FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Not by any non-partisan.
Wrong, as the polling data clearly shows. Look, ya freak, go find someone else to pat you on the head while you make shit up.

What did I make up?

I'm sure most people are not even following this story except us political junkies. The polls I seen were about 50/50, and I'm sure most of them didn't want to tell the pollster they didn't know WTF they were even talking about.
Haha...gotcha. so first, it's just partisanship (made up). Now it's 50/50 (made up), and the reulst aren't what you like, because of ignorance, because most people aren't following this (also made up, it was a mini national event).

That's a nice little game you have rigged for yourself. But, here's a fact: she got a much bigger bump than kavanaugh from the hearings. he topped out at the expected 30% or so (Trump cultists).

No game, just stating that your figures are wrong, and in doing so, doesn't mean I believe polls.
You only believe your hypnotists LOL
She also can't fly due to a medical condition.
Not what was said....

Christine Blasey Ford will drive across country because she doesn't like airplanes

Umm yes? This was why the hearing was delayed the first time.

Do you not consider claustrophobia a medical condition? What exactly are you denying? It is an inarguable fact that she claimed she couldn't fly to the committee.
No, not what was said. She said she prefers not to, especially long flights, due to claustrophobia.

Uh no, she didn't say she "prefers" not to fly. She literally said she would NOT fly to meet the committee. Don't twist this around.

Whether or not she prefers to fly, in general, was not the point I was making, nor the one you were defending.

She changed her plea to "prefer" during the hearing. Prior to that, she was deathly afraid to fly; so afraid that she couldn't make it until later in the week to drive across the entire country to get there.

But she isn't trying to stall..........not at all.

Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
God you truly are delusional. I state that I believe the FBI is able to do a good job without someone holding there hands like a first grader and you some how come up with a conspiracy theoryabout Hillary. In case you have not noticed she was only a mouthpiece and has nothing more to do with this. Then to top off the stupid you spout you somehow bring in taxes. Look who is the real super Dupe. I guess I should ask are you still in grade school or do you live with others that are labeled special? If so I am sorry for being so hard on you.

Franko = :blahblah:
So tell me about the FBI and law enforcement conspiracy that protects Hillary... You people are morons.
Not what was said....

Christine Blasey Ford will drive across country because she doesn't like airplanes

Umm yes? This was why the hearing was delayed the first time.

Do you not consider claustrophobia a medical condition? What exactly are you denying? It is an inarguable fact that she claimed she couldn't fly to the committee.
No, not what was said. She said she prefers not to, especially long flights, due to claustrophobia.

Uh no, she didn't say she "prefers" not to fly. She literally said she would NOT fly to meet the committee. Don't twist this around.

Whether or not she prefers to fly, in general, was not the point I was making, nor the one you were defending.

She changed her plea to "prefer" during the hearing. Prior to that, she was deathly afraid to fly; so afraid that she couldn't make it until later in the week to drive across the entire country to get there.

But she isn't trying to stall..........not at all.

You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
God you truly are delusional. I state that I believe the FBI is able to do a good job without someone holding there hands like a first grader and you some how come up with a conspiracy theoryabout Hillary. In case you have not noticed she was only a mouthpiece and has nothing more to do with this. Then to top off the stupid you spout you somehow bring in taxes. Look who is the real super Dupe. I guess I should ask are you still in grade school or do you live with others that are labeled special? If so I am sorry for being so hard on you.

Franko = :blahblah:
So tell me about the FBI and law enforcement conspiracy that protects Hillary... You people are morons.
Now you know Christine Ford is guilty LOL. TellTell me how 47% pay no taxes. How Obama had two years of control of Congress and his policies caused anything LOL...

If you think this guy will make a good Supreme you've never met any smart people.
Perhaps not, but certainly an indication to her honesty and credibility.

