FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

That is garbage as well as that whole list. He had 60 days to fight in Libya without any Congressional approval by the War Powers Act. You brainwashed chumps will believe anything, that police action was a great thing.
You are the brainwashed chump. The US was at war in Libya a hell of a lot longer than 60 days.

Fuckin' brainwashed jackass.
Screw it they were barely there big war LOL.
Your concession is accepted.
Screw you that was no war anyway we attacked Gaddafi's tanks a few times
The rebels didn't want our help unless covert. Read something.

You are lying again, Iggy.
Read the Wikipedia article on American involvement. You will not recognize the truth, of course. I could call you a liar but I realize you don't know any better. I am correct. The whole Libyan war and Benghazi propaganda is pure crap. A great success and a tragedy. Everything you know is a lie, dumbass.
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I am gathering you have a reading problem.
Pay attention to the Biden rule. Yes handsy Joe Biden who was vise president at the time. Why did 44 NOT pull Garlands nomination and nominate someone that had a chance of being accepted. No one drug Garland through the dirt. No one drug his children through the dirt. Bad enough to drag someone through the mud but really are you guys proud of dragging children through it also?
Don't blame Biden for something McConnell did. That was Obama's nominee and he never got a hearing. He's a far more impartial judge than Kavanaugh.

I told you those were nothing but filing other judges rulings. He did not have a court appointment so he could not rule on any case. How hard is it to understand? If they want to review those cases they would need to have a reason to review the judge who wrote those rulings. Even then they would only get a small portion of all those rulings. There were many judges involved. The chance that anyone could come up with a good reason to review all of those judges rulings would be astronomically high.
Answer the fucking question, asshole! How do you know what those 100,000 pages are, if they've never been released?

If you still don't understand you will have to ask someone else to explain to you because I do not do coloring books and crayons.
Take that condescending attitude and shove it up your ass!
And you think that's evidence? Somebody interpreted a calendar and another said he was drunk?

I think you better look up the legal meaning of evidence.
When the date on the calendar was the same date as the incident and you have over 20 classmates corroborating his drinking habits, yes, that is evidence.
Obama's department of "fuck justice" spied on Page as a means to spy on President Trump as part of the interference into the election by the Obama regime and the FBI.

It is treason. Far worse than anything Nixon ever did.
Wrong. Page had several ties to Russia and his actions were worthy of an investigation.
I am gathering you have a reading problem.
Pay attention to the Biden rule. Yes handsy Joe Biden who was vise president at the time. Why did 44 NOT pull Garlands nomination and nominate someone that had a chance of being accepted. No one drug Garland through the dirt. No one drug his children through the dirt. Bad enough to drag someone through the mud but really are you guys proud of dragging children through it also?
Don't blame Biden for something McConnell did. That was Obama's nominee and he never got a hearing. He's a far more impartial judge than Kavanaugh.

I told you those were nothing but filing other judges rulings. He did not have a court appointment so he could not rule on any case. How hard is it to understand? If they want to review those cases they would need to have a reason to review the judge who wrote those rulings. Even then they would only get a small portion of all those rulings. There were many judges involved. The chance that anyone could come up with a good reason to review all of those judges rulings would be astronomically high.
Answer the fucking question, asshole! How do you know what those 100,000 pages are, if they've never been released?

If you still don't understand you will have to ask someone else to explain to you because I do not do coloring books and crayons.
Take that condescending attitude and shove it up your ass!
I told you I don't do coloring books. If you are unable to understand English then go to school and learn.
Obama's department of "fuck justice" spied on Page as a means to spy on President Trump as part of the interference into the election by the Obama regime and the FBI.

It is treason. Far worse than anything Nixon ever did.
Wrong. Page had several ties to Russia and his actions were worthy of an investigation.
Page to this day has not spent one day in prison, he has not been indicted. Strange that the person that was of such interest in connection to Russia. The person that because of Russian ties, that was used for a reason for surveillance of everyone in the Trump campaign has been bypassed by Mueller and everyone else.
And you think that's evidence? Somebody interpreted a calendar and another said he was drunk?

