FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Poor mental midget. She can say anything she wants. The people that she claimed were at the party have said it never happened. That means four people saying no. one that was in such bad shape she does not remember anything says otherwise.

The FBI looked into it six times and found nothing. I remember when you ding alings were defending the FBI as the smartest, greastest most non political group when the right was condemning Comey, McCabe and others. Now they have done things again and you fools are condemning them as idiots because they do not lie to fit your agenda.

That's just screwed up.
Obviously these allegations came up after their first investigations. Let's see what they say, super dupe.
You still seem to think that somehow it is going to change. Not even close. But I guess you think they need someone to hold their hand and say oh look over here, see this is the crime. Now look over here this is the person that did the crime. I will show you how to arrest them.

I think you will be rather disappointed.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Not by any non-partisan.
Wrong, as the polling data clearly shows. Look, ya freak, go find someone else to pat you on the head while you make shit up.

What did I make up?

I'm sure most people are not even following this story except us political junkies. The polls I seen were about 50/50, and I'm sure most of them didn't want to tell the pollster they didn't know WTF they were even talking about.
Obviously these allegations came up after their first investigations. Let's see what they say, super dupe.
You still seem to think that somehow it is going to change. Not even close. But I guess you think they need someone to hold their hand and say oh look over here, see this is the crime. Now look over here this is the person that did the crime. I will show you how to arrest them.

I think you will be rather disappointed.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
She also can't fly due to a medical condition.
Not what was said....

Christine Blasey Ford will drive across country because she doesn't like airplanes

Umm yes? This was why the hearing was delayed the first time.

Do you not consider claustrophobia a medical condition? What exactly are you denying? It is an inarguable fact that she claimed she couldn't fly to the committee.
No, not what was said. She said she prefers not to, especially long flights, due to claustrophobia.
You still seem to think that somehow it is going to change. Not even close. But I guess you think they need someone to hold their hand and say oh look over here, see this is the crime. Now look over here this is the person that did the crime. I will show you how to arrest them.

I think you will be rather disappointed.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
Now you know Ford is guilty. Absolutely ridiculous.
It is clear they are hiding contrary evidence, otherwise they would have provided it
Except for the fact that they are offering to provide it, if she gets interviewed. So, dude, ya sound a bit looney...

She already had her "testimony", been questioned and made claims. Meanwhile there have been many expose's of Dr. Fords lies made that made her claims bogus. It is sad you have no interest in looking for the truth in this.

The need for the FBI to interview her is a dodge made by her stupid lawyers. The letter make clear they continue to drag their feet since the FBI would have given those documents to the Senate anyway.

Here is the latest expose you will ignore because you are a proven partisan hack, with no interest in the rule of law, Burden of truth.

Front Page

October 3, 2018
David Horowitz

Sorry for Blurting it Out, But Christine Blasey Ford is a Liar

Selected Excerpt:

"Yes, the sexual crime prosecutor established that Ford lied to the committee when she said she couldn’t come to Washington for the hearings because she was afraid of flying. In fact, as she admitted under questioning, she has frequently flown all over the world for pleasure. But no one actually confronted her about this. For example, no one asked her directly, “If you were brazen enough to lie to a congressional committee about this, why should we believe you in regard to anything else?"

Yes the same prosecutor gently asked Ford why she thought her best friend Leland Keyser, whom she claimed was present at the party and would corroborate her story, in fact refuted it, saying that she was never at such a party, and the one in question never happened. Ford gave a transparently evasive answer saying her friend had (unspecified) health issues, while never explaining what they were or why that should cause her to contradict what Ford had claimed."


You have to be truly stupid to still defend this woman who has been exposed with her proven multiple lies. I predict the Democratic Party will suffer greatly for their amazingly stupid gambit.
Last edited:
Not by any non-partisan.
Wrong, as the polling data clearly shows. Look, ya freak, go find someone else to pat you on the head while you make shit up.

What did I make up?

I'm sure most people are not even following this story except us political junkies. The polls I seen were about 50/50, and I'm sure most of them didn't want to tell the pollster they didn't know WTF they were even talking about.
Haha...gotcha. so first, it's just partisanship (made up). Now it's 50/50 (made up), and the reulst aren't what you like, because of ignorance, because most people aren't following this (also made up, it was a mini national event).

That's a nice little game you have rigged for yourself. But, here's a fact: she got a much bigger bump than kavanaugh from the hearings. he topped out at the expected 30% or so (Trump cultists).
She also can't fly due to a medical condition.
Not what was said....

Christine Blasey Ford will drive across country because she doesn't like airplanes

Umm yes? This was why the hearing was delayed the first time.

