FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
Wrong again. In defense of Hillary Clinton, talking about her - calling her by name, Obama declared she had been negligent but did not intentionally do anything illegal...being too stupid to realize there was the section on the Espionage Act regarding 'negligence'. Barry basically declared Hillary to be 'guilty'.
he didn't SAY negligent....and the section is on GROSS Negligence, not negligence
BONOBO actually used the word "careless" to describe what Hillary did.
Yep.....messy.....sloppy.....oh what a terrible boo boo....

That's what they all say....along with "I was set up!!!"

Hey, who cares that Hillary can't figure out how to work more than one device at a time.

She's a woman, so she must be qualified.
Publicly, however, the FBI just exposed Hillary's continued insistence that they are only conducting a 'security review' to be a lie.

Polls already show the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race. She just keeps digging that hole deeper.
The FBI stated it was a Security Review when the investigation began....and also stated Hillary was not under investigation but basically her 'server' was being reviewed....

It's been linked here on USMB several times.


"Clinton and her team have made a point of not describing the FBI's work as an "investigation," but alternately as a "security review" or "security inquiry." They've also noted that the issue was referred to the FBI not as a criminal matter but as an intelligence breach.

However, in response to a question Wednesday, Comey said he wasn't familiar with the term "security inquiry" that Clinton and her aides have used. The FBI chief said he considers the work agents are doing to be an "investigation."

"It's in our name. I'm not familiar with the term 'security inquiry','" the director said."

FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
hmmmm, so it was you who posted this....

yet YOU gave the link that CONFIRMED what hillary said was true....

View attachment 74560
Another of your bullshit lies.
The 'IC' has fuck all to do with the FBI.
McCullough has ZERO authority to tell the FBI who to INVESTIGATE!
The discussion on this thread is 100% about the FBI. NOTHING to do with the IC.
Fucking grow up!
No one is projecting anything. Comey just declared today Hillary's claim that the FBI is conducting a 'security review' is Bullshit....as in he just called her a liar!
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz No gd difference. NOT CRIMINAL.
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
We don’t have to make up shit to beat her. That's what Trump critics do. We just like to focus on what she actually did and continues to do.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

"Willfully violated the law, meaning she could have violated the law, but was not aware she violated the law. That is pretty funny. If in the real world you can get fined and sent to jail for that. Ignorance is no excuse.

Consider mens rea, the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.

Consider too, what harm was done?

:haha:Men's rea is not a defense for negligence. It is only a factor in sentencing when it comes to national security. However, in her case, it has been firmly established because:

  1. She set up a private server to escape detection
  2. She attempted to destroy evidence
  3. She emailed instructions to her staff to remove any classified marking from correspondence before sending to cover up its classification

" The standard common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in the Latin phrase, actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty". Thus, in jurisdictions with due process, there must be an actus reus, or "guilty act", accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged (see the technical requirement of concurrence). ":deal:

Mens rea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind" (Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg 791)

First a complaint or information is the end product after an investigation determines there is evidence to support an allegation, supplied in an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury that there is evidence to bring charges forward. You've done none of that, thus all you have offered is one more effort to assassinate her character based on the propaganda which pollutes the mind of those easily led.
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
We don’t have to make up shit to beat her. That's what Trump critics do. We just like to focus on what she actually did and continues to do.

Well you could have fooled me. I think this e-mail thing has been completely over sold. It just makes republicans look stupid when there HAS to be serious issues she stands for that go against conservatives values.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
What is interesting in what this libidiot just said, let me try to give a reason why the vagina candidate will be put in Fort Leavenworth.
While in the military I had to process Top Secret documentation. There were others who worked with me on the process of handling the classified information, marking it, and then giving it to those who would use that information to protect the US. One individual did not willfully violate the law by not marking one Top Secret message, gave it to upper command and that individual ended up in Leavenworth for 5 years. He didn't willfully, but that didn't matter, he BROKE the law. The only crushing the loud mouth enabler will do, is crushing big rocks into little rocks. And you welfare pukes will have to go back to work. ROTFLMAO.....

