FBI Expands Criminal Investigation of Hillary

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.

Nice admission. In reality he claimed he provided the initiative......and he did.

24 Jun 1986: Albert Gore introduced S 2594 Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986[4]

As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill"[5]) after hearing the 1988 reportToward a National Research Network[6] submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of theARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).[7]

Indeed, Kleinrock would later credit both Gore and the Gore Bill as a critical moment in Internet history:

A second development occurred around this time, namely, then-Senator Al Gore, a strong and knowledgeable proponent of the Internet, promoted legislation that resulted in President George H.W Bush signing the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. This Act allocated $600 million for high performance computing and for the creation of the National Research and Education Network [13–14]. The NREN brought together industry, academia and government in a joint effort to accelerate the development and deployment of gigabit/sec networking.[8]

The bill was passed on Dec. 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII)[9] which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway". President George H. W. Bush predicted that the bill would help "unlock the secrets of DNA," open up foreign markets to free trade, and a promise of cooperation between government, academia, and industry.[10]

Prior to its passage, Gore discussed the basics of the bill in an article for the September 1991 issue of Scientific American entitled Scientific American presents the September 1991 Single Copy Issue: Communications, Computers, and Networks. His essay, "Infrastructure for the Global Village", commented on the lack of network access described above and argued: "Rather than holding back, the U.S. should lead by building the information infrastructure, essential if all Americans are to gain access to this transforming technology"[11] [...] "high speed networks must be built that tie together millions of computers, providing capabilities that we cannot even imagine."[12]

Perhaps one of the most important results of the Gore Bill was the development of Mosaic in 1993.[13][14] This World Wide Web browser is credited by most scholars as beginning the Internet boom of the 1990s:

Gore's legislation also helped fund the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, where a team of programmers, including Netscape founderMarc Andreessen, created the Mosaic Web browser, the commercial Internet's technological springboard. 'If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn't have happened,' Andreessen says of Gore's bill, 'at least, not until years later.'[15]

Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lois Lerner blew up and hid all the disk drives and walked off with golden parachute.

Actually that is subject to change, she has not been charged so there have been no legal proceedings where jeopardy is attached. She could still face charges in a republican administration.
Where's those posters trying to tell me the FBI "looked into this and found nothing"..

FBI are the ones that makes sure the right folks get clearances and that they know their responsibilities.
Tell ya what. Don't need to see her in an orange jumpsuit.. Just revoke ALL her clearances. That way -- she can't serve as Prez...
Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.

Nice admission. In reality he claimed he provided the initiative......and he did.

24 Jun 1986: Albert Gore introduced S 2594 Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986[4]

As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill"[5]) after hearing the 1988 reportToward a National Research Network[6] submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of theARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).[7]

Indeed, Kleinrock would later credit both Gore and the Gore Bill as a critical moment in Internet history:

A second development occurred around this time, namely, then-Senator Al Gore, a strong and knowledgeable proponent of the Internet, promoted legislation that resulted in President George H.W Bush signing the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. This Act allocated $600 million for high performance computing and for the creation of the National Research and Education Network [13–14]. The NREN brought together industry, academia and government in a joint effort to accelerate the development and deployment of gigabit/sec networking.[8]

The bill was passed on Dec. 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII)[9] which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway". President George H. W. Bush predicted that the bill would help "unlock the secrets of DNA," open up foreign markets to free trade, and a promise of cooperation between government, academia, and industry.[10]

Prior to its passage, Gore discussed the basics of the bill in an article for the September 1991 issue of Scientific American entitled Scientific American presents the September 1991 Single Copy Issue: Communications, Computers, and Networks. His essay, "Infrastructure for the Global Village", commented on the lack of network access described above and argued: "Rather than holding back, the U.S. should lead by building the information infrastructure, essential if all Americans are to gain access to this transforming technology"[11] [...] "high speed networks must be built that tie together millions of computers, providing capabilities that we cannot even imagine."[12]

Perhaps one of the most important results of the Gore Bill was the development of Mosaic in 1993.[13][14] This World Wide Web browser is credited by most scholars as beginning the Internet boom of the 1990s:

Gore's legislation also helped fund the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, where a team of programmers, including Netscape founderMarc Andreessen, created the Mosaic Web browser, the commercial Internet's technological springboard. 'If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn't have happened,' Andreessen says of Gore's bill, 'at least, not until years later.'[15]

Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What part of "the Internet existed in 1967" is so difficult for you to grasp?

You're just a dumbass Leftard who thinks Saturday Night Live is a legitimate news agency.
Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

In addition to being and admitted liar you also fail at map reading. Go look up the location of Wasilla, AK Palin's home town its probably 800 miles or more from Russia dimit.

Tell me why the proximity of Alaska to Russia gives the Gov. of the state foreign policy insight.
Last edited:

Yep, that's most likely an accurate description of her face when she got the news. LMAO
Oh yeah she is toast now for sure this time

I wouldn't be surprised if she survived this. That's how fucked up and corrupt our government is.

If she survives it will have nothing to do with the government, it will be the corrupt people who will allow it.

