FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.

Hopeful thinking on your part. Trust me, if there were any pictures you are describing, they would have been out weeks ago.

What's happening now is the FBI has wasted a lot of time and taxpayer dollars. I'm confident on what the FBI report is going to say. Are you?

No not necessarily. There are people that will say "hey" you know I have got a couple of pictures here I would like to give to you. The point is we don't know what they have found, if anything.

We do know that this is all about the "credibility" of the accusers, especially Dr. Ford who has passed a polygraph test.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

What is disturbing is they are apparently focused just on this July 1st party? Because that's the only party that Kavanaugh marked on his calendar. Who in the hell keeps calendars of what they did from high school? Really?

There is no way in hell they could have drank 100 KEGS of beer in one single party.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

Dr. Ford was the one that wanted the FBI investigation. Now I don't know anyone who was lying or part of a conspiracy that would want the FBI to investigate their own allegation.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics


We know that there was a lot of drinking going on in high school & Yale, people have attested seeing Kavanaugh unable to walk steady, he was belligerant, etc. etc. and I think that will come out of this report if the FBI goes past just this one July 1 party. It takes a long long time to go through 100 KEGS of beer.

Simply put--we'll see.
Last edited:
Ray is correct.

This FBI investigation will not be enough. The commies will request more investigations and hearings.

The goal is to delay.

Useless GOP fuckers are bringing knives to a gun fight. They had better start playi g ruthless and dirty.

By any means necessary.

ANYTHING goes. No holds barred.

Homicide is not off the table.

Communist Democrats need to live in fear.
Lol... Such a douche bag.. Homocide? So funny
Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting.
FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.

Hopeful thinking on your part. Trust me, if there were any pictures you are describing, they would have been out weeks ago.

What's happening now is the FBI has wasted a lot of time and taxpayer dollars. I'm confident on what the FBI report is going to say. Are you?

No not necessarily. There are people that will say "hey" you know I have got a couple of pictures here I would like to give to you. The point is we don't know what they have found, if anything.

We do know that this is all about the "credibility" of the accusers, especially Dr. Ford who has passed a polygraph test.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

What is disturbing is they are apparently focused just on this July 1st party? Because that's the only party that Kavanaugh marked on his calendar. Who in the hell keeps calendars of what they did from high school? Really?

There is no way in hell they could have drank 100 KEGS of beer in one single party.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

Dr. Ford was the one that wanted the FBI investigation. Now I don't know anyone who was lying or part of a conspiracy that would want the FBI to investigate their own allegation.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh


We know that there was a lot of drinking going on in high school & Yale, people have attested seeing Kavanaugh unable to walk steady, he was belligerant, etc. etc. and I think that will come out of this report if the FBI goes past just this one July 1 party. It takes a long long time to go through 100 KEGS of beer.
You do realize her poly graph test was two questions.... Don't you? That's not even enough to create a baseline to give the test let alone be the test.. Given Ford's background and that she was coaching others to beat the test, I give her credibility rating a big fat ZERO....
Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
My, life is exciting in doop world. I'm surprised every Democrat is not in prison.
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting
The majority of women are wise enough to see through this game and they are appalled at the way this critical issue has been politically bastardized by people that can't except the results of an election....

Look at this....these people have lost their minds....how can anyone say I'm with them?......
FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.

Hopeful thinking on your part. Trust me, if there were any pictures you are describing, they would have been out weeks ago.

What's happening now is the FBI has wasted a lot of time and taxpayer dollars. I'm confident on what the FBI report is going to say. Are you?

No not necessarily. There are people that will say "hey" you know I have got a couple of pictures here I would like to give to you. The point is we don't know what they have found, if anything.

We do know that this is all about the "credibility" of the accusers, especially Dr. Ford who has passed a polygraph test.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

What is disturbing is they are apparently focused just on this July 1st party? Because that's the only party that Kavanaugh marked on his calendar. Who in the hell keeps calendars of what they did from high school? Really?