Do you not consider claustrophobia a medical condition? What exactly are you denying? It is an inarguable fact that she claimed she couldn't fly to the committee.
No, not what was said. She said she prefers not to, especially long flights, due to claustrophobia.

Uh no, she didn't say she "prefers" not to fly. She literally said she would NOT fly to meet the committee. Don't twist this around.

Whether or not she prefers to fly, in general, was not the point I was making, nor the one you were defending.
You still seem to think that somehow it is going to change. Not even close. But I guess you think they need someone to hold their hand and say oh look over here, see this is the crime. Now look over here this is the person that did the crime. I will show you how to arrest them.

I think you will be rather disappointed.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
God you truly are delusional. I state that I believe the FBI is able to do a good job without someone holding there hands like a first grader and you some how come up with a conspiracy theoryabout Hillary. In case you have not noticed she was only a mouthpiece and has nothing more to do with this. Then to top off the stupid you spout you somehow bring in taxes. Look who is the real super Dupe. I guess I should ask are you still in grade school or do you live with others that are labeled special? If so I am sorry for being so hard on you.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
God you truly are delusional. I state that I believe the FBI is able to do a good job without someone holding there hands like a first grader and you some how come up with a conspiracy theoryabout Hillary. In case you have not noticed she was only a mouthpiece and has nothing more to do with this. Then to top off the stupid you spout you somehow bring in taxes. Look who is the real super Dupe. I guess I should ask are you still in grade school or do you live with others that are labeled special? If so I am sorry for being so hard on you.

Franko = :blahblah:
She literally said she would NOT fly to meet the committee
Correct, because she prefers not to fly, especially long distances. She also said she could ,big she really has to.

Anyway, this boring me to tears.....zzzzz...find someone else to peddle the Trump propaganda to, cya
She also can't fly due to a medical condition.
Not what was said....

Christine Blasey Ford will drive across country because she doesn't like airplanes

Umm yes? This was why the hearing was delayed the first time.

Do you not consider claustrophobia a medical condition? What exactly are you denying? It is an inarguable fact that she claimed she couldn't fly to the committee.
No, not what was said. She said she prefers not to, especially long flights, due to claustrophobia.

Uh no, she didn't say she "prefers" not to fly. She literally said she would NOT fly to meet the committee. Don't twist this around.

Whether or not she prefers to fly, in general, was not the point I was making, nor the one you were defending.

She changed her plea to "prefer" during the hearing. Prior to that, she was deathly afraid to fly; so afraid that she couldn't make it until later in the week to drive across the entire country to get there.

But she isn't trying to stall..........not at all.
Not by any non-partisan.
Wrong, as the polling data clearly shows. Look, ya freak, go find someone else to pat you on the head while you make shit up.

What did I make up?

I'm sure most people are not even following this story except us political junkies. The polls I seen were about 50/50, and I'm sure most of them didn't want to tell the pollster they didn't know WTF they were even talking about.
Haha...gotcha. so first, it's just partisanship (made up). Now it's 50/50 (made up), and the reulst aren't what you like, because of ignorance, because most people aren't following this (also made up, it was a mini national event).

That's a nice little game you have rigged for yourself. But, here's a fact: she got a much bigger bump than kavanaugh from the hearings. he topped out at the expected 30% or so (Trump cultists).

No game, just stating that your figures are wrong, and in doing so, doesn't mean I believe polls.
Not being brainwashed, I am simply waiting for the outcome, just like the Mueller investigation.
Lol not being brainwashed that's a good one. Hell you brain was removed washed pressed and shrunk by the DNC years ago. Seems you children are always waiting for that this will be the one that gets rid of Trump.

I just know that the FBI is not totally incompetent. Plus I understand that if you lie about 90% of what you say then you are not credible. When others say you are wrong then it must be wrong.
You know a lot of b*******propaganda super duper that is all.
And you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground.
Wrong again, Super Dupe. So you believe there is a giant conspiracy protecting Hilary from prison? You believe a pile of crap. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes which is what any intelligent person would do, but not you brainwashed functional morons.
God you truly are delusional. I state that I believe the FBI is able to do a good job without someone holding there hands like a first grader and you some how come up with a conspiracy theoryabout Hillary. In case you have not noticed she was only a mouthpiece and has nothing more to do with this. Then to top off the stupid you spout you somehow bring in taxes. Look who is the real super Dupe. I guess I should ask are you still in grade school or do you live with others that are labeled special? If so I am sorry for being so hard on you.
I'm telling you you're brainwashed idiot you believe so muchso much crap about Hillary Obama and who pays what taxes, you are absolutely Clueless. Like post GOP voters now. Just a mouthpiece what are you talking about?

Of course the FBI is great duh. Only the brainwashed would ever question their competence... Like the GOP does over Strok.

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