FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Really? You are comparing the Hillary emails to Patreus willfully giving top secret stuff to his lover? You don't know enough details on Hillary's e-mails to say that. But nice try...

Yea it's literally the same crime

Except hillary did it on a massive scale, again intent doesn't change anything in this context. She's obligated to know the rules, that's why the state department has lawyers.

Says you. Most legal experts disagree. And as Powell and Rice did the exact same thing without charges, there's clearly a few holes in your assumptions.

No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country
duhhhhh, so AOL and all their IT guys have classified secret clearance? a private server seems more secure than using AOL's server.

Her IT guy worked for the govt and had classified clearance, she paid him while off duty to set up her account and since NONE of the messages she received were classified at the time they were sent then there is no violation or crime.

Did she intentionally give top secret info to the enemy? The one statute that was posted as the law she broke, was not broken....do you have another statute that is different that you believe she broke? And what or who has made you believed she broke any laws? Your beloved right wing media???

You understand there is a vast difference between an email server and an email account, right?

You understand that private email accounts are held on private servers, yes?

Totally non sequitur, I keep saying it and it still is. And again what they were doing was not against State policy, unlike Hillary.

I don't think 'non-sequiter' means what you think it means. As you use the term every time you make a claim you can't back up. And I call you on it.

Your entire argument has been winnowed down to Hillary's attorney reviewing the emails before they were delivered to the State Department.....and his supposed security clearance.

Well, what was his security clearance? This is your first, last and only argument. And you have no idea who the lawyer was, nor what his security clearance is.

Once again you demonstrate why you citing you doesn't amount to much.
Says you. Most legal experts disagree. And as Powell and Rice did the exact same thing without charges, there's clearly a few holes in your assumptions.

No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.

Nobody....but the Inspector General of the State Department:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. Making your assurance of what is or isn't the case essentially just noise.

It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And almost none of the emails were classified. The server at the State department they were sent from was unsecured. The server they were sent to was unsecured. And among those tiny fraction that were classified......virtually all were deemed classified after the fact.

And of course, these were sent to and from the SOS to their aides. Not a double agent from China or a member of the press.

And finally, most cases of mishandling of classified information simply result in a revocation of security clearance. Not criminal charges. It has to be esspecially intentional and eggregious to result in criminal charges. Like if you were walking out binders of already classified information to share with your mistress. Or give to the press.

Neither of which is the case here. Which is why there will be no charges.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country

Among the legal experts in national security that have been asked......all but one indicated it was a stretch and that Clinton wouldn't be charged with anything.

You insist you know better. We'll see what your personal opinion is worth, won't we?

None of that implies that anyone who shouldn't have seen those documents did. Presumably her aides have clearance

We know Hillary IT guys and lawyers did not, lol

Having a server isn't illegal. Giving access to people without clearnace is. Nothing that Condi did was illegal, at least no accusations have surfaced. Maybe she used private IT guys too, I doubt it though.

And there is a well tread process to get your lawyers security clearance, she just was too lazy even with the world watching her.

So your entire argument has been winnowed down to Hillary's lawyer not being allowed to see emails from her personal server?

Um, tell us about the security clearance the laywer possessed. With evidence, please. As your habit of citing yourself on this topic hasn't been particularly productive......as you don't know what you're talking about.

Yea it's the same crime, Hillary just compromised all her correspondence not only to multiple lawyers but random IT guys she hired in colorado

Show me the evidence that her IT guy reviewed a single message. As for her lawyer, tell us his or her name and security clearance. With evidence, please. As your assurances are generally a waste of the calories you used to type them.

The only difference is scale.

And circumstances, criminal intent, and threat to national security. But other than that, oh, identical.
Really? You are comparing the Hillary emails to Patreus willfully giving top secret stuff to his lover? You don't know enough details on Hillary's e-mails to say that. But nice try...

Yea it's literally the same crime

Except hillary did it on a massive scale, again intent doesn't change anything in this context. She's obligated to know the rules, that's why the state department has lawyers.

Says you. Most legal experts disagree. And as Powell and Rice did the exact same thing without charges, there's clearly a few holes in your assumptions.

No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country
duhhhhh, so AOL and all their IT guys have classified secret clearance? a private server seems more secure than using AOL's server.

Her IT guy worked for the govt and had classified clearance, she paid him while off duty to set up her account and since NONE of the messages she received were classified at the time they were sent then there is no violation or crime.

