FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Here's a question that I believe is critical to any investigation or possible prosecution.
Who at the State Dept is the authority on what is classified material? Who decides?
Everything I have seen on the subject says the SoS or their appointee has that authority.

Who can classify information?
"In the State Department, original classification authority for top secret info goes to the secretary of state or anyone the secretary has said -- in writing -- can do the job. Past examples include: "Deputy Secretaries, the Under Secretaries, the Counselor, Assistant Secretaries and equivalents; Chiefs of Mission and U.S. representatives to international organizations."
Secret or classified information is decided on by the secretary and/or a senior agency official, who can give classification power to others in writing as well."

Obama on Hillary Clinton’s emails: ‘There’s classified and then there’s classified.’ How does that work?

Under Executive Order 13256

Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President; and

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Officials authorized to classify information at a specified level are also authorized to classify information at a lower level.

(c) Delegation of original classification authority.

(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise this authority.

Hillary was charged with recognizing and deeming whether or not emails or information was classified when she got them. She had Secret, Top Secret, and SAP information on her server. Including 22 e-mails deemed too damaging to national security by the Department of State to be released. From what I read of the EO, Hillary is only allowed to classify information a lower level, which I assume excludes "Top Secret" and "SAP/SCI" classifications.

One other thing, these emails most likely already held classification labels used by other agencies when she got them. She knew better.

None of that is true.
You have no idea of the content of the classified emails in question, why they were classified, by whom or when they were classified. Your argument is total supposition.

My argument is based on statements made by State who has said repeatedly that they weren't marked as classified and the CIA who has said they should not have been classified.

Thank you but I'll go with what the people who are in a position to know are saying.
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So, let's recap. Even if this applied to Hillary:

Section 10(a)(2) of HR1233

In General.--An officer or employee of an executive agency may
not create or send a record using a non-official electronic messaging
account unless such officer or employee--

(1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the
officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of
the record; or

(2) forwards a complete copy of the
record to an official electronic messaging account of the
officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original
creation or transmission of the record.

Hillary's server was seized in October 2015. The law, HR1233, had already been in effect for nearly a year beforehand. Even here, she broke the law. Because she failed to forward copies of her emails to an official electronic messaging account within 20 days.

Game, set, match.

How many of Clinton's emails already existed on the State server?
Lets see, the before photo of Obama while Chris Stevens was killed and dragged away, then after the picture posted before was after Al Qaida got done with him. Hmmm, you sure Obummer and the vagina candidate have your back? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

View attachment 74470
Those people with Steven were helping him and delivered him to the hospital, you shit fer brains.

The image you posted a picture of is a guy named Mitrone -- has been on the internet since before 2009 -- and was part of an investigation into official government sanctioned torture in Latin America.


What difference does it make. All it was to do with was a silly little video.....and a bunch guys out partying. Nobody got kilted.

During the assault on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, Mr. Abu Khattala was a vivid presence. Witnesses saw him directing the swarming attackers who ultimately killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.


On the day of the attack, Islamists in Cairo had staged a demonstration outside the United States Embassy there to protest an American-made online video mocking Islam, and the protest culminated in a breach of the embassy's walls -- images that flashed through news coverage around the Arab world.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

Apples and Oranges. Egypt and Libya are different countries. Sure there were protests in other parts of the world, and that may have been the case in Cairo, but it was not the case in Benghazi, and anyone who claims as such is a bold-faced liar. You'd have to be a gullible retard to fall for this bullshit line of crapola.
Since the FBI has not released its findings or official report the OP's thread title to date is a lie, speculative opinion at best.

Meanwhile the evidence of continued Obama administration / State Dept / DOJ conflict of interest and cover-up is widespread...

And speculation nonetheless.
Willfully disclosing classified information, perhaps not but ignorance of the Law is no excuse.
Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?
Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.
Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.
From Politico


FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe

Handling investigation 'well' is top priority, FBI director says, rejecting any 'external deadline'

FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday he feels "pressure" to complete the federal investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server competently and quickly.

However, Comey said the pressure is similar to other high-profile cases the bureau handles such as terrorism investigations.


Clinton and her team have made a point of not describing the FBI's work as an "investigation," but alternately as a "security review" or "security inquiry." They've also noted that the issue was referred to the FBI not as a criminal matter but as an intelligence breach.

However, in response to a question Wednesday, Comey said he wasn't familiar with the term "security inquiry" that Clinton and her aides have used. The FBI chief said he considers the work agents are doing to be an "investigation."

