FBI Investigating Susan Collins

Something is amiss with her 2020 campaign.

Time to distract from the audit? The KGB formerly know as the FBI are following their fascist overloads orders. It does not matter if a crimewas comitted they will make something up. Plus, she is a RINO so nobody cares.
Was it the RUSSIANS????!!!!!1 :tinfoil:

Get Michael Steele on the line immediately!!!!!!!!

Something is amiss with her 2020 campaign.

You do realize if anyone tried to finance her, it would be a liberal donor. *L*
She is one of the moles Dems finance to spoil assumed partyline voting.

Highly doubtful - they were running what they thought was a serious contender in that race. If anyone was financing her it was a Republican because they didn't want her seat going to a Dem.
What's happening: A recently unsealed search warrant application shows the FBI believes a Hawaii defense contractor illegally funneled $150,000 to a pro-Collins super PAC and reimbursed donations to Collins' campaign. There's no indication that Collins or her team were aware of any of it.

Where's this mysterious unsealed warrant?

Where's the indicatiion that Susan Collins was involved?

LMAO @ the stupid shit Lefitist are so gullible to fall for.

This is a distraction story from the vote audit with the Left's favorite traitor Susan Collins.
What's happening: A recently unsealed search warrant application shows the FBI believes a Hawaii defense contractor illegally funneled $150,000 to a pro-Collins super PAC and reimbursed donations to Collins' campaign. There's no indication that Collins or her team were aware of any of it.
In other words, another distorted claim. Thanks for that clarification.
The FBI is the police arm of the democrat party...so I'm not surprised that she is under investigation....there will be more republicans that will hear from the FBI...that's what the FBI does now...investigate republicans...this is good old 3rd world banana republic socialist political retribution....at its best....

We tried to warn you GOP but you wouldn't listen....you should have had Trump's back now its too late.....you don't even protect your own voters from the democrat judicial enterprise in DC...
How is this "Breaking News"?

There is no link to this mysterious "unsealed warrant"

There is no link that Susan Colins or her team was aware of any of this?

Why am I the only one defending this Leftist bitch?

This thread belongs under Conspiracy Theories or a Fake News category.
What's happening: A recently unsealed search warrant application shows the FBI believes a Hawaii defense contractor illegally funneled $150,000 to a pro-Collins super PAC and reimbursed donations to Collins' campaign. There's no indication that Collins or her team were aware of any of it.
In other words, another distorted claim. Thanks for that clarification.
The distortion was that of the OP. The thread title does not match the article title. Now who would thought a liberal would lie?


Hint: Do not expect much, if anything at all in the way of honesty from Synthaholic . He emulates his avatar, the lying bitch Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, the anti-American Muslim Squad Leader.

Birds of a feather lie together.
Something is amiss with her 2020 campaign.

You do realize if anyone tried to finance her, it would be a liberal donor. *L*
She is one of the moles Dems finance to spoil assumed partyline voting.

That doesn't follow.

The company is a defense contractor. They would be neither liberal or conservative. They are simply a Hawwiian based defense contractor interested in Collin's reelection because she supports their company. Their interest is a contract.

Just as well, businesses will donate to both Democrat and Repub campaigns. They do so because their interest is specific, seeing that specific legislation that is favorable to their business is enacted. Their interest is in candidates that have a history of voting for such legislation.

Their agenda is $. Why would it be otherwise?

Collins has been supportive of this contractor in the past. Naturally, they would prefer she was reelected. There is nothing in the article that suggests they even told anyone what they were up to. Why would they need to?

Your point doesn't follow.
Something is amiss with her 2020 campaign.

You do realize if anyone tried to finance her, it would be a liberal donor. *L*
She is one of the moles Dems finance to spoil assumed partyline voting.

Highly doubtful - they were running what they thought was a serious contender in that race. If anyone was financing her it was a Republican because they didn't want her seat going to a Dem.

Any seat going Dem is a disaster for the Country.
The distortion was that of the OP. The thread title does not match the article title. Now who would thought a liberal would lie?


Hint: Do not expect much, if anything at all in the way of honesty from Synthaholic . He emulates his avatar, the lying bitch Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, the anti-American Muslim Squad Leader.

Birds of a feather lie together.
The OP is a LEFTIST LIAR ......

Say it isn't so!

What clued you in?

The distortion was that of the OP. The thread title does not match the article title. Now who would thought a liberal would lie?


Hint: Do not expect much, if anything at all in the way of honesty from Synthaholic . He emulates his avatar, the lying bitch Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, the anti-American Muslim Squad Leader.

Birds of a feather lie together.
The OP is a LEFTIST LIAR ......

Say it isn't so!

What clued you in?

Anyone who has a Pic of Omar on their Avatar is a liar. Proven fact.
Something is amiss with her 2020 campaign.

You do realize if anyone tried to finance her, it would be a liberal donor. *L*
She is one of the moles Dems finance to spoil assumed partyline voting.

That doesn't follow.

The company is a defense contractor. They would be neither liberal or conservative. They are simply a Hawwiian based defense contractor interested in Collin's reelection because she supports their company. Their interest is a contract.

Just as well, businesses will donate to both Democrat and Repub campaigns. They do so because their interest is specific, seeing that specific legislation that is favorable to their business is enacted. Their interest is in candidates that have a history of voting for such legislation.

Their agenda is $. Why would it be otherwise?

Collins has been supportive of this contractor in the past. Naturally, they would prefer she was reelected. There is nothing in the article that suggests they even told anyone what they were up to. Why would they need to?

Your point doesn't follow.

Well in that case with further information the double standard does not follow.
How come Adam Schiff can take campaign money for the very same thing and not get investigated?
Schiff's main donor is a Ukraine arms dealer in his district that got equipment deals with the Ukraine, due to Adams lobbying sudden interest in financing Ukraine arms deals. Basically our tax dollars went to Adam's campaign which his corruption lead to America being preoccupied with covering up Adam's corruption with the impeachment trial of the very thing Adam and Biden himself did, and the result was our country being to busy to prepare for the pandemic. Adam's corruption lead to death and that pandemic also lead to the carnage we see today.
So while everyone is focused on Schiff's invisible whistleblower, they forgot to ask why he was being so distracting and dishonest, as in what was his motivation (=smokescreen/deflective tactic)

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