FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

If he did all these things...then he should not be a SC judge. However, this opens up a slippery slope. At what age does a college kid sowing his wild oats end and adulthood begins? What male here or anywhere did NOT do stupid shit while in college or high school? What FEMALE here did NOT do stupid shit while in college or high school? And since when are people judged "worthy or unworthy" for a job opportunity 40/50 years AFTER college or high school according to how they comported themselves while in college or high school?

Anyone care to discuss that particular slippery slope...with examples?

Should Michael Vicks ever been excused for what he did with dogs or let him return to football? We know the answer to that. He was forgiven. Yet what he did was horrendous.

Bill Clinton. He has accusers who can PROVE he raped/groped women without their consent aka Bill Cosby..yet look where he is now.
Ellison for another example. double standard hypocrites.

The left correctly asked for evidence for Ellison's accuser, but for kavanaugh, nope the accusation is all that is necessary. that's called double standard and hypocrisy 101.
So cockholester you are getting spanked, as usual and you revert to name calling. Lol it is all you got a big fat nothing
Seems the loser is you.....cock holster? You libs are sick and we will not allow you to run this nation into the ground and piss all over our constitution and bill of rights....thank God our founders anticipated people like......

Your president is pissing on the constitution daily and you a
Lying to them means little. Lying to the FBI is another matter.

Lying in sworn testimony to Congress can land you in jail just as quick.

But that exposes what you want, which is not evidence of a crime alleged by Dr. Ford, and most certainly why you are not an investigator for the FBI.

If she lies I want her locked up, try again hack!
she said the 2nd door was because she was afraid of rooms with no 2nd exit. OOPS - that door was put in to rent the room.
she said she's afraid of flying - OOPS. her ex says she flew all the time and never mentioned any fears
she said she never helped someone prep for a polygraph test - OOPS again

so - go ahead. demand she be locked up.

or be a liar yourself.

It doesn't matter to the FBI, because none of that is proof to the crime Dr. Ford alleged Judge Kavanaugh of.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but people have been fighting about the wrong stuff, for the wrong reasons, far to much in this whole ordeal.
oh i can see your point - but it *does* go to her overall credibility. i'm all for the FBI doing whatever they need to do and from what i understand, they did and are done. i just find it funny the left is apeshit batty over any potential "lie" kavanaugh tells but is deathly quiet on the lies from their own source.

speaks in volumes of their own credibility.
So cockholester you are getting spanked, as usual and you revert to name calling. Lol it is all you got a big fat nothing
Seems the loser is you.....cock holster? You libs are sick and we will not allow you to run this nation into the ground and piss all over our constitution and bill of rights....thank God our founders anticipated people like......

Your president is pissing on the constitution daily and you a
Lying to them means little. Lying to the FBI is another matter.

Lying in sworn testimony to Congress can land you in jail just as quick.

But that exposes what you want, which is not evidence of a crime alleged by Dr. Ford, and most certainly why you are not an investigator for the FBI.

If she lies I want her locked up, try again hack!
she said the 2nd door was because she was afraid of rooms with no 2nd exit. OOPS - that door was put in to rent the room.
she said she's afraid of flying - OOPS. her ex says she flew all the time and never mentioned any fears
she said she never helped someone prep for a polygraph test - OOPS again

so - go ahead. demand she be locked up.

or be a liar yourself.

It doesn't matter to the FBI, because none of that is proof to the crime Dr. Ford alleged Judge Kavanaugh of.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but people have been fighting about the wrong stuff, for the wrong reasons, far to much in this whole ordeal.
oh i can see your point - but it *does* go to her overall credibility. i'm all for the FBI doing whatever they need to do and from what i understand, they did and are done. i just find it funny the left is apeshit batty over any potential "lie" kavanaugh tells but is deathly quiet on the lies from their own source.

speaks in volumes of their own credibility.
or lack there of.
Wrong....lying to the FBI is a crime...just ask Martha Stewart....if they ask her about those things and she lies, she can go to jail.

The crime they are investigating is the alleged sexual assault of Dr. Ford. The investigation they conduct will involve all matters associated with that alleged crime. What I am saying is that if Dr. Ford or Judge Kavanaugh lied about anything not associated with the alleged crime, it is not evidence that the alleged crime occurred.

If the FBI would like to prosecute someone for any lie they may have told during the investigation, that is another matter.
That very well may be why FBI investigators didn't interview Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh after they provided sworn testimony, because if they did, they would be compelled to prosecute which one of them (or both) they find lying (about anything), if that interview had occurred.