There is no way in hell they could have drank 100 KEGS of beer in one single party.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

Dr. Ford was the one that wanted the FBI investigation. Now I don't know anyone who was lying or part of a conspiracy that would want the FBI to investigate their own allegation.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics


We know that there was a lot of drinking going on in high school & Yale, people have attested seeing Kavanaugh unable to walk steady, he was belligerant, etc. etc. and I think that will come out of this report if the FBI goes past just this one July 1 party. It takes a long long time to go through 100 KEGS of beer.

Simply put--we'll see.
This is before 1984 when Reagan destroyed the party with his Nanny state b*******...
Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up

Right Frankfart. Because women don't have sons. Women don't have fathers. Women don't have husbands who they should be concerned about. Women only think of themselves. Is that what you're saying?
No that is not what I am saying... What about mothers and Sons & Daughters LOL?
What about mothers and sons
Ask him LOL.
I think you should. You might learn
I don't like Keith Ellison, however, if the woman keeps claiming she has a video yet refusing to turn it over to the authorities then I don't think he should be convicted in the court of public opinion anymore than Kavanaugh should have been. Due process is EVERYONE'S right, regardless of gender, race or political affiliation
Oh please...If this accusation were made towards Trump or any republican you would say she was afraid to turn over the video because of the push back by the party powerful in question and the position of the accused assailant....By the way as we speak she says she has agreed to give her proof to the FBI....the guy has had multiple accusers and from what i hear it is all about to come out...lets see if Schumer will give a teary eyed speech on this....Buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!
I voted for Trump in 2016 and will do so again in 2020, but I won't let partisanship turn me into someone that would jump on the mob mentality bandwagon. I detest Ellison, but I value law and order more than I detest him. Due process is a central pillar of the freedom we enjoy. If Ellison's accuser has evidence of his guilt she needs to turn it over. By the same token, Kavanaugh's accuser has NO evidence of his guilt and all of the losers trying to convict him in the court of public opinion should be ashamed.
Good for you...you get a ribbon for standing above the fret...Trump was elected because people were tired of fighting fire with a tear dropper....sorry...but if we are going to get our country back from the entrenched bureaucrat and a state run media it will take more than that....

That's all you're watching is state run media--:auiqs.jpg:


Again Dr. Ford did pass a polygraph test prior to giving testimony
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

And I doubt you know anyone that would lie & conspire to smear a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, while insisting on an FBI investigation into their own allegation.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

We'll see soon enough
Ray is correct.

This FBI investigation will not be enough. The commies will request more investigations and hearings.

The goal is to delay.

Useless GOP fuckers are bringing knives to a gun fight. They had better start playi g ruthless and dirty.

By any means necessary.

ANYTHING goes. No holds barred.

Homicide is not off the table.

Communist Democrats need to live in fear.
Vote at least Saturday. Bob Corker stated today. Report in their hand tomorrow
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up

Right Frankfart. Because women don't have sons. Women don't have fathers. Women don't have husbands who they should be concerned about. Women only think of themselves. Is that what you're saying?
No that is not what I am saying... What about mothers and Sons & Daughters LOL?
What about mothers and sons
Ask him LOL.
I think you should. You might learn
I just did ask him d u h
I don't like Keith Ellison, however, if the woman keeps claiming she has a video yet refusing to turn it over to the authorities then I don't think he should be convicted in the court of public opinion anymore than Kavanaugh should have been. Due process is EVERYONE'S right, regardless of gender, race or political affiliation
Oh please...If this accusation were made towards Trump or any republican you would say she was afraid to turn over the video because of the push back by the party powerful in question and the position of the accused assailant....By the way as we speak she says she has agreed to give her proof to the FBI....the guy has had multiple accusers and from what i hear it is all about to come out...lets see if Schumer will give a teary eyed speech on this....Buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!
I voted for Trump in 2016 and will do so again in 2020, but I won't let partisanship turn me into someone that would jump on the mob mentality bandwagon. I detest Ellison, but I value law and order more than I detest him. Due process is a central pillar of the freedom we enjoy. If Ellison's accuser has evidence of his guilt she needs to turn it over. By the same token, Kavanaugh's accuser has NO evidence of his guilt and all of the losers trying to convict him in the court of public opinion should be ashamed.
Good for you...you get a ribbon for standing above the fret...Trump was elected because people were tired of fighting fire with a tear dropper....sorry...but if we are going to get our country back from the entrenched bureaucrat and a state run media it will take more than that....

