FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

The GOP doesn't care because they are getting a new judge come this weekend.
Exactly. They don't care, because they needed to rush the vote for the lifetime appointment before the midterms. Thank you, captain obvious .

What rush? He was nominated by Trump in July. Today is October.
Playing stupid only seves to make you look stupid. It's not a secret, big guy. You can stop fighting that battle, now.
The GOP doesn't care because they are getting a new judge come this weekend.
Exactly. They don't care, because they needed to rush the vote for the lifetime appointment before the midterms. Thank you, captain obvious .

What rush? He was nominated by Trump in July. Today is October.
Playing stupid only seves to make you look stupid. It's not a secret, big guy. You can stop fighting that battle, now.

It must be a secret to you, because apparently you didn't know if you think they are rushing it.
The GOP doesn't care because they are getting a new judge come this weekend.
Exactly. They don't care, because they needed to rush the vote for the lifetime appointment before the midterms. Thank you, captain obvious .

What rush? He was nominated by Trump in July. Today is October.
Playing stupid only seves to make you look stupid. It's not a secret, big guy. You can stop fighting that battle, now.
Actually I have a masters in history with a concentration on 20th century,

Yet you have less actual knowledge of history than my dogs do,

while you have read a book that everyone outside your bubble of BS says is total drivel.

What makes you think I have read Al Gore's book, retard?

Hitler loved corporate Aristocrats and Aristocrats in general and allowed people to hold on to their corporations unless they were Jewish or made trouble, and allowed plenty of capitalism and small business of all kinds in the country, dumbass.


You're far too stupid to pull off such stupid lies.The Third Reich loaded the board of directors of the national corporations - because they were already nationalized under Hindenburg,which you have never heard of, but was the man in charge prior to Hitlers election. You of course didn't know Hitler was elected either, because you are fucking retard who spews talking points from Think Hatred and actually hasn't a hint of a clue about history.

The National Industries including the Reichbank were stuffed with Nazi thugs and sympathizers. As William Shirer (who you have never heard of) wrote;

{Like Schacht during the 1930s, Ludwig Erhard, the economic director of the western occupation zones, was hailed as a miracle maker. The truth was more prosaic. Erhard, a future chancellor of West Germany, was an ambiguous figure. He had refused to join any Nazi party organizations and was connected to the German resistance. But Erhard had accepted funds from the Reichsgruppe Industrie, the organization of German industrialists, including IG Farben, that supported Hitler. He was awarded the war service cross for his work on economics. By 1943 Erhard’s work had come to the attention of the German bankers and industrialists who realized that the war was lost. They formed two groups to prepare for the future and ensure their continuing economic power in the postwar world: the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs, composed of financiers and industrialists, and the Small Working Group, composed solely of industrialists, including Hermann Schmitz, the CEO of IG Farben and BIS director. Erhard was the connection between the two groups.} - Shirer, "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"

For the Socialist Reich, there was no distinction between the state and the corporations. Farben was an extension of Hitler, Erhard a functionary of the Reich.

You're a liar and a fraud, as everyone here knows. You have a stake in the fiction that the Nazi Reich is somehow different than every other totalitarian command economy, so you pretend to knowledge you clearly lack.

The answer to the question of whether the democrats are Nazis, or if the democrats are Communists is a resounding "YES."
WSJ is already reporting that Kavanaugh has been cleared:

White House Finds No Corroboration of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Kavanaugh in FBI Report

Extry Extry, whitehouse finds nothing because they didnt investigate.



Ford (18 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED

Ramirez (20 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED


Swetnick (1 sworn corroborating witness): IGNORED

Accuser 4: IGNORED

Shit fer brains Nazi, didn't Ford and Kavanaugh just get interviewed by the Senate? What good would it do to interview them again for the Senate? Do you think they will perjure themselves?