I agree, but we are past the point where her honesty makes a difference. She has made the allegation, the parties involved have suffered what consequences could occur from that, and evidence as to whether or not a crime has been committed (more appropriately the sexual assault she has accused Judge Kavanaugh of) is present. She could be a liar, and that won't exonerate him. He could be a liar and that won't necessarily make him guilty of the crime Dr. Ford. has accused him of.

We are wasting a considerable amount of time trying to figure out which of the two is lying the most, when none of that is evidence as to whether or not a crime occurred. The unbiased verifiable evidence is either there or it isn't, and so far, it isn't.
From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.

This investigation was meaningless the day the Democrats violated every standard and tradition by giving this to the public without going through proper channels. If they really thought Ford credible, they would have done this appropriately, in a way that would have preserved the integrity of the investigation. Gathering facts or doing much of anything is out the window at this point. Best one can hope for is that Ford is held criminally liable along with the Democrats and her lawyers for putting on this circus.

Well as we see today is now tomorrow, and no release of any information, and I don't believe any of it will be made public knowledge, it will go to the Senate Judiciary committee first for review.

I don't know who on FOX News puts out these arbitrary dates. I imagine Sean Hannity because that was what he was told to do by the White House. No other media was reporting, that TODAY the investigation would be done. In fact CNN stated that the investigation was expanding yesterday.

I have a sense that Democrats are holding an ace card on Kavanaugh. With Fienstein keeping the letter, then testimony, now an investigation.

Hardly. Feinstein is in deep shit over this. She's the only one to likely have leaked this to the press. Furthermore, her entire side created this monster and it's turned on them big time. She lost control almost immediately. The writing is on the wall. The only question is whether or not the FBI will aggressively pursue their handling of this. I doubt it, but I sure hope they do.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Democrats watch Reoublicans confirm Kavanaugh and drop another bomb on him right before the midterm.

They are not worried about midterms as much as they are a constitutional led Supreme Court. After all, there is another election in two years after this one.

The democrats care nothing for the constitution. They've proven this countless times.

You didn't get what you expected. Niel Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in year 2016 as G.W Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Senate and while Democrats turned down many of G.W' nominees these two made it made it through with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein & Chuck Schumer & several other prominent Democrats voted for confirmation.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings that Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone.

The only reason Trump wanted Kavanaugh is because he once stated that Presidents shouldn't be investigated while in office.

Who's fault is that? Maybe if the democrats didn't advocate for killing Trump, or raping his wife, or impeaching him for fake Russian corruption charges, or threatening to throw him in jail, he wouldn't have to worry about such criteria for a justice.

So if you were for strict conservative constitutionalists you're going to be disappointed. Anthony Scalias they're NOT.

Well, unfortunately Trump isn't the ideal libertarian. He's no Rand Paul, after all. We live in an era where we have two choices, a former democrat turned middle of the road Republican style conservative (Trump) or batshit insane socialist demagogues(Democrats).

Republicans and conservatives are good at disagreeing with one another because we have principles and sometimes those don't align, but right now isn't the time for squabbling. The Democrats act as one, at all times. They're a hive mind, and unless we set aside our expectations for ideal candidates, it's better to huddle around Kavanaugh than throw him under the bus. We'll get another one when RBG retires. I say pressure Trump for a more libertarian SCJ when that time comes. Right now we have to be realistic.

I am not of a party affiliation in this matter, and don't care much about what isn't unbiased verifiable evidence in regards to the allegation of sexual assault Dr. Ford made. It doesn't require arguing about who is nice, believable, trustworthy or considered for what position. the unbiased evidence to the alleged crime either exists or it doesn't. Anything else we would be talking about is a result of that allegation.