I think you better look up the legal meaning of evidence.
When the date on the calendar was the same date as the incident and you have over 20 classmates corroborating his drinking habits, yes, that is evidence.
Everyone that Ford said was there claims either it did not happen, they have never been to a party with Kavanaugh or he has never done that type of behavior. Why do crazy people not believe them? An old boyfriend of Fords says she helped a friend prepare for a polygraph, she says she knew nothing of polygraphs, why do they not believe him? A therapist wrote down four boys in the room when Ford claims she said two. Why do some claim the therapist is so incompetent as to write down four when they were told two? Is it because the therapist was setting Ford up to look like a liar even back then? Why do people dismiss the fact that Ford has flown many times for work and recreation and yet believe that she is afraid to fly? Why is it that Fords friend tried to tamper with a witness is dismissed without even a thought that it might be on the wrong side of the law? Why do building permits show that a second front door was added at a different date and a different reason then the one she states not a red flag for some?

Last of all why do some not realize that IF something like this happened but not with whom she thinks Ford is so vile and despicable that she left a girlfriend alone with that group of people without even a hint of warning.
An old boyfriend of Fords says she helped a friend prepare for a polygraph, she says she knew nothing of polygraphs, why do they not believe him?

Because her friend who got the FBI job (probably thanks to Ford) said it didn't happen. But what else could she say after a friend helped her out?
And you think that's evidence? Somebody interpreted a calendar and another said he was drunk?

I think you better look up the legal meaning of evidence.
When the date on the calendar was the same date as the incident and you have over 20 classmates corroborating his drinking habits, yes, that is evidence.

No because nobody knew the date Fraud was talking about; even she said she didn't know the date or the year. Somebody just interpreted what he wrote on the calendar and created the theory which like Ford's claim, is not provable.

If you are a falling down drunk in college, you don't graduate at the top of your class in a place like Yale.
Everyone that Ford said was there claims either it did not happen, they have never been to a party with Kavanaugh or he has never done that type of behavior. Why do crazy people not believe them? An old boyfriend of Fords says she helped a friend prepare for a polygraph, she says she knew nothing of polygraphs, why do they not believe him? A therapist wrote down four boys in the room when Ford claims she said two. Why do some claim the therapist is so incompetent as to write down four when they were told two? Is it because the therapist was setting Ford up to look like a liar even back then? Why do people dismiss the fact that Ford has flown many times for work and recreation and yet believe that she is afraid to fly? Why is it that Fords friend tried to tamper with a witness is dismissed without even a thought that it might be on the wrong side of the law? Why do building permits show that a second front door was added at a different date and a different reason then the one she states not a red flag for some?

Last of all why do some not realize that IF something like this happened but not with whom she thinks Ford is so vile and despicable that she left a girlfriend alone with that group of people without even a hint of warning.
That's not what they said and this is just bullshit spin on your part.
No because nobody knew the date Fraud was talking about; even she said she didn't know the date or the year. Somebody just interpreted what he wrote on the calendar and created the theory which like Ford's claim, is not provable.

If you are a falling down drunk in college, you don't graduate at the top of your class in a place like Yale.
20 people who went to school with Kavanaugh are credible witnesses.
How bad were these agents teased for having this case assigned to them by their coworkers?

That’s like drawing the short straw.

It's like being a bartender and having to serve Canadians.
No fuken tip.....
/——/ Been Canadians bartender and got squat.

We used to laugh our asses off when we'd go to Jamaica and watch the wait staff fight over who had to serve the canadians and who got to serve Americans.
No because nobody knew the date Fraud was talking about; even she said she didn't know the date or the year. Somebody just interpreted what he wrote on the calendar and created the theory which like Ford's claim, is not provable.

If you are a falling down drunk in college, you don't graduate at the top of your class in a place like Yale.
20 people who went to school with Kavanaugh are credible witnesses.

21 if you include Kavanaugh. But getting drunk once in a while is quite normal when going to school as a young adult. Furthermore it has absolutely zero to do with the Ford case.
I told you I don't do coloring books. If you are unable to understand English then go to school and learn.
So you're an internet troll who doesn't answer direct questions.
I guess I will have to treat you like a child when I explain it.
There are two political types in our system of government. One is called the Democrats one is called the Republicans. During the time that a Democratic president nominated Garland to be on the Supreme Court. His Vice President who was also a Democrat gave a speech in which he said that a member of the Supreme Court should not be nominated during an election cycle. At the time that the President nominated Garland the Republicans were the largest number in the congress. They did not like Garland and so decided to follow the recommendation of the Vice President and not allow him to be placed on the nomination list. Since there were not enough Democrats at that time they were unable to change what the Republicans wanted to do. Instead of speaking with the Republicans and finding if there was someone that the President could nominate that would be acceptable to them the president decided to not be a statesman and instead pointed his finger and yelled not fair.