Did she intentionally give top secret info to the enemy? The one statute that was posted as the law she broke, was not broken....do you have another statute that is different that you believe she broke? And what or who has made you believed she broke any laws? Your beloved right wing media???

You understand there is a vast difference between an email server and an email account, right?

Totally non sequitur, I keep saying it and it still is. And again what they were doing was not against State policy, unlike Hillary.
huh? What was against State policy?
Yea it's literally the same crime

Except hillary did it on a massive scale, again intent doesn't change anything in this context. She's obligated to know the rules, that's why the state department has lawyers.

Says you. Most legal experts disagree. And as Powell and Rice did the exact same thing without charges, there's clearly a few holes in your assumptions.

No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country
duhhhhh, so AOL and all their IT guys have classified secret clearance? a private server seems more secure than using AOL's server.

Her IT guy worked for the govt and had classified clearance, she paid him while off duty to set up her account and since NONE of the messages she received were classified at the time they were sent then there is no violation or crime.

Did she intentionally give top secret info to the enemy? The one statute that was posted as the law she broke, was not broken....do you have another statute that is different that you believe she broke? And what or who has made you believed she broke any laws? Your beloved right wing media???

You understand there is a vast difference between an email server and an email account, right?

Totally non sequitur, I keep saying it and it still is. And again what they were doing was not against State policy, unlike Hillary.
huh? What was against State policy?

Having a private email server to conduct state business with?

We had no policies when Condi and Powell were in power because there was no alternative secure email system to use....That wasn't the case for Hillary.

Are you serious? Security is relative, if everyone who works for uncle sam but a few people are using private email. You're not doing anything wrong.

If everyone in your department but you has eschewed private email, well you're probably doing something wrong.
No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.

Nobody....but the Inspector General of the State Department:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. Making your assurance of what is or isn't the case essentially just noise.

It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And almost none of the emails were classified. The server at the State department they were sent from was unsecured. The server they were sent to was unsecured. And among those tiny fraction that were classified......virtually all were deemed classified after the fact.

And of course, these were sent to and from the SOS to their aides. Not a double agent from China or a member of the press.

And finally, most cases of mishandling of classified information simply result in a revocation of security clearance. Not criminal charges. It has to be esspecially intentional and eggregious to result in criminal charges. Like if you were walking out binders of already classified information to share with your mistress. Or give to the press.

Neither of which is the case here. Which is why there will be no charges.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country

Among the legal experts in national security that have been asked......all but one indicated it was a stretch and that Clinton wouldn't be charged with anything.

You insist you know better. We'll see what your personal opinion is worth, won't we?

None of that implies that anyone who shouldn't have seen those documents did. Presumably her aides have clearance

We know Hillary IT guys and lawyers did not, lol

Having a server isn't illegal. Giving access to people without clearnace is. Nothing that Condi did was illegal, at least no accusations have surfaced. Maybe she used private IT guys too, I doubt it though.

And there is a well tread process to get your lawyers security clearance, she just was too lazy even with the world watching her.

So your entire argument has been winnowed down to Hillary's lawyer not being allowed to see emails from her personal server?

Um, tell us about the security clearance the laywer possessed. With evidence, please. As your habit of citing yourself on this topic hasn't been particularly productive......as you don't know what you're talking about.

Yea it's the same crime, Hillary just compromised all her correspondence not only to multiple lawyers but random IT guys she hired in colorado

Show me the evidence that her IT guy reviewed a single message. As for her lawyer, tell us his or her name and security clearance. With evidence, please. As your assurances are generally a waste of the calories you used to type them.

The only difference is scale.

And circumstances, criminal intent, and threat to national security. But other than that, oh, identical.

The crime with Patreus is not the woman reading it, but him giving her access to it

Same thing with Clinton, she gave the keys to her correspondence to some one she didn't even vet, as secretary of state
No one has ever provided any evidence any former secretaries of state allowed people without the clearance to view state secrets, again totally non sequitur.

Nobody....but the Inspector General of the State Department:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. Making your assurance of what is or isn't the case essentially just noise.

It's not illegal to have an email server as secretary of state. It's illegal to improperly handle classified information. Like hire IT guys who can read every email you've ever written and never do a background check because you don't want transparency.

And almost none of the emails were classified. The server at the State department they were sent from was unsecured. The server they were sent to was unsecured. And among those tiny fraction that were classified......virtually all were deemed classified after the fact.

And of course, these were sent to and from the SOS to their aides. Not a double agent from China or a member of the press.