"Lying under oath" is not the crime they are investigating in this matter.
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Christine Blasey Ford Is Not Credible by Memory, Relationships, or Morality

By Deborah C. Tyler -- Across the dimensions of her memory, her relationships, and her morality, all indications are that Christine Blasey Ford is either lying or deluded.
Memory -- Her memory array is not plausible, given the events in her allegation. Have you ever been in a situation of natural disaster, crime, or accident wherein you were momentarily in fear of losing your life? Do you remember the location you were in? At such moments, the sensory portals open wide, creating an array of indelible memories, especially regarding the location. In the case of an attack, the avalanche of sensory input involved in the will...
Relationships -- The people who know Christine Blasey Ford are nowhere to be found. When Brett Kavanaugh was accused, hundreds of friends and associates going back to his childhood gathered around him to attest to his character and integrity....
Morality -- Christine Blasey Ford has wrapped herself in the moral cloak of civic responsibility, yet she is acting like a character from a dumb blond joke.

Why is no one choosing to publicly attest to her character or integrity. Where were Ms. Ford's parents? One would have thought her parents would have sat right behind her at the hearing! Yep, even her "Beach" Friends are mum.
Strangely, this new FBI investigation has yielded an ex-boyfriend who revealed that Dr. Ford committed perjury when she said she hadn't ever instructed anyone on how to pass a polygraph test (he witnessed her do just that for a friend who was having a security clearance polygraph). He also revealed that she flew frequently and lived in a 500 sq. ft. home in the relationship, destroying her "I'm afraid of enclosed spaces" lies. She also cheated on him and stole $600 from his credit card. Lovely woman!
This is a really good article. It cites one of the shortcomings of this whole affair. Where are her beach buddies, family and friends? Where is her very best friend that she coached through taking a polygraph when applying for a job with the DOJ and FBI. Where are her "high Skrool Annuals" with all of the handwritten notes written by her bff's. (don't think she has any). I don't know who ran this investigation but every he said she said investigation begins with a very in depth affidavit from the accuser. Getting them to swear to an affidavit at the very beginning and getting into the weeds about the event and having them swear to it often times flushes the accuser out.
There's a real tragedy here. This entire sorry satire diminishes and trivializes those who really have suffered in this way.
Ford’s ex-boyfriend claimed he saw Ford helping a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman, Monica McLean, had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.....
This bitch is headed for trouble.....playing with fire....
Her boyfriend also said she was not afraid of flying or being in close cramped places....as she stated under oath....
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.


That was fast. My guess is everyone involved said, "It's the same damn thing I told you before".

The FBI Report is comprehensive and extensively detailed.

It says

"She said this and He said that"

.. and the good news is that this magnificent work of prose only set the tax payers back a couple of million dollars.:cool:
You mean they do not want to get to the truth, no matter how it would turn out.
you obviously don't know probabilities do you? I thought leftists were supposed to be educated? guess not.

And you are against the truth.
again, if you truly believe you can find one, you'd be the only one. again, junior, one needs to know probabilities.
Because a hack like you says so, lol.
ok junior, what is it that is truth? let's hear you out. And remember, truth has corroboration. And I've trapped you, because if you say truth doesn't need corroboration, then you don't believe in our constitution. oops
Aldo Raine yo junior, where'd you go? come on big man on campus put up or shut up. I guess you shut up cause you cannot put up. thanks for making my point.
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.


That was fast. My guess is everyone involved said, "It's the same damn thing I told you before".

The FBI Report is comprehensive and extensively detailed.

It says

"She said this and He said that"

.. and the good news is that this magnificent work of prose only set the tax payers back a couple of million dollars.:cool:
thank jeff flake, he's got nothing to lose accept our money. he's the biggest wanker in DC right now.
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.


That was fast. My guess is everyone involved said, "It's the same damn thing I told you before".

The FBI Report is comprehensive and extensively detailed.

It says

"She said this and He said that"

.. and the good news is that this magnificent work of prose only set the tax payers back a couple of million dollars.:cool:

Bingo! Funny how one cares about the millions spent on bullshit.
It's about one and a half paragraphs long

Last sentrnce. "Didn't find shit"

It will also say "Didn't look for shit!"
Oh, c'mon. Doing the investigation after the hearing was always a cosmetic application. However, it's doubtful they came up with any more than we already knew. As a teenager, he was a dumbass teenager. What matters is what kind of a man he is now.

And how long will it be before the FBI report gets leaked? By end of day today, you think?

Why do you believe it will be leaked?
francoHFW, CVS is well stocked with Prep H. But pick some up tomorrow before they run out. :p

What seems to be the problem LOL?
i suspect fairly early tomorrow there will be a rush

of leftards out buying new computer monitors and tvs

What is the problem? LOL. You just lost the women's vote.
Really? Don't you liberals ever realize that not everyone engages in group think? You think women aren't going to move to protect their sons from the type of crazy that threatened Mrs. Kavanaugh's son? Due process is for EVERYONE!

indeed i am sure all the rallies where Trump is pulling 60-90 thousand people sized crowds

not any of them are women

Christine Blasey Ford Is Not Credible by Memory, Relationships, or Morality

By Deborah C. Tyler -- Across the dimensions of her memory, her relationships, and her morality, all indications are that Christine Blasey Ford is either lying or deluded.
Memory -- Her memory array is not plausible, given the events in her allegation. Have you ever been in a situation of natural disaster, crime, or accident wherein you were momentarily in fear of losing your life? Do you remember the location you were in? At such moments, the sensory portals open wide, creating an array of indelible memories, especially regarding the location. In the case of an attack, the avalanche of sensory input involved in the will...
Relationships -- The people who know Christine Blasey Ford are nowhere to be found. When Brett Kavanaugh was accused, hundreds of friends and associates going back to his childhood gathered around him to attest to his character and integrity....
Morality -- Christine Blasey Ford has wrapped herself in the moral cloak of civic responsibility, yet she is acting like a character from a dumb blond joke.

