FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

sure I know she lied. she stated she was afraid of flying, and she flew all over god's planet, corroborated by an exboyfriend. So lie.

She said her door was added in 2012 and in fact it was added in 2008.

She said she didn't help on polygraph with others,
ex boyfriend says who she did help.

She said her best friend was with her
her best friend said sorry no I wasn't and didn't even know kavanaugh.

there are others, but you can dispute these for now.

And he lied about being a lush in high school and college.
post his quote. he never made any such statement. you aren't good at this. Oh, and I see you didn't dispute her lies. so bang, you agree she lied.

Bart disputed in his own handwritten letter. Try and keep up.
post it pup!! why you afraid to back up your post? get on the track pup, can't win until you get on .

It is all over the news today puss-puss, open your eyes.
still nothing eh? I'm at work pup, I'm not watching tv.
And he lied about being a lush in high school and college.
post his quote. he never made any such statement. you aren't good at this. Oh, and I see you didn't dispute her lies. so bang, you agree she lied.

Bart disputed in his own handwritten letter. Try and keep up.
post it pup!! why you afraid to back up your post? get on the track pup, can't win until you get on .

It is all over the news today puss-puss, open your eyes.
i'm sorry - i have to dig through all of fords own lies before i can get to it. how come you're not screaming about those? i mean, a lie i a lie, isn't it?

I said prosecute her, please do try and keep up sweetums.
post his quote. he never made any such statement. you aren't good at this. Oh, and I see you didn't dispute her lies. so bang, you agree she lied.

Bart disputed in his own handwritten letter. Try and keep up.
post it pup!! why you afraid to back up your post? get on the track pup, can't win until you get on .

It is all over the news today puss-puss, open your eyes.
i'm sorry - i have to dig through all of fords own lies before i can get to it. how come you're not screaming about those? i mean, a lie i a lie, isn't it?

I said prosecute her, please do try and keep up sweetums.
no you didn't loser, post your post number of your comment. you said lock her up.

I'll wait for your insult.
Bart disputed in his own handwritten letter. Try and keep up.
post it pup!! why you afraid to back up your post? get on the track pup, can't win until you get on .

It is all over the news today puss-puss, open your eyes.
i'm sorry - i have to dig through all of fords own lies before i can get to it. how come you're not screaming about those? i mean, a lie i a lie, isn't it?

I said prosecute her, please do try and keep up sweetums.
no you didn't loser, post your post number of your comment. you said lock her up.

I'll wait for your insult.

If not on this thread it is on another. You are a fucking liar if you're saying I didn't.
post his quote. he never made any such statement. you aren't good at this. Oh, and I see you didn't dispute her lies. so bang, you agree she lied.

Bart disputed in his own handwritten letter. Try and keep up.
post it pup!! why you afraid to back up your post? get on the track pup, can't win until you get on .

It is all over the news today puss-puss, open your eyes.
still nothing eh? I'm at work pup, I'm not watching tv.

I'm on vacation puss-puss n headed back to beach. You will see it when you get home.
so again, you got nothing. baddabing!!!! Drop Mic

Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.

Her friend is a former FBI agent. If Ford did help her out to get the FBI job, is that something she would admit to?

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If Dems don't like the result they will demand an investigation of FBI investigation. ...
In other words, exactly what the GOP crybabies are doing right now worth the Clinton email investigation.

So,let's review:

Your big, proud insult is that the Democrats might sink as low as the republicans.

Cheaters are always the biggest whiners, when someone else decides to play by their rules.
we only wanted the doj to make a ruling they didn't. the fbi, comey, was supposed to hand over the findings and let the doj do their thing.
I doubt it will.sbow anything, it is an obvious sham. They didn't even interview the accuser, the accused, or any if the known principal witnesses. The Whitehouse limited them to totally innocuous information to insure nothing was found, even though we all saw Bart O'Kavanaugh lying under oath last week.

What did he lie about and where is the definite proof that he lied?

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Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting.

Right, because women are stupid and just march in lockstep with the Democrat party. No wonder you keep losing power all the time.
it's what they do. they look at a group and think the group belongs to them. it is elitist. and stupid. I have been watching woman after woman, that are women anyway, state they don't believe ford. has to be over 70%

I believe their calculation back fired.
Ray From Cleveland I don't think the left knows mothers have sons. It's how fked up they really are.
Translation ^ I don't care about facts or whether this was a sham, handcuffed investigation -
Just seat the asshole

Thank you. We will. It is BECAUSE of the facts that we'll seat him. Show me a single trial or courtroom where you can walk into it in the middle of things, point your finger and accuse the defendant of a crime, DECADES old, with absolutely no evidence or proof of anything, staggering contradictions, and expect anyone to take you seriously.