And finally, most cases of mishandling of classified information simply result in a revocation of security clearance. Not criminal charges. It has to be esspecially intentional and eggregious to result in criminal charges. Like if you were walking out binders of already classified information to share with your mistress. Or give to the press.

Neither of which is the case here. Which is why there will be no charges.

And most legal experts do not agree, the vast majority of legal experts have not been asked. The ones in the white house don't agree, much less the rest of the lawyers in the country

Among the legal experts in national security that have been asked......all but one indicated it was a stretch and that Clinton wouldn't be charged with anything.

You insist you know better. We'll see what your personal opinion is worth, won't we?

None of that implies that anyone who shouldn't have seen those documents did. Presumably her aides have clearance

We know Hillary IT guys and lawyers did not, lol

Having a server isn't illegal. Giving access to people without clearnace is. Nothing that Condi did was illegal, at least no accusations have surfaced. Maybe she used private IT guys too, I doubt it though.

And there is a well tread process to get your lawyers security clearance, she just was too lazy even with the world watching her.

So your entire argument has been winnowed down to Hillary's lawyer not being allowed to see emails from her personal server?

Um, tell us about the security clearance the laywer possessed. With evidence, please. As your habit of citing yourself on this topic hasn't been particularly productive......as you don't know what you're talking about.

Yea it's the same crime, Hillary just compromised all her correspondence not only to multiple lawyers but random IT guys she hired in colorado

Show me the evidence that her IT guy reviewed a single message. As for her lawyer, tell us his or her name and security clearance. With evidence, please. As your assurances are generally a waste of the calories you used to type them.

The only difference is scale.

And circumstances, criminal intent, and threat to national security. But other than that, oh, identical.
i read her IT guy worked for the gvt and had clearance....so even though he didn't read her emails, if he had he was cleared to do such...and I am pretty certain her lawyer had clearance as well... regardless, none of the emails were classified when they were sent to her via the gvt unclassified system of state.gov....

If some gvt agency decides to classify something Secret, after it has made the rounds on the gvt's unclassified email system, they should have gone out and traced down all communications with this now Secret information and taken them off of the gvt's unclassified system or made certain all copies were then MARKED Secret.
Nobody....but the Inspector General of the State Department:

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. Making your assurance of what is or isn't the case essentially just noise.

And almost none of the emails were classified. The server at the State department they were sent from was unsecured. The server they were sent to was unsecured. And among those tiny fraction that were classified......virtually all were deemed classified after the fact.

And of course, these were sent to and from the SOS to their aides. Not a double agent from China or a member of the press.

And finally, most cases of mishandling of classified information simply result in a revocation of security clearance. Not criminal charges. It has to be esspecially intentional and eggregious to result in criminal charges. Like if you were walking out binders of already classified information to share with your mistress. Or give to the press.

Neither of which is the case here. Which is why there will be no charges.

Among the legal experts in national security that have been asked......all but one indicated it was a stretch and that Clinton wouldn't be charged with anything.

You insist you know better. We'll see what your personal opinion is worth, won't we?

None of that implies that anyone who shouldn't have seen those documents did. Presumably her aides have clearance

We know Hillary IT guys and lawyers did not, lol

Having a server isn't illegal. Giving access to people without clearnace is. Nothing that Condi did was illegal, at least no accusations have surfaced. Maybe she used private IT guys too, I doubt it though.

And there is a well tread process to get your lawyers security clearance, she just was too lazy even with the world watching her.

So your entire argument has been winnowed down to Hillary's lawyer not being allowed to see emails from her personal server?

Um, tell us about the security clearance the laywer possessed. With evidence, please. As your habit of citing yourself on this topic hasn't been particularly productive......as you don't know what you're talking about.

Yea it's the same crime, Hillary just compromised all her correspondence not only to multiple lawyers but random IT guys she hired in colorado

Show me the evidence that her IT guy reviewed a single message. As for her lawyer, tell us his or her name and security clearance. With evidence, please. As your assurances are generally a waste of the calories you used to type them.

The only difference is scale.

And circumstances, criminal intent, and threat to national security. But other than that, oh, identical.
i read her IT guy worked for the gvt and had clearance....so even though he didn't read her emails, if he had he was cleared to do such...and I am pretty certain her lawyer had clearance as well... regardless, none of the emails were classified when they were sent to her via the gvt unclassified system of state.gov....

