FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Wrong Flopper....within the Espionage Act is a crime of 'negligence' which does not require an intentional act. Barry has already publicly declared Hillary was negligent...

Easy....there aren't going to be any charges. There would have to be something egregious, like......Hillary walking out 8 binders of classfied materials to show the dude she was schtuping. There's nothing even remotely close to the level of charges here.

Which is why most legal experts who've been asked indicate that charges are highly unlikely.
You mean "most legal experts" who are LIBs claim charges are unlikely.
There are as many or more experts who say charges are very likely.
The fun part will be when the FBI recommends a series of felony charges be brought against Hillary this board will be flooded with fucking LIBs claiming the FBI is corrupt. You wait.

When the opposite happens the only cons you'll see here are the die hard conspiracists crying about how the fix was in.
Doubtful, but you can go with that.

The point is, we already the DOJ is corrupt and Hillary is guilty as fuck. What happens will piss off one side the other. If she's nailed you pursues will scream like Banshees, and we'll be laughing like Hyenas. If she gets away with it, you pud-knockers will claim that justice was done, even though it wasn't, and all it will do is cost Hillary the election. It's a win-win for us.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

That's how you know this witch hunt is political and has nothing to do with love of country. Colin Powell spoke openly in his 2012 book about this practice, and the torch mob didn't go after him.
Yeah and Obama's white mother can trace her linage to the first black slave that was in America. You know , then Obama can be in the fight. ROTFLAO, how gullible you libtards are to believe what ever the administration(not FBI) put out. You know, Hope and Change, redistribution of wealth, fundamental transformation and you can save $2,500 on healthcare.. ROTFLMAO, boy are you guys/gals/its are stupid...
For the hypocritical parroting rubes, when Colin Powell did it, nobody gave a fuck.

When Clinton did it, it was the worst treason EVAH!! Burn the witch!
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

That's how you know this witch hunt is political and has nothing to do with love of country or treason. Colin Powell spoke openly in his 2012 book about this practice, and the torch mob didn't go after him.


Powell "RECEIVED 2" and Rice staffers RECEIVED 10"........on a private account.

Notice the word RECEIVED.

And notice the total number.....12.

Okay, Goober, what is different about Hillary’s situation?
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

That's how you know this witch hunt is political and has nothing to do with love of country or treason. Colin Powell spoke openly in his 2012 book about this practice, and the torch mob didn't go after him.


Powell "RECEIVED 2" and Rice staffers RECEIVED 10"........on a private account.

Notice the word RECEIVED.

And notice the total number.....12.

Okay, Goober, what is different about Hillary’s situation?
What part of "I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues" do you not understand?

Don't worry. I get it. When someone in the Bush Administration does it, they are a hero.
For the hypocritical parroting rubes, when Colin Powell did it, nobody gave a fuck.

When Clinton did it, it was the worst treason EVAH!! Burn the witch!
Again....YOU FUCKING TOOL......according to CNN (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK ) Colon Powell did nothing. It's not his fault that someone sent him an email to his private account, NOT HIS PRIVATE SERVER, but his private account. Hillary did all of her nasty evil shit on her own PERSONAL SERVER. According to her, she had no other account. She claims she only used one phone thus one account. Now I don't believe this for one second, but the only reason she was caught was because SOMEBODY HACKED HER PRIVATE SERVER THROUGH SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL'S EMAILS YOU FUCKING TOOL!!!!
Another guy followed Bills porn accounts which led him to Hillary's private server. Chicks With Dicks. Underage Teens. Who knows which sites he visited.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

That's how you know this witch hunt is political and has nothing to do with love of country or treason. Colin Powell spoke openly in his 2012 book about this practice, and the torch mob didn't go after him.


Powell "RECEIVED 2" and Rice staffers RECEIVED 10"........on a private account.

Notice the word RECEIVED.

And notice the total number.....12.

Okay, Goober, what is different about Hillary’s situation?
What part of "I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues" do you not understand?

Don't worry. I get it. When someone in the Bush Administration does it, they are a hero.
I understand that he didn't use his private account to do that, otherwise they wouldn't have found only the 2 that were sent to him.
Call it whatever you want Hilly.....

Hillary Clinton email.jpg
This WAS their procedure. And even if Hillary had used the State.gov email address instead of the clinton email address, BOTH systems were UNCLASSIFIED until FOIA Requests make them release the material.

