FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

I'm surprised it even took this long. FBI had how many hours of direct testimony from both in the Hearing last week? Probably 8-10 hours total.

In many respects, the FBI NOT interviewing Ford could save her jail time if she is lying. My gut tells me that her lawyers are avoiding providing details to Hatch and are probably not interested in her being interviewed by the FBI for just these reasons.

As expected, nobody corroborated her story in all likelihood. The second allegation will be full of holes or the FBI will ask questions of others when they already know some facts or two, to weed out any b.s.

I hope all goes well.
It did not happen. This is Fox noise after all, super duper.
I'm surprised it even took this long. FBI had how many hours of direct testimony from both in the Hearing last week? Probably 8-10 hours total.

In many respects, the FBI NOT interviewing Ford could save her jail time if she is lying. My gut tells me that her lawyers are avoiding providing details to Hatch and are probably not interested in her being interviewed by the FBI for just these reasons.

As expected, nobody corroborated her story in all likelihood. The second allegation will be full of holes or the FBI will ask questions of others when they already know some facts or two, to weed out any b.s.

I hope all goes well.
It did not happen. This is Fox noise after all, super duper.
Shut up
Good now they can look at Keith Ellison the lady beater....
They already have, only on Fox does anybody care. On social media GOP crap is unbelievable. She is charging him with pulling her off of bed by her feet lol and she has nothing cept money from GOP propaganda machine. And this thread is bulshit to o...

Lol.....butter up s0n!! The bumpy's a comin'. Ford is going to land in front of a grand jury.....Swetnick as well. That'll be another bumpy cucumber by the way.

Oh and as a male s0n, wtf happened to you? Mom wear some big pants at home? Last picked for the team on the playground? Neighborhood kids blow up your model navy ships as a kid? Fem is ghey!:flirtysmile4::gives:
Fem is g h e y? What does that mean? I am an intelligent man and well-educated, you aren't used to that I can see, Super Dupe.

But to a man's man s0n, you're not a man. Intelligence has zero to do with it. Women pwn you and men would consider you to be rather feminine. No worries....most progressive men are that way so you have company. Back in my day youd be called a fag....nobody is buying the battleship avatar btw. Men sitting in front of a fire in the deep woods smoking cigars and talking about "strokers".......guys like you think they're talking about women giving handjobs.:flirtysmile4:. You're a fem s0n!
I don't like Keith Ellison, however, if the woman keeps claiming she has a video yet refusing to turn it over to the authorities then I don't think he should be convicted in the court of public opinion anymore than Kavanaugh should have been. Due process is EVERYONE'S right, regardless of gender, race or political affiliation
Oh please...If this accusation were made towards Trump or any republican you would say she was afraid to turn over the video because of the push back by the party powerful in question and the position of the accused assailant....By the way as we speak she says she has agreed to give her proof to the FBI....the guy has had multiple accusers and from what i hear it is all about to come out...lets see if Schumer will give a teary eyed speech on this....Buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!
What you hear is garbage GOP propaganda at this point...
FBI Investigation Summary:

'He-Said-She-Said' with NO evidence to support the accusations against Kavanaugh'

Schedule the vote.

Which is WHY little Nazi franco started drinking at 6 AM.

This was just another Nazi delay tactic, but it only delayed the inevitable by a few days.

The constitution will survive, which is more than a Nazi like franco can stand.
You're calling me a Nazi only shows anyone with a brain that you're nuts... By the way, delay is irrelevant, another stupid talking point. Some people care about good government and following due diligence. Not Nazis, a******.

You are a Nazi, part of the filthy Nazi party that has destroyed due process and the presumption of innocence that this nation of laws was founded on.

It's 1928 Berlin, white men are the new Jews, and you Nazis think your are invincible.

What is that poem,?

First they came for the white men, but we blew their fucking brains out.

Never again, fuckwad.
Good now they can look at Keith Ellison the lady beater....
They already have, only on Fox does anybody care. On social media GOP crap is unbelievable. She is charging him with pulling her off of bed by her feet lol and she has nothing cept money from GOP propaganda machine. And this thread is bulshit to o...

Lol.....butter up s0n!! The bumpy's a comin'. Ford is going to land in front of a grand jury.....Swetnick as well. That'll be another bumpy cucumber by the way.

