FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

And every one of her State department aides who handled these emails and sent them to her took the same oath and anyone from another agency that forwarded this info to the state dept aides on their UNCLASSIFIED .gov email took the same oath as well.....

Seems like there were lots and lots and lots of different hands in the gvt touching and sending these NOW classified T/S or Secret items around on an UNCLASSIFIED gvt system....

HOW does that or can that even happen? Seems like all gvt workers cleared in handling secret or top secret clearance need retraining OR things are being ''over classified'' at a later date?

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before
I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

the real issue is not the personal server, its that she transmitted classified data over it and it was not properly secured as required by law.

She is not excused from following the law just because someone said it was OK. If your boss tells you to run a red light does that exempt you from getting a ticket? Plus, she was head of the state dept, she was in charge, she did not work for her staff, they worked for her.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

The use of a private server is only one small issue in this entire scandal libs lie you only want to focus on while ignoring everything else. There is a laundry list of laws she broke throughout this entire deal, a list that has bee presented over and over. Continuing to do so to libs is a waste of time because you will never ever agree that Hillary broke the law. Obama himself declared openly that Hillary had been negligent, which is a crime under the Espionage Act; yet Libs are even willing to argue with and declare Obama to be wrong on this issue.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

What makes you think they have to prove that she willfully violated the law? Of course, she did intentionally violate law the minute the Clinton Cabal set-up the secret server.
I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

anyone who violates national security laws should be indicted and tried. No matter which party they belong to.

Please explain why you think Hillary should be exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of us.

as to your secure e-mail idea. It already exists, Hillary chose not to use it.
Because Hillary followed the laws in effect at the time. The use of a private server was approved by her agency and had been done before

PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
How many of these stupid misinformation threads professing Hillary's innocence are you libs going to start?
I guess the Hillary backing Liberals have forgotten the oath she took that even if something was not marked Classified, that if it contained what could be considered Classified material, it was supposed to be handled as if it WERE Classified... well that would totally throw the whole idea of willfulness out the window. She should have known better, and been a lot more careful with how she handled information, but she chose not to. She chose not to, by skipping her meeting about how to handle information that was mandatory, and by ignoring the pleas of the IT department NOT to set up her own server.
And every one of her State department aides who handled these emails and sent them to her took the same oath and anyone from another agency that forwarded this info to the state dept aides on their UNCLASSIFIED .gov email took the same oath as well.....

Seems like there were lots and lots and lots of different hands in the gvt touching and sending these NOW classified T/S or Secret items around on an UNCLASSIFIED gvt system....

HOW does that or can that even happen? Seems like all gvt workers cleared in handling secret or top secret clearance need retraining OR things are being ''over classified'' at a later date?

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

True--Trump supporters are going to be wearing bags over their heads in November, and it's going to be one hell of a Hillary Clinton hangover. I doubt they'll ever admit they supported or voted for Donald Trump.

But anyone who believed these 22 emails would amount to criminal charges has got to be dumber than dirt. All along the State Department has repeatedly stated that these emails were classified (after) she received or sent them. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton has requested that the Justice department release these emails to the public, giving a smidgen of a hint, there's nothing in them to get excited about.

And if Hillary Clinton has a problem with emails so does Colin Powell and Condi Rice who have the same issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

And every one of her State department aides who handled these emails and sent them to her took the same oath and anyone from another agency that forwarded this info to the state dept aides on their UNCLASSIFIED .gov email took the same oath as well.....

Seems like there were lots and lots and lots of different hands in the gvt touching and sending these NOW classified T/S or Secret items around on an UNCLASSIFIED gvt system....

HOW does that or can that even happen? Seems like all gvt workers cleared in handling secret or top secret clearance need retraining OR things are being ''over classified'' at a later date?

I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.
I guess you have never been in a supervisor position? When the shit goes down, it always falls back on the person in charge... or at least that is how it is supposed to happen.
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.

And you know better than the FBI.....
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.

And you know better than the FBI.....

Why do people keep referencing the FBI and the Justice Department as unbiased entities? It's absurd
or, you just think this is the most horrible thing that people in gvt have ever done in the history of our government...?

And maybe the government people KNOW it is common place and happens a lot more than we think... due to not having a top level classified and secure system for State department workers to work with, outside of the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email....

But it is even deeper than that...not just the State department..... when Senator Kerry was caught up in this mess because he sent her some classified info via unsecured email as well....

So I bet ya, all the congress critters and senators have a load of stuff that they sent that was classified after the fact via unsecure methods and personal emails, not just Senate.gov emails which is ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system for Senators....

whether Hillary got this top classified information on her server or the .gov email system, BOTH are UNCLASSIFIED Systems and this info should not be left on either.... dot.gov is hacked ALL THE TIME.

sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.

And you know better than the FBI.....

I don't need to know better. It's policy, and policy is created for a reason...

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton signed a nondisclosure agreement in which she acknowledged that classified information is classified regardless of whether it is “marked or unmarked” — a distinction which undermines one of the Democratic presidential candidate’s main defenses of her use of a home-brew email system.

Signers of the document, the existence of which the Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday, also agree that all information that they have access to “is now and will remain the property of, or under the control of the United States government unless and until otherwise determined by an authorized official or final ruling of a court of law.”

