FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Ford's claim was unprovable since the time the letter came out. HTF can anybody prove something that happened 35 years or so ago with no evidence?

What this is really about is trying to stall this nomination (Kavanaugh or any other) until past the midterms. It's the number one goal, and if any of the RINO's are responsible for letting that happen, I fear there will be a huge price to pay.

At this point I would agree that Dr. Ford's allegations are unprovable (I am certainly not aware of what the FBI may have).

It doesn't matter how long ago it was. It doesn't matter if someone was trying to stall the nomination. It doesn't matter who stands to gain or lose from what. The damage has been done, and none of that represents unbiased verifiable evidence in regards to the fact the crime described in Dr. Ford's allegations ever occurred.

The reason this whole ordeal is spinning out of control is because of people arguing what doesn't make a fucking difference as far as evidence to a crime is concerned.
Yep. Evidence of motive is not even required.
Motive is a courtroom argument to sway the opinion of jurors. If the FBI is investigating motive, they are not investigating a crime, but the possible reason for the crime as it is associated with the accused. That is not proof that the crime actually happened.
Really Saturday is the big day and for the most part everyone will not know much until the preparations for the vote. I am sure the debates will be informative.
I hope this shameful chapter in American history is close now.

Decent people like the Judge and his family don't deserve this.

What a circus this has been.

If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden.

Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.

Of course it's always about politics. Republicans do it to Democrat SCOTUS Nominees also.

That's why I said there's another ace card in here somewhere.

I agree with that. I'm sure the Democrat bullpen isn't totally empty yet. It's DEFCON II for them now.

Well I just listened to Brett Kavanuagh's room mate at Yale. He's basically attesting to Deborah Ramirez statements that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Apparently she went up to Kavanuagh's roomate, he said he could tell she was upset about something, and he's saying he knows her well, and she wouldn't lie about something like this.

Watch it yourself--Brett Kavanuah's roommate from Yale seems very credible.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Debora Ramirez has handed the FBI 20 other names--that the FBI has not yet contacted.

This is not going away by any means.
From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.

This investigation was meaningless the day the Democrats violated every standard and tradition by giving this to the public without going through proper channels. If they really thought Ford credible, they would have done this appropriately, in a way that would have preserved the integrity of the investigation. Gathering facts or doing much of anything is out the window at this point. Best one can hope for is that Ford is held criminally liable along with the Democrats and her lawyers for putting on this circus.

Well as we see today is now tomorrow, and no release of any information, and I don't believe any of it will be made public knowledge, it will go to the Senate Judiciary committee first for review.

I don't know who on FOX News puts out these arbitrary dates. I imagine Sean Hannity because that was what he was told to do by the White House. No other media was reporting, that TODAY the investigation would be done. In fact CNN stated that the investigation was expanding yesterday.

I have a sense that Democrats are holding an ace card on Kavanaugh. With Fienstein keeping the letter, then testimony, now an investigation.

Hardly. Feinstein is in deep shit over this. She's the only one to likely have leaked this to the press. Furthermore, her entire side created this monster and it's turned on them big time. She lost control almost immediately. The writing is on the wall. The only question is whether or not the FBI will aggressively pursue their handling of this. I doubt it, but I sure hope they do.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Democrats watch Reoublicans confirm Kavanaugh and drop another bomb on him right before the midterm.

They are not worried about midterms as much as they are a constitutional led Supreme Court. After all, there is another election in two years after this one.

The democrats care nothing for the constitution. They've proven this countless times.

You didn't get what you expected. Niel Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in year 2016 as G.W Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Senate and while Democrats turned down many of G.W' nominees these two made it made it through with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein & Chuck Schumer & several other prominent Democrats voted for confirmation.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings that Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone.

The only reason Trump wanted Kavanaugh is because he once stated that Presidents shouldn't be investigated while in office.

Who's fault is that? Maybe if the democrats didn't advocate for killing Trump, or raping his wife, or impeaching him for fake Russian corruption charges, or threatening to throw him in jail, he wouldn't have to worry about such criteria for a justice.

So if you were for strict conservative constitutionalists you're going to be disappointed. Anthony Scalias they're NOT.

