FBI Expands Criminal Investigation of Hillary

I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.


Are you really deluded enough to believe that you speak for "nearly everyone in the world"?
LOOK!!! a bunch of idiots are here to say it's the server machines at the target of the investigation and not the ones who set it up and the one who ordered it set up, the one responsible for secret data REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT WAS MARKED AS SUCH!!

lol idiots and hypocrites
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

You apparently think very highly of yourself, DocTOR of what??? Suess was even smarter than you.
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

You apparently think very highly of yourself, DocTOR of what??? Suess was even smarter than you.


It's like you can't even help yourselves.

Tell me, do you really think that insulting me will make your claims of speaking for "nearly everyone in the world" less asinine and ridiculous?
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Anyone with a brain knows she's a scumbag but her husband will protect her. Sadly she probably won't even pull out of the election so that a decent candidate could have a chance to run.

Actually I'm looking for the dear leader to pardon her and all associated with her. As crazy as this country seems to be, I'm not sure even that would end her.

Oh Der Fuhrer won't be pardoning her any time soon. He hates the Clintons.

He loves the regressivecrat party more.
I just heard on Fox News that the FBI is looking at statements made by the hildabeast and her reps. The law they are looking at is "Making Materially False Statements" to federal investigators. The law does not require that the statements be made under oath and is the same one used to send Martha Stewart to jail.

Looks like the legal problems for the hildabeast just got exponentially worse.

Your thoughts?

Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

You apparently think very highly of yourself, DocTOR of what??? Suess was even smarter than you.


It's like you can't even help yourselves.

Tell me, do you really think that insulting me will make your claims of speaking for "nearly everyone in the world" less asinine and ridiculous?

First of all you misquoted me. You're insulting enough on your own accord, so I don't need to waste my energy, doctor asinine and ridiculous. Doctor is out, seems like. STFU.
Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look up glutton for punishment on Wiki, your picture is there
Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

You apparently think very highly of yourself, DocTOR of what??? Suess was even smarter than you.


It's like you can't even help yourselves.

Tell me, do you really think that insulting me will make your claims of speaking for "nearly everyone in the world" less asinine and ridiculous?

First of all you misquoted me. You're insulting enough on your own accord, so I don't need to waste my energy, doctor asinine and ridiculous. Doctor is out, seems like. STFU.

he's a complete idiot, but i disagree with your statement also.
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)

The media isn't interested in screwing with the dear leader or his first bitch. At this point they're old news.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Throw the bitch in prison!

Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

You apparently think very highly of yourself, DocTOR of what??? Suess was even smarter than you.


It's like you can't even help yourselves.

Tell me, do you really think that insulting me will make your claims of speaking for "nearly everyone in the world" less asinine and ridiculous?

First of all you misquoted me. You're insulting enough on your own accord, so I don't need to waste my energy, doctor asinine and ridiculous. Doctor is out, seems like. STFU.


I didn't misquote you, clown. But I can that having an adult conversation is too much for you. Have a nice day!
Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look up glutton for punishment on Wiki, your picture is there

Watching you work through your personal delusions is my new favorite hobby on this board. Do you really believe that by claiming victory, you've actually won something?
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)

The media isn't interested in screwing with the dear leader or his first bitch. At this point they're old news.
Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing, what wrong with you, outside of total ignorance and stupidity of course?

"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look up glutton for punishment on Wiki, your picture is there

Watching you work through your personal delusions is my new favorite hobby on this board. Do you really believe that by claiming victory, you've actually won something?

i just witnessed another person recognize you for the clown and nutjob you are; so yea.
Yawn...how many failed investigations have been made against Hillary and her worthless husband without a single recourse. The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Still zero has outcome resulted. Some individuals, it seems, are exempt from punishment even when obviously caught red handed. They must have a front row seat in hell by now.


"The investigations were all valid and proved beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty"

According to who? You?

Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look up glutton for punishment on Wiki, your picture is there

No thank you as I already know what a glutton is, I simply get fed up with some people's bullshit and take a stand. That's not being a glutton, it's not laying down and letting other's run over you. It requires more effort which has now turned into a dirty word, but I was raised to fight and survive. It's easy to quit. That is cowardly.
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)

The media isn't interested in screwing with the dear leader or his first bitch. At this point they're old news.
Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing, what wrong with you, outside of total ignorance and stupidity of course?
Would you use that language about a woman in front of your mother?
Let's see, nearly everyone everywhere in the world, oh, except you, of course. Hello there, Lone Ranger, time to wake up now.

only in the minds of self-deluding left-wing nutjobs

Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


look up glutton for punishment on Wiki, your picture is there

Watching you work through your personal delusions is my new favorite hobby on this board. Do you really believe that by claiming victory, you've actually won something?

i just witnessed another person recognize you for the clown and nutjob you are; so yea.


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