Oh and as a male s0n, wtf happened to you? Mom wear some big pants at home? Last picked for the team on the playground? Neighborhood kids blow up your model navy ships as a kid? Fem is ghey!:flirtysmile4::gives:
Fem is g h e y? What does that mean? I am an intelligent man and well-educated, you aren't used to that I can see, Super Dupe.

You're a fucking retard, fascist franco. You have less knowledge of history than Che Guevara Barbie has of economics.
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:
Which you jacks aren’t interested in

Should we be?
No. Only people with brains should be. No one expects anything of little ignorant vile trumpkin hacks

If "people with brains" had any idea of what this is really all about, they'd realize the key is stall tactics. Interview more worthless witnesses, and it takes more time; something that has been the main goal all along.

We are interested in getting this confirmation complete. You on the left are interested in providing as many roadblocks as possible. Your hope is that you can find a way to drag this past midterms. Well guess what? It's not going to work.
FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?
These women had better be very careful...if they fraudulently ruin this mans life it can and will be proven...especially the sleazy porn lawyers crazy lady....she may be charged with perjury even if Kavanaugh gets his seat....crazy bitches....#me too is a good thing...this shit is not and you lib ladies and lib men know it...whether you will admit it or not.....you know its wrong.....

Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Which is why you’re uninformed little trumpkin sheeples.


Oh look, Nazi Jill has come her to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

The FBI investigation is essentially completed. They have nothing to add to the "he said, she said" nonsense we saw last week. Not that you Nazi fucks expected anything else. You rape and lynch this man purely to delay in some sick hope that you'll gain power and block any pro-constitution justice.

Thing is you dumb Nazi, you'll lose 6 seats in the Senate.

IF your rape of Kavanagh were to succeed, you would see Amy Barrett next. And how will you cockroach fucking Nazi scum attack her? :dunno:
Does it bother you to be totally misinformed and unable to join polite Society, hater dupe?
Try reading an article about what Nazis are like Wikipedia. Or any history book. They are uneducated right wing racist assholes with a grudge.
These women had better be very careful...if they fraudulently ruin this mans life it can and will be proven...especially the sleazy porn lawyers crazy lady....she may be charged with perjury even if Kavanaugh gets his seat....crazy bitches....#me too is a good thing...this shit is not and you lib ladies and lib men know it...whether you will admit it or not.....you know its wrong.....

Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up
FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.

Hopeful thinking on your part. Trust me, if there were any pictures you are describing, they would have been out weeks ago.

What's happening now is the FBI has wasted a lot of time and taxpayer dollars. I'm confident on what the FBI report is going to say. Are you?
These women had better be very careful...if they fraudulently ruin this mans life it can and will be proven...especially the sleazy porn lawyers crazy lady....she may be charged with perjury even if Kavanaugh gets his seat....crazy bitches....#me too is a good thing...this shit is not and you lib ladies and lib men know it...whether you will admit it or not.....you know its wrong.....

Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up

Right Frankfart. Because women don't have sons. Women don't have fathers. Women don't have husbands who they should be concerned about. Women only think of themselves. Is that what you're saying?
But but but we have more witnesses :aargh::206::aargh:
Which you jacks aren’t interested in

Should we be?
No. Only people with brains should be. No one expects anything of little ignorant vile trumpkin hacks

If "people with brains" had any idea of what this is really all about, they'd realize the key is stall tactics. Interview more worthless witnesses, and it takes more time; something that has been the main goal all along.

We are interested in getting this confirmation complete. You on the left are interested in providing as many roadblocks as possible. Your hope is that you can find a way to drag this past midterms. Well guess what? It's not going to work.
Ever heard of good government and due diligence? There is plenty of time
I'm surprised it even took this long. FBI had how many hours of direct testimony from both in the Hearing last week? Probably 8-10 hours total.

In many respects, the FBI NOT interviewing Ford could save her jail time if she is lying. My gut tells me that her lawyers are avoiding providing details to Hatch and are probably not interested in her being interviewed by the FBI for just these reasons.

As expected, nobody corroborated her story in all likelihood. The second allegation will be full of holes or the FBI will ask questions of others when they already know some facts or two, to weed out any b.s.

I hope all goes well.

Her request for an FBI interview is more stall tactics. She had hours to say whatever she wanted at the hearing, so what more could she provide the FBI?

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