If some gvt agency decides to classify something Secret, after it has made the rounds on the gvt's unclassified email system, they should have gone out and traced down all communications with this now Secret information and taken them off of the gvt's unclassified system or made certain all copies were then MARKED Secret.

He may have had some sort of clearance, but not the type that gives you permission to read our secretary of states emails

The woman patreus sent emails probably had some type of clearance, she walked in those circles.
there are two separate systems they worked off of....one is for top secret/secret stuff which I had read is not connected to their regular email system or the internet at all, but is an IN HOUSE system only.

The other system the State department communicated their daily duties with, is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the State.gov system that Hillary forfeited getting an email from and used her server....both were unclassified systems....NOT unsecure systems, because even her system was secure.... both systems, the State.gov and the clinton email.com were not the top secret/secret system with the super duper duper protection on it....

The problem seems to stem from the government OVER CLASSIFYING things, and keeping too much from us.

Here we have a couple things classified as top secret and secret AFTER this info had circulated on the UNCLASSIFIED system for over a year, and one of them they classified top secret, when Hillary received the info from Blumenthal through his regular sources IN THE PUBLIC, so it was public information yet the Intelligence dept decided to make it top secret classified....public information for goodness sakes!

And when you have a seasoned Diplomat for over a decade who is knowledgeable on what should be classified and what not, had nearly 100 of his messages sent to Hillary classified and parts blotted out, before releasing on the FOIA request....and he swears up and down and inside out that NOT ONE of those nearly 100 of his messages were deemed nor should have been deemed, classified.

The gvt is over-classifying and keeping unnecessary things out of these FOIA Requests imo!
there are two separate systems they worked off of....one is for top secret/secret stuff which I had read is not connected to their regular email system or the internet at all, but is an IN HOUSE system only.

The other system the State department communicated their daily duties with, is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the State.gov system that Hillary forfeited getting an email from and used her server....both were unclassified systems....NOT unsecure systems, because even her system was secure.... both systems, the State.gov and the clinton email.com were not the top secret/secret system with the super duper duper protection on it....

The problem seems to stem from the government OVER CLASSIFYING things, and keeping too much from us.

Here we have a couple things classified as top secret and secret AFTER this info had circulated on the UNCLASSIFIED system for over a year, and one of them they classified top secret, when Hillary received the info from Blumenthal through his regular sources IN THE PUBLIC, so it was public information yet the Intelligence dept decided to make it top secret classified....public information for goodness sakes!

And when you have a seasoned Diplomat for over a decade who is knowledgeable on what should be classified and what not, had nearly 100 of his messages sent to Hillary classified and parts blotted out, before releasing on the FOIA request....and he swears up and down and inside out that NOT ONE of those nearly 100 of his messages were deemed nor should have been deemed, classified.

The gvt is over-classifying and keeping unnecessary things out of these FOIA Requests imo!

Yea, he was reading the correspondence of a woman who sits in the situation room. Some low level IT guy who normally works on shit like connecting diplomats to talk about financial aid and bitch about foreigners.

Are you serious right now?

Just ignoring the obvious attempt to subvert history. That server was a blatant security risk, it was not "secure" by any standard that would be acceptable for a figure of her level. The guy comes from the Clinton political machine not DoD. She has terrible judgement and should be punished
the fbi//gvt has already interviewed her State Department aids, I believe it said in the article... and I haven't seen any charges for them, who are the ones who actually sent the (later) classified info to her on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov server...so there is absolutely no reason to believe she is guilty of anything either?
the fbi//gvt has already interviewed her State Department aids, I believe it said in the article... and I haven't seen any charges for them, who are the ones who actually sent the (later) classified info to her on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov server...so there is absolutely no reason to believe she is guilty of anything either?

So the Obama White House decided not to prosecute during an election? What a surprise?

I fail to see your point here, it's obvious what happened. And it's obviously worse than what Patreus did

Really strange how you reference the white house like they are some authority on the law or unbiased. It's a political operation
there are two separate systems they worked off of....one is for top secret/secret stuff which I had read is not connected to their regular email system or the internet at all, but is an IN HOUSE system only.

The other system the State department communicated their daily duties with, is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the State.gov system that Hillary forfeited getting an email from and used her server....both were unclassified systems....NOT unsecure systems, because even her system was secure.... both systems, the State.gov and the clinton email.com were not the top secret/secret system with the super duper duper protection on it....

The problem seems to stem from the government OVER CLASSIFYING things, and keeping too much from us.