Once again Tooby - This is NOT a trial .. RATHER it is a search for the TRUTH.
Trumptards HATE truth .. and this is why the shit-show continues.
it is a search for the TRUTH.

And standing at the fulcrum of that truth is the veracity, character, integrity and honesty of the chief accuser, Christine Ford. I know the Left would LIKE to make this appear as if Kavanaugh were under the glass here, but he's already been vetted and found with sterling credentials-- -- -- the only truth left to be divined is whether there IS any truth to any of the stuff Ford has claimed and whether it matters or disqualifies him from the bench.
one beer too
amazing and convenient use of self hypnosis psycho babble to recall "one beer" on the taxpayers dime broadcast all over to hear...genius lady

What puzzles me is she knew who was there, that she only had one beer, she doesn't remember where she the house was at, how she got there or how she got home. Sounds like more than one beer to me. Just my take.
Ford may be sympathetic but libs, governed solely by emotion, feel that her potentially sympathetic nature equates to veracity. It does not
one beer too
amazing and convenient use of self hypnosis psycho babble to recall "one beer" on the taxpayers dime broadcast all over to hear...genius lady

What puzzles me is she knew who was there, that she only had one beer, she doesn't remember where she the house was at, how she got there or how she got home. Sounds like more than one beer to me. Just my take.
Never arrested a drinker that admitted to more than two beers.
it is a search for the TRUTH.

And standing at the fulcrum of that truth is the veracity, character, integrity and honesty of the chief accuser, Christine Ford. I know the Left would LIKE to make this appear as if Kavanaugh were under the glass here, but he's already been vetted and found with sterling credentials-- -- -- the only truth left to be divined is whether there IS any truth to any of the stuff Ford has claimed and whether it matters or disqualifies him from the bench.

NONE of it matters anymore Bitch - Just confirm your asshole & we'll move on and see what happens!
Translation ^ I don't care about facts or whether this was a sham, handcuffed investigation -
Just seat the asshole

Thank you. We will. It is BECAUSE of the facts that we'll seat him. Show me a single trial or courtroom where you can walk into it in the middle of things, point your finger and accuse the defendant of a crime, DECADES old, with absolutely no evidence or proof of anything, staggering contradictions, and expect anyone to take you seriously.

Once again Tooby - This is NOT a trial .. RATHER it is a search for the TRUTH.
Trumptards HATE truth .. and this is why the shit-show continues.
The truth has been found. Ford is a perjured. Her accusations are false.

Time to Confirm.
Translation ^ I don't care about facts or whether this was a sham, handcuffed investigation -
Just seat the asshole

Thank you. We will. It is BECAUSE of the facts that we'll seat him. Show me a single trial or courtroom where you can walk into it in the middle of things, point your finger and accuse the defendant of a crime, DECADES old, with absolutely no evidence or proof of anything, staggering contradictions, and expect anyone to take you seriously.

Once again Tooby - This is NOT a trial .. RATHER it is a search for the TRUTH.
Trumptards HATE truth .. and this is why the shit-show continues.
The truth has been found. Ford is a perjured. Her accusations are false.

Time to Confirm.

You are no longer to be taken seriously :blahblah: Buh-Bye! :bye1:
Translation ^ I don't care about facts or whether this was a sham, handcuffed investigation -
Just seat the asshole

Thank you. We will. It is BECAUSE of the facts that we'll seat him. Show me a single trial or courtroom where you can walk into it in the middle of things, point your finger and accuse the defendant of a crime, DECADES old, with absolutely no evidence or proof of anything, staggering contradictions, and expect anyone to take you seriously.

Once again Tooby - This is NOT a trial .. RATHER it is a search for the TRUTH.
Trumptards HATE truth .. and this is why the shit-show continues.
The truth has been found. Ford is a perjured. Her accusations are false.

Time to Confirm.

You are no longer to be taken seriously :blahblah: Buh-Bye! :bye1:
Buh-bye, reality-denying, anti-Trump, lying lil' snowflake.
it is a search for the TRUTH.

And standing at the fulcrum of that truth is the veracity, character, integrity and honesty of the chief accuser, Christine Ford. I know the Left would LIKE to make this appear as if Kavanaugh were under the glass here, but he's already been vetted and found with sterling credentials-- -- -- the only truth left to be divined is whether there IS any truth to any of the stuff Ford has claimed and whether it matters or disqualifies him from the bench.

NONE of it matters anymore Bitch - Just confirm your asshole & we'll move on and see what happens!
They confirm him on Friday. I'd guess on party line vote. It doesn't look good for Heidecamp in NC, so she may just go nay and let it fall. Most women in ND want the guy on the bench. McKaskill seems to be neck in neck, so I don't know. For a dem to cave, it will have negative consequences for them, so I'd think they'd vote no.

And it's on to 2020. Thomas will retire before then unless the dems somehow take the senate.

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