"It's in our name. I'm not familiar with the term 'security inquiry','" the director said.

However, he passed up the chance to repeat a reporter's characterization of it as a "criminal" probe.

Read more: FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0
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Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
The left has a point...free wheeling access to timely information was a key factor in the Obama/Clinton foreign policy which is now exhibiting such striking success all across the planet.
Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.

The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
Little do you libidiots know that if Hillary does become president, that the 100 million plus 2nd amendment citizens of the US will not stand idly by like they did in 2012 and have the elections stolen by a bitch who should be in an orange jump suit. 75% of America, black, white, brown, yellow and red all want Trump because they just cant vote for a screaming vagina who enabled her husband to cheat on her, allow 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, while she and Obama stood by and did nothing, was secretary of state and flew all over the world creating masses of CO2 that is causing global warming, has now amassed over 150 million of dollars of foreign donors and is expected to reward them with US tax dollars. Bring it on libidiots, just cant wait. Vagina for president bumpersticker vehicles, will be mistaken for ISIS supporters and shot on sight.
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The classification on those 22 emails was upgraded to TS at the time of the review prior to release. They were never marked as classified prior to that time. State has said that multiple times. Now if they were already classified then why the need to classify them before release?

Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
Little do you libidiots know that if Hillary does become president, that the 100 million plus 2nd amendment citizens of the US will not stand idly by like they did in 2012 and have the elections stolen by a bitch who she be in an orange jump suit. 75% of America, black, white, brown, yellow and red all want Trump because they just cant vote for a screaming vagina who enabled her husband to cheat on her, allow 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, while she and Obama stood by and did nothing, was secretary of state and flew all over the world creating masses of CO2 that is causing global warming, has now amasses over 150 million of dollars of foreign donors and is expected to reward them with US tax dollars. Bring it on libidiots, just cant wait. Vagina for president bumpersticker vehicles, will be mistaken for ISIS supporters and shot on sight.

Hillary is a clown and Trump is a charlatan. Make no mistake, if Hillary wins in November, the only things you are going to do are jack and shit. Nobody buys this foot-stomping bluster.
Higher level than TS. Had Miss Hillary ever served in the US armed forces and passed the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program) she would not have violated state secrets due to harsh penalties.

You have no idea of the content of those emails or why they were later classified.

If she was wishing Bill, Happy Birthday then that is not a security breach. The FBI would not be investigating if something illegal was not behind her dirty deeds. : 0

We'll see. This will end up the same way they all do. Your side will be left yet again holding a bag of useless talking points that failed the tests.
Little do you libidiots know that if Hillary does become president, that the 100 million plus 2nd amendment citizens of the US will not stand idly by like they did in 2012 and have the elections stolen by a bitch who she be in an orange jump suit. 75% of America, black, white, brown, yellow and red all want Trump because they just cant vote for a screaming vagina who enabled her husband to cheat on her, allow 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, while she and Obama stood by and did nothing, was secretary of state and flew all over the world creating masses of CO2 that is causing global warming, has now amasses over 150 million of dollars of foreign donors and is expected to reward them with US tax dollars. Bring it on libidiots, just cant wait. Vagina for president bumpersticker vehicles, will be mistaken for ISIS supporters and shot on sight.

Hillary is a clown and Trump is a charlatan. Make no mistake, if Hillary wins in November, the only things you are going to do are jack and shit. Nobody buys this foot-stomping bluster.
Good, glad you are underestimating the US citizen like the Japanese did in WWII. Nothing better than kicking a liberals ass and watching them bleed. Then you can use the affordable healthcare to make you better. ROTFLAO,.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
What is interesting in what this libidiot just said, let me try to give a reason why the vagina candidate will be put in Fort Leavenworth.
While in the military I had to process Top Secret documentation. There were others who worked with me on the process of handling the classified information, marking it, and then giving it to those who would use that information to protect the US. One individual did not willfully violate the law by not marking one Top Secret message, gave it to upper command and that individual ended up in Leavenworth for 5 years. He didn't willfully, but that didn't matter, he BROKE the law. The only crushing the loud mouth enabler will do, is crushing big rocks into little rocks. And you welfare pukes will have to go back to work. ROTFLMAO.....

View attachment 73963

The use of these words/phrases,

"vagina candidate"
"loud mouth enabler"
"welfare pukes"

Tells us all we need to know about him (andaronjim).
PLEASE show us how laws permitted the Clinton Cabal to set up a hidden server for their private use lacking government oversight and security.