Extra Extra, Nazi fucks desperate to delay confirmation in hopes of taking the Senate spew moronic lies on USMB....
I believe he will be confirmed. There has been no evidence presented by any accuser that can stop this from being done. The communists have shown to all Americans how a rat like and despicable group of people they are that will do anything, destroy anyone (and kill) to get power. The true face of evil has been shown to America and even some Democrats are dismayed to see that they have been lied to as well. Retribution in the form of a red tide is coming!

Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.
I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.

It's 1928, White men are the new Jews, and the democrats are the Nazi party. WAKE THE FUCK UP America.

Not a single Nazicrat should win an election in this nation, after what these vile piles of shit did with the Kavanaugh confirmation. democrats ARE Nazis, they ARE enemies of America, they DO seek to end civil rights for Americans.
He has more qualification and more opinions then any on the Supreme Court in a long time very few of his opinions as a judge have been overturned by higher courts.
And yet the ABA has rescinded its endorsement. I guess they need an expert like you on board...heh heh
I guess everyone needs a partisan hack like you to explain everything.
That's adorable. Yet still, the ABA has rescinded its endorsement.
That was before the Democrats decided to kill the #me too movement. And there are mostly liberal judges that are the head of the ABA. So all in all not surprising what crazies will do to further their agenda.
And yet the ABA at first endorsed Kavanaugh. Then, they rescinded their endorsement. So,let's review:

When you agree with the ABA, they are experts. When they don't, they are liberals (code for: smarter than you).

You're fucking lying, Nazi.

Unbelievable! ABA Does Stand Behind Kavanaugh After All, Yale Doesn't

That's all you fucking Nazi scum do, lie.
I believe he will be confirmed. There has been no evidence presented by any accuser that can stop this from being done. The communists have shown to all Americans how a rat like and despicable group of people they are that will do anything, destroy anyone (and kill) to get power. The true face of evil has been shown to America and even some Democrats are dismayed to see that they have been lied to as well. Retribution in the form of a red tide is coming!

Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.

Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Actually I have a masters in history with a concentration on 20th century,

Yet you have less actual knowledge of history than my dogs do,

while you have read a book that everyone outside your bubble of BS says is total drivel.

What makes you think I have read Al Gore's book, retard?

Hitler loved corporate Aristocrats and Aristocrats in general and allowed people to hold on to their corporations unless they were Jewish or made trouble, and allowed plenty of capitalism and small business of all kinds in the country, dumbass.


You're far too stupid to pull off such stupid lies.The Third Reich loaded the board of directors of the national corporations - because they were already nationalized under Hindenburg,which you have never heard of, but was the man in charge prior to Hitlers election. You of course didn't know Hitler was elected either, because you are fucking retard who spews talking points from Think Hatred and actually hasn't a hint of a clue about history.

The National Industries including the Reichbank were stuffed with Nazi thugs and sympathizers. As William Shirer (who you have never heard of) wrote;

{Like Schacht during the 1930s, Ludwig Erhard, the economic director of the western occupation zones, was hailed as a miracle maker. The truth was more prosaic. Erhard, a future chancellor of West Germany, was an ambiguous figure. He had refused to join any Nazi party organizations and was connected to the German resistance. But Erhard had accepted funds from the Reichsgruppe Industrie, the organization of German industrialists, including IG Farben, that supported Hitler. He was awarded the war service cross for his work on economics. By 1943 Erhard’s work had come to the attention of the German bankers and industrialists who realized that the war was lost. They formed two groups to prepare for the future and ensure their continuing economic power in the postwar world: the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs, composed of financiers and industrialists, and the Small Working Group, composed solely of industrialists, including Hermann Schmitz, the CEO of IG Farben and BIS director. Erhard was the connection between the two groups.} - Shirer, "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"

For the Socialist Reich, there was no distinction between the state and the corporations. Farben was an extension of Hitler, Erhard a functionary of the Reich.

You're a liar and a fraud, as everyone here knows. You have a stake in the fiction that the Nazi Reich is somehow different than every other totalitarian command economy, so you pretend to knowledge you clearly lack.