That is meaningless. Law and regulations both forbid use of unsecured or "commercial email" in the conduction of official business.

She broke this regulation:

5 FAM (Foreign Affairs Manual) 443.7 Non-Official Email Accounts

(CT:IM-168; 10-23-2015)

a. Under the employees are prohibited from creating or sending a record using a non-official email account unless the employee (1) copies the employee's official email account in the original creation or transmission, or (2) forwards a complete copy of record (including any attachments) to the employee's official email account not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission.

b. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration has advised that "personal accounts should only be used in exceptional circumstances." Therefore, Department employees are discouraged from using private e-mail accounts (e.g., Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, etc.) for official business. However, in those very limited circumstances when it becomes necessary to do so, the email messages covering official business sent from or received in a personal account must be captured and managed in a Department email system in a manner described above in accordance with the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014. If an employee has any emails (regardless of age) on his or her private email account(s) that have not already been forwarded to the employee's official email account, then such emails need to be forwarded to the employee's state.gov account as soon as possible. Employees are reminded that private email accounts should not be used to transmit or receive classified information.

And broke this regulation:

35 CFR 1236.22 (5)(b)

Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

And ignored this cable issued under her direction in 2011:

12 FAM 544.3

1. Department of State users are encouraged to check the security settings and change passwords of their home e-mail accounts because of recent targeting of personal e-mail accounts by online adversaries. Security guidelines have been posted on the DS/SI/CS Cyber Security Awareness web page: https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/SI/CS/Awareness1/Content/Pers onal%20Email.aspx.

2. Recently, Google asserted that online adversaries are targeting the personal Gmail accounts of U.S. government employees. Although the company believes it has taken appropriate steps to remediate identified activity, users should exercise caution and follow best practices in order to protect personal e-mail and prevent the compromise of government and personal information. The DS/SI/CS Cyber Security Awareness web site contains guides to help secure the web-based e-mail accounts of users and their families. This information can be accessed at: https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/SI/CS/Awareness1/Content/Pers onal%20Email.aspx.

3. What can you and your family members do?

(a) Follow the personal e-mail guides posted on the Awareness site to change your password, to ensure that messages are not auto-forwarding to an unintended address, and to verify that other security settings are properly configured.
(b) Beware of e-mail messages that include links to password reset web pages. These can be easily faked.
(c) Create strong passwords for all of your online accounts, change them often, and never use the same password for more than one account.
(d) Avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.
(e) Do not reveal your personal e-mail address in your work "Out of Office" message.
(f) Do not auto-forward Department e-mail to personal e-mail accounts, which is prohibited by Department policy (12 FAM 544.3). 4. Questions regarding cyber security awareness should be addressed to [email protected]

She also broke all of the following laws:

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

18 U.S. Code § 1031 - Major fraud against the United States

18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television

18 U.S. Code § 1346 - Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

44 U.S. Code § 3101 - Records management by agency heads; general duties
why did you waste your time posting all those rules and regs that took place AFTER she left office? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
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For the hypocritical parroting rubes, when Colin Powell did it, nobody gave a fuck.

When Clinton did it, it was the worst treason EVAH!! Burn the witch!
Again....YOU FUCKING TOOL......according to CNN (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK ) Colon Powell did nothing. It's not his fault that someone sent him an email to his private account, NOT HIS PRIVATE SERVER, but his private account. Hillary did all of her nasty evil shit on her own PERSONAL SERVER. According to her, she had no other account. She claims she only used one phone thus one account. Now I don't believe this for one second, but the only reason she was caught was because SOMEBODY HACKED HER PRIVATE SERVER THROUGH SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL'S EMAILS YOU FUCKING TOOL!!!!
Another guy followed Bills porn accounts which led him to Hillary's private server. Chicks With Dicks. Underage Teens. Who knows which sites he visited.
You are the TOOL of your right wing propaganda news rags....no one hacked HER computer.

And you think a gmail or AOLaccount is safer than a private server? :cuckoo: You've lost your mind!

And Donald will Twitter top secret info.... he is dangerous to our Nation...wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the hypocritical parroting rubes, when Colin Powell did it, nobody gave a fuck.

