FBI Fascists

Seems the Vandalism of our Capitol Building was more in kind of fascism, see the link below:

On November 9 to November 10, 1938, in an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,”​
Of course the neo Nazis, White Nationalists, Proud Boy's, Oath Keepers and Trumpanzees only wanted to kill the Vice President and Speaker of the House to over turn the election and break glass doors. I suppose that is something to be laughed at or ignored by the Trumpanzees, et al.
Vandalism is not the topic. How about those vandals in Seattle and Portland? Minneapolis and other Democratic shitholes?
Oathkeepers aren't a notorious gang. They are a group of ex military, serving military, police and first reponders who vow to support the constitution.

Bullshit. They are a bunch of gangbangers who try to masquerade as some sort of respectable group. They are trash, and their knowledge of the actual constitution wouldn't fill the head of a pin. Some of them even attacked Congress in its performance of its duty under the Constitution on Jan. 6. The U.S. seems to be chock-full of criminals thinking that they know everything and are entitled to anything they want. People like the oath-keepers need to be stopped, and jailed if necessary. Despite their inflated sense of importance, they are no different than the crips and the bloods.
I'm saying that Jim Hoft is the stupidest man on the internet next to the people that take him seriously.

Jim Hoft is indeed the Stupidest Man on the Internet. Hannity is the Stupidest Man on TeeVee - but Tucker Carlson gives him a serious run for the money. ;)

So does the NYT and WP, and others too numerous to name. They are proven liars. What did the GP lie about in this story?

I'd be satisfied to see the story on Fox News.

"Gateway Pundit" prints a lot of fake news.

Why get worked up over the story if it isn't true?

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