FBI homocide stats show whites murder more as they age

And blacks murder less as they age. While the statistics show blacks murder more than whites at younger ages, there's a major decline in blacks being murderers as they get older. Whereas white-murderers go up as they get older.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Beginning at age 30, white murderers already out number blacks, and in every age bracket from that point on, whites are the murderer more than blacks. Under age 30, blacks are the murderers more than whites.

Beginning at age 30, white murderers already out number blacks, and in every age bracket from that point on, whites are the murderer more than blacks

Considering there are nearly 6 times the number of whites........
Not only that there are nearly 6x the number of whites, but a number of black males who are or might be murderers are already dead or in jail by the time they reach the age of 30.
White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.
"Further, and on a per capita basis your conclusion is clearly in error"

From a post above.

The O.P. tried to perpetrate a common libero-progresso-socialist fraud.

No matter what age...13 percent of the population is Black and they are killing more people that the whole White population which is most of the other 87 per cent.

They try the same trick with: "More Whites are on welfare than Blacks"...without mentioning that there are maybe 250 million whites and only about 49 million Blacks. If 8 percent of Whites are on Welfare and 45 percent of Blacks, there are still more Whites on welfare than Blacks.

A variation of one of these cute Pinhead tricks was tried recently with the "Cops are Killing too many Blacks" embrolio now ongoing.

"28% of the people killed by cops are Black and the Black population is only only 13% of the population".

What does this leave out?

Blacks commit about 50% of the crimes; that is create about 50% of the confrontations which may lead to a cop shooting them...and since only 28 %Blacks are getting killed---it looks like the cops are going easier on Blacks than on others--probably for fear of getting slapped with a charge of racist accompanied by an indictment.
And blacks murder less as they age. While the statistics show blacks murder more than whites at younger ages, there's a major decline in blacks being murderers as they get older. Whereas white-murderers go up as they get older.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Beginning at age 30, white murderers already out number blacks, and in every age bracket from that point on, whites are the murderer more than blacks. Under age 30, blacks are the murderers more than whites.

Um, no they don't. Whites peak at 20 to 24...with every successive age group having a lower number.

And you do realize that whites outnumber blacks about 3 to 1, right? And despite this, there are more black homicides than white.

It was established in another thread that Delta does not agree that, when comparing whites and blacks that considering the proportionate rate is the proper way to compare crime rates.

He considers that to be playing dishonest games with stats in order to bolster our racist obsession with black crime.
The difference rate of decline with murder rates as they age is a very interesting stat. One that bears investigation as to cause.

BU the lie that "whites eventually murder more than blacks" is just a sign of the willful ignorance required to be a modern lib.
White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?
So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

Not if your around blacks as well, you are more likely to be murdered by the black person than the white person.
White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

That number is a very general number. Not all whites have the same risk factors. If I was a member of a white biker gang, in competition with other white bikers, that might be true.

All the whites I hang out with are law abiding middle class harmless citizens.

Any danger I am in, is from random stranger danger.

I'd like to see a break down on numbers for whites from that subset of white.
FBI homocide stats show whites murder more as they age

I don't think there is any evidence that the elderly of any race are out killing homos.
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White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!
White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?
White murders arent a "problem" mainly because whites refuse to see it as one.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.
Actually, black murders almost equal white murders, even though whites outnumber blacks almost 6:1. So where is the real problem?

Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.

Way to not address my point.

Do you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

Off the top of my head, I can think of 8 whites I know who have been victimized by black criminals, often repeatedly.
Depends on who you are. Murders overwhelmingly occur within one's own racial group. So if you're a white person, its whites you need to watch out for.

I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.

Way to not address my point.

Do you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

Off the top of my head, I can think of 8 whites I know who have been victimized by black criminals, often repeatedly.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that 90% of whites are not attacked by other whites. That just means that you fear blacks more despite the facts showing the opposite.

Who's fault is it?
I'm white. I hang out with mostly whites. The one time in my adult life I have been the victim of a violent crime the criminals were black.

Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.

Way to not address my point.

Do you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

Off the top of my head, I can think of 8 whites I know who have been victimized by black criminals, often repeatedly.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that 90% of whites are not attacked by other whites. That just means that you fear blacks more despite the facts showing the opposite.

Who's fault is it?

If documented studies don't fit with your observed surroundings, do you dismiss the evidence of your own eyes?

Do you know any whites that have been victimized by black criminals?

NOT family members, people at work, friends, friends of friends, you can answer yes or no, or give numbers.
Oh well, there goes research and data. One time!!

Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.

Way to not address my point.

Do you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

Off the top of my head, I can think of 8 whites I know who have been victimized by black criminals, often repeatedly.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that 90% of whites are not attacked by other whites. That just means that you fear blacks more despite the facts showing the opposite.

Who's fault is it?

If documented studies don't fit with your observed surroundings, do you dismiss the evidence of your own eyes?

No but fear will make you ignore facts. Facts like whites attack whites 90% of the time.

Let me guess, you've eyewitnessed more crimes than crime statisticians? No? oh right, thats that fear I was talking about

Do you know any whites that have been victimized by black criminals?

No dumbass

NOT family members, people at work, friends, friends of friends, you can answer yes or no, or give numbers.

No, never heard of it. Why?
Stats are good. But reality shows that whites do have to worry about black criminals.

DO you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

What about yourself?

Worrying isnt validated in anything. You are responsible for what you worry about.

Way to not address my point.

Do you know any whites who have been victimized by black criminals?

Off the top of my head, I can think of 8 whites I know who have been victimized by black criminals, often repeatedly.

Yes, but that doesnt mean that 90% of whites are not attacked by other whites. That just means that you fear blacks more despite the facts showing the opposite.

Who's fault is it?

If documented studies don't fit with your observed surroundings, do you dismiss the evidence of your own eyes?

No but fear will make you ignore facts. Facts like whites attack whites 90% of the time.

Let me guess, you've eyewitnessed more crimes than crime statisticians? No? oh right, thats that fear I was talking about

Do you know any whites that have been victimized by black criminals?

No dumbass

NOT family members, people at work, friends, friends of friends, you can answer yes or no, or give numbers.

No, never heard of it. Why?

The 90% number is a very general number. All whites are not the same. I am not a white who lives in a trailer park and likes to smoke meth with my mostly white friends and steals from them to support my habit. I am not a white pot dealer. I am not a white member of a biker gang.

Almost all of my friends and associates are harmless middle class whites, just like me.

As they are not a danger to me, I am not a danger to them.

Where does our danger come from? Stranger danger. Random crime on the streets.

THe one time I was attacked on the street, the criminals were black.

The time I was in a bar and the one woman my and my buddy were drinking with, the guy that tried to take her purse, was black.

When my two friends had to pull guns on groups of young threatening men during the Rodney King riots, the attackers/would be attackers were all black.

Fear is the rational response to random danger.

It's interesting that you feel a need to insult me.

By the way, you are very lucky to not even know someone who has been hurt by violent black crime. You and your friends should feel blessed.

Do you live in a gated community? New England?

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