FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You insist you know better than the legal experts that contradict you.

We'll soon see what your opinions are worth, won't we?
So name one "legal expert" who has defended someone charged with committing crimes against the US and have successfully won the case.
Just one asshole!

Um, Shitstain? Hillary hasn't been charged with anything. Nor is she likely to.

"every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute." Remember this post??????
Doesn't matter. If the FBI recommends felony charges be brought against Hillary her run for President is over.
If lynch doesn't go forward and attempts to drag her feet until after the election that will guarantee Hillary loses.
Benghazi ........................................

Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You insist you know better than the legal experts that contradict you.

We'll soon see what your opinions are worth, won't we?
So name one "legal expert" who has defended someone charged with committing crimes against the US and have successfully won the case.
Just one asshole!

Um, Shitstain? Hillary hasn't been charged with anything. Nor is she likely to.

"every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute." Remember this post??????

Nope. You're not quoting me.

God, you suck at this.
Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.
You're either a fucking liar or a fucking mental retard.
NEITHER!!!!!! Powell or Rice had 'Private Servers' you fuck-wit!
They had private email accounts. If you don't know the difference you ought not to be spewing your bullshit lies here.
Benghazi ........................................

Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.
yeah, sure, whatever.... :rolleyes:

Have you ever received a briefing on the proper way to handle classified information? Don't bother , it's obvious you haven't.

Let's say you work for the State Department and you have classiied material in your briefcase, and you stop off for a drink on your way home from work. Let's say you accidently leave the bar without your briefcase.

Let's now say the next day you realize such and report it to your superiors. Guess what happens? You violated the law and will lose your security clearance, your job, and possibly your freedom.

speaking of that, here is another interesting question. What if the FBI stripped Hillary of her security clearance? Could a person who isn't eligible for a security clearance become President?
Let's get this straight
FIRST, none of the messages she received were marked classified when she received them and were not classified until a later date.

SECOND, the State Department.gov email system that you all wanted her to use as her email system was an UNCLASSIFIED email system, and all of the emails from her employees including the diplomats that wrote to her was from their State department. gov email accounts, from the UNCLASSIFIED.gov email accounts.

It was NOT the classified govt Top Secret system that the govt uses for secret info, and Hillary on her server receiving messages from all of these people using the state dept .gov email should never had any top secret info on the .gov system, the unclassified email system. Anything Hillary received from the .gov email system from her employees would be presumed, UNCLASSIFIED....and not being marked classified would double down on that presumption.

Whether Hillary was receiving these emails on her own server or the .gov server that everyone else in her department used, BOTH SYSTEMS, BOTH SERVERS were unclassified systems....

She would be in the same spot, even if she had not set up her own server, the .gov email account is an UNCLASSIFIED server.....not meant for secret or top secret or sensitive info.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.
You're either a fucking liar or a fucking mental retard.
NEITHER!!!!!! Powell or Rice had 'Private Servers' you fuck-wit!

Laughing.....then where, pray tell, were those classified emails directed to an unsecure personal account sent to?

Sorry, Shitstain....but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And your utter lack of comprehension of the issues involved won't matter in the slightest.

Hillary isn't being charged with anything. Get used to the idea.
Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.

Did the F.B.I. investigate them?

Will see when the report is done.


every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.

Did the F.B.I. investigate them?

Will see when the report is done.


Indeed. We'll see.
Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.

Did the F.B.I. investigate them?

Will see when the report is done.


Indeed. We'll see.

It is amusing how touchy you are on this subject, border line insane...

Carry on

Oh, and one more bit of info for our resident legal experts that insist that those who mishandle classified information are always criminally prosecuted:

Brad Moss, a Washington lawyer who deals regularly with security clearance matters, said the Justice Department could conceivably look to bring charges in the Clinton email case but prosecutors would have to decide if they "really want to take that gamble." Inquiries into mishandling of classified information generally end with a security clearance revocation rather than a criminal charge, he said.

Hillary Clinton said "It's not going to happen" when asked earlier this month whether she'd be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state

This isn't going anywhere, folks. Not for Rice. Not for Powell. Not for Clinton.
Benghazi ........................................

Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.
Benghazi ........................................

Nice attempt to deflect, but you'll in fact not find any posts from me about such.

Now, answer my question. Do you understand that it is irrelevant whether she willfully broke the law or not? That's a simple yes or no question.

every single lawyer that has defended those charged with top secret violations that have spoken up on this case have STATED that it has to be knowingly and willfully committed or severely gross negligence, in order for the gvt to prosecute.

Bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, a violation does not have to be knowing or willing or grossly negligent. If I did what she did, I would be typing this from a jail cell.

your head is so far up Hillary's fat butt that you cant see reality.

Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Secretary of State Colin Powell Also Used Personal Email Account
Says you, citing you. And you're a notoriously shit source on the law. The glorious lack of other prosecutions for other SOS's who did the same thing demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.
Name a single SOS that had their own private server? You can't! Because Hillary is the only SOS in US history to have one.
The stupid bull dyke even admitted what she did was a mistake.
You're an ignoramus.

Both Powell and Rice used private servers. And both sent classified emails to their aids through them:

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

And it didn't matter. It won't matter for Hillary either.

Get used to the idea.

Did the F.B.I. investigate them?

Will see when the report is done.


Indeed. We'll see.

It is amusing how touchy you are on this subject, border line insane...

Carry on


"Indeed. We'll see" is 'touchy, borderline insane'?

Shrugs....your hysteric overreaction to 3 words isn't my problem.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

You don't need to prove a defendant willingly violated law to be found guilty

Ignorance of the law is only an excuse if you're a cop. Not a politician with teams of lawyers lol

No other secretary of states violated state department policy, hillary did. We just prosecuted patreus for exposing almost no information to some one who wasn't cleared to receive it. Hillary put her emails under lawyers and IT guys with no clearance, vast swathes of data....
Not surprising, the outcome is exactly what I said it would be. The establishment takes care of their own, no doubt about it. Those who love the direction of the country and want to continue with the establishment's ideas for the country can only be elated with the news.
Rather than worry about Clinton's email, you should be worry about the lunatic nominee that the GOP has chosen. He has taken the principles of conservatism and turned them upside down and the low information GOP voters were sucked in during the primaries. FUNNY....FUNNY....FUNNY!
What she is going to crush is your wallet. Our handouts to the Muslims has nearly done us in. Hillary will distribute our wealth to Asia. It's America or the globe. Hillary is for the globe. Trump is for America. Choose wisely.

Nothing you said is based in fact or reality.

I just thought you should know that.

Either you're crazy and hearing voices or someone is lying to you.
Rather than worry about Clinton's email, you should be worry about the lunatic nominee that the GOP has chosen. He has taken the principles of conservatism and turned them upside down and the low information GOP voters were sucked in during the primaries. FUNNY....FUNNY....FUNNY!


You seen Libya? Iraq?

Who is the lunatic between Hillary Clinton the woman married to Bill and Trump? Seems pretty clear Hillary is the one who's crazy. Trump comes off as very normal, Hillary comes off as a psychopath
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

You don't need to prove a defendant willingly violated law to be found guilty

Ignorance of the law is only an excuse if you're a cop. Not a politician with teams of lawyers lol

Laughing....most mishandling of classified information cases aren't criminally prosecuted. Security clearance is simply revoked.

Brad Moss, a Washington lawyer who deals regularly with security clearance matters, said the Justice Department could conceivably look to bring charges in the Clinton email case but prosecutors would have to decide if they "really want to take that gamble." Inquiries into mishandling of classified information generally end with a security clearance revocation rather than a criminal charge, he said.

Hillary Clinton said "It's not going to happen" when asked earlier this month whether she'd be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state

With the emails in question being sent FROM an unsecure server TO an unsecure server....by Hillary and her own aides. There's not going to be any crime.

No other secretary of states violated state department policy, hillary did.

Nope. Not one Secretary of State but Hillary.

Well, except the last two before here.

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

But other than the last 3 Secretaries of State.....nope, nobody.

We just prosecuted patreus for exposing almost no information to some one who wasn't cleared to receive it. Hillary put her emails under lawyers and IT guys with no clearance, vast swathes of data....

