FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

If Dems don't like the result they will demand an investigation of FBI investigation. ...
In other words, exactly what the GOP crybabies are doing right now worth the Clinton email investigation.

So,let's review:

Your big, proud insult is that the Democrats might sink as low as the republicans.

Cheaters are always the biggest whiners, when someone else decides to play by their rules.
we only wanted the doj to make a ruling they didn't. the fbi, comey, was supposed to hand over the findings and let the doj do their thing.
Blah blah blah... You're hoping to make hay where there just isn't any
I think he could have helped the last Pope rape an alterboy and the gop would still confirm him.

If any of the three vote nay, it could conceivably cost the gop cruz's seat and let the dems keep ND, because gop voters would be so pissed. I just don't see Flake letting that happen.

We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.
I think he could have helped the last Pope rape an alterboy and the gop would still confirm him.

If any of the three vote nay, it could conceivably cost the gop cruz's seat and let the dems keep ND, because gop voters would be so pissed. I just don't see Flake letting that happen.

We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
I think he could have helped the last Pope rape an alterboy and the gop would still confirm him.

If any of the three vote nay, it could conceivably cost the gop cruz's seat and let the dems keep ND, because gop voters would be so pissed. I just don't see Flake letting that happen.

We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.

He's a troll best ignored.
Some investigation.

They weren't allowed to interview Ford nor Kavanaugh...not anyone from Kav's college years

Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh have already provided sworn testimony towards the allegations of sexual assault made by Dr. Ford. The FBI's investigation was in regards to the alleged sexual assault of Dr. Ford, not what Judge Kavanaugh may or may not have done in college.
I think he could have helped the last Pope rape an alterboy and the gop would still confirm him.

If any of the three vote nay, it could conceivably cost the gop cruz's seat and let the dems keep ND, because gop voters would be so pissed. I just don't see Flake letting that happen.

We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...
We'll find out who has a spine and who doesn't on short order ..
But you are CORRECT -
Trump could have had a Devil's Triangle with the Pope on an Alter Boy and they wouldn't give two fucks.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.
You are among people who defend Dresden as a perfectly acceptable act of war.

I used the "carpet bombing of Dresden" in order to make a comparison to the poster's expression the Democrats would be "dropping bombs" at some point in the future.
Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.

Her friend is a former FBI agent. If Ford did help her out to get the FBI job, is that something she would admit to?

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Look at you people, grasping at straws about Ford. You people will believe anything no matter how thin. but four similar accusations against Kavanaugh, and a bunch of people talking about how terrible a drunk he was? Nope, no sir, can't believe a word of that...

How drunk Kavanuagh was in college is irrelevant. Ford testifying in a Senate Committee that she had no training in or experience in polygraph test is relevant.
Some investigation.

They weren't allowed to interview Ford nor Kavanaugh...not anyone from Kav's college years

Interview everybody Kavanaugh knew to find out if he attacked Ford?

The Democrats can hire a private investigator to go through everyone's garbage if they so choose. No one is stopping them.
There are some qualified private investigators out there, quite a few of them worked in the agencies and still have contacts.
Last edited:
They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.

Well as we see today is now tomorrow, and no release of any information, and I don't believe any of it will be made public knowledge, it will go to the Senate Judiciary committee first for review.

I don't know who on FOX News puts out these arbitrary dates. I imagine Sean Hannity because that was what he was told to do by the White House. No other media was reporting, that TODAY the investigation would be done. In fact CNN stated that the investigation was expanding yesterday.

I have a sense that Democrats are holding an ace card on Kavanaugh. With Fienstein keeping the letter, then testimony, now an investigation.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Democrats watch Reoublicans confirm Kavanaugh and drop another bomb on him right before the midterm.

They are not worried about midterms as much as they are a constitutional led Supreme Court. After all, there is another election in two years after this one.
Some investigation.

They weren't allowed to interview Ford nor Kavanaugh...not anyone from Kav's college years

Interview everybody Kavanaugh knew to find out if he attacked Ford?

The Democrats can hire a private investigator to go through everyone's garbage if they so choose. No one is stopping them.
There are some qualified private investigators out there, quite a few of the worked in them agencies and still have contacts.

Just like Ford (or her legal team) could have hired a PI for her claim of being assaulted at a party she didn't even know where it was at. Of course that could have sped things up which was the exact opposite of what they really want which is to drag this out as long as possible.
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.
But...you're the one always throwing little infantile tantrums. How odd.
Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.
But...you're the one always throwing little infantile tantrums. How odd.

A bitch says what?
Corker was spineless when he voted for the spending bill and tax cuts despite opposing them. McConnnell said he had to pass them to keep the senate, so Corker got in line. I understand a person taking one for the party, but Corker abandoned everything he supposedly stood for during two or three senate terms. When the party abandons what got you to run, it's simply partisanship for the sake of power (and maybe Justices) to vote against your own position.

Flake's a little different. If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden. But Kavenaugh has demonstrably lied about his past. For no reason I can see ...

Is that enough for Flake to maybe flip the Senate and remove any possibility of 5 votes after Thomas to find ANY abortion restriction const that isn't an abosolute ban? I dunno.

Give it a rest. Ford lied end of the BS charade
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.

And the NEXT one?
IT will cause YOU to cry like a Trumptard :D
If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden.

Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.
Listen sheep, if we want Trump's opinion, we'll just ask Trump.

So someone with common sense is defined as a sheep? LMAO. Dumbass Leftist.
so a sheep who regurgitates whatever he is told to say is now considered somebody with common sense? Haha, dumbass Trump cultist...

Try to be original. Elections have consequences. This one caused you to cry like a bitch.
But...you're the one always throwing little infantile tantrums. How odd.

A bitch says what?
Oh look, another mental midget on USMB...shocking...

Anyhoo, I am glad you fools are throwing your little hissies over all of this. Clarity is good.

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