If the basic allegation cannot be proven to have occurred, there is no reason to argue about what has no bearing on the mess that has already been made. It happened or it didn't, and the unbiased verifiable evidence associated with the allegation is lacking at best.
when none of that is evidence as to whether or not a crime occurred
But it's not a trial, so... that may be your preferred standard, but it's not "the" standard.
The hearing has already been held, and sworn testimony from the parties concerned has already been recorded. We are no longer in the process of having a trail, hearing, or whatever you want to call it. At best it would be an investigation at this point and an investigation requires unbias verifiable evidence to proceed or make any determination.
Perhaps not, but certainly an indication to her honesty and credibility.

I agree, but we are past the point where her honesty makes a difference. She has made the allegation, the parties involved have suffered what consequences could occur from that, and evidence as to whether or not a crime has been committed (more appropriately the sexual assault she has accused Judge Kavanaugh of) is present. She could be a liar, and that won't exonerate him. He could be a liar and that won't necessarily make him guilty of the crime Dr. Ford. has accused him of.

We are wasting a considerable amount of time trying to figure out which of the two is lying the most, when none of that is evidence as to whether or not a crime occurred. The unbiased verifiable evidence is either there or it isn't, and so far, it isn't.
Only he has a motive to lie... Can any dupes wait for the report?
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?

Thanks for your ignorant and uneducated opinion, Nazi boi.
Only he has a motive to lie... Can any dupes wait for the report?

it doesn't matter, that is not unbiased verifiable evidence an investigation would require. it is in no way proof the crime being investigated ever occurred. This is not a courtroom, it is an investigation, and the agents investigating are not lawyers arguing a case before jurors. They are looking for evidence a crime has occurred, not motive.
Perhaps not, but certainly an indication to her honesty and credibility.

I agree, but we are past the point where her honesty makes a difference. She has made the allegation, the parties involved have suffered what consequences could occur from that, and evidence as to whether or not a crime has been committed (more appropriately the sexual assault she has accused Judge Kavanaugh of) is present. She could be a liar, and that won't exonerate him. He could be a liar and that won't necessarily make him guilty of the crime Dr. Ford. has accused him of.

We are wasting a considerable amount of time trying to figure out which of the two is lying the most, when none of that is evidence as to whether or not a crime occurred. The unbiased verifiable evidence is either there or it isn't, and so far, it isn't.

That would be nice if not for the RINO's in the Republican party. But appearance seems to be what will decide the success of Kavanaugh by these three people. Already they've sided with the Democrats on Trump's comments mocking Ford. Not a very good sign in my opinion.
and an investigation requires unbias verifiable evidence to proceed or make any determination.
But the public does not. I think Kavanaugh's embarrassing behavior at the hearings told a lot of people all they need to know. I think we both know all of these things.
Last edited:
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?
Try reading an article about what Nazis are like Wikipedia. Or any history book. They are uneducated right wing racist assholes with a grudge.

Yo fucking retard;

Once again lets look at the differences between the democrat Nazis and the democrat Communists.

So one of them was a command economy where the means of production was tightly controlled through 5 year plans and social experimentation in the distribution of wealth to the favored of the party. This within the confines of a rigid totalitarian dictatorship that determined economic winners and losers while strictly dictating production goals and regulating the most minute details of the lives of individuals. The collective as dictated by the party superceded the individual, who was reduced to a mere cog in the machinery of the state.

The other were communists.

If you weren't a fucking retard with literally zero knowledge of history you would know this.
Only he has a motive to lie... Can any dupes wait for the report?

it doesn't matter, that is not unbiased verifiable evidence an investigation would require. it is in no way proof the crime being investigated ever occurred. This is not a courtroom, it is an investigation, and the agents investigating are not lawyers arguing a case before jurors. They are looking for evidence a crime has occurred, not motive.
Wait for the report, dupe. Motive is evidence.
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?
Try reading an article about what Nazis are like Wikipedia. Or any history book. They are uneducated right wing racist assholes with a grudge.

Yo fucking retard;

Once again lets look at the differences between the democrat Nazis and the democrat Communists.