Patreus walked out 8 binders of classified information to share with his mistress.

Hillary, Powell and Rice merely sent messages to their own aides. No rational person would equate them. And no prosecutor will.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

You don't need to prove a defendant willingly violated law to be found guilty

Ignorance of the law is only an excuse if you're a cop. Not a politician with teams of lawyers lol

Laughing....most mishandling of classified information cases aren't criminally prosecuted. Security clearance is simply revoked.

Brad Moss, a Washington lawyer who deals regularly with security clearance matters, said the Justice Department could conceivably look to bring charges in the Clinton email case but prosecutors would have to decide if they "really want to take that gamble." Inquiries into mishandling of classified information generally end with a security clearance revocation rather than a criminal charge, he said.

Hillary Clinton said "It's not going to happen" when asked earlier this month whether she'd be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state

With the emails in question being sent FROM an unsecure server TO an unsecure server....by Hillary and her own aides. There's not going to be any crime.

No other secretary of states violated state department policy, hillary did.

Nope. Not one Secretary of State but Hillary.

Well, except the last two before here.

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

But other than the last 3 Secretaries of State.....nope, nobody.

We just prosecuted patreus for exposing almost no information to some one who wasn't cleared to receive it. Hillary put her emails under lawyers and IT guys with no clearance, vast swathes of data....

Patreus walked out 8 binders of classified information to share with his mistress.

Hillary, Powell and Rice merely sent messages to their own aides. No rational person would equate them. And no prosecutor will.

We just prosecuted Patreus for literally the same thing

There is no difference between showing your lover who isn't a foreign agent classified documents and your IT guy, (assuming) both are equally unqualified to see that data. And the same crime has been committed....

Hillary just did it with every email she has written and received since she set up the server apparently. She deserves prison

Why people think there is some big distinction between sending an email or giving some one unqualified access to your emails I do not understand. There is no difference...

edit - and again there were no rules for secretaries of state until Clinton took office. Talking about past secretaries is non sequitur at best. Not to mention no one ever accused them of giving access to people who weren't qualified to see their emails.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

You don't need to prove a defendant willingly violated law to be found guilty

Ignorance of the law is only an excuse if you're a cop. Not a politician with teams of lawyers lol

Laughing....most mishandling of classified information cases aren't criminally prosecuted. Security clearance is simply revoked.

Brad Moss, a Washington lawyer who deals regularly with security clearance matters, said the Justice Department could conceivably look to bring charges in the Clinton email case but prosecutors would have to decide if they "really want to take that gamble." Inquiries into mishandling of classified information generally end with a security clearance revocation rather than a criminal charge, he said.

Hillary Clinton said "It's not going to happen" when asked earlier this month whether she'd be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state

With the emails in question being sent FROM an unsecure server TO an unsecure server....by Hillary and her own aides. There's not going to be any crime.

No other secretary of states violated state department policy, hillary did.

Nope. Not one Secretary of State but Hillary.

Well, except the last two before here.

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

But other than the last 3 Secretaries of State.....nope, nobody.

We just prosecuted patreus for exposing almost no information to some one who wasn't cleared to receive it. Hillary put her emails under lawyers and IT guys with no clearance, vast swathes of data....

Patreus walked out 8 binders of classified information to share with his mistress.

Hillary, Powell and Rice merely sent messages to their own aides. No rational person would equate them. And no prosecutor will.

We just prosecuted Patreus for literally the same thing

There is no difference between showing your lover who isn't a foreign agent classified documents and your IT guy, (assuming) both are equally unqualified to see that data. And the same crime has been committed....

Hillary just did it with every email she has written and received since she set up the server apparently. She deserves prison

Why people think there is some big distinction between sending an email or giving some one unqualified access to your emails I do not understand. There is no difference...

edit - and again there were no rules for secretaries of state until Clinton took office. Talking about past secretaries is non sequitur at best. Not to mention no one ever accused them of giving access to people who weren't qualified to see their emails.

Really? You are comparing the Hillary emails to Patreus willfully giving top secret stuff to his lover? You don't know enough details on Hillary's e-mails to say that. But nice try...

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