Those people are all in government, or were in government.

Maybe I should have been more specific and said it will be corrupt voters that will allow it. You know, folks like the regressivecrats on this board that will defend her no matter what she does.
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:
Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

In addition to being and admitted liar you also fail at map reading. Go look up the location of Wasilla, AK Palin's home town its probably 800 miles or more from Russia dimit.

Tell my why the proximity of Alaska to Russia gives the Gov. of the state foreign policy insight.
Dumbass Leftard wants to whine about Palin in a thread about Clintons expanding criminal investigation, too funny.

Yep, that's most likely an accurate description of her face when she got the news. LMAO
Oh yeah she is toast now for sure this time

I wouldn't be surprised if she survived this. That's how fucked up and corrupt our government is.

A couple months ago I may have agreed, but it looks like the FBI are dug in like ticks on her ass that's not good.
Yup this is it
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

Neither was/is the IRS...

Pretty simple to me. Either Hillary lied and continues to lie, making her a poor choice to lead as president or she did a bad job of serving as Secretary of State and deserves to lose the presidential race.
Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.

Nice admission. In reality he claimed he provided the initiative......and he did.

24 Jun 1986: Albert Gore introduced S 2594 Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986[4]

As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill"[5]) after hearing the 1988 reportToward a National Research Network[6] submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of theARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).[7]

Indeed, Kleinrock would later credit both Gore and the Gore Bill as a critical moment in Internet history:

A second development occurred around this time, namely, then-Senator Al Gore, a strong and knowledgeable proponent of the Internet, promoted legislation that resulted in President George H.W Bush signing the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. This Act allocated $600 million for high performance computing and for the creation of the National Research and Education Network [13–14]. The NREN brought together industry, academia and government in a joint effort to accelerate the development and deployment of gigabit/sec networking.[8]

The bill was passed on Dec. 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII)[9] which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway". President George H. W. Bush predicted that the bill would help "unlock the secrets of DNA," open up foreign markets to free trade, and a promise of cooperation between government, academia, and industry.[10]

Prior to its passage, Gore discussed the basics of the bill in an article for the September 1991 issue of Scientific American entitled Scientific American presents the September 1991 Single Copy Issue: Communications, Computers, and Networks. His essay, "Infrastructure for the Global Village", commented on the lack of network access described above and argued: "Rather than holding back, the U.S. should lead by building the information infrastructure, essential if all Americans are to gain access to this transforming technology"[11] [...] "high speed networks must be built that tie together millions of computers, providing capabilities that we cannot even imagine."[12]

Perhaps one of the most important results of the Gore Bill was the development of Mosaic in 1993.[13][14] This World Wide Web browser is credited by most scholars as beginning the Internet boom of the 1990s:

Gore's legislation also helped fund the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, where a team of programmers, including Netscape founderMarc Andreessen, created the Mosaic Web browser, the commercial Internet's technological springboard. 'If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn't have happened,' Andreessen says of Gore's bill, 'at least, not until years later.'[15]

Al Gore and information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What part of "the Internet existed in 1967" is so difficult for you to grasp?

You're just a dumbass Leftard who thinks Saturday Night Live is a legitimate news agency.

Isolated networks existed. There was no Internet or World Wide Web.

But thanks again for the colorful adjectives.
Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

In addition to being and admitted liar you also fail at map reading. Go look up the location of Wasilla, AK Palin's home town its probably 800 miles or more from Russia dimit.

Tell my why the proximity of Alaska to Russia gives the Gov. of the state foreign policy insight.
Dumbass Leftard wants to whine about Palin in a thread about Clintons expanding criminal investigation, too funny.

Who brought up the lie about Vice President Gore?

Oh yeah that was you!
The only way to find out what's really going on in America is foreign news agencies now. And Americans know how corrupt American MSM is now, thanks to Al Gore inventing the Internet.

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

Invent is a synonym for create. He said he created it. You can see Russia from parts of Alaska but Gore didn't create the internet.
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)
I thought Hillary was supposed to be in prison months ago. Or is this another case of Republicans riding out bullshit issues like Benghazi to no avail? :dunno:

Didn't know the FBI was associated with any party.

And that post is the winner! You see, this isn't a republican committee sniffing, it is the FBI. Now it doesn't mean that Hillary is in trouble, it just means, they want to CLEAR her of any wrong doing. (how was that for left wing propaganda folks, lol)

On another note, actually 2-)

1. Have we noticed that Democrats now despise police officers, and claim they are racists, etc? (at least many groups do) Do we understand that these public servants have traditionally backed the democrat party? Guess any group can be thrown under the bus.

2. Where is Michelle? Why are we not talking about Michelle? I think we need to have media stick their noses up Barry and Michelles asses, as far as they stuck them up Ben Carsons, and see what they find-) When was the last time there was a divorce in the Whitehouse?!?!?!?!?!-)

1. Police have not "traditionally" supported Democrats. I don't know where you're getting this information from.

2. What is it that you believe we should "talk" about regarding Michelle?

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