So one of them was a command economy where the means of production was tightly controlled through 5 year plans and social experimentation in the distribution of wealth to the favored of the party. This within the confines of a rigid totalitarian dictatorship that determined economic winners and losers while strictly dictating production goals and regulating the most minute details of the lives of individuals. The collective as dictated by the party superceded the individual, who was reduced to a mere cog in the machinery of the state.

The other were communists.

If you weren't a fucking retard with literally zero knowledge of history you would know this.
Actually I have a masters in history with a concentration on 20th century, while you have read a book that everyone outside your bubble of BS says is total drivel. Hitler loved corporate Aristocrats and Aristocrats in general and allowed people to hold on to their corporations unless they were Jewish or made trouble, and allowed plenty of capitalism and small business of all kinds in the country, dumbass.
That would be nice if not for the RINO's in the Republican party. But appearance seems to be what will decide the success of Kavanaugh by these three people. Already they've sided with the Democrats on Trump's comments mocking Ford. Not a very good sign in my opinion.

Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been playing the game they are playing since before President Obama nominated Merrick Garland. Anything that is happening now is based on allegations made by Dr. Ford. A investigation will find if there is any verifiable evidence in regards to the allegations Dr. Ford made, and as to whether or not that crime occurred. Whomever does what outside of that process, is an attempt to use what may not be supported in unbiased verifiable evidence to have ever occurred, and to argue anything about it would not only be a waste of time, but an exercise in partisan politics.
Wait for the report, dupe. Motive is evidence.
Motive is not evidence, it is an argument a prosecutor offers in a courtroom in regards to an explanation of why an event occurred and to how that is associated with the accused. It is not evidence to the fact of whether or not it occurred in the first place.
That would be nice if not for the RINO's in the Republican party. But appearance seems to be what will decide the success of Kavanaugh by these three people. Already they've sided with the Democrats on Trump's comments mocking Ford. Not a very good sign in my opinion.

Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been playing the game they are playing since before President Obama nominated Merrick Garland. Anything that is happening now is based on allegations made by Dr. Ford. A investigation will find if there is any verifiable evidence in regards to the allegations Dr. Ford made, and as to whether or not that crime occurred. Whomever does what outside of that process, is an attempt to use what may not be supported in unbiased verifiable evidence to have ever occurred, and to argue anything about it would not only be a waste of time, but an exercise in partisan politics.

Ford's claim was unprovable since the time the letter came out. HTF can anybody prove something that happened 35 years or so ago with no evidence?

What this is really about is trying to stall this nomination (Kavanaugh or any other) until past the midterms. It's the number one goal, and if any of the RINO's are responsible for letting that happen, I fear there will be a huge price to pay.
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?
Try reading an article about what Nazis are like Wikipedia. Or any history book. They are uneducated right wing racist assholes with a grudge.

Yo fucking retard;

Once again lets look at the differences between the democrat Nazis and the democrat Communists.

So one of them was a command economy where the means of production was tightly controlled through 5 year plans and social experimentation in the distribution of wealth to the favored of the party. This within the confines of a rigid totalitarian dictatorship that determined economic winners and losers while strictly dictating production goals and regulating the most minute details of the lives of individuals. The collective as dictated by the party superceded the individual, who was reduced to a mere cog in the machinery of the state.

The other were communists.

If you weren't a fucking retard with literally zero knowledge of history you would know this.
Actually I have a masters in history with a concentration on 20th century, while you have read a book that everyone outside your bubble of BS says is total drivel. Hitler loved corporate Aristocrats and Aristocrats in general and allowed people to hold on to their corporations unless they were Jewish or made trouble, and allowed plenty of capitalism and small business of all kinds in the country, dumbass.
The Nazis ran a war economy from the beginning, and you can say we did the same things when we declared war...
Motive is not evidence, it is an argument a prosecutor offers in a courtroom in regards to an explanation of why an event occurred. It is not evidence to the fact of whether or not it occurred in the first place.
Yep. Evidence of motive is not even required.

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