FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

the party in the United States that is scary like the Nazis is the new b******* GOP. You have the only gigantic BS hate character assassination propaganda machine ever in our history and live on another planet, just like the Nazis in in Germany. Read Wikipedia or history book.

Sure Nazi.

It was the GOP that just spent weeks demanding there be no presumption of innocence, no due process, no rights for the accused. It is the GOP and their vile, Nazi press who spent weeks with slander and lies attempting to destroy a man based on absolutely fucking nothing because they feared he would hold the wrong views on abortion.

Sure, you fucking Nazi pig.
Times up. Women know what you did. And men who are not brainwashed. You're calling calling Ford a liar...

Ford is a liar. Do you want specifics?
Absolutely. All stupid gossip... Victims remember the ACT not how they got there etcetera etcetera

Answer these questions:

Did Ford's attorney not say that the reason she could not appear at the Senate hearing scheduled on Monday was because her client was deathly afraid to fly, and that she would have to drive across the entire country to get there?

When asked how she arrived in Washington, how did Ford respond?

See, that's one lie right there.
When Ford's lawyers asked for a week for Ford to drive across the country in FACT!!!!!! Ford was already staying with family in Delaware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did Ford get to Delaware? She FLEW first class!
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

Unknown 11.35.09 PM.jpeg
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?
why doesn't Dr Ford file charges against Dr Kavanaugh if she's so confident. filing charges rings a bell that cannot be unrung
Times up. Women know what you did. And men who are not brainwashed. You're calling calling Ford a liar...


No one is fooled Nazi.

You vile pigs pulled the Heinreich Himmler treatment on Justice Kavanaugh because you thought he might oppose your evil religion of abortion.

Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
the leaks need to stop. "They did it so we can" is why we're in this shitbag we have today.

I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.
i do care. if you play by their rules, you validate them. then we get to push it even further and rinse, repeat.

the "revenge politics" needs to die.

Well, we may agree on policy, but I diagree on method.

Tired of playing by the rules and losing.

Play by the rules and let Dems take over the country? Not for me.
no sense in winning, to me, if you become the very thing you hate along the way.

as for taking over the country - the country elected trump. the right has control more or less and if you do the right things for the right reasons, it will come back to you. if you do what people are tired of seeing, then you'd be hard pressed to show a difference to the voters in why you're side/mindset is better than the "other side" when you've made your side the "the same".

you simply can't win by losing everything you really value along the way. we say to the left, the end justifies the means and it's wrong. then we decide to do it too?

gonna pass on that option.

And what great about conservatives is that we can respectfully disagree.

I disagree with you, but please get out and vote and support your conservative elected officials.
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

Comrade Nazi, do you think that you vile pigs will win the house now? After your Heinreich Himmler show, you have motivated all decent people to vote against you.

America must ask itself, "is this the America you want?" A place where a person can be savagely attacked by a dishonest and unethical press for holding views opposed by the Nazicrat party? A nation where one is guilty until proven innocent. Where an accusation, no matter how flimsy and lacking in evidence is guilty. Women know that their brothers, husbands and sons can be falsely accused and the accusation is guilt.

In your fear of losing the infant sacrifice that means more to you than anything else, you exposed yourself to the nation as what you are. What you are is Nazis, the mask is off.

In order to gain control of the house, you Nazis must flip 34 seats. While you will gain, I don't see you flipping that many seats now.

Your vision for America is deeply understood now. Decent people are motivated to stop you - never again - and many who would have voted for you have reevaluated what a vote for the Nazi democrats actually means. Anyone with a son, brother, or husband that they love cannot hand you Nazi scum power.
We've been doing that for over a week now. She has no evidence to support her claim. All so called witnesses said it didn't happen.

This would be laughed out of a courtroom
There were over 20 witnesses wanting to come forward with their testimony, but Senate republicans, the FBI and the WH was not interested in speaking to them.

Then file a criminal case, Comrade Nazi.

This smear was/is/always will be about abortion. Ford was hired because the Nazicrats felt that abortion is threatened. Justice Kavanaugh supports the United States Constitution. You Nazis know that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional, it is law illegally crafted by an activist court which declared itself a super-legislative body with dictatorial power to simply declare law. Any honest review of Roe has it thrown out. Because of that fear, you and your fully evil party hired Christine Ford to run a smear against what you see as a threat to your power.

You Nazi pigs won't file criminal charges because no prosecutor in this nation would file on a fabricated hit-job like this.
Yes, Democrats are not owned by big money and we have several Senators who can go their own way. Your party is owned by big money and brainwashed by big money, super duper. Everything you know is pablum and wrong.

They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.
The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...