When Clinton did it, it was the worst treason EVAH!! Burn the witch!
Again....YOU FUCKING TOOL......according to CNN (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK ) Colon Powell did nothing. It's not his fault that someone sent him an email to his private account, NOT HIS PRIVATE SERVER, but his private account. Hillary did all of her nasty evil shit on her own PERSONAL SERVER. According to her, she had no other account. She claims she only used one phone thus one account. Now I don't believe this for one second, but the only reason she was caught was because SOMEBODY HACKED HER PRIVATE SERVER THROUGH SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL'S EMAILS YOU FUCKING TOOL!!!!
Another guy followed Bills porn accounts which led him to Hillary's private server. Chicks With Dicks. Underage Teens. Who knows which sites he visited.
You are the TOOL of your right wing propaganda news rags....no one hacked HER computer.

And you think a gmail or AOLaccount is safer than a private server? :cuckoo: You've lost your mind!

And Donald will Twitter top secret info.... he is dangerous to our Nation...wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay , so what will the vagina candidate do for you liberals, that aren't already on welfare, getting free healthcare, that isn't already given by the first white black president who has failed this country by putting the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, making full time 29 hours, FORCING the citizens to buy health insurance whether they want it or not, have the IRS go after conservative groups, expand the patriot act that under Bush was illegal but now under Obama, you liberals love it? Have I missed anything that you liberal hypocrites want to bitch about? Why are you so in the tank for some loud mouth bitch who wants to continue to tear this country apart?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you liberals being sociopathic
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Why the liberals just go on and on, defending their vagina candidate as if she were a queen.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
What is interesting in what this libidiot just said, let me try to give a reason why the vagina candidate will be put in Fort Leavenworth.
While in the military I had to process Top Secret documentation. There were others who worked with me on the process of handling the classified information, marking it, and then giving it to those who would use that information to protect the US. One individual did not willfully violate the law by not marking one Top Secret message, gave it to upper command and that individual ended up in Leavenworth for 5 years. He didn't willfully, but that didn't matter, he BROKE the law. The only crushing the loud mouth enabler will do, is crushing big rocks into little rocks. And you welfare pukes will have to go back to work. ROTFLMAO.....

View attachment 73963

You don't really think that Hellary will be held to the same standard as some shmuck in the military, do you?
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

No you're not going by " reported facts".
It is not established that the server was hacked. It's only your wishful thinking that leads you to believe that.
Putin has twenty thousand Clinton emails sitting in a vault. When he decides to release them he will.
He'd rather have to deal with Hillary than Trump is a theory held by some.
Others believe Putin would rather deal with Trump for strategic reasons visa vi Putin's expansionist plans for E. Europe.
We will see what happens.

Pooitin and Trump are butt buddies. They are both dictators.
The war is coming ,
Good - God, Bible, morals, law, classical liberalism - conservatism.

EVIL - Lucifer, immorality, break the law, liberalism - socialism/Marxism/communism/progressivism/Fascism.

The liberals have been using the Law and Bible to move their immoral agenda forward all in the name of "equality". Since their movement really started in the 1960's, today that movement is at its crux of completion. But with Trump showing that conservative Democrats, Independents, and Republicans don't like the loud mouth bitch, they are tending to vote for Trump because he is more attuned with the problems that the Communist in the white house has created. You libidiots are ranting and raving against US because soon you will no longer get your government cheese and actually have to work to get by. No more free STUFF, for you lazy R-rards. At this point you sorry sacks of excrement will be out in the inner cities destroying your own cars, buildings and killing each other.... oh wait, that is what is happening now in Baltimore, Chicago, NYC and other liberal run cities. ROTLMAO, the US people are fed up with you......

Are you throwing trump in with the morals? Really?
For the hypocritical parroting rubes, when Colin Powell did it, nobody gave a fuck.

When Clinton did it, it was the worst treason EVAH!! Burn the witch!
Again....YOU FUCKING TOOL......according to CNN (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK ) Colon Powell did nothing. It's not his fault that someone sent him an email to his private account, NOT HIS PRIVATE SERVER, but his private account. Hillary did all of her nasty evil shit on her own PERSONAL SERVER. According to her, she had no other account. She claims she only used one phone thus one account. Now I don't believe this for one second, but the only reason she was caught was because SOMEBODY HACKED HER PRIVATE SERVER THROUGH SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL'S EMAILS YOU FUCKING TOOL!!!!
Another guy followed Bills porn accounts which led him to Hillary's private server. Chicks With Dicks. Underage Teens. Who knows which sites he visited.
You are the TOOL of your right wing propaganda news rags....no one hacked HER computer.

