FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

Care, please provide the link supporting your long opinionated diatribe.

Perhaps you can find one as well to explain how information the WH called 'so classified it can not be released because it would xause grave damage to our Natl Security' was found on Hillary's server.
Wrong again. In defense of Hillary Clinton, talking about her - calling her by name, Obama declared she had been negligent but did not intentionally do anything illegal...being too stupid to realize there was the section on the Espionage Act regarding 'negligence'. Barry basically declared Hillary to be 'guilty'.
he didn't SAY negligent....and the section is on GROSS Negligence, not negligence
No, Care, being the Sect of Stae or a department head does NOT give anyone to declasify Top Secret Compartmentaluzed info, such as that found on Hillary's server...no matter how many times you claim it to be so. The only way Hillary could do that, as her aides described her doing, was to order the classified headings be stripped off the documents.

Again, anyone claiming Hillary could just declassify documents herself to make it easier for her to send via e-mail or fax is either lying or dumb as hell.
Wrong again. In defense of Hillary Clinton, talking about her - calling her by name, Obama declared she had been negligent but did not intentionally do anything illegal...being too stupid to realize there was the section on the Espionage Act regarding 'negligence'. Barry basically declared Hillary to be 'guilty'.
he didn't SAY negligent....and the section is on GROSS Negligence, not negligence
Yes he did...the transcript of his comments have already been posted...and having TS info 'so classified it can't be released in any form' on her private server that was not encrypted correctly or in compliance with the law IS 'gross negigence'.

"The president, when he said Hillary was ‘careless’ may actually have hurt her rather than help her. What is carelessness? Negligence. How can you prove espionage by intent or by negligence? It is the rare federal crime for which negligence can be a basis, so you can be prosecuted for the negligent failure to safeguard state secrets.”
- Judge Nepolitano

Hillary failed miserably to safeguard Top Secret Compartmentalized information...which she was not legally authorized to have in her posession after leaving the State Department.
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Wrong again. In defense of Hillary Clinton, talking about her - calling her by name, Obama declared she had been negligent but did not intentionally do anything illegal...being too stupid to realize there was the section on the Espionage Act regarding 'negligence'. Barry basically declared Hillary to be 'guilty'.
he didn't SAY negligent....and the section is on GROSS Negligence, not negligence
Yes he did...the transcript of his comments have already been posted...and having TS info 'so classified it can't be released in any form' on her private server that was not encrypted correctly or in compliance with the law IS 'gross negigence'.
We'll see.... ;) and again...he didn't use the word negligent, as you actually proved me right.... :D
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Wrong again. In defense of Hillary Clinton, talking about her - calling her by name, Obama declared she had been negligent but did not intentionally do anything illegal...being too stupid to realize there was the section on the Espionage Act regarding 'negligence'. Barry basically declared Hillary to be 'guilty'.
he didn't SAY negligent....and the section is on GROSS Negligence, not negligence
Yes he did...the transcript of his comments have already been posted...and having TS info 'so classified it can't be released in any form' on her private server that was not encrypted correctly or in compliance with the law IS 'gross negigence'.

"The president, when he said Hillary was ‘careless’ may actually have hurt her rather than help her. What is carelessness? Negligence. How can you prove espionage by intent or by negligence? It is the rare federal crime for which negligence can be a basis, so you can be prosecuted for the negligent failure to safeguard state secrets.”
- Judge Nepolitano

Hillary failed miserably to safeguard Top Secret Compartmentalized information...which she was not legally authorized to have in her posession after leaving the State Department.

none of it was Top Secret Compartmentalized information....at the time she received the info.
30,000 personal emails

Let me stop you right there.


This was a server she used when she was working as Secretary of State. They were not all personal. About 2,079 of them were classified. There was some information that was classified at the it was originated. In a sample of 40 emails, four were found to have been classified upon generation, according to Intelligence Community Inspector General:

"The IC IG found four emails containing classified IC-derived information in a limited sample of 40 emails of the 30,000 emails provided by former Secretary Clinton. The four emails, which have not been released through the State FOIA process, did not contain classification markings and/or dissemination controls. These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system."