View attachment 73963

The use of these words/phrases,

"vagina candidate"
"loud mouth enabler"
"welfare pukes"

Tells us all we need to know about him (andaronjim).
Thank you, as you can see, this once proud America Citizen who was a libertarian and could care less what other people did as long as those other people didn't fuck with, have now created an angry white American Citizen who cant stand liberals. This happens where ever you go, when miserable liberals HAVE to interfere in the lives of other people who just want to live in peace and happiness. Since liberals can never be happy, then no one else can be happy, then everyone will be equal. That is called "FAIRNESS". By the way, tell me one thing about those nouns used that is a lie?
Libidiot - an idiot who votes for liberals each elections expecting something different.
Vagina candidate - a person seeking the presidency saying that because she is a woman that qualifies her over Bernie Sanders.
Loud mouth enabler- a woman who screams to other people while letting her husband "ABUSE" other women.
Welfare pukes - a person who sits in their parents basement, blaming rich people for not sharing their wealth, having to eat government cheese, get free healthcare from their parents and use CO2 products to bitch on their computers.
Hmmmm..... have I missed anything???

View attachment 74565

Your predilections hit most of the talking points expressed by poorly educated bigots challenged by reality. Thus you qualify for membership in the echo chamber, where you will fit in nicely with others easily led by charlatans an demagogues.
Funny that you speak about talking points, for every time the homosexual in the white house opens his pie hole, all the liberal lickspittle lapdog media, runs out and spewes those talking points in all the communist news networks. Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler would be proud at how well, you goosestepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots follow Der Fuhrer.

View attachment 74570

Does a dressing come with this ^^^ word salad?
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
We don’t have to make up shit to beat her. That's what Trump critics do. We just like to focus on what she actually did and continues to do.

Well you could have fooled me. I think this e-mail thing has been completely over sold. It just makes republicans look stupid when there HAS to be serious issues she stands for that go against conservatives values.

Hey, once again I get to ask, what are conservative values / conservative principles we hear so much about.
You are a liar!
The FBI has NEVER said fuck all about the case. The INVESTIGATION is on-going.
All your 'FBI officials' and 'sources' are a bunch of bullshit.
The Russians have twenty thousand of Hillary's emails.
The computer geek that Hillary hired has suddenly 'lost' every fucking email he had on his computer.
There is one historic ass kicking coming Hillary's way within a few weeks.
A very well deserved one.
Debbie, the ramen noodles head, is already licking Bidens balls pleading with him to take over after Hillary quits for 'health reasons'.

You're quick to throw around insults. Why don't you try Google, instead of your right wing blogger sources:

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer

There are many indications that the FBI has found nothing.

The FBI has also said that Guccifer's claims are false. They have no evidence that he hacked Hillary's email server.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

"Willfully violated the law, meaning she could have violated the law, but was not aware she violated the law. That is pretty funny. If in the real world you can get fined and sent to jail for that. Ignorance is no excuse.

Consider mens rea, the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.

Consider too, what harm was done?

:haha:Men's rea is not a defense for negligence. It is only a factor in sentencing when it comes to national security. However, in her case, it has been firmly established because:

  1. She set up a private server to escape detection
  2. She attempted to destroy evidence
  3. She emailed instructions to her staff to remove any classified marking from correspondence before sending to cover up its classification

" The standard common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in the Latin phrase, actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty". Thus, in jurisdictions with due process, there must be an actus reus, or "guilty act", accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged (see the technical requirement of concurrence). ":deal:

Mens rea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind" (Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg 791)

First a complaint or information is the end product after an investigation determines there is evidence to support an allegation, supplied in an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury that there is evidence to bring charges forward. You've done none of that, thus all you have offered is one more effort to assassinate her character based on the propaganda which pollutes the mind of those easily led.
Do you even understand what a simple legal term like men's rea means?

It means if you show guilt in your own mind by attempting to cover up your crime, you've already established men's rea. Her lies about not having classified emails when she knew she did. Her attempts to destroy evidence of it. Her emails directing others to remove markers. And finally, the fact that she had an unauthorized server set up in an unsecured location is proof of mens rea. They should indict her for Espionage, criminal negligence, Obstruction of Justice, the works. She needs to be behind bars. If she doesn't end up there it only proves that Washington is too corrupt to function anymore.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
What is interesting in what this libidiot just said, let me try to give a reason why the vagina candidate will be put in Fort Leavenworth.
While in the military I had to process Top Secret documentation. There were others who worked with me on the process of handling the classified information, marking it, and then giving it to those who would use that information to protect the US. One individual did not willfully violate the law by not marking one Top Secret message, gave it to upper command and that individual ended up in Leavenworth for 5 years. He didn't willfully, but that didn't matter, he BROKE the law. The only crushing the loud mouth enabler will do, is crushing big rocks into little rocks. And you welfare pukes will have to go back to work. ROTFLMAO.....