And you think a gmail or AOLaccount is safer than a private server? :cuckoo: You've lost your mind!

And Donald will Twitter top secret info.... he is dangerous to our Nation...wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol......he'll call you a loser, but I don't think he's leaking secrets under 140 characters. There is no evidence that Trump is trying to hide his activities like Hillary has practically her entire professional career.

One thing you should know by now is sometimes you have no control of what is sent to your email address. As long as they have it, it's easy. That's not what is the issue here. I'm getting tired of repeating myself to idiots on the left about the fact that Hillary never used a State Department address....and that she should have told somebody that she had been using a private server to conduct business, something nobody else did.....ever, no matter how much you stomp your little feet and claim everyone else did. They did not, I repeat, did not have private servers.......period
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

No you're not going by " reported facts".
It is not established that the server was hacked. It's only your wishful thinking that leads you to believe that.
Putin has twenty thousand Clinton emails sitting in a vault. When he decides to release them he will.
He'd rather have to deal with Hillary than Trump is a theory held by some.
Others believe Putin would rather deal with Trump for strategic reasons visa vi Putin's expansionist plans for E. Europe.
We will see what happens.

Pooitin and Trump are butt buddies. They are both dictators.
You have to be in government and running a country to establish an official dictatorship or Authoritarian regime.
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What she is going to crush is your wallet. Our handouts to the Muslims has nearly done us in. Hillary will distribute our wealth to Asia. It's America or the globe. Hillary is for the globe. Trump is for America. Choose wisely.
Then why is his entire line of shitty clothing manufactured in China, and you'll love this one, Mexico?

The one thing he does manufacture and sell here that you nutters can't buy enough of is bullshit.

Could care less where his ties are made. Care a bunch about closing our borders, and stopping the money hemorrhage ...
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
The liberals remind me of the Hitler Youth who would do anything to protect their leader, even kill their own parents. Such left wing fanaticism will be the death of them.

Every teenager rebels against authority to some degree. Thankfully they don't vote. Otherwise we would have Beyonce as our president. I really don't think the average American would kill his or her parents over a voting cycle candidate. The majority of Americans voted democrat in the last presidential race so you are suggesting that the majority of Americans are would be parent murderers. Maybe a tad over the top?

Are you old enough to REALLY know anything about the Hitler Youth? Those kind of comparisons aren't useful in conducting a serious argument for the support of a republican candidate. Wouldn't you get more traction professing the benefits of voting republican?

Just another thing, when people don't study history , then history tends to repeat itself. Since you are a liberal, to study history takes work(a 4 letter dirty word) and the history of liberalism/communism/socialism/Marxism/progressivism, has always ended bad for its populace. When you brainwash children to the point they will strap a bomb on themselves walk into a food market and detonate the bomb, this is just another fact about liberals, who hate children, who hate other people, and especially they hate themselves for being born.

Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend

Listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox doesn't make you educated on history Sparky.

You don't have a clue what my politics are. If a cop saw you licking on an all day sucker you could be arrested for cannibalism.

Going to public education doesn't make you educated either.

Report: Half of U.S. schools fail federal standards
The findings are far below the 82% failure rate that Education Secretary Arne Duncan predicted earlier this year but still indicate an alarming trend that Duncan hopes to address by granting states relief from the federal law. The law requires states to have every student performing at grade level in math and reading by 2014, which most educators agree is an impossible goal.
A stupid populace is an easy to control populace, as those who are given FREE STUFF, don't complain, except when their FREE STUFF is taken away. Why else do liberals start to burn cities down when they don't get their way? The video shows a typical liberal.

It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

No you're not going by " reported facts".
It is not established that the server was hacked. It's only your wishful thinking that leads you to believe that.
Putin has twenty thousand Clinton emails sitting in a vault. When he decides to release them he will.
He'd rather have to deal with Hillary than Trump is a theory held by some.
Others believe Putin would rather deal with Trump for strategic reasons visa vi Putin's expansionist plans for E. Europe.
We will see what happens.

Pooitin and Trump are butt buddies. They are both dictators.

While you are merely a butthole...

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