Here we have a couple things classified as top secret and secret AFTER this info had circulated on the UNCLASSIFIED system for over a year, and one of them they classified top secret, when Hillary received the info from Blumenthal through his regular sources IN THE PUBLIC, so it was public information yet the Intelligence dept decided to make it top secret classified....public information for goodness sakes!

And when you have a seasoned Diplomat for over a decade who is knowledgeable on what should be classified and what not, had nearly 100 of his messages sent to Hillary classified and parts blotted out, before releasing on the FOIA request....and he swears up and down and inside out that NOT ONE of those nearly 100 of his messages were deemed nor should have been deemed, classified.

The gvt is over-classifying and keeping unnecessary things out of these FOIA Requests imo!

Yea, he was reading the correspondence of a woman who sits in the situation room. Some low level IT guy who normally works on shit like connecting diplomats to talk about financial aid and bitch about foreigners.

Are you serious right now?

Just ignoring the obvious attempt to subvert history. That server was a blatant security risk, it was not "secure" by any standard that would be acceptable for a figure of her level. The guy comes from the Clinton political machine not DoD. She has terrible judgement and should be punished
hello? the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system.... sending top secret information in emails to each other was no more 'secure' than them sending this TS info to her email....technically, it should not be on either system....

so why was it passed around on the .gov email system?

First guess, is it was not considered top secret classified info, in some cases for over a year before someone in another agency, decided to make it classified TS.

WE KNOW her aids who had passed emails back and forth on this T/S material for a year on the .gov unclassified system before even forwarding it to Hillary did not believe it was classified T/S material...the gvt/fbi that interviewed them would have found that out... if they had known it was top secret and did this anyway, then they would have been reprimanded for it...

I'm certain the FBI when interviewing her IT guy would have sought out whether he read any of her emails as well....if it is as important as you believe it is.....
there are two separate systems they worked off of....one is for top secret/secret stuff which I had read is not connected to their regular email system or the internet at all, but is an IN HOUSE system only.

The other system the State department communicated their daily duties with, is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the State.gov system that Hillary forfeited getting an email from and used her server....both were unclassified systems....NOT unsecure systems, because even her system was secure.... both systems, the State.gov and the clinton email.com were not the top secret/secret system with the super duper duper protection on it....

The problem seems to stem from the government OVER CLASSIFYING things, and keeping too much from us.

Here we have a couple things classified as top secret and secret AFTER this info had circulated on the UNCLASSIFIED system for over a year, and one of them they classified top secret, when Hillary received the info from Blumenthal through his regular sources IN THE PUBLIC, so it was public information yet the Intelligence dept decided to make it top secret classified....public information for goodness sakes!

And when you have a seasoned Diplomat for over a decade who is knowledgeable on what should be classified and what not, had nearly 100 of his messages sent to Hillary classified and parts blotted out, before releasing on the FOIA request....and he swears up and down and inside out that NOT ONE of those nearly 100 of his messages were deemed nor should have been deemed, classified.

The gvt is over-classifying and keeping unnecessary things out of these FOIA Requests imo!

Yea, he was reading the correspondence of a woman who sits in the situation room. Some low level IT guy who normally works on shit like connecting diplomats to talk about financial aid and bitch about foreigners.

Are you serious right now?

Just ignoring the obvious attempt to subvert history. That server was a blatant security risk, it was not "secure" by any standard that would be acceptable for a figure of her level. The guy comes from the Clinton political machine not DoD. She has terrible judgement and should be punished
hello? the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system.... sending top secret information in emails to each other was no more 'secure' than them sending this TS info to her email....technically, it should not be on either system....

so why was it passed around on the .gov email system?

First guess, is it was not considered top secret classified info, in some cases for over a year before someone in another agency, decided to make it classified TS.

WE KNOW her aids who had passed emails back and forth on this T/S material for a year on the .gov unclassified system before even forwarding it to Hillary did not believe it was classified T/S material...the gvt/fbi that interviewed them would have found that out... if they had known it was top secret and did this anyway, then they would have been reprimanded for it...

I'm certain the FBI when interviewing her IT guy would have sought out whether he read any of her emails as well....if it is as important as you believe it is.....

And then after it was classified let it sit on that server, what are you talking about?

She knew that would happen, everyone knows things get retroactively classified. That's why you don't let shills from your political campaign be your IT guy and run you a private server you have no legal justification in using on state business

She's guilty
Wait, is this coming from the same source that said that the Head of the FBI and many of its senior officials would resign if Hillary was not indicted after all the stuff they had found?