There were no laws in place during Hillarys time at the state dept.making the use of private email servers, and their contents unlawful, in any way, shape or form.

And to this very day, colin powells emails during his time at the state dept during the Bush years, have yet to be produced, nor is there one single repub party member inquiring as to why!

One can only concude, that Hillary is the victim of a witch hunt perpetrated by the Republican party.

the issue is not the server per se. the issue is the failure to properly protect classified data. BTW, the FBI is not the republican party. The FBI works for Obama.

Wrong again! The FBI works for the people, NOT Lame Duck President Obama.

true, but the FBI reports to the AG who is an Obama appointee, so in reality the FBI works for Obama. But if the evidence against Hillary is so strong that the FBI calls for an indictment and Obama stops the DOJ from issuing one, the FBI director and others may go public and stir up a real shit storm.

I believe the Director of the FBI would go public, and possibly resign, if that were too happen.
If the FBI recommends felony charges against Hillary and Lynch is seen to be stonewalling or refuses to go forward then Comey and dozens of other FBI officials will resign. BUT the entire file against Hillary WILL be 'leaked' to the media.
Then Hillary's life as a politician will be over b/c if she refuses to quit the race she will loose.
After Trump is sworn in the first paper he will sign is to put Comey and his agents back to work.
Then watch what the FBI comes up with against the Clintons.
Good, glad you are underestimating the US citizen like the Japanese did in WWII. Nothing better than kicking a liberals ass and watching them bleed. Then you can use the affordable healthcare to make you better. ROTFLAO,.

The far more likely scenario to occur come November is you'll come here filled with piss and vinegar (also, cheap bourbon) whining and make lame threats. Sort of like your shtick now, but in November instead. :lol:
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:
What is interesting in what this libidiot just said, let me try to give a reason why the vagina candidate will be put in Fort Leavenworth.
While in the military I had to process Top Secret documentation. There were others who worked with me on the process of handling the classified information, marking it, and then giving it to those who would use that information to protect the US. One individual did not willfully violate the law by not marking one Top Secret message, gave it to upper command and that individual ended up in Leavenworth for 5 years. He didn't willfully, but that didn't matter, he BROKE the law. The only crushing the loud mouth enabler will do, is crushing big rocks into little rocks. And you welfare pukes will have to go back to work. ROTFLMAO.....

View attachment 73963

The use of these words/phrases,

"vagina candidate"
"loud mouth enabler"
"welfare pukes"

Tells us all we need to know about him (andaronjim).
Thank you, as you can see, this once proud America Citizen who was a libertarian and could care less what other people did as long as those other people didn't fuck with, have now created an angry white American Citizen who cant stand liberals. This happens where ever you go, when miserable liberals HAVE to interfere in the lives of other people who just want to live in peace and happiness. Since liberals can never be happy, then no one else can be happy, then everyone will be equal. That is called "FAIRNESS". By the way, tell me one thing about those nouns used that is a lie?
Libidiot - an idiot who votes for liberals each elections expecting something different.
Vagina candidate - a person seeking the presidency saying that because she is a woman that qualifies her over Bernie Sanders.
Loud mouth enabler- a woman who screams to other people while letting her husband "ABUSE" other women.
Welfare pukes - a person who sits in their parents basement, blaming rich people for not sharing their wealth, having to eat government cheese, get free healthcare from their parents and use CO2 products to bitch on their computers.
Hmmmm..... have I missed anything???

true, but the FBI reports to the AG who is an Obama appointee, so in reality the FBI works for Obama. But if the evidence against Hillary is so strong that the FBI calls for an indictment and Obama stops the DOJ from issuing one, the FBI director and others may go public and stir up a real shit storm.

The FBI has said repeatedly that they have found no criminal wrongdoing by Clinton and her staff. They are investigating whether or not the system was hacked. So far, the results are negative.
You are a liar!
The FBI has NEVER said fuck all about the case. The INVESTIGATION is on-going.
All your 'FBI officials' and 'sources' are a bunch of bullshit.
The Russians have twenty thousand of Hillary's emails.
The computer geek that Hillary hired has suddenly 'lost' every fucking email he had on his computer.
There is one historic ass kicking coming Hillary's way within a few weeks.
A very well deserved one.
Debbie, the ramen noodles head, is already licking Bidens balls pleading with him to take over after Hillary quits for 'health reasons'.

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