FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Looks like we need to give the left a 55 gallon drum of Butt Sav...
Ever consider what good government might be like? By the way your thread is still garbage. It's not over till it's over.

Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting.

Right, because women are stupid and just march in lockstep with the Democrat party. No wonder you keep losing power all the time.
FBI 3 man investigation teams have interviewed over 20 witnesses in 5 days... And the speed indicates that no corroboration was found... Dems will be gnashing and whaling in the AM...

They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

You don't know what's going to happen. Back in the 1980's people took a lot of PICTURES at parties, and hopefully Kavanuagh wasn't running around naked, drunker than shit and waving his dick in woman's faces as one accused him of--:auiqs.jpg:

So keep your pants on until the report comes out.

Hopeful thinking on your part. Trust me, if there were any pictures you are describing, they would have been out weeks ago.

What's happening now is the FBI has wasted a lot of time and taxpayer dollars. I'm confident on what the FBI report is going to say. Are you?

The FBI report?

It's not going to say dick. There is no report coming. Statements are handed over to the committee.....that's it. There is no investigative report that makes a determination of substantiated or unsubstantiated. The committee and solely the committee makes the determination after reviewing the statements. That's how it works.....
They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.
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They knew that before the investigation was launched and they know it now. This was a nothing burger.

Ford demands interview in FBI probe

From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.
so ford never went to "the police"?

g5000 - got my $50?
francoHFW, CVS is well stocked with Prep H. But pick some up tomorrow before they run out. :p

What seems to be the problem LOL?
i suspect fairly early tomorrow there will be a rush

of leftards out buying new computer monitors and tvs

What is the problem? LOL. You just lost the women's vote.

not a chance of it ya leftist kook

LMAO Nah he's a leftist prick.
These women had better be very careful...if they fraudulently ruin this mans life it can and will be proven...especially the sleazy porn lawyers crazy lady....she may be charged with perjury even if Kavanaugh gets his seat....crazy bitches....#me too is a good thing...this shit is not and you lib ladies and lib men know it...whether you will admit it or not.....you know its wrong.....

Sweathog not only deserves prison time, but lose her job in the government for life. She should get a break however for testifying who put her up to this. I'm sure her lawyer will be quite pleased with that agreement.
Leave it to you to be the most brainwashed of all. Let's see what the FBI says. It's not over till it's over. At this rate you lose another 10% of women LOL. times up

Right Frankfart. Because women don't have sons. Women don't have fathers. Women don't have husbands who they should be concerned about. Women only think of themselves. Is that what you're saying?
No that is not what I am saying... What about mothers and Sons & Daughters LOL?

Any non-partisan can see what’s going on here. It’s like when the left tries to turn everything into racism. After a while nobody pays attention, so when the real thing happens, it’s not nearly as impactful.

Then you have the women who did suffer a real attack and see the left using that crime strictly for their political advantage.

Don’t count your chickens. Women are not as dumb as Democrats think.
From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.
so ford never went to "the police"?

g5000 - got my $50?

I don't know if Dr. Ford approached law enforcement in Maryland, but the last I heard on the news (day before yesterday), she had not. The reason she wasn't asked to be interviewed by the FBI, would most probably be because they already had sworn testimony of the events as she recollected.

The FBI isn't interested in how well the subject of an investigation thinks they can spin the information they have already provided and sworn to. As I mentioned, once a sworn statement or testimony is given, their only job is determining if there is anything to support it. They can try to trip someone up during interrogation, but that is before a person has produced a statement or testimony.
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From what I understand, neither Dr. Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh were asked to be interviewed by the FBI in the investigation.

That would probably be due to the fact the FBI already had sworn testimony from both parties. Interviewing a person after testimony, would suggest the agent would have to assume the sworn testimony of the person they were interviewing was not valid. Therefore asking them any more questions would not provide what they then could assume to be a reliable answer.

A trained field agent doesn't start an interview, by telling the person they are interviewing, that they are a liar. Trained field agents are not performing the functions of a lawyer during cross examination in a courtroom.

Their job is to gather the facts they can, that include sworn statements or testimony, investigate what is possible and present their findings.
so ford never went to "the police"?

g5000 - got my $50?

I don't know if Dr. Ford approached law enforcement in Maryland, but the last I heard on the news (day before yesterday), she had not. The reason she wasn't asked to be interviewed FBI, would most probably be because they already had sworn testimony of the events as she recollected.

The FBI isn't interested in how well the subject of an investigation thinks they can spin the information they have already provided. And as I mentioned, once a sworn statement or testimony is given, their only job is determining if there is anything to support it. They can try to trip someone up during interrogation, but that is before a person has produced a statement or testimony.
yea, i just want this over and if she's full of shit, to be exposed. methods like this should be heavily scrutinized regardless of which side is doing it. no one should have free reign to try and destroy a life because they don't agree with someone.

as for the bet - it was just a joke but g5000 decided to wordsmith so i'm playing along with it. i certainly don't expect anyone to pay up on something like that. however, if she had gone to the "local" police to file a report and he had taken *that* bet as intended, i'd pay. got no issue with that.
yea, i just want this over and if she's full of shit, to be exposed. methods like this should be heavily scrutinized regardless of which side is doing it. no one should have free reign to try and destroy a life because they don't agree with someone.

as for the bet - it was just a joke but g5000 decided to wordsmith so i'm playing along with it. i certainly don't expect anyone to pay up on something like that. however, if she had gone to the "local" police to file a report and he had taken *that* bet as intended, i'd pay. got no issue with that.

That's a hard question to pin down though, because Dr. Ford's lawyer did ask the FBI to interview her. If that could be considered "going to the police", the fact the police denied to interview her would not change that. Also, after producing sworn testimony, the police in Maryland, could decide to conduct their own investigation, based on what information was provided, and wouldn't have to interview Dr. Ford to do so. That's highly unlikely but still possible in situations involving sexual assault or domestic abuse.
NBC says that it may be done. They have already gone to how bad the investigation was done. How the FBI has not interviewed all the proper people, etc.

Funny how the FBI was so incompetent that during six tries they got it so wrong as to find no whiff of bad actions. Then they were supposed to be the super investigators and find where they made their mistakes. Now suddenly according to NBC they are again incompetent.
They do what they are told by the president. In this case, not interviewing Ford or any Witnesses. This is all garbage distraction. Like the Mueller investigation, try waiting till they finish!!! Stupid...
They are now reporting that an old boyfriend of Fords has signed a letter under oath that says Ford helped a life long freind of hers become familiar with polygraph tests. She lived in a 500 sq foot apartment with only one door. She flew around the Hawaiian islands in a prop plane. All with out any visible signs of distress. During the years that he knew her and lived with her she never talked about any sexual trauma, never mentioned Kavanaugh. He tried to have a long distance relationship but stopped when she cheated on him. He took her off their shared credit card but she later made $600.00 worth of charges. She denied it until he talked about getting the police involved.

Looks more and more as if Democrats have attempted their usual dupe the people for awhile

Looks like things are not working out so well.
It's about one and a half paragraphs long

Last sentrnce. "Didn't find shit"

It will also say "Didn't look for shit!"
Oh, c'mon. Doing the investigation after the hearing was always a cosmetic application. However, it's doubtful they came up with any more than we already knew. As a teenager, he was a dumbass teenager. What matters is what kind of a man he is now.

And how long will it be before the FBI report gets leaked? By end of day today, you think?

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