Well, unfortunately Trump isn't the ideal libertarian. He's no Rand Paul, after all. We live in an era where we have two choices, a former democrat turned middle of the road Republican style conservative (Trump) or batshit insane socialist demagogues(Democrats).

Republicans and conservatives are good at disagreeing with one another because we have principles and sometimes those don't align, but right now isn't the time for squabbling. The Democrats act as one, at all times. They're a hive mind, and unless we set aside our expectations for ideal candidates, it's better to huddle around Kavanaugh than throw him under the bus. We'll get another one when RBG retires. I say pressure Trump for a more libertarian SCJ when that time comes. Right now we have to be realistic.

You're bitching and griping gets lost on if what Kavanaugh is accused of is true or not. We all know what Fienstein did, holding the letter until the last minute was a political stall tactic. Get used to it, both sides do it to each other. This is just politics 101.

But in no way does it infer that Dr. Ford is involved in Feinstein's decision to hold the letter.

And if you can name me one person that you know that would lie & or conspire to smear a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, while asking for an FBI investigation of their own allegation, please do so. Because that is exactly what Dr. Ford did. She wanted an FBI investigation prior to giving testimony. But the media leaked her name and she was strongly encouraged to testify..
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--before she testified she passed a lie detector test
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

BREAKING NEWS TONIGHT. From Brett Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale University. You might want to actually watch this one.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video
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If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden.

Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.

Of course it's always about politics. Republicans do it to Democrat SCOTUS Nominees also.

That's why I said there's another ace card in here somewhere.

I agree with that. I'm sure the Democrat bullpen isn't totally empty yet. It's DEFCON II for them now.

Well I just listened to Brett Kavanuagh's room mate at Yale. He's basically attesting to Deborah Ramirez statements that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Apparently she went up to Kavanuagh's roomate, he said he could tell she was upset about something, and he's saying he knows her well, and she wouldn't lie about something like this.

Watch it yourself--Brett Kavanuah's roommate from Yale seems very credible.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Debora Ramirez has handed the FBI 20 other names--that the FBI has not yet contacted.

This is not going away by any means.

Once he is confirmed it will go away quicker than the suspicion that Hillary was guilty of obstructing justice and guilty of treason by allowing all of America's enemies to read State dept. top secret emails.

I'm already bored of it. Wake me when he is confirmed.

I used to be 100% positive that the Democrats would pick up seats in both the house and Senate.

Now? I am not so sure. I don't think most Americans are so stupid as they didn't see through this blatantly filthy and partisan attempt to corrupt the judiciary process.

Hell, if they keep this shit up, I might go out and vote for the fist time in a decade myself. They are getting really terrible. I can't imagine what the TV is like these days.
If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden.

Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.

Of course it's always about politics. Republicans do it to Democrat SCOTUS Nominees also.

That's why I said there's another ace card in here somewhere.

I agree with that. I'm sure the Democrat bullpen isn't totally empty yet. It's DEFCON II for them now.

Well I just listened to Brett Kavanuagh's room mate at Yale. He's basically attesting to Deborah Ramirez statements that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Apparently she went up to Kavanuagh's roomate, he said he could tell she was upset about something, and he's saying he knows her well, and she wouldn't lie about something like this.

Watch it yourself--Brett Kavanuah's roommate from Yale seems very credible.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Debora Ramirez has handed the FBI 20 other names--that the FBI has not yet contacted.

This is not going away by any means.

Once he is confirmed it will go away quicker than the suspicion that Hillary was guilty of obstructing justice and guilty of treason by allowing all of America's enemies to read State dept. top secret emails.

I'm already bored of it. Wake me when he is confirmed.

I used to be 100% positive that the Democrats would pick up seats in both the house and Senate.

Now? I am not so sure. I don't think most Americans are so stupid as they didn't see through this blatantly filthy and partisan attempt to corrupt the judiciary process.

Hell, if they keep this shit up, I might go out and vote for the fist time in a decade myself. They are getting really terrible. I can't imagine what the TV is like these days.

Unfortunately for you this is just the beginning. This should be Republicans concern., Should they confirm Kavanaugh, the voting booth is going to get real ugly for them in about a month.

The 2nd annual womens march Washington D.C. January 20, 2018.


The 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inugurated, January 20, 2017.


This was going on in every state not just Washington D.C. If you want to see a lot more pictures you can click their link, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

A sleeping giant has awoken.

