FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

You are a fucking retard.

Facts bounce off your ignorance.

Read a book for once in your life, Nazi.
You have no argument everything I said is true. God you are full of s***.

Actually Nazi, I've provided a great deal of well researched and cited material.

You have responded with your usual "nuhn Uhn."

You're a moron, Nazi.

When your filthy Nazi party decided to end due process, the rights of the accused, and the presumption of innocence, you gambled a great deal, Now you pay the price for your failure, Nazi fuck. You tired to end justice and freedom, but fell short.
the party in the United States that is scary like the Nazis is the new b******* GOP. You have the only gigantic BS hate character assassination propaganda machine ever in our history and live on another planet, just like the Nazis in in Germany. Read Wikipedia or history book.

Sure Nazi.

It was the GOP that just spent weeks demanding there be no presumption of innocence, no due process, no rights for the accused. It is the GOP and their vile, Nazi press who spent weeks with slander and lies attempting to destroy a man based on absolutely fucking nothing because they feared he would hold the wrong views on abortion.

Sure, you fucking Nazi pig.
Times up. Women know what you did. And men who are not brainwashed. You're calling calling Ford a liar...

Ford is a liar. Do you want specifics?
Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Hillary took money from Banks to speak and her policies stayed the same, anti-big Bank. Every crime of Hillary's is totally imaginary. Your media is a disgrace and so are you.

Hillary was not in the position to make policies. She took bribe money in the event she became President and her party behind her.

Right. All investigated nothing like it. SoSo you are a conspiracy Nut Job.
I believe he will be confirmed. There has been no evidence presented by any accuser that can stop this from being done. The communists have shown to all Americans how a rat like and despicable group of people they are that will do anything, destroy anyone (and kill) to get power. The true face of evil has been shown to America and even some Democrats are dismayed to see that they have been lied to as well. Retribution in the form of a red tide is coming!

Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.

Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.

Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...


Koch Brothers' Budget of $889 Million for 2016 Is on Par With Both Parties' Spending
The New York Times

Jan 26, 2015 · These donors represent the largest concentration of political money ... “It's no wonder the candidates show up when the Koch brothers call,” said ...

You really should read newspapers websites Google News Yahoo news have articles from everyone about everything.
Confirmation is a done deal, they have the votes. It will be a paltry 50 - 49, but confirmed he will be.

{The wait is over. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of the key votes in this fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has made her decision. She had lunch with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today. McConnell said he was "optimistic" about this vote. Collins took to the Senate floor to announce that she’s voting Brett Kavanaugh.}
Sen. Collins Announces She's Voting To Confirm Kavanaugh

Any forum Nazicrats who cannot live with this are free to take the other option.

Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...
You have no argument everything I said is true. God you are full of s***.

Actually Nazi, I've provided a great deal of well researched and cited material.

You have responded with your usual "nuhn Uhn."

You're a moron, Nazi.

When your filthy Nazi party decided to end due process, the rights of the accused, and the presumption of innocence, you gambled a great deal, Now you pay the price for your failure, Nazi fuck. You tired to end justice and freedom, but fell short.
the party in the United States that is scary like the Nazis is the new b******* GOP. You have the only gigantic BS hate character assassination propaganda machine ever in our history and live on another planet, just like the Nazis in in Germany. Read Wikipedia or history book.

Sure Nazi.

It was the GOP that just spent weeks demanding there be no presumption of innocence, no due process, no rights for the accused. It is the GOP and their vile, Nazi press who spent weeks with slander and lies attempting to destroy a man based on absolutely fucking nothing because they feared he would hold the wrong views on abortion.

Sure, you fucking Nazi pig.
Times up. Women know what you did. And men who are not brainwashed. You're calling calling Ford a liar...

Ford is a liar. Do you want specifics?
Absolutely. All stupid gossip... Victims remember the ACT not how they got there etcetera etcetera
Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...

LOL! How much are the Koch brothers spending in 2018? BTW, give us a little breakdown on what leftards are running on...like higher taxes, open borders and the elimination of cheaper energy costs due to (snicker) "Climate Change", ya dupe.
He has more qualification and more opinions then any on the Supreme Court in a long time very few of his opinions as a judge have been overturned by higher courts.
And many of his opinions are illogical, hyper-partisan and corporate friendly. He thinks OSHA doesn't have the authority to regulate workplace safety. He consistently violated judicial standards. And he's the most partisan homer ever nominated to the Supreme Court.

The fact remains that partisans on both sides are not looking at who can do the job and the qualifications they are only looking at if the person will advance what they deem as their agenda.
Well, I agree with you there.

The Democrats had already said no before a canadate was even named.
At least they participated in the Hearing, something Merrick Garland never received from Senate republicans.

They spent time reviewing more information then any of the current judges combined and could find nothing.
Because the information that could produce something, was never sought by republican committee members, the FBI or the WH.

They tried to demand paperwork from when he worked with Bush even though that had nothing to do with his decisions as a judge.
How do you know that, if those documents were never released?

They constantly questioned him. They kept the stall tactics up until they had no choice but to weaponize the #me to movement, to the detriment of that movement.
Don't talk to me about stall tactics after what POS McConnell did to Merrick Garland.
We've been doing that for over a week now. She has no evidence to support her claim. All so called witnesses said it didn't happen.

