed the chain of addresses within the email chain, spoke with each individual, who then confirmed the traffic!

Except that hasn't happened. I don't doubt there are some legit emails in there, but the fact is, the laptop has been through to many hands to verify they are accurate.

Secondly, those such as yourself, who ludicrously continue to assert otherwise, or disseminate lies, and or obfuscations to the contrary, are obviously, very very obviously, the desperate, who having hitched their star to that of a man who is now eligible to be executed for his obvious crimes, don't care that he is a traitor, anymore then you care about the United States, you hate and that hate is all you can project, and it has lain you bare, with nowhere for you to hide from fact that you to are a traitor to the United States!

Dude, you are mentally ill.

Trump has killed 220,000 Americans.

Biden maybe had a meeting with a business associate of his son... and you can't even really prove that.

The recipients of that meeting, in an E-mail thanked Hunter for the meeting... This thing is blowing wide open tonight..
More fake news.... you guy are getting desperate if you really think this Russian misinformation is real.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

You are really a dope....

Pandemic? WTF? Of course it's the worst one you moron....do you think these things come in flavors?

Recession? The Dems wanted it....now they have it

Riots? Of course there are riots...Soros funded Dem inspired....

You have to be fucking kidding me with this stuff......what a tool.

Oh....and there's nothing in that article that says anything about russian info on hunter biden's lap top..... if it's on HIS LAPTOP he put it there not the russians.... Can't wait to hear from the underaged LOLITAS.....mayabe a few of them know Joe Biden personally too eh?

Not necessarily. Sometimes investigations take time. In CP trafficking cases they try to take down the whole ring of pedophiles at once.
They’ve had the hard drive for a year. This is a very weak excuse.
Similar investigations have taken years. There are hurdles. The most obvious one being that they didn't find the computer in his possession. Another significant hurdle is confirming the age and identity of the victims.
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Everyone knows Hunter is a sleazy dope head.

It would surprise any normal thinking person if these allegations are true.

The bottom line is will anything be done about it.

Up until this point ..... all of these criminal Democrats have be above the law.

Why would that change now?

Hunter Biden struggled with addiction. So did Rush Limbaugh.

Can't get worked up about it.

The fact that you guys have switched from the supposed business dealings to pictures of his personal life tells me you really don't have anything.

Au contraire.....news of lolitas is the most potent bombshell of all and it travels with or without the internet's permission...once this gets out baby...it will run like a forest fire.

You'll see. The rest of us already know.
Kinda like you knew Hillary Clinton was gonna beat Trump, huh ....

Funny how all the things you guys think you know never turns out to be accurate.
You still holding your breath for Durham's results? How about those emails? The Benghazi investigation? How about that sexual assault allegation against Joe? Or how he was so senile he wouldn't be able to debate?

Any of this crap ringing any bells, tRumpling?
FBI Drafts Top Child Porn Investigator for Hunter Biden Laptop Case
Rudi's planted laptop came in a case? His patsy never mentioned that.

Rudy may or may not have it. The DOJ does and reports are starting to come out of China that Pelosi does too. We'll see.
No, we know Rudi doesn't have it, he gave it to the repair guy when he told him what to say about it.

We'll see.
You'll see. The rest of us already know.

That's ok, I keep saying "We'll see".
How nice for you.

We'll see papi.......
Denial of reality looks good on you.
The FBI has drafted in its top child porn investigator to the case involving the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop hard drive, according to reports.

The drive and its contents were recently handed over to the FBI by a computer repair shop owner who took a copy of the files and leaked them to the New York Post.

The recent bombshell reports from the Post on Hunter Biden's alleged laptop contents included a curious piece of information regarding the federal investigation into the files, however.

A photograph of an FBI subpoena appears to bear the signature of Special Agent Joshua Wilson - the agency's top child porn investigator.

We'll see.
That brings to mind a tweet from a couple of days ago.

Underage obsessions?
You still holding your breath for Durham's results? How about those emails? The Benghazi investigation? How about that sexual assault allegation against Joe? Or how he was so senile he wouldn't be able to debate?

Any of this crap ringing any bells, tRumpling?
Nope ....

I have repeatedly stated these Leftist have been above the law for years.

And, despite the evidence .... I do not believe Hunter Biden will be held accountable either.
So was Robert Mueller was a top FBI investigator.
DOJ needs to start appointing those to these cases, that has not be around since the Clinton's Dynasty.

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