Document Completely Undermines Hillary’s Classified Email Defense

WASHINGTON – It’s likely former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not complete a legally-required training course on how to identify classified information, Breitbart News has learned.
Numerous State Department employees under Clinton’s watch skipped the class even though doing so should have resulted in their suspension from the practice of classifying information at the State Department.

Therefore Clinton, whose claim that she did not send or receive classified information on her private email server has been thoroughly debunked, allowed her underlings to make determinations about what should or should not be classified even though they didn’t have the legal authority to do so.

President Obama created the training requirement himself in an executive order, which evidently was ignored by his own State Department.

Hillary Clinton Likely Never Took 'Classified Info' Training Class As Required By Law - Breitbart

That's right, she skipped training that was required by LAW.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
There are two premises involved. The first is that Hillary will be not be indicted based on a flimsy CNN report. The second is that Hillary's victory is solely contingent on being indicted.

Have you seen Hillary? Do you know her history?

Do you realize there is a slime trail which follows her, and has throughout her life?

Those are not premises. Those are questions which you will answer if you give a shit.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
There are two premises involved. The first is that Hillary will be not be indicted based on a flimsy CNN report. The second is that Hillary's victory is solely contingent on being indicted.

Have you seen Hillary? Do you know her history?

Do you realize there is a slime trail which follows her, and has throughout her life?

Those are not premises. Those are questions which you will answer if you give a shit.

Hillary could have been beaten. But the GOP is nominating a LUNATIC. FUNNY!
Did you truly believe that this Soros funded Obama regime, who is the overlord of the FBI, was going to cut their own successor's throat? Not in a million years. There is still much to be done. Our guns still need to be confiscated. The onslaught of illegals and ISIS "refugees" that need to be in the Great Satan for some reason, needs to be fast tracked. There is still much redistributing of the money we don't have, that we borrow from China, to gift to Asia and the Muslims. Speaking of debt, if you believe there is the slightest possibility of our children finding jobs to pay it all back, here is the difference between million and trillion:
You can count to a million in one week. You can count to a trillion in 31 thousand years. Here is how frail we actually are. If the interest rate goes up to a (still low) 5%, it will take 2/3 of what our government takes in to pay just the interest on our debt. And the real 1% aren't done spending yet.. They will necessarily have to tax us to revolt to try to keep up with thr effects of our checkbook + their pens. China will own Yellowstone, the UN will own Big Sur. That is the global goal.

Globalists are destroying our nation on purpose. They have other plans for us. Hillary has made it quite clear where her loyalties lie. "Global Initiative" pretty much sums it up.
We need someone in the White House whose agenda is the American Initiative.
sorry, but that does not excuse her. She is guilty, deal with it.
so the whole Bush Administration using the RNC server for government work should be behind bars, and Condi and Powell, and all the Diplomats communicating with the State Dept whose emails were after the fact classified...

SORRY, I disagree with you....

What should be done imo for the State Dept is develop an email system that is classified... which the Diplomat's can use for their daily work outside of the DC office, otherwise we will continue to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov email system.....

Please show us reliable sources stating that the WHOLE BUSH ADMINISTRATION used the Republican National Committee servers for all government work. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell sent several emails on their private email ACCOUNTS, NONE had their own, private, hidden, unsecured servers.

The State Department, this may be shocking to you, does use the GOVERNMENT SECURED email system.

You do realize that the level of security for any and all documents is not determined by what is stamped on the document. The level of security is determined by the content and is created as the original document is being originated. ALL State Department employees (including Hillary and her Cabal) are trained in recognizing Secret information. Do you REALLY want someone as President who doesn't now the difference?

Yes, I already mentioned this. She took an oath to protect any and all information that contained details that might end up being Classified, whether it was already labeled Classified or not. Yes, training is provided for State Department employees... but Hillary chose not to attend mandatory training.

And you know better than the FBI.....

I don't need to know better. It's policy, and policy is created for a reason...

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton signed a nondisclosure agreement in which she acknowledged that classified information is classified regardless of whether it is “marked or unmarked” — a distinction which undermines one of the Democratic presidential candidate’s main defenses of her use of a home-brew email system.

Signers of the document, the existence of which the Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday, also agree that all information that they have access to “is now and will remain the property of, or under the control of the United States government unless and until otherwise determined by an authorized official or final ruling of a court of law.”

Document Completely Undermines Hillary’s Classified Email Defense

WASHINGTON – It’s likely former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not complete a legally-required training course on how to identify classified information, Breitbart News has learned.
Numerous State Department employees under Clinton’s watch skipped the class even though doing so should have resulted in their suspension from the practice of classifying information at the State Department.

Therefore Clinton, whose claim that she did not send or receive classified information on her private email server has been thoroughly debunked, allowed her underlings to make determinations about what should or should not be classified even though they didn’t have the legal authority to do so.

President Obama created the training requirement himself in an executive order, which evidently was ignored by his own State Department.

Hillary Clinton Likely Never Took 'Classified Info' Training Class As Required By Law - Breitbart

That's right, she skipped training that was required by LAW.
did you even read the nondisclosure agreement? Did her highest level aides in the state department that forwarded this classified info to her not have security clearance? Did she forward this classified info to people who did not have clearance?

The answer is no.

And btw, if you read the nondisclosure agreement then you must have read the part about her receiving the security clearance training so briebart's assumptions are WRONG....

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