View attachment 73963

The use of these words/phrases,

"vagina candidate"
"loud mouth enabler"
"welfare pukes"

Tells us all we need to know about him (andaronjim).
The fact that you totally ignored the substance of his post tells us all we need to know about you. Willful-ignorance is a defense mechanism often used by an otherwise rational person. When it comes to ideological debate, facing the truth is often non-existent.
Hillary is full of horse manure. She's just hoping enough rubes will buy into her lies. It's why she hasn't quit her campaign, because frankly the Clintons have no shame. They feel they can wait it all out and make a comeback despite the facts of the case. Maybe they figure time will render it irrelevant or over time the seriousness of the crime will become a moot point. The fact is we are dealing with a criminal minds here. Criminals operate by different rules than the rest of us.

There was substance to his post? Or yours? We have much a much different understanding of what substance is and what it is not. In both cases - yours and his - the remarks are opinions guised as facts. You've made allegations about the Clinton's which amount to nothing more than character assassinations, echos of other partisans; thus they are no more relevant or substantive than a talking head on Fox News reporting, "some people are saying ...".!

BTW, you post is not based on willfully ignorance, it is willful mendacity based on your biases / predilections.
Ah so we are at the term "is" is? Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton used the term "is" and the lickspittle lapdog media ran on that.

Bill Clinton and the Meaning of "Is"
Bill Clinton and the Meaning of "Is"
You libidiots just don't get it do you? The 75% of concerned US citizens are FED up with you liberals (R) and (D). You have taken a moral country and are trying todestroy it just like Hitler and Stalin did, with socialist policies that are doomed to fail. Problem with you goosestepping idiots , just like the Nazi's did with Der Fuhrer, they ended up destroyed along with their country. Keep on pissing US off, the last straw will be put on the camel's back in November, and when the liberals try to cheat the vagina into the presidency, those who aided and abetted in the crime will be reckoned with. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
You are a liar!
The FBI has NEVER said fuck all about the case. The INVESTIGATION is on-going.
All your 'FBI officials' and 'sources' are a bunch of bullshit.
The Russians have twenty thousand of Hillary's emails.
The computer geek that Hillary hired has suddenly 'lost' every fucking email he had on his computer.
There is one historic ass kicking coming Hillary's way within a few weeks.
A very well deserved one.
Debbie, the ramen noodles head, is already licking Bidens balls pleading with him to take over after Hillary quits for 'health reasons'.

You're quick to throw around insults. Why don't you try Google, instead of your right wing blogger sources:

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer

There are many indications that the FBI has found nothing.

The FBI has also said that Guccifer's claims are false. They have no evidence that he hacked Hillary's email server.
Cry me a river, you don't like insults thrown back at you, since you have been doing it to US since Obama took over? There is always the options for your goosestepping communists to go to your socialist utopia now open for business, CUBA..... I hear Castro and his brother are looking for more hardly working individuals he can subjugate and make poor. Doors open and don't let it hit you in the ass on your way out.....
The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
Little do you libidiots know that if Hillary does become president, that the 100 million plus 2nd amendment citizens of the US will not stand idly by like they did in 2012 and have the elections stolen by a bitch who should be in an orange jump suit. 75% of America, black, white, brown, yellow and red all want Trump because they just cant vote for a screaming vagina who enabled her husband to cheat on her, allow 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, while she and Obama stood by and did nothing, was secretary of state and flew all over the world creating masses of CO2 that is causing global warming, has now amassed over 150 million of dollars of foreign donors and is expected to reward them with US tax dollars. Bring it on libidiots, just cant wait. Vagina for president bumpersticker vehicles, will be mistaken for ISIS supporters and shot on sight.

More 2nd amendment violent fantasies huh.
The last bastion of the weak minded.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

"Willfully violated the law, meaning she could have violated the law, but was not aware she violated the law. That is pretty funny. If in the real world you can get fined and sent to jail for that. Ignorance is no excuse.

Consider mens rea, the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.

Consider too, what harm was done?

:haha:Men's rea is not a defense for negligence. It is only a factor in sentencing when it comes to national security. However, in her case, it has been firmly established because:

  1. She set up a private server to escape detection
  2. She attempted to destroy evidence
  3. She emailed instructions to her staff to remove any classified marking from correspondence before sending to cover up its classification

" The standard common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in the Latin phrase, actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty". Thus, in jurisdictions with due process, there must be an actus reus, or "guilty act", accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged (see the technical requirement of concurrence). ":deal:

Mens rea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind" (Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg 791)

First a complaint or information is the end product after an investigation determines there is evidence to support an allegation, supplied in an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury that there is evidence to bring charges forward. You've done none of that, thus all you have offered is one more effort to assassinate her character based on the propaganda which pollutes the mind of those easily led.
Do you even understand what a simple legal term like men's rea means?

