FBI Fascists

So, you are saying this man was not arrested? Please.

I am saying there is no evidence whatsoever that he was. All we have is the words of a known fake news site that post lies on a regular basis.

Why do you so blindly trust them?
I am saying there is no evidence whatsoever that he was. All we have is the words of a known fake news site that post lies on a regular basis.

Why do you so blindly trust them?
Why would anyone lie about something so easy to check? Have you seen an article saying he was not arrested?
john doe 101
Since when is upholding the constitution becoming a traitor?? Seems you don't know what a traitor is.

I'd say Bidung and his crew are traitors. How bout you. LOL
You obviously don't know what a gang is. I'd bet you backed BLM and Antifa. Now those are domestic terrorist gangs.

The Oath Keepers aren't a gang. Good Lord you are as stupid as I think you are.
You obviously don't know what a gang is. I'd bet you backed BLM and Antifa. Now those are domestic terrorist gangs.

The Oath Keepers aren't a gang. Good Lord you are as stupid as I think you are.
Of course they are a gang. You just buy into their story that they are "upholding the constitution" without even knowing what part of the Constitution they claim to be upholding, and they don't know, either. People claim "it's unconstitutional" all the time without any thought as to what is in the Constitution.
Since when is upholding the constitution becoming a traitor?? Seems you don't know what a traitor is.
I wouldn't say they're "traitors", that word is used far too often.

They can think they're upholding the constitution by violating it. For example, if they break laws because they feel that they're unconstitutional even thought they're wrong.
john doe 101
Since when is upholding the constitution becoming a traitor?? Seems you don't know what a traitor is.

I'd say Bidung and his crew are traitors. How bout you. LOL
They werent upholding the Constitution. The wanna be insurrectionists were wanting to prevent the VP and Congress from upholding their Constitutional duties. Get that through your thick skull, dumbass. You see anyone you know? You in any of these videos? Capitol Violence | Federal Bureau of Investigation
Vandalism is not the topic. How about those vandals in Seattle and Portland? Minneapolis and other Democratic shitholes?
My post was clear, the motivation in both examples were built on hate.

Your response above is ludicrous, you claim vandalism is not the topic, and then use vandalism in the next sentence. Those who use arson and vandalism are not Democrats nor are they Republicans liberals or conservatives; they're anarchists, disaffected people who are dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them or the laws imposed on them.

Those who marched on the Capitol on Jan 6th were seemed to me to be disaffected people, yet willing to enforce the laws for others, but putting themselves above the laws they didn't like.
My post was clear, the motivation in both examples were built on hate.

Your response above is ludicrous, you claim vandalism is not the topic, and then use vandalism in the next sentence. Those who use arson and vandalism are not Democrats nor are they Republicans liberals or conservatives; they're anarchists, disaffected people who are dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them or the laws imposed on them.

Those who marched on the Capitol on Jan 6th were seemed to me to be disaffected people, yet willing to enforce the laws for others, but putting themselves above the laws they didn't like.
The party you support runs on hate. Projection is projection. Go away stupid.
Is there any reliable source for this "news"? BTW: this guy has already admitted to being a member of the oath-keepers gang. Gang-bangers aren't really reliable. We should be happy that the FBI is trying to infiltrate a rather notorious gang.
Lastmender or whatever his name is belongs to the Oath keepers?
The Gateway Pundit prints a lot of fake news.

How do we know this story is true?

Is the story on Fox News?

So you like this one better? I thought so.:rolleyes:

Interesting how all someone has to do to labeled a fascist, racist, communist, traitor or pretty much any other negative thing you can think of by the blind partisans of the world is have an opinion or viewpoint they don’t like.
There is truth, and there are lies. Clearly you have made a choice :(
It's interesting that the animosity directed at the Police is restricted to state an local departments but nobody seems to criticize the feds regardless of their failures and abuses. That indicates political motivation rather than real criticism.
State and local police departments are full of RINOs, whereas many of the Feds are out-and-proud Democrats.

So definitely a political motivation to "defund the police" at the local level, but you've got to look at who's running speed traps on state highways and city streets and collecting fines from routine traffic citations and parking tickets — those aren't usually the Feds pissing people off on a day to day basis with that red-light district bullshit.

But the Feds insist on running a mental health gun control district on top of all that other bullshit from the state and local cops, and that's where they don't make it to heaven.

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