So what source do we believe?
there are two separate systems they worked off of....one is for top secret/secret stuff which I had read is not connected to their regular email system or the internet at all, but is an IN HOUSE system only.

The other system the State department communicated their daily duties with, is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the State.gov system that Hillary forfeited getting an email from and used her server....both were unclassified systems....NOT unsecure systems, because even her system was secure.... both systems, the State.gov and the clinton email.com were not the top secret/secret system with the super duper duper protection on it....

The problem seems to stem from the government OVER CLASSIFYING things, and keeping too much from us.

Here we have a couple things classified as top secret and secret AFTER this info had circulated on the UNCLASSIFIED system for over a year, and one of them they classified top secret, when Hillary received the info from Blumenthal through his regular sources IN THE PUBLIC, so it was public information yet the Intelligence dept decided to make it top secret classified....public information for goodness sakes!

And when you have a seasoned Diplomat for over a decade who is knowledgeable on what should be classified and what not, had nearly 100 of his messages sent to Hillary classified and parts blotted out, before releasing on the FOIA request....and he swears up and down and inside out that NOT ONE of those nearly 100 of his messages were deemed nor should have been deemed, classified.

The gvt is over-classifying and keeping unnecessary things out of these FOIA Requests imo!

Yea, he was reading the correspondence of a woman who sits in the situation room. Some low level IT guy who normally works on shit like connecting diplomats to talk about financial aid and bitch about foreigners.

Are you serious right now?

Just ignoring the obvious attempt to subvert history. That server was a blatant security risk, it was not "secure" by any standard that would be acceptable for a figure of her level. The guy comes from the Clinton political machine not DoD. She has terrible judgement and should be punished
hello? the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED email system.... sending top secret information in emails to each other was no more 'secure' than them sending this TS info to her email....technically, it should not be on either system....

so why was it passed around on the .gov email system?

First guess, is it was not considered top secret classified info, in some cases for over a year before someone in another agency, decided to make it classified TS.

WE KNOW her aids who had passed emails back and forth on this T/S material for a year on the .gov unclassified system before even forwarding it to Hillary did not believe it was classified T/S material...the gvt/fbi that interviewed them would have found that out... if they had known it was top secret and did this anyway, then they would have been reprimanded for it...

I'm certain the FBI when interviewing her IT guy would have sought out whether he read any of her emails as well....if it is as important as you believe it is.....

There are emails from Hillary telling one of her aides that if something was deemed classified, and he couldn't forward it to her for a meeting, to simply take the marking off of it and send it anyway. Right there should tell you something.
the fbi//gvt has already interviewed her State Department aids, I believe it said in the article... and I haven't seen any charges for them, who are the ones who actually sent the (later) classified info to her on their UNCLASSIFIED State.gov server...so there is absolutely no reason to believe she is guilty of anything either?

So the Obama White House decided not to prosecute during an election? What a surprise?

I fail to see your point here, it's obvious what happened. And it's obviously worse than what Patreus did

Really strange how you reference the white house like they are some authority on the law or unbiased. It's a political operation
yeah, sure, whatever you want to believe is just A OK with me, but don't be pretending it's because you have any kind of facts on the subject....

personally, I think you were snowed by your sensationalized media....happens to the best of us, every now and then, I suppose?
Wait, is this coming from the same source that said that the Head of the FBI and many of its senior officials would resign if Hillary was not indicted after all the stuff they had found?

So what source do we believe?
FOX news is reporting this? Or the Daily Caller, or Drudge or Briebart or Forbes? I thought CNN was reporting this?

ONLY FOX and right wing rags reported that Comey was going to quit etc etc etc
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
Wait, is this coming from the same source that said that the Head of the FBI and many of its senior officials would resign if Hillary was not indicted after all the stuff they had found?

So what source do we believe?
FOX news is reporting this? Or the Daily Caller, or Drudge or Briebart or Forbes? I thought CNN was reporting this?

ONLY FOX and right wing rags reported that Comey was going to quit etc etc etc

Almost all media outlets are owned by only 6 major corporations in the world, and all are at least a little biased. So when I hear someone say bullshit like what you just said, it totally invalidates anything you could possibly say.


These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

It doesn't matter if she "willfully" violated the law, moron. Simple negligence is all that is required for a conviction. Your source is a Clinton partisan who deliberately misstates the issue. Like you, he's just another douche bag covering up for Clinton.
not 'simple' negligence, it has to be 'GROSS' negligence....

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