That's all you're watching is state run media--:auiqs.jpg:


Again Dr. Ford did pass a polygraph test prior to giving testimony
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

And I doubt you know anyone that would lie & conspire to smear a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, while insisting on an FBI investigation into their allegation.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics
Couldn’t remember where, when, how many, who, upstairs, downstairs, how she got there, how she got home, year, house! But knows she had one beer! And100% sure kavanaugh. And....none of her names corroborate her story. Not even her bestest friend. But she’s credible! Now friends that just says you all are fked up! And I’m laughing at you..

And i had my own personal experience and I know what one remembers. Read my earlier posts
Should we be?
No. Only people with brains should be. No one expects anything of little ignorant vile trumpkin hacks

If "people with brains" had any idea of what this is really all about, they'd realize the key is stall tactics. Interview more worthless witnesses, and it takes more time; something that has been the main goal all along.

We are interested in getting this confirmation complete. You on the left are interested in providing as many roadblocks as possible. Your hope is that you can find a way to drag this past midterms. Well guess what? It's not going to work.
Ever heard of good government and due diligence? There is plenty of time

We gave you time; over two weeks now, and nothing new.

After this report is handed to the committee, watch for another attempt at stall tactics.

"I know liberals like I know every inch of my own glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh
The FBI has been at work for 2 days so that's ridiculous
How you figure? You’d prefer they weren’t working?
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.


take the vote

get this leftist farce over with

think about how the lefties heads will explode

when Trump gets to fill ruth's seat --LOL

their leftist world is crashing down around them
I don't like Keith Ellison, however, if the woman keeps claiming she has a video yet refusing to turn it over to the authorities then I don't think he should be convicted in the court of public opinion anymore than Kavanaugh should have been. Due process is EVERYONE'S right, regardless of gender, race or political affiliation
Oh please...If this accusation were made towards Trump or any republican you would say she was afraid to turn over the video because of the push back by the party powerful in question and the position of the accused assailant....By the way as we speak she says she has agreed to give her proof to the FBI....the guy has had multiple accusers and from what i hear it is all about to come out...lets see if Schumer will give a teary eyed speech on this....Buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!
I voted for Trump in 2016 and will do so again in 2020, but I won't let partisanship turn me into someone that would jump on the mob mentality bandwagon. I detest Ellison, but I value law and order more than I detest him. Due process is a central pillar of the freedom we enjoy. If Ellison's accuser has evidence of his guilt she needs to turn it over. By the same token, Kavanaugh's accuser has NO evidence of his guilt and all of the losers trying to convict him in the court of public opinion should be ashamed.
Good for you...you get a ribbon for standing above the fret...Trump was elected because people were tired of fighting fire with a tear dropper....sorry...but if we are going to get our country back from the entrenched bureaucrat and a state run media it will take more than that....

That's all you're watching is state run media--:auiqs.jpg:


Again Dr. Ford did pass a polygraph test prior to giving testimony
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

And I doubt you know anyone that would lie & conspire to smear a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, while insisting on an FBI investigation into their allegation.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics
Couldn’t remember where, when, how many, who, upstairs, downstairs, how she got there, how she got home, year, house! But knows she had one beer! And100% sure kavanaugh. And....none of her names corroborate her story. Not even her bestest friend. But she’s credible! Now friends that just says you all are fked up! And I’m laughing at you..

And i had my own personal experience and I know what one remembers. Read my earlier posts


don't you ever get tired of telling them?

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