A judge or even justice of the peace must be appointed or elected to a court where they sit on the bench. When they do this they are listening to both sides of an argument. They listen and are responsible for making sure that the arguments on both sides follow the law. After the arguments are heard the judge or judges looks at the arguments of both sides and decides which of the arguments is correct according to the law. They then write a paper on why they believe why the one side is correct and the other side is not. Now that you hopefully understand how a ruling is made we will go back to the very first part of this whole thing. A judge must be appointed or elected to A COURT. A judge can not make a ruling because they are not hearing any arguments if they are not part of a court. Since Kavanaugh was not elected nor appointed to a court at the time he was working for Bush he could not make a ruling.
Kind of how you can not be arrested for killing someone that is not dead.

Now stop being obtuse.
You are the brainwashed chump. The US was at war in Libya a hell of a lot longer than 60 days.

Fuckin' brainwashed jackass.
Screw it they were barely there big war LOL.
Your concession is accepted.
Screw you that was no war anyway we attacked Gaddafi's tanks a few times
The rebels didn't want our help unless covert. Read something.

You are lying again, Iggy.
Read the Wikipedia article on American involvement. You will not recognize the truth, of course. I could call you a liar but I realize you don't know any better. I am correct. The whole Libyan war and Benghazi propaganda is pure crap. A great success and a tragedy. Everything you know is a lie, dumbass.
Wiki couldn't get history right if it bit those posting liberal revisionist history in the ass..
Everyone that Ford said was there claims either it did not happen, they have never been to a party with Kavanaugh or he has never done that type of behavior. Why do crazy people not believe them? An old boyfriend of Fords says she helped a friend prepare for a polygraph, she says she knew nothing of polygraphs, why do they not believe him? A therapist wrote down four boys in the room when Ford claims she said two. Why do some claim the therapist is so incompetent as to write down four when they were told two? Is it because the therapist was setting Ford up to look like a liar even back then? Why do people dismiss the fact that Ford has flown many times for work and recreation and yet believe that she is afraid to fly? Why is it that Fords friend tried to tamper with a witness is dismissed without even a thought that it might be on the wrong side of the law? Why do building permits show that a second front door was added at a different date and a different reason then the one she states not a red flag for some?

Last of all why do some not realize that IF something like this happened but not with whom she thinks Ford is so vile and despicable that she left a girlfriend alone with that group of people without even a hint of warning.
That's not what they said and this is just bullshit spin on your part.
Keyser her friend at that time said she did not know Kavanaugh and does not remember ever being at a party with him.
Mark Judge said that he had never seen Kavanaugh act like that.
A person that Ford called Pj.Patrick J Smyth says he was not at a party as described by Ford. He has known Kavanaugh since high school and that he does not believe that he would do such a thing.
The only ones that backed up her story were only able to repeat what she had told them about five years ago.

She claimed she was against Trump being elected because Kavanaugh was picked to be on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh was not put on Trumps list until almost a year after he was elected.

The fact that Kavanaugh had a calendar with a date for a party is not evidence since Ford does not know the date. She does not know day, month, year. You could probably find a number of parties listed on the calendar. I doubt Ford was at and molested at each of them. And before you attempt to be obtuse again it does not mean she was at any of them.
Screw it they were barely there big war LOL.
Your concession is accepted.
Screw you that was no war anyway we attacked Gaddafi's tanks a few times
The rebels didn't want our help unless covert. Read something.

You are lying again, Iggy.
Read the Wikipedia article on American involvement. You will not recognize the truth, of course. I could call you a liar but I realize you don't know any better. I am correct. The whole Libyan war and Benghazi propaganda is pure crap. A great success and a tragedy. Everything you know is a lie, dumbass.
Wiki couldn't get history right if it bit those posting liberal revisionist history in the ass..
Yep, only your bought off ex cokehead DJ Heroes know the truth. Every respected media and law enforcement disagree with you too, brainwashed functional moron.

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