FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

The stupid people are all listening to Fox Rush Trump Etc,
So should you...you may learn something.....
I listen to everything, and around the entire world only your bought off propaganda machine goes on and on about this crap... Hillary's crimes, the foundation, Obama holder the FBI conspiracy the global warming hoax Etc etc, super duper dupe. Our wonderful law enforcement system has investigated it all and says you are insane LOL.
The FBI says the Whitehouse limited the investigation. So do the rethuglicans in the Senate. tRump is, as usual, talking outta his ass. And you kids are eating up every word
No they didn't say that...they said it was in the hands of the senate...the white house gave them a week to complete obviously it was enough time since they have finished.....all they had to do was open their files and pull out the other 6 investigations.....
Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.

And the NEXT one?
IT will cause YOU to cry like a Trumptard :D

We don’t know who is running yet

Talking ELECTIONS you Fucking IDIOT

Why so bitter? I misunderstood you. Chill. Why not be civil?
francoHFW, CVS is well stocked with Prep H. But pick some up tomorrow before they run out. :p

What seems to be the problem LOL?
i suspect fairly early tomorrow there will be a rush

of leftards out buying new computer monitors and tvs

What is the problem? LOL. You just lost the women's vote.

not a chance of it ya leftist kook
Check real news sometime, super duper
well that would leave out cnn msnbc among others

and that doesnt change the fact that you are a leftist kook
I am disgusted with CNN and MSNBC for their ridiculous gabfest, but at least they don't lie, that is your BS propaganda machine. Only you total dupes in the whole world disagree, dumbass. The more you listen the less you know.
The FBI says the Whitehouse limited the investigation. So do the rethuglicans in the Senate. tRump is, as usual, talking outta his ass. And you kids are eating up every word
No they didn't say that...they said it was in the hands of the senate...the white house gave them a week to complete obviously it was enough time since they have finished.....all they had to do was open their files and pull out the other 6 investigations.....
Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
Because its in the hands of the senate...just like Trump said....what don't you get about that?.....
NBC says that it may be done. They have already gone to how bad the investigation was done. How the FBI has not interviewed all the proper people, etc.

Funny how the FBI was so incompetent that during six tries they got it so wrong as to find no whiff of bad actions. Then they were supposed to be the super investigators and find where they made their mistakes. Now suddenly according to NBC they are again incompetent.
They do what they are told by the president. In this case, not interviewing Ford or any Witnesses. This is all garbage distraction. Like the Mueller investigation, try waiting till they finish!!! Stupid...
They are now reporting that an old boyfriend of Fords has signed a letter under oath that says Ford helped a life long freind of hers become familiar with polygraph tests. She lived in a 500 sq foot apartment with only one door. She flew around the Hawaiian islands in a prop plane. All with out any visible signs of distress. During the years that he knew her and lived with her she never talked about any sexual trauma, never mentioned Kavanaugh. He tried to have a long distance relationship but stopped when she cheated on him. He took her off their shared credit card but she later made $600.00 worth of charges. She denied it until he talked about getting the police involved.

Looks more and more as if Democrats have attempted their usual dupe the people for awhile

Looks like things are not working out so well.
Ford said her problems have gotten worse recently so he is an idiot and so are you. Thanks GOP propaganda machine....
Poor mental midget. She can say anything she wants. The people that she claimed were at the party have said it never happened. That means four people saying no. one that was in such bad shape she does not remember anything says otherwise.

The FBI looked into it six times and found nothing. I remember when you ding alings were defending the FBI as the smartest, greastest most non political group when the right was condemning Comey, McCabe and others. Now they have done things again and you fools are condemning them as idiots because they do not lie to fit your agenda.

That's just screwed up.
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

This was a bullshit investigation from the very beginning. A complete whitewash.

So you admit then that just because the FBI is investigating someone doesn't mean it's legitimate? If Mueller's investigation is legitimate, so is this!

I love watching liberals melt down when they have to follow their own rules of logic (lack thereof).
He testified that he never blacked out and none of the phonies ever said he did.
That's adorable, but I think you forgot that we were talking about the FBI invetsigating his drinking and possibly uncovering more information (you do understand, I hope, that just because nobody specifically said he blacked out, doesn't mean they won't say it, when the FBI asks them).
He testified that he never blacked out and none of the phonies ever said he did.
That's adorable, but I think you forgot that we were talking about the FBI invetsigating his drinking and possibly uncovering more information (you do understand, I hope, that just because nobody specifically said he blacked out, doesn't mean they won't say it, when the FBI asks them).

The investigation is about Ford's phony claim. That's it. The FBI is not investigating how much he drank, what he drank, or who he drank with.
The investigation is about Ford's phony claim. That's it.
Yes, thank you for repeating yourself. Personally, I find Kavanaugh's disposition and actions as an aggressive, possibly blackout drunk to be relevant to that. So do you, but you will say you don't, because Trump. It's not my first day on this message board, friend.
We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...
Do you think TRUMP doesn't know what's in the FBI report that is about to be released?
This is a good post because many ordinary citizens such as myself do not know if this FBI report or a summary of the report can be presented to the President because he was part of the chain of command to have it done.
Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.

