FBI Expands Criminal Investigation of Hillary

How about everyone just chill out till the FBI finishes it's investigation, probe or whatever term you like to use to describe it.

the FBI could finish 9 investigations and these morons would still yammer about Hillary and her emails ....
How about everyone just chill out till the FBI finishes it's investigation, probe or whatever term you like to use to describe it.

the FBI could finish 9 investigations and these morons would still yammer about Hillary and her emails ....
And if the FBI finds she broke the law other morons will still yammer that she did nothing wrong and the FBI investigation was a Republican witch hunt. The left and right will always have morons who can't see past the letter D and R.
How about everyone just chill out till the FBI finishes it's investigation, probe or whatever term you like to use to describe it.

the FBI could finish 9 investigations and these morons would still yammer about Hillary and her emails ....
Fox News could finish 9 imaginary FBI investigations and these morons will still believe what they want to believe.
How about everyone just chill out till the FBI finishes it's investigation, probe or whatever term you like to use to describe it.

the FBI could finish 9 investigations and these morons would still yammer about Hillary and her emails ....

they could finish one investigation if all the requested information was handed over you self-deceiving loser
How about everyone just chill out till the FBI finishes it's investigation, probe or whatever term you like to use to describe it.

the FBI could finish 9 investigations and these morons would still yammer about Hillary and her emails ....
Fox News could finish 9 imaginary FBI investigations and these morons will still believe what they want to believe.

you were told to believe that lie, so you do

too stupid to see you're the brainwashed one
I've yet to see any "credible" news outlets reporting this story.

of course you dont leftard.

FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe ...
2 days ago - Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server ... that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it. ... Due to secrecy surrounding any FBI investigation, it is impossible to ...
I've yet to see any "credible" news outlets reporting this story.

of course you dont leftard.

FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe ...
2 days ago - Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server ... that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it. ... Due to secrecy surrounding any FBI investigation, it is impossible to ...

Funny. So "interviews" have stepped up. Wow...
I've yet to see any "credible" news outlets reporting this story.

of course you dont leftard.

FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe ...
2 days ago - Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server ... that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it. ... Due to secrecy surrounding any FBI investigation, it is impossible to ...

Funny. So "interviews" have stepped up. Wow...

that would be an expansion leftard

geesh how do you even dress yourself in the morning??
I've yet to see any "credible" news outlets reporting this story.

of course you dont leftard.

FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe ...
2 days ago - Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server ... that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it. ... Due to secrecy surrounding any FBI investigation, it is impossible to ...

Funny. So "interviews" have stepped up. Wow...

that would be an expansion leftard

geesh how do you even dress yourself in the morning??

I suspect Hillary, Obama and Biden are all pushing to speed up FBI investigations regarding Hillary. Don't you?
bedowhiner is the biggest joke on the board. He/she fights with itself everyday for the dumbest post award.
I've yet to see any "credible" news outlets reporting this story.

of course you dont leftard.

FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe ...
2 days ago - Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server ... that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it. ... Due to secrecy surrounding any FBI investigation, it is impossible to ...

Funny. So "interviews" have stepped up. Wow...

that would be an expansion leftard

geesh how do you even dress yourself in the morning??

I've just never associated "expansion" with "faster"...
Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

In addition to being and admitted liar you also fail at map reading. Go look up the location of Wasilla, AK Palin's home town its probably 800 miles or more from Russia dimit.

Tell me why the proximity of Alaska to Russia gives the Gov. of the state foreign policy insight.

LOL I see you doubled down on being ignorant, I'm just going to stand to the side and let you destroy yourself.
Lois Lerner blew up and hid all the disk drives and walked off with golden parachute.
last I heard they finally RECOVERED everything and not a single thing in all those recovered emails to convict the Lady of a Crime....so sad, too bad.
And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)

The media isn't interested in screwing with the dear leader or his first bitch. At this point they're old news.
Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing, what wrong with you, outside of total ignorance and stupidity of course?
Would you use that language about a woman in front of your mother?

You bet when you're talking about a female who said she had never been proud of her country until her husband was elected POTUS. I guess him being elected as a state senator or US senator wasn't good enough to make her proud. Having female parts does not make a female a woman any more than having a penis makes a male a man.
So then what does that make you?
let's see, 200 plus emails get sent to the cia by congress critters claiming they were classified and the CIA just returned them all, telling congress investigator critters none of them were Classified....

but boy oh boy did the R congress critters get you all riled.

You claimed that hillary wiped her server clean, claiming she certainly was trying to hide something...tuns out she simply deleted her personal emails which is required by gvt workers, before they send gvt docs to the gvt archive.

You claimed hillary is being investigated for breaking some Espionage act, yet no govt official has ever stated such....

you claimed she had top secret info on her computer, 2 top secret emails, but once investigated turned out again, NOT TO BE TRUE, intelligence came back and said the info sent to hillary or sent by her was NOT TOP SECRET, and was information out in the public, and intelligence said they did not even have this info they labeled top secret, until days after Hillary's emails....so the inspector general that sent her emails to intelligence to investigate was WRONG in telling the public and in accusing her of something that was simply not true.

I can go on and on and on and on with all the accusations in the right wing media and some liberal media that has all been debunked and proven not true.........

so, I no longer can get excited about the new, daily, right wing claims...

i'll wait, to hear from those who actually are responsible....

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