And for the BREAKING NEWS tonight which should interest you. Brett Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale decides to come forward.
Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook - CNNPolitics

and the video of Kavanaugh's roommate attesting to the character of Debora Ramirez--the accuser that stated Kavanaugh exposed himself to her.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Expect your right wing talk show hosts to be in full panic spin mode tomorrow. They just got their noses rubbed into it BIG TIME.
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Extry Extry, whitehouse finds nothing because they didnt investigate.



Ford (18 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED

Ramirez (20 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED


Swetnick (1 sworn corroborating witness): IGNORED

Accuser 4: IGNORED
Extry Extry, whitehouse finds nothing because they didnt investigate.



Ford (18 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED

Ramirez (20 corroborating witnesses): IGNORED


Swetnick (1 sworn corroborating witness): IGNORED

Accuser 4: IGNORED
Well, that's what happens when you wait ~36 years and don't come forward until just before a confirmation hearing.
So you admit then that just because the FBI is investigating someone doesn't mean it's legitimate? If Mueller's investigation is legitimate, so is this!

I love watching liberals melt down when they have to follow their own rules of logic (lack thereof).
The FBI is not doing a complete investigation, Mueller is.
Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.

Of course it's always about politics. Republicans do it to Democrat SCOTUS Nominees also.

That's why I said there's another ace card in here somewhere.

I agree with that. I'm sure the Democrat bullpen isn't totally empty yet. It's DEFCON II for them now.

Well I just listened to Brett Kavanuagh's room mate at Yale. He's basically attesting to Deborah Ramirez statements that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Apparently she went up to Kavanuagh's roomate, he said he could tell she was upset about something, and he's saying he knows her well, and she wouldn't lie about something like this.

Watch it yourself--Brett Kavanuah's roommate from Yale seems very credible.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Debora Ramirez has handed the FBI 20 other names--that the FBI has not yet contacted.

This is not going away by any means.

Once he is confirmed it will go away quicker than the suspicion that Hillary was guilty of obstructing justice and guilty of treason by allowing all of America's enemies to read State dept. top secret emails.

I'm already bored of it. Wake me when he is confirmed.

I used to be 100% positive that the Democrats would pick up seats in both the house and Senate.

Now? I am not so sure. I don't think most Americans are so stupid as they didn't see through this blatantly filthy and partisan attempt to corrupt the judiciary process.

Hell, if they keep this shit up, I might go out and vote for the fist time in a decade myself. They are getting really terrible. I can't imagine what the TV is like these days.

Unfortunately for you this is just the beginning. This should be Republicans concern., Should they confirm Kavanaugh, the voting booth is going to get real ugly for them in about a month.

The 2nd annual womens march Washington D.C. January 20, 2018.


The 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inugurated, January 20, 2017.


This was going on in every state not just Washington D.C. If you want to see a lot more pictures you can click their link, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

A sleeping giant has awoken.

And for the BREAKING NEWS tonight which should interest you. Brett Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale decides to come forward.
Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook - CNNPolitics

and the video of Kavanaugh's roommate attesting to the character of Debora Ramirez--the accuser that stated Kavanaugh exposed himself to her.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Expect your right wing talk show hosts to be in full panic spin mode tomorrow. They just got their noses rubbed into it BIG TIME.

Liberals have minds like children. Every time they don't get what they want, they jump up and down and cry.

Protests are worthless, it's what happens at the polls that count, and showing a bunch of jobless losers doesn't mean anything.
From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.

This investigation was meaningless the day the Democrats violated every standard and tradition by giving this to the public without going through proper channels. If they really thought Ford credible, they would have done this appropriately, in a way that would have preserved the integrity of the investigation. Gathering facts or doing much of anything is out the window at this point. Best one can hope for is that Ford is held criminally liable along with the Democrats and her lawyers for putting on this circus.

Well as we see today is now tomorrow, and no release of any information, and I don't believe any of it will be made public knowledge, it will go to the Senate Judiciary committee first for review.

I don't know who on FOX News puts out these arbitrary dates. I imagine Sean Hannity because that was what he was told to do by the White House. No other media was reporting, that TODAY the investigation would be done. In fact CNN stated that the investigation was expanding yesterday.