There is classified information and classified documents. They are not the same. From a legal standpoint any document containing classified information must be so marked. If it is not identified as classified, the person that receive the document is not obligated to treat it as classified unless they are aware that it contains classified information.
The entire State department's email system, State dot gov/state.gov was an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....

But the emails weren't. End of story. Just what makes you think it would be wise to send or receive classified emails across an "unclassified system"?
30,000 personal emails

Let me stop you right there.


This was a server she used when she was working as Secretary of State. They were not all personal. About 2,079 of them were classified. There was some information that was classified at the it was originated. In a sample of 40 emails, four were found to have been classified upon generation, according to Intelligence Community Inspector General:

"The IC IG found four emails containing classified IC-derived information in a limited sample of 40 emails of the 30,000 emails provided by former Secretary Clinton. The four emails, which have not been released through the State FOIA process, did not contain classification markings and/or dissemination controls. These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system."

This was an email server she used for EVERYTHING, when on duty and off duty...she had 30k in gvt emails over 8 years and 30k of personal emails over 8 years.

Those emails that the IG THOUGHT were classified at origination were not....one was information she received from Blumenthal that was actually information that he gathered from PUBLIC sources, and the other one...Kerry's State dept argued with the Intelligence community for months stating the IC was over classifying and the info should not be classified T/S....

AND when they checked the dates of when the intelligence community classified them as Top Secret, they did so AFTER the time period these emails were sent, so NONE of them had been Compartmentalized and put on the top secret system when her aids had forwarded them to her and Bloomenthal had sent his message to her....
and the others I can't remember at this point...regardless it was the IC IG's opinion they were classified when initially generated...that would be, with the person persons creating the email/INFO I presume?

BTW thank you for the link...there's another thread on this that states Hillary lied on this being just a security referral ...and low and behold, straight from your link it says it was a security referral to the FBI and NOT a criminal referral:

The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."
Publicly, however, the FBI just exposed Hillary's continued insistence that they are only conducting a 'security review' to be a lie.

Polls already show the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race. She just keeps digging that hole deeper.
The FBI stated it was a Security Review when the investigation began....and also stated Hillary was not under investigation but basically her 'server' was being reviewed....

It's been linked here on USMB several times.


"Clinton and her team have made a point of not describing the FBI's work as an "investigation," but alternately as a "security review" or "security inquiry." They've also noted that the issue was referred to the FBI not as a criminal matter but as an intelligence breach.

However, in response to a question Wednesday, Comey said he wasn't familiar with the term "security inquiry" that Clinton and her aides have used. The FBI chief said he considers the work agents are doing to be an "investigation."

"It's in our name. I'm not familiar with the term 'security inquiry','" the director said."

FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
hmmmm, so it was you who posted this....

yet YOU gave the link that CONFIRMED what hillary said was true....

This WAS their procedure. And even if Hillary had used the State.gov email address instead of the clinton email address, BOTH systems were UNCLASSIFIED until FOIA Requests make them release the material.

That is meaningless. Law and regulations both forbid use of unsecured or "commercial email" in the conduction of official business.

She broke this regulation:

5 FAM (Foreign Affairs Manual) 443.7 Non-Official Email Accounts

(CT:IM-168; 10-23-2015)

a. Under the employees are prohibited from creating or sending a record using a non-official email account unless the employee (1) copies the employee's official email account in the original creation or transmission, or (2) forwards a complete copy of record (including any attachments) to the employee's official email account not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission.

b. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration has advised that "personal accounts should only be used in exceptional circumstances." Therefore, Department employees are discouraged from using private e-mail accounts (e.g., Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, etc.) for official business. However, in those very limited circumstances when it becomes necessary to do so, the email messages covering official business sent from or received in a personal account must be captured and managed in a Department email system in a manner described above in accordance with the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014. If an employee has any emails (regardless of age) on his or her private email account(s) that have not already been forwarded to the employee's official email account, then such emails need to be forwarded to the employee's state.gov account as soon as possible. Employees are reminded that private email accounts should not be used to transmit or receive classified information.

And broke this regulation:

35 CFR 1236.22 (5)(b)

Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

And ignored this cable issued under her direction in 2011:

12 FAM 544.3

1. Department of State users are encouraged to check the security settings and change passwords of their home e-mail accounts because of recent targeting of personal e-mail accounts by online adversaries. Security guidelines have been posted on the DS/SI/CS Cyber Security Awareness web page: https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/SI/CS/Awareness1/Content/Pers onal%20Email.aspx.

2. Recently, Google asserted that online adversaries are targeting the personal Gmail accounts of U.S. government employees. Although the company believes it has taken appropriate steps to remediate identified activity, users should exercise caution and follow best practices in order to protect personal e-mail and prevent the compromise of government and personal information. The DS/SI/CS Cyber Security Awareness web site contains guides to help secure the web-based e-mail accounts of users and their families. This information can be accessed at: https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/SI/CS/Awareness1/Content/Pers onal%20Email.aspx.

3. What can you and your family members do?

(a) Follow the personal e-mail guides posted on the Awareness site to change your password, to ensure that messages are not auto-forwarding to an unintended address, and to verify that other security settings are properly configured.
(b) Beware of e-mail messages that include links to password reset web pages. These can be easily faked.
(c) Create strong passwords for all of your online accounts, change them often, and never use the same password for more than one account.
(d) Avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.
(e) Do not reveal your personal e-mail address in your work "Out of Office" message.
(f) Do not auto-forward Department e-mail to personal e-mail accounts, which is prohibited by Department policy (12 FAM 544.3). 4. Questions regarding cyber security awareness should be addressed to [email protected]

She also broke all of the following laws:

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

18 U.S. Code § 1031 - Major fraud against the United States

18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television

18 U.S. Code § 1346 - Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

44 U.S. Code § 3101 - Records management by agency heads; general duties
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Publicly, however, the FBI just exposed Hillary's continued insistence that they are only conducting a 'security review' to be a lie.

Polls already show the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race. She just keeps digging that hole deeper.
The FBI stated it was a Security Review when the investigation began....and also stated Hillary was not under investigation but basically her 'server' was being reviewed....

It's been linked here on USMB several times.


"Clinton and her team have made a point of not describing the FBI's work as an "investigation," but alternately as a "security review" or "security inquiry." They've also noted that the issue was referred to the FBI not as a criminal matter but as an intelligence breach.

However, in response to a question Wednesday, Comey said he wasn't familiar with the term "security inquiry" that Clinton and her aides have used. The FBI chief said he considers the work agents are doing to be an "investigation."

"It's in our name. I'm not familiar with the term 'security inquiry','" the director said."

FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
hmmmm, so it was you who posted this....

yet YOU gave the link that CONFIRMED what hillary said was true....

View attachment 74560

Interesting, so how did I confirm anything? It is not within the purview of the IC IG to issue criminal referrals. Nice try.

In your failure to read the specific language, you missed this little addendum:

"The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials."

Meaning that they did not issue this referral to the FBI or the DOJ, they issued it to IC security officials.

Let's also not forget that the DOJ also referred to the investigation as a "Law Enforcement Matter"

DOJ Acknowledges Hillary Email Investigation Is a 'Law Enforcement Matter'

You lose. Case closed. Game over.
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CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

One the e-mail investigation is over, is will be over for Donald. She will CRUSH HIM IN NOVEMBER! And you Donald supporter will deny you ever supported him. FUNNY!:badgrin:

Yeah.. Watch the CNN report.. The ENTIRE PREMISE is based on "high officials with knowledge of the investigation"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well ---- that could be Hilary's LAWYER -- or Huma Abedine or Joe Biden or I suppose somebodys' Auntie in the DOJ.. But nothing says that the FBI is even BEGINNING to wrap up and start talking..
The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."


"The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

Oh and then there's this. Concrete proof that Hillary ordered her aides to strip classification markings off some of the e-mails:


Official: Clinton ‘inner circle’ may have stripped email classification markings | Fox News

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air
The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."


"The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

Oh and then there's this. Concrete proof that Hillary ordered her aides to strip classification markings off some of the e-mails:


Official: Clinton ‘inner circle’ may have stripped email classification markings | Fox News

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

date 2011 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

HR1233 regarding government officials using email passed in 2014 .... SNORT

(Sec. 10) Prohibits an officer or employee of an executive agency from creating or sending a record using a non-official electronic messaging account unless such officer or employee: (1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of the record, or (2) forwards a complete copy of the record to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission of the record. Provides for disciplinary action against an agency officer or employee for an intentional violation of such prohibition.

The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."


"The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

Oh and then there's this. Concrete proof that Hillary ordered her aides to strip classification markings off some of the e-mails:


Official: Clinton ‘inner circle’ may have stripped email classification markings | Fox News

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

date 2011 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

HR1233 regarding government officials using email passed in 2014 .... SNORT

(Sec. 10) Prohibits an officer or employee of an executive agency from creating or sending a record using a non-official electronic messaging account unless such officer or employee: (1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of the record, or (2) forwards a complete copy of the record to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission of the record. Provides for disciplinary action against an agency officer or employee for an intentional violation of such prohibition.

Passed in 1995:

36 CFR 1234.24(a)(4)

"agencies with access to external electronic mail systems shall ensure that federal records sent or received on these systems are preserved in the appropriate recordkeeping system."


Gimme the pipe back, thief. SNORT.
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The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."


"The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

Oh and then there's this. Concrete proof that Hillary ordered her aides to strip classification markings off some of the e-mails:


Official: Clinton ‘inner circle’ may have stripped email classification markings | Fox News

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

date 2011 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

HR1233 regarding government officials using email passed in 2014 .... SNORT

(Sec. 10) Prohibits an officer or employee of an executive agency from creating or sending a record using a non-official electronic messaging account unless such officer or employee: (1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of the record, or (2) forwards a complete copy of the record to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission of the record. Provides for disciplinary action against an agency officer or employee for an intentional violation of such prohibition.

Nope this is dated 1995:

36 CFR 1234.24(a)(4)

"agencies with access to external electronic mail systems shall ensure that federal records sent or received on these systems are preserved in the appropriate recordkeeping system."


Gimme the pipe back, thief. SNORT.

breaking regulations are criminal offenses ? who knew? Gowdy missed that 9 times..lol

and for your list of laws ...

every email law on the books was amended in 2014 ... HR 1233

Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014

confusing ain't it?

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The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately."


"The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton's personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was "surprised" that a diplomatic oficer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

Oh and then there's this. Concrete proof that Hillary ordered her aides to strip classification markings off some of the e-mails:


Official: Clinton ‘inner circle’ may have stripped email classification markings | Fox News

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

date 2011 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

HR1233 regarding government officials using email passed in 2014 .... SNORT

(Sec. 10) Prohibits an officer or employee of an executive agency from creating or sending a record using a non-official electronic messaging account unless such officer or employee: (1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of the record, or (2) forwards a complete copy of the record to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original creation or transmission of the record. Provides for disciplinary action against an agency officer or employee for an intentional violation of such prohibition.

Nope this is dated 1995:

36 CFR 1234.24(a)(4)

"agencies with access to external electronic mail systems shall ensure that federal records sent or received on these systems are preserved in the appropriate recordkeeping system."


Gimme the pipe back, thief. SNORT.

every email law on the books was amended in 2014 ... confusing ain't it?


Not really, the bill, HR1233 is an amendment to the Presidential Records Act. That only applies to documents created by the president or his staff. It has nothing to do with Hillary. This is why it's called the Presidential