FBI Expands Criminal Investigation of Hillary

Did it bother you that you had to use a foreign tabloid to bring us this story?
The only way to find out what's really going on in America is foreign news agencies now. And Americans know how corrupt American MSM is now, thanks to Al Gore inventing the Internet.

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "
and if the FBI uncovers nothing criminal, then what ...

8 more years of whining and several more investigations ... oh, joy.
Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.

You are taking imbecile to a whole new level. I never said Al Gore invented the internet. Because someone somewhere at some time may have told a lie isn't a license for you to lie :laugh:

Did I claim you did? Nope. However you can see who did right above my post.

Funny that you would call me an imbecile.

Thanks again.
The only way to find out what's really going on in America is foreign news agencies now. And Americans know how corrupt American MSM is now, thanks to Al Gore inventing the Internet.

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.
Actually I'm looking for the dear leader to pardon her and all associated with her. As crazy as this country seems to be, I'm not sure even that would end her.

I was thinking BHO would use this as excuse to "stay on"? during appeal? Vast RW consiparcy? tarnish election? Falsely accuse DemWit "top" nominee?

just a thought.
Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.
Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.

Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

No one person or even small group of persons exclusively "invented" the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.

The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of the value of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world. It is certainly true that Gore was popularizing the term "information superhighway" in the early 1990s (although he did not, as is often claimed by others, coin the phrase himself) when few people outside academia or the computer/defense industries had heard of the Internet, and he sponsored legislation that included efforts to establish a national computing plan, to help link universities and libraries via a shared network, and to open the Internet to commercial traffic.

In May 2005, the organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements honored Al Gore with a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet. "He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions," said Vint Cerf.
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Did it bother you that you had to use a foreign tabloid to bring us this story?
The only way to find out what's really going on in America is foreign news agencies now. And Americans know how corrupt American MSM is now, thanks to Al Gore inventing the Internet.

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

Yep, that's most likely an accurate description of her face when she got the news. LMAO
Oh yeah she is toast now for sure this time

I wouldn't be surprised if she survived this. That's how fucked up and corrupt our government is.

A couple months ago I may have agreed, but it looks like the FBI are dug in like ticks on her ass that's not good.
Not good for her, but good for the country.

Yep, that's most likely an accurate description of her face when she got the news. LMAO
Oh yeah she is toast now for sure this time

I wouldn't be surprised if she survived this. That's how fucked up and corrupt our government is.

If she survives it will have nothing to do with the government, it will be the corrupt people who will allow it.

Those people are all in government, or were in government.
Second thread on this. How many more will there be?

Ms. Clinton thanks you for the free publicity. :D
Actually I'm looking for the dear leader to pardon her and all associated with her. As crazy as this country seems to be, I'm not sure even that would end her.

I was thinking BHO would use this as excuse to "stay on"? during appeal? Vast RW consiparcy? tarnish election? Falsely accuse DemWit "top" nominee?

just a thought.

Won't happen, he's gone the day his term expires.
Ms. Clinton thanks you for the free publicity!

Let's see which of the (currently) two threads will win the "most posts" contest.
The only way to find out what's really going on in America is foreign news agencies now. And Americans know how corrupt American MSM is now, thanks to Al Gore inventing the Internet.

Yeah, and we know how informed the GOP is on foreign affairs because Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

He said, and I quote, "During my service in the US Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet . . "

Which is true, and you can see Russia from an Alaskan island.

In addition to being and admitted liar you also fail at map reading. Go look up the location of Wasilla, AK Palin's home town its probably 800 miles or more from Russia dimit.
Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.
Sarah Palin never said that you imbecile.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the internet either. One lie deserves another.

So you admit you were lying, didn't your mother teach you better?

As soon as you admit it is a lie to say that Al Gore made the claim he "invented" the internet.

I just wanted to see what vile responses I would get from the base when I told the same type of snarky, often told lie as Weatherman did. Thanks for your contribution.
Oh sorry, Al Gore said he CREATED the Internet, not invented it.

What a dumbass.

Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

No one person or even small group of persons exclusively "invented" the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.
To his credit, Al Gore has participated in advancing information technology. When he was a senator, he supported funding for NSFNet through the High Performance Computing Act that became law in 1991. He wrote guest columns for Byte magazine that reflected an appreciation of technology. But even his supporters have to say that any notion of having created the Internet is tough to stomach.

According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”

We’ve never found any explanation by Gore as to why he made the claim, but he did have a sense of humor about it. At a meeting of Democratic leaders, he said, ” I was pretty tired when I made that comment because I had been up very late the night before inventing the camcorder.”

Gullible leftard dumbasses.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

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