The answer to the question of whether the democrats are Nazis, or if the democrats are Communists is a resounding "YES."
Of course I've heard of Hindenburg and the Germany he presided over was pretty liberal and pretty socialist and there were no Nazi Thugs on corporate boards under him. Hitler was not elected but appointed by Hindenburg, a******. They didn't need thugs on the boards, but they did get rid of Jews and anyone opposed. You are full of crap on history as well as politics.
I believe he will be confirmed. There has been no evidence presented by any accuser that can stop this from being done. The communists have shown to all Americans how a rat like and despicable group of people they are that will do anything, destroy anyone (and kill) to get power. The true face of evil has been shown to America and even some Democrats are dismayed to see that they have been lied to as well. Retribution in the form of a red tide is coming!

Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.

Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.
I never said that I agreed or disagreed with the ABA.
You didn't have to, numbnuts. Your reflexive, whiny insults conveyed that.

Yet, it remains a fact that you're a fucking liar, Nazi.

You Nazi motherfuckers spew all kinds of lies to slander and libel decent people.
By calling Democrats Nazis you immediately make yourself a social outlier LOL. Absolutely idiocy. They were right wing racist assholes like the worst right-wing here. The book liberal fascism is total garbage everywhere in the world but dupe country.
Actually I have a masters in history with a concentration on 20th century,

Yet you have less actual knowledge of history than my dogs do,

while you have read a book that everyone outside your bubble of BS says is total drivel.

What makes you think I have read Al Gore's book, retard?

Hitler loved corporate Aristocrats and Aristocrats in general and allowed people to hold on to their corporations unless they were Jewish or made trouble, and allowed plenty of capitalism and small business of all kinds in the country, dumbass.


You're far too stupid to pull off such stupid lies.The Third Reich loaded the board of directors of the national corporations - because they were already nationalized under Hindenburg,which you have never heard of, but was the man in charge prior to Hitlers election. You of course didn't know Hitler was elected either, because you are fucking retard who spews talking points from Think Hatred and actually hasn't a hint of a clue about history.

The National Industries including the Reichbank were stuffed with Nazi thugs and sympathizers. As William Shirer (who you have never heard of) wrote;

{Like Schacht during the 1930s, Ludwig Erhard, the economic director of the western occupation zones, was hailed as a miracle maker. The truth was more prosaic. Erhard, a future chancellor of West Germany, was an ambiguous figure. He had refused to join any Nazi party organizations and was connected to the German resistance. But Erhard had accepted funds from the Reichsgruppe Industrie, the organization of German industrialists, including IG Farben, that supported Hitler. He was awarded the war service cross for his work on economics. By 1943 Erhard’s work had come to the attention of the German bankers and industrialists who realized that the war was lost. They formed two groups to prepare for the future and ensure their continuing economic power in the postwar world: the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs, composed of financiers and industrialists, and the Small Working Group, composed solely of industrialists, including Hermann Schmitz, the CEO of IG Farben and BIS director. Erhard was the connection between the two groups.} - Shirer, "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"

For the Socialist Reich, there was no distinction between the state and the corporations. Farben was an extension of Hitler, Erhard a functionary of the Reich.

You're a liar and a fraud, as everyone here knows. You have a stake in the fiction that the Nazi Reich is somehow different than every other totalitarian command economy, so you pretend to knowledge you clearly lack.

The answer to the question of whether the democrats are Nazis, or if the democrats are Communists is a resounding "YES."
Of course I've heard of Hindenburg and the Germany he presided over was pretty liberal and pretty socialist and there were no Nazi Thugs on corporate boards under him. Hitler was not elected but appointed by Hindenburg, a******. They didn't need thugs on the boards, but they did get rid of Jews and anyone opposed. You are full of crap on history as well as politics.

You are a fucking retard.

Facts bounce off your ignorance.

Read a book for once in your life, Nazi.

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