It means if you show guilt in your own mind by attempting to cover up your crime, you've already established men's rea. Her lies about not having classified emails when she knew she did. Her attempts to destroy evidence of it. Her emails directing others to remove markers. And finally, the fact that she had an unauthorized server set up in an unsecured location is proof of mens rea. They should indict her for Espionage, criminal negligence, Obstruction of Justice, the works. She needs to be behind bars. If she doesn't end up there it only proves that Washington is too corrupt to function anymore.
They should put her in front of a fire squad and remove the trash from society. I bet the next Sec of State wouldn't privatize his/her/its government server.
Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
Little do you libidiots know that if Hillary does become president, that the 100 million plus 2nd amendment citizens of the US will not stand idly by like they did in 2012 and have the elections stolen by a bitch who should be in an orange jump suit. 75% of America, black, white, brown, yellow and red all want Trump because they just cant vote for a screaming vagina who enabled her husband to cheat on her, allow 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, while she and Obama stood by and did nothing, was secretary of state and flew all over the world creating masses of CO2 that is causing global warming, has now amassed over 150 million of dollars of foreign donors and is expected to reward them with US tax dollars. Bring it on libidiots, just cant wait. Vagina for president bumpersticker vehicles, will be mistaken for ISIS supporters and shot on sight.

More 2nd amendment violent fantasies huh.
The last bastion of the weak minded.
ROTLMAO, cant wait....
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
We don’t have to make up shit to beat her. That's what Trump critics do. We just like to focus on what she actually did and continues to do.

Well you could have fooled me. I think this e-mail thing has been completely over sold. It just makes republicans look stupid when there HAS to be serious issues she stands for that go against conservatives values.

Hey, once again I get to ask, what are conservative values / conservative principles we hear so much about.

I don't think either party is serious about less government or less intrusion into the personal lives of Americans by government. One thing that is a serious issue that has stood the test of time is the support of the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The second amendment comes to mind. Property rights and being against inheritance taxes comes to mind. The misuse of eminent domain as government makes claim to personal property in the name of unessential programs and sweetheart deals comes to mind. The over emphasis on gay, LBTG whatever... rights vs "normal" American's rights comes to mind.
These e-mail fanatics remind me of one of my puppies. You can toss one an old chewed up bone with no nutritional value left on the raggedy old thing and when you try to grab it out of it's mouth the puppy growls and carries on like it's a medium rare T-bone steak. It really make me laugh to see these low information people trying to explain the vitriol they exhibit with NOTHING but venom and absolutely no factual information that anyone committed a crime or caused the country any harm.

We get it! Hillary would be a crappy president! But do you REALLY need to make up shit to get her beat? Christ onna cracker you goofs! Where is the BEEF??? You are just making your opposition to the shrill old dingbat look stupid using this ridiculous talking point. If you could latch on to an actual policy that she is fond of that would be bad for the country it seems to me you would have a more productive argument.
what I find so funny is when they try and use the law that wasn't yet a law, when they said her emails were considered as doing something wrong.... then when you ask them who hacked her emails??? no answer ... for any of the past laws that these wing nuts use it clearly says, "she is responsible for any classified documents if taken by a foreign government she can be held criminally for it ... thats the law ..., but it doesn't say emails it says classified document that's another argument... So a foreign counties would have to have this classified document in their possession ... so far they haven't found any foreign country in possession of any classified documents of hers ... yet they will tell you she had a classified email on her serve so she committed a crime ... that the law they use has described what is a violation and she so far she hasn't violated any law ... her emails was never hacked, hence the law does not applied ... then asks them this one question ... she been called a crook by these wing nuts ... what crime has she committed and was convicted of other then being a democrat... all you'll get is crickets chirping, frogs croaking, water babbling and total wing nuts silence
"FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law" is absolutely correct.

75% of America will have nothing to do with the far right's nonsense.
Wrong Flopper....within the Espionage Act is a crime of 'negligence' which does not require an intentional act. Barry has already publicly declared Hillary was negligent...

Easy....there aren't going to be any charges. There would have to be something egregious, like......Hillary walking out 8 binders of classfied materials to show the dude she was schtuping. There's nothing even remotely close to the level of charges here.

Which is why most legal experts who've been asked indicate that charges are highly unlikely.
You mean "most legal experts" who are LIBs claim charges are unlikely.
There are as many or more experts who say charges are very likely.
The fun part will be when the FBI recommends a series of felony charges be brought against Hillary this board will be flooded with fucking LIBs claiming the FBI is corrupt. You wait.

When the opposite happens the only cons you'll see here are the die hard conspiracists crying about how the fix was in.

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