FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
I believe he will be confirmed. There has been no evidence presented by any accuser that can stop this from being done. The communists have shown to all Americans how a rat like and despicable group of people they are that will do anything, destroy anyone (and kill) to get power. The true face of evil has been shown to America and even some Democrats are dismayed to see that they have been lied to as well. Retribution in the form of a red tide is coming!
Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.

Her friend is a former FBI agent. If Ford did help her out to get the FBI job, is that something she would admit to?

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Look at you people, grasping at straws about Ford. You people will believe anything no matter how thin. but four similar accusations against Kavanaugh, and a bunch of people talking about how terrible a drunk he was? Nope, no sir, can't believe a word of that...

If you don't believe that high schoolers and college kids get drunker than skunks, it's you that have the issue.

I would have respected him a lot more if he would have just said I got drunk in those years. Instead every time a question about his drinking habits came up, he went into politician mode and started his choir boy routine.

There are credible witness's to him being staggering drunk and making a fool out of himself. And if he can't be honest in these questions what else does he not want to talk about?

Someone was putting away these 100 Kegs, that's for certain.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

Pushing the Mark Judge book as evidence of Kavanaugh's drinking habits along with the yearbook is giving away the con. With all the additional testimony coming it's not hard to see Fords entire story is another fabricated "dossier".
Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
the leaks need to stop. "They did it so we can" is why we're in this shitbag we have today.

I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.
Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
the leaks need to stop. "They did it so we can" is why we're in this shitbag we have today.

I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.
i do care. if you play by their rules, you validate them. then we get to push it even further and rinse, repeat.

the "revenge politics" needs to die.
Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
the leaks need to stop. "They did it so we can" is why we're in this shitbag we have today.

I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.
i do care. if you play by their rules, you validate them. then we get to push it even further and rinse, repeat.

the "revenge politics" needs to die.

Well, we may agree on policy, but I diagree on method.

Tired of playing by the rules and losing.

Play by the rules and let Dems take over the country? Not for me.
Well, the file is confidential, for your eyes only for the 100Senators.

Pubs should leak it like Dimms always do.
the leaks need to stop. "They did it so we can" is why we're in this shitbag we have today.

I don't care anymore. Pubs need new rules.

Romney got smoked trying to be the Statesman....Obama lied his twat off and Romney got a big pile of dicks as a parting gift.

Reid lied about Romney's taxes.

If you play by the rule and constantly lose, you're a fool.
i do care. if you play by their rules, you validate them. then we get to push it even further and rinse, repeat.

the "revenge politics" needs to die.

Well, we may agree on policy, but I diagree on method.

Tired of playing by the rules and losing.

Play by the rules and let Dems take over the country? Not for me.
no sense in winning, to me, if you become the very thing you hate along the way.

as for taking over the country - the country elected trump. the right has control more or less and if you do the right things for the right reasons, it will come back to you. if you do what people are tired of seeing, then you'd be hard pressed to show a difference to the voters in why you're side/mindset is better than the "other side" when you've made your side the "the same".

you simply can't win by losing everything you really value along the way. we say to the left, the end justifies the means and it's wrong. then we decide to do it too?

gonna pass on that option.
Last edited:
Its over, the FBI report doesn't help Dr. Ford at all, Confirmation vote is for the weekend.

NBC News

by Rebecca Shabad / Oct.04.2018

Grassley says new FBI report on Kavanaugh includes no new info, no corroboration


WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said Thursday that the new FBI report on its investigation of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh “found no hint of misconduct.”

In a statement, the Iowa Republican said that he received a staff briefing on the report. “There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know,” he said.

“These uncorroborated accusations have been unequivocally and repeatedly rejected by Judge Kavanaugh, and neither the Judiciary Committee nor the FBI could locate any third parties who can attest to any of the allegations,” he said. “There’s also no contemporaneous evidence. This investigation found no hint of misconduct and the same is true of the six prior FBI background investigations conducted during Judge Kavanaugh’s 25 years of public service.”


red bolding mine

Dr, Ford refused to provide documents for the Lie Detector Test and the Therapist notes to the Senate Sub Committee, the only deliberating body that decides based on what evidence they have. If Fords documents could have helped support her case, then it was a MONUMENTAL BLUNDER not to produce them. .

The bullcrap is over, Cloture was set on Wednesday setting up the vote, its over!
I want a million dollars. You can't always get what you want.
Is that what you would say to JFK when he asked, what you could do for your country?

Wait. Ford is a knew millionaire. Hmm. Like and get paid.
More right wing smear. This entire experience shows the republican right doesn't give a shit about this country, only themselves. Do you really think Kavanaugh is good for the country, or do you just not care?
I want a million dollars. You can't always get what you want.
Is that what you would say to JFK when he asked, what you could do for your country?

Wait. Ford is a knew millionaire. Hmm. Like and get paid.
More right wing smear. This entire experience shows the republican right doesn't give a shit about this country, only themselves. Do you really think Kavanaugh is good for the country, or do you just not care?
I know and unethical liberal attack when I see it. Sell that BS elsewhere.
More right wing smear. This entire experience shows the republican right doesn't give a shit about this country, only themselves. Do you really think Kavanaugh is good for the country, or do you just not care?

He must be good for the country. He served over 12 years as a federal judge already, and no complaints about him as far as I've heard or read.

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