LOL! How much are the Koch brothers spending in 2018? BTW, give us a little breakdown on what leftards are running on...like higher taxes, open borders and the elimination of cheaper energy costs due to (snicker) "Climate Change", ya dupe.
400 million in 2018. See my second link. Higher taxes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the rest, certainly not open borders but not separating families either, and you idiots are the only people in the world who don't don't believe climate change. Brainwashed functional morons.
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?

Subpoenas? From who? For what?

Ford was heard in the United States Senate. Her claims were investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There is nothing more anybody can do about it.

You can't subpoena people simply because things didn't go your way.
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?

I'm sorry your proposals for jobs, economy, and other important matters are what exactly? Why yes I am mocking you stupid idiots.
They're not, huh? Who paid Bill and Hillary hounders of thousands of dollars for half-hour speeches? How did Hillary and DumBama raise record amounts of campaign money? From the homeless?

You people are so brainwashed into believing that the rich always side with Republicans. Who owns Microsoft? Who made Apple Computers? Who owns Hollywood? Who owns Facebook and Twitter just to name a few?

These are all liberal Democrats. The richest people in the country are liberals. So don't try to sell us that BS the Republicans are the only people with wealthy ties.
The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...

LOL! How much are the Koch brothers spending in 2018? BTW, give us a little breakdown on what leftards are running on...like higher taxes, open borders and the elimination of cheaper energy costs due to (snicker) "Climate Change", ya dupe.
400 million in 2018. See my second link. Higher taxes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the rest, certainly not open borders but not separating families either, and you idiots are the only people in the world who don't don't believe climate change. Brainwashed functional morons.

Why do you want to punish the rich with tax increases?
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?

Subpoenas? From who? For what?

Ford was heard in the United States Senate. Her claims were investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There is nothing more anybody can do about it.

You can't subpoena people simply because things didn't go your way.

Remember this is the party that used the DOJ and FBI to spy on a presidential candidate they are corrupt as hell.
The Koch brothers were ready to give a billion dollars to the Republican candidate, while Soros gave 23 million to the Democrats. It's not even close and fox and other propagandists are owned by five or six billionaires. Real scumbags who character assassinate and make up phony scandals and give dark money. Law enforcement doesn't care but you dupes believe it all...

Koch brothers 1 billion dollars for Republicans campaigns - Google Search

It's no secret except from The Dupes. You are bought and paid for...

LOL! How much are the Koch brothers spending in 2018? BTW, give us a little breakdown on what leftards are running on...like higher taxes, open borders and the elimination of cheaper energy costs due to (snicker) "Climate Change", ya dupe.
400 million in 2018. See my second link. Higher taxes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the rest, certainly not open borders but not separating families either, and you idiots are the only people in the world who don't don't believe climate change. Brainwashed functional morons.

Why do you want to punish the rich with tax increases?
Because we now have a flat tax system after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, with the rich getting all the new wealth and the country and the middle class falling apart. Duh.
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?

Subpoenas? From who? For what?

Ford was heard in the United States Senate. Her claims were investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There is nothing more anybody can do about it.

You can't subpoena people simply because things didn't go your way.

Remember this is the party that used the DOJ and FBI to spy on a presidential candidate they are corrupt as hell.
Pure bologna GOP propaganda... Why didn't GOP big mouth James Comey mention that Russian investigation instead of just wrecking Hillary's campaign...
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:

re going to be interviewed on national television when the Dems win back the House.

Anybody that thinks Kavanaugh is free and clear isnt paying attention.

We know that won't be the case. Liberals are like children. They scream and cry when they don't get their way.

View attachment 220704

Well, that juvenile reply aside, those subpoenas that are coming should be a real laugh for your side right?

Subpoenas? From who? For what?

Ford was heard in the United States Senate. Her claims were investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There is nothing more anybody can do about it.

You can't subpoena people simply because things didn't go your way.

Remember this is the party that used the DOJ and FBI to spy on a presidential candidate they are corrupt as hell.

Which is probably why they assumed the FBI today is the same FBI they politicized just a few years ago. But Comey is gone now, and only heard of from time to time in interviews or writing an op-ed.

LOL! How much are the Koch brothers spending in 2018? BTW, give us a little breakdown on what leftards are running on...like higher taxes, open borders and the elimination of cheaper energy costs due to (snicker) "Climate Change", ya dupe.
400 million in 2018. See my second link. Higher taxes on the bloated rich, tax cuts for the rest, certainly not open borders but not separating families either, and you idiots are the only people in the world who don't don't believe climate change. Brainwashed functional morons.

Why do you want to punish the rich with tax increases?
Because we now have a flat tax system after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, with the rich getting all the new wealth and the country and the middle class falling apart. Duh.

The rich got "all the new wealth"? lol You are free to start a business and create all the wealth you wish in this country :itsok:

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