FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.

And the NEXT one?
IT will cause YOU to cry like a Trumptard :D

We don’t know who is running yet
So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.
But...you're the one always throwing little infantile tantrums. How odd.

A bitch says what?
Oh look, another mental midget on USMB...shocking...

Anyhoo, I am glad you fools are throwing your little hissies over all of this. Clarity is good.

Bitch says whaaaaat?
We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.

He's a troll best ignored.

YOU ^ have the OVARIES to actually SAY THAT? :lol:
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.

And the NEXT one?
IT will cause YOU to cry like a Trumptard :D

We don’t know who is running yet

Talking ELECTIONS you Fucking IDIOT
I believe the FBI will conclude is was a man in the grassy knoll who assaulted her,
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Of course Fox News and especially Sean Hannity are totally full of s***like all you doops now... Intelligent people will wait for a real news service....

CNN is readying their spin as you type
Yep. They just have to do a find/replace of the him/her placeholder.
Meanwhile this thread is still garbage propaganda, the investigation is still not over. Amazing what you dupes will fall 4...
Looks like we need to give the left a 55 gallon drum of Butt Sav...
Ever consider what good government might be like? By the way your thread is still garbage. It's not over till it's over.

Still not over, fake news dupes...
francoHFW, CVS is well stocked with Prep H. But pick some up tomorrow before they run out. :p

What seems to be the problem LOL?
i suspect fairly early tomorrow there will be a rush

of leftards out buying new computer monitors and tvs

What is the problem? LOL. You just lost the women's vote.

not a chance of it ya leftist kook
Check real news sometime, super duper
I believe the FBI will conclude is was a man in the grassy knoll who assaulted her,

And normal Americans believe you ^ are a fucking idiot as well.

After a day of wrenching testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford — who has accused him of sexual assault in high school, more Americans say they believe Ford's account over Kavanaugh's denials, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Wednesday.​

Poll: More Believe Ford Than Kavanaugh, A Cultural Shift From 1991
Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting.

Right, because women are stupid and just march in lockstep with the Democrat party. No wonder you keep losing power all the time.
The stupid people are all listening to Fox Rush Trump Etc, duh. How is lock them all up coming along LOL! It's a fake news Festival, and the whole rest of the world thinks you're nuts... This thread's a perfect example of fake news, or anything you know about about Hillary the Foundation Obama taxes Etc etc etc.
NBC says that it may be done. They have already gone to how bad the investigation was done. How the FBI has not interviewed all the proper people, etc.

Funny how the FBI was so incompetent that during six tries they got it so wrong as to find no whiff of bad actions. Then they were supposed to be the super investigators and find where they made their mistakes. Now suddenly according to NBC they are again incompetent.
They do what they are told by the president. In this case, not interviewing Ford or any Witnesses. This is all garbage distraction. Like the Mueller investigation, try waiting till they finish!!! Stupid...
They are now reporting that an old boyfriend of Fords has signed a letter under oath that says Ford helped a life long freind of hers become familiar with polygraph tests. She lived in a 500 sq foot apartment with only one door. She flew around the Hawaiian islands in a prop plane. All with out any visible signs of distress. During the years that he knew her and lived with her she never talked about any sexual trauma, never mentioned Kavanaugh. He tried to have a long distance relationship but stopped when she cheated on him. He took her off their shared credit card but she later made $600.00 worth of charges. She denied it until he talked about getting the police involved.

Looks more and more as if Democrats have attempted their usual dupe the people for awhile

Looks like things are not working out so well.
Ford said her problems have gotten worse recently so he is an idiot and so are you. Thanks GOP propaganda machine....
How drunk Kavanuagh was in college is irrelevant.
Maybe to you. But establishing that he was an aggressive, blackout drunk is relevant, as far as I am concerned. You have your standards (dictated by trump), and I have mine.

He testified that he never blacked out and none of the phonies ever said he did. How much is too much is a matter of opinion unless you are operating a motor vehicle. But even if he WAS a drunk, that was over 30 years ago and has nothing to do with his confirmation.
We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...
You really are one crazy child.

There is evidence that Ford has done nothing but lie.
Judge stated under oath that he had never seen Kavanaugh act that way.
What was her friend said she was never at a party with Kavanaugh.
Another person that was supposed to be at the party said he had never been at a party like one described by Ford.
Her past boyfriend says Ford traveled around the Hawaiin islands in a prop plane without distress. He says she lived in a 500 sq foot house with one door. She helped a life long friend prepare for a polygraph.
The changes for a second door happened before she said it did and it was not for the reason she stated.

One said she heard about it all over school until it was pointed out that nothing was said until 2012, then she walked it back.

The woman that accused Kavanaugh of gang rape walked those allegations back on an interview.

Got to love it when the right was upset about Comey, McCabe and others you ding alings were saying how trustworthy and incredible the FBI were. Defending everyone of them. Now when they do not support what you want them to lie about not six times but seven you call them all incompetent.
These women had better be very careful...if they fraudulently ruin this mans life it can and will be proven...especially the sleazy porn lawyers crazy lady....she may be charged with perjury even if Kavanaugh gets his seat....crazy bitches....#me too is a good thing...this shit is not and you lib ladies and lib men know it...whether you will admit it or not.....you know its wrong.....

Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up

Right Frankfart. Because women don't have sons. Women don't have fathers. Women don't have husbands who they should be concerned about. Women only think of themselves. Is that what you're saying?
No that is not what I am saying... What about mothers and Sons & Daughters LOL?

Any non-partisan can see what’s going on here. It’s like when the left tries to turn everything into racism. After a while nobody pays attention, so when the real thing happens, it’s not nearly as impactful.

Then you have the women who did suffer a real attack and see the left using that crime strictly for their political advantage.

Don’t count your chickens. Women are not as dumb as Democrats think.
It's a conspiracy! right, typical conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed GOP voter?
I doubt it will.sbow anything, it is an obvious sham. They didn't even interview the accuser, the accused, or any if the known principal witnesses. The Whitehouse limited them to totally innocuous information to insure nothing was found, even though we all saw Bart O'Kavanaugh lying under oath last week.
people keep saying the white house limited the investigation when we have trump himself saying DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO.

yet to the left, that is limiting cause they didn't find what they wanted them to find.
The FBI says the Whitehouse limited the investigation. So do the rethuglicans in the Senate. tRump is, as usual, talking outta his ass. And you kids are eating up every word.
The FBI says the Whitehouse limited the investigation. So do the rethuglicans in the Senate. tRump is, as usual, talking outta his ass. And you kids are eating up every word
No they didn't say that...they said it was in the hands of the senate...the white house gave them a week to complete obviously it was enough time since they have finished.....all they had to do was open their files and pull out the other 6 investigations.....
francoHFW, CVS is well stocked with Prep H. But pick some up tomorrow before they run out. :p

What seems to be the problem LOL?
i suspect fairly early tomorrow there will be a rush

of leftards out buying new computer monitors and tvs

What is the problem? LOL. You just lost the women's vote.

not a chance of it ya leftist kook
Check real news sometime, super duper
well that would leave out cnn msnbc among others

and that doesnt change the fact that you are a leftist kook

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