I have a sense that Democrats are holding an ace card on Kavanaugh. With Fienstein keeping the letter, then testimony, now an investigation.

Hardly. Feinstein is in deep shit over this. She's the only one to likely have leaked this to the press. Furthermore, her entire side created this monster and it's turned on them big time. She lost control almost immediately. The writing is on the wall. The only question is whether or not the FBI will aggressively pursue their handling of this. I doubt it, but I sure hope they do.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Democrats watch Reoublicans confirm Kavanaugh and drop another bomb on him right before the midterm.

They are not worried about midterms as much as they are a constitutional led Supreme Court. After all, there is another election in two years after this one.

The democrats care nothing for the constitution. They've proven this countless times.

You didn't get what you expected. Niel Gorsuch & Kavanaugh came out of the gate in year 2016 as G.W Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Senate and while Democrats turned down many of G.W' nominees these two made it made it through with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein & Chuck Schumer & several other prominent Democrats voted for confirmation.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings that Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone.

The only reason Trump wanted Kavanaugh is because he once stated that Presidents shouldn't be investigated while in office.

Who's fault is that? Maybe if the democrats didn't advocate for killing Trump, or raping his wife, or impeaching him for fake Russian corruption charges, or threatening to throw him in jail, he wouldn't have to worry about such criteria for a justice.

So if you were for strict conservative constitutionalists you're going to be disappointed. Anthony Scalias they're NOT.

Well, unfortunately Trump isn't the ideal libertarian. He's no Rand Paul, after all. We live in an era where we have two choices, a former democrat turned middle of the road Republican style conservative (Trump) or batshit insane socialist demagogues(Democrats).

Republicans and conservatives are good at disagreeing with one another because we have principles and sometimes those don't align, but right now isn't the time for squabbling. The Democrats act as one, at all times. They're a hive mind, and unless we set aside our expectations for ideal candidates, it's better to huddle around Kavanaugh than throw him under the bus. We'll get another one when RBG retires. I say pressure Trump for a more libertarian SCJ when that time comes. Right now we have to be realistic.

You're bitching and griping gets lost on if what Kavanaugh is accused of is true or not. We all know what Fienstein did, holding the letter until the last minute was a political stall tactic. Get used to it, both sides do it to each other. This is just politics 101.

But in no way does it infer that Dr. Ford is involved in Feinstein's decision to hold the letter.

And if you can name me one person that you know that would lie & or conspire to smear a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, while asking for an FBI investigation of their own allegation, please do so. Because that is exactly what Dr. Ford did. She wanted an FBI investigation prior to giving testimony. But the media leaked her name and she was strongly encouraged to testify..
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--before she testified she passed a lie detector test
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

BREAKING NEWS TONIGHT. From Brett Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale University. You might want to actually watch this one.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Yes, that polygraph test. The one where two questions were asked and they refuse to let Grassley see the results.
If Kavenaugh would have just admitted to being drunk at times in his youth, and possibly doing shit he couldn't recall, and just apologize for anything he did or anyone he hurt .... he'd been golden.

Oh please, don't tell me you really believe that. The entire goal here is to stall this nomination or have his nomination replaced by somebody else to get the Democrats past midterms. It wouldn't matter if Kavanaugh stood there with a guitar and a song he wrote apologizing to everybody.

Of course it's always about politics. Republicans do it to Democrat SCOTUS Nominees also.

That's why I said there's another ace card in here somewhere.

I agree with that. I'm sure the Democrat bullpen isn't totally empty yet. It's DEFCON II for them now.

Well I just listened to Brett Kavanuagh's room mate at Yale. He's basically attesting to Deborah Ramirez statements that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Apparently she went up to Kavanuagh's roomate, he said he could tell she was upset about something, and he's saying he knows her well, and she wouldn't lie about something like this.

Watch it yourself--Brett Kavanuah's roommate from Yale seems very credible.
Kavanaugh's roommate defends accuser - CNN Video

Debora Ramirez has handed the FBI 20 other names--that the FBI has not yet contacted.

This is not going away by any means.

She was so upset that she had to contact a bunch of people to ask them if Kavanaugh did that to her? Who could not believe somebody like that? :auiqs.jpg:
Kavanaugh does not exhibit the level of greatness we should hope for in a Supreme Court member.

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