Why is no one choosing to publicly attest to her character or integrity. Where were Ms. Ford's parents? One would have thought her parents would have sat right behind her at the hearing! Yep, even her "Beach" Friends are mum.
Strangely, this new FBI investigation has yielded an ex-boyfriend who revealed that Dr. Ford committed perjury when she said she hadn't ever instructed anyone on how to pass a polygraph test (he witnessed her do just that for a friend who was having a security clearance polygraph). He also revealed that she flew frequently and lived in a 500 sq. ft. home in the relationship, destroying her "I'm afraid of enclosed spaces" lies. She also cheated on him and stole $600 from his credit card. Lovely woman!
This is a really good article. It cites one of the shortcomings of this whole affair. Where are her beach buddies, family and friends? Where is her very best friend that she coached through taking a polygraph when applying for a job with the DOJ and FBI. Where are her "high Skrool Annuals" with all of the handwritten notes written by her bff's. (don't think she has any). I don't know who ran this investigation but every he said she said investigation begins with a very in depth affidavit from the accuser. Getting them to swear to an affidavit at the very beginning and getting into the weeds about the event and having them swear to it often times flushes the accuser out.
There's a real tragedy here. This entire sorry satire diminishes and trivializes those who really have suffered in this way.

From YOUR link is this line, Democrats tries hard to overlook:

"Dr. Ford offered only two pieces of documentary evidence supporting her claim: lie-detector results and therapy notes from 2012."

Yet she REFUSES to provide the evidence to the Senate Subcommittee when requested by the Chairman.

Come on people you still stick with this woman despite the many holes in her claims and actions?

Come on...., don't be that stupid.
If Dems don't like the result they will demand an investigation of FBI investigation. ...
In other words, exactly what the GOP crybabies are doing right now worth the Clinton email investigation.

So,let's review:

Your big, proud insult is that the Democrats might sink as low as the republicans.

Cheaters are always the biggest whiners, when someone else decides to play by their rules.
You mean they do not want to get to the truth, no matter how it would turn out.
you obviously don't know probabilities do you? I thought leftists were supposed to be educated? guess not.

And you are against the truth.
again, if you truly believe you can find one, you'd be the only one. again, junior, one needs to know probabilities.
Because a hack like you says so, lol.
ok junior, what is it that is truth? let's hear you out. And remember, truth has corroboration. And I've trapped you, because if you say truth doesn't need corroboration, then you don't believe in our constitution. oops

Neither I or you know what the truth is that is why we need a real investigation to help ferret that out. You're gonna trap me, ROTFLMAO!
Yes Kavvy does seem to have a lot of shit!

Made up shit....we told you

Really, yet it is he that is lying about his early years, why?
how would you know this information? you have no credibility obviously. let me guess, you hate our constitution right?

No just obvious ignorant dupes like you.
Would you care for a mint?
And no I'm not interested in buying one of your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies.
Give them all to a thrift store for Christ sake!

Do you get your mints from the bottom of the urinal? Why yes, yes you do.
So cockholester you are getting spanked, as usual and you revert to name calling. Lol it is all you got a big fat nothing
Seems the loser is you.....cock holster? You libs are sick and we will not allow you to run this nation into the ground and piss all over our constitution and bill of rights....thank God our founders anticipated people like......

Your president is pissing on the constitution daily and you a
Lying to them means little. Lying to the FBI is another matter.

Lying in sworn testimony to Congress can land you in jail just as quick.

But that exposes what you want, which is not evidence of a crime alleged by Dr. Ford, and most certainly why you are not an investigator for the FBI.

If she lies I want her locked up, try again hack!
she did lie. the lies are already posted in here. so now your truth is she should be locked up? funny.

Actually only in your mind she lied, you no nothing as well.
Really, yet it is he that is lying about his early years, why?
how would you know this information? you have no credibility obviously. let me guess, you hate our constitution right?

No just obvious ignorant dupes like you.
how am i ignorant? what have I posted that isn't factual so far? come on junior show me.

You are against finding the truth.
ok junior, what is it that is truth? let's hear you out. And remember, truth has corroboration. And I've trapped you, because if you say truth doesn't need corroboration, then you don't believe in our constitution. oops

You got it wrong, it is you I do not believe nutter.

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