This would be laughed out of a courtroom
There were over 20 witnesses wanting to come forward with their testimony, but Senate republicans, the FBI and the WH was not interested in speaking to them.
Yes, he's a Republican, and a constitutional Republican at that. That's what you on the left are really upset about. The left hates the Constitution.
You're so full of shit. He believes in unchecked Presidential power. He thinks the Nixon ruling was wrong. That's not someone who supports the Constitution.
Yes, he's a Republican, and a constitutional Republican at that. That's what you on the left are really upset about. The left hates the Constitution.
You're so full of shit. He believes in unchecked Presidential power. He thinks the Nixon ruling was wrong. That's not someone who supports the Constitution.

No, he never believed that. What he believes is that a sitting President can't be indicted while in office. He believes that the impeachment and removal process (which is outlined in the Constitution) is how the people deal with a tyrannical President. Afterwards that President can face charges if need be.

If the founders believed that a President should be treated like any other criminal and there was no impeachment process, then think of what would happen to every President with an opposing House and Senate?
He has more qualification and more opinions then any on the Supreme Court in a long time very few of his opinions as a judge have been overturned by higher courts.
And many of his opinions are illogical, hyper-partisan and corporate friendly. He thinks OSHA doesn't have the authority to regulate workplace safety. He consistently violated judicial standards. And he's the most partisan homer ever nominated to the Supreme Court.

The fact remains that partisans on both sides are not looking at who can do the job and the qualifications they are only looking at if the person will advance what they deem as their agenda.
Well, I agree with you there.

The Democrats had already said no before a canadate was even named.
At least they participated in the Hearing, something Merrick Garland never received from Senate republicans.

They spent time reviewing more information then any of the current judges combined and could find nothing.
Because the information that could produce something, was never sought by republican committee members, the FBI or the WH.

They tried to demand paperwork from when he worked with Bush even though that had nothing to do with his decisions as a judge.
How do you know that, if those documents were never released?

They constantly questioned him. They kept the stall tactics up until they had no choice but to weaponize the #me to movement, to the detriment of that movement.
Don't talk to me about stall tactics after what POS McConnell did to Merrick Garland.
First of all I am talking being overturned by a higher court. If they were illogical or hyper partisan as you claim then a higher court would have over turned them. Or do you think that no other court can review and over turn? Not even you can be that stupid.

You don't like the way Garland was treated? Look to the Democrat party for the reasoning behind that. Or do I need to point that out for you? Why did 44 never withdraw the nomination and nominate someone that would pass?

All the documents that were sought were from rulings that were known by everyone, even the Democrats. The Democrats never read them, they just wanted more paper churned out so it would take longer. Anybody with a room temperature IQ knew enough about the rulings to realize what it was.

Because he was not making rulings. Basicly he was filing others rulings.

Once again if you did not like the way Garland was treated blame your party or nominate someone that would pass. I did not see anyone dragging Garland through the mud. Trying to assassinate thier character or dragging young children through the filth. I did not see hordes of crazy rights haranguing Senators.
We've been doing that for over a week now. She has no evidence to support her claim. All so called witnesses said it didn't happen.

This would be laughed out of a courtroom
There were over 20 witnesses wanting to come forward with their testimony, but Senate republicans, the FBI and the WH was not interested in speaking to them.

What they really wanted was to keep stalling as long as possible. Any one of those so-called 20 witnesses would have been welcomed by the MSM if they had a claim. The problem is that there weren't 20 witnesses to anything.

This investigation was not (and never was) about if Kav drank in college or if in fun, pulled down his pants at a private party. That was the new mantra created by the left once they realized their original plan was a complete flop.

In other words, the FBI isn't an agency that tracks down phony claims unless it has something to do with legality.
Actually Nazi, I've provided a great deal of well researched and cited material.

You have responded with your usual "nuhn Uhn."

You're a moron, Nazi.

When your filthy Nazi party decided to end due process, the rights of the accused, and the presumption of innocence, you gambled a great deal, Now you pay the price for your failure, Nazi fuck. You tired to end justice and freedom, but fell short.
the party in the United States that is scary like the Nazis is the new b******* GOP. You have the only gigantic BS hate character assassination propaganda machine ever in our history and live on another planet, just like the Nazis in in Germany. Read Wikipedia or history book.

Sure Nazi.

It was the GOP that just spent weeks demanding there be no presumption of innocence, no due process, no rights for the accused. It is the GOP and their vile, Nazi press who spent weeks with slander and lies attempting to destroy a man based on absolutely fucking nothing because they feared he would hold the wrong views on abortion.

Sure, you fucking Nazi pig.
Times up. Women know what you did. And men who are not brainwashed. You're calling calling Ford a liar...

Ford is a liar. Do you want specifics?
Absolutely. All stupid gossip... Victims remember the ACT not how they got there etcetera etcetera

Answer these questions:

Did Ford's attorney not say that the reason she could not appear at the Senate hearing scheduled on Monday was because her client was deathly afraid to fly, and that she would have to drive across the entire country to get there?

When asked how she arrived in Washington, how did Ford respond?

See, that's one lie right there.
Yep, they have a defector that guarantees the confirmation:

Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.

The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...

Right, and the left is not. Try doing some real work next time I ask you a question:

It turns out the 'Evil' Koch Bros. are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Can you guess who is number one?

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