Her friend is a former FBI agent. If Ford did help her out to get the FBI job, is that something she would admit to?

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Look at you people, grasping at straws about Ford. You people will believe anything no matter how thin. but four similar accusations against Kavanaugh, and a bunch of people talking about how terrible a drunk he was? Nope, no sir, can't believe a word of that...

If you don't believe high schoolers and college kids get drunker than skunks you've got the issue.

You know I would have respected Kavanaugh much more if he said I did get drunk in high school and college, but every single time he was asked about it, he went into his choir boy routine, and reacted like some politician getting asked questions they don't want too answer. There are credible witness's that have seen him stumbling drunk

Every alcohol question well I like her beer, but let me tell you about the homeless shelter I helped out in.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Love Def Leppard!!! LOL
It has been confirmed that the ones accused were released from a mental hospital...........let's see what one of their neighbors had to say at this institution.

Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.

Her friend is a former FBI agent. If Ford did help her out to get the FBI job, is that something she would admit to?

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Look at you people, grasping at straws about Ford. You people will believe anything no matter how thin. but four similar accusations against Kavanaugh, and a bunch of people talking about how terrible a drunk he was? Nope, no sir, can't believe a word of that...

If you don't believe that high schoolers and college kids get drunker than skunks, it's you that have the issue.

I would have respected him a lot more if he would have just said I got drunk in those years. Instead every time a question about his drinking habits came up, he went into politician mode and started his choir boy routine.

There are credible witness's to him being staggering drunk and making a fool out of himself. And if he can't be honest in these questions what else does he not want to talk about?

Someone was putting away these 100 Kegs, that's for certain.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.

Well as we see today is now tomorrow, and no release of any information, and I don't believe any of it will be made public knowledge, it will go to the Senate Judiciary committee first for review.

I don't know who on FOX News puts out these arbitrary dates. I imagine Sean Hannity because that was what he was told to do by the White House. No other media was reporting, that TODAY the investigation would be done. In fact CNN stated that the investigation was expanding yesterday.

I have a sense that Democrats are holding an ace card on Kavanaugh. With Fienstein keeping the letter, then testimony, now an investigation.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Democrats watch Reoublicans confirm Kavanaugh and drop another bomb on him right before the midterm.

They are not worried about midterms as much as they are a constitutional led Supreme Court. After all, there is another election in two years after this one.

You didn't get what you expected. Niel Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in year 2016 as G.W Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Senate and while Democrats turned down many of G.W' nominees these two made it made it through with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein & Chuck Schumer & several other prominent Democrats voted for confirmation.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings that Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone.

The only reason Trump wanted Kavanaugh is because he once stated that Presidents shouldn't be investigated while in office.

So if you were for strict conservative constitutionalists you're going to be disappointed. Anthony Scalias they're NOT.
NBC says that it may be done. They have already gone to how bad the investigation was done. How the FBI has not interviewed all the proper people, etc.

Funny how the FBI was so incompetent that during six tries they got it so wrong as to find no whiff of bad actions. Then they were supposed to be the super investigators and find where they made their mistakes. Now suddenly according to NBC they are again incompetent.
They do what they are told by the president. In this case, not interviewing Ford or any Witnesses. This is all garbage distraction. Like the Mueller investigation, try waiting till they finish!!! Stupid...
They are now reporting that an old boyfriend of Fords has signed a letter under oath that says Ford helped a life long freind of hers become familiar with polygraph tests. She lived in a 500 sq foot apartment with only one door. She flew around the Hawaiian islands in a prop plane. All with out any visible signs of distress. During the years that he knew her and lived with her she never talked about any sexual trauma, never mentioned Kavanaugh. He tried to have a long distance relationship but stopped when she cheated on him. He took her off their shared credit card but she later made $600.00 worth of charges. She denied it until he talked about getting the police involved.

Looks more and more as if Democrats have attempted their usual dupe the people for awhile

Looks like things are not working out so well.
Ford said her problems have gotten worse recently so he is an idiot and so are you. Thanks GOP propaganda machine....
Poor mental midget. She can say anything she wants. The people that she claimed were at the party have said it never happened. That means four people saying no. one that was in such bad shape she does not remember anything says otherwise.

The FBI looked into it six times and found nothing. I remember when you ding alings were defending the FBI as the smartest, greastest most non political group when the right was condemning Comey, McCabe and others. Now they have done things again and you fools are condemning them as idiots because they do not lie to fit your agenda.

That's just screwed up.
Obviously these allegations came up after their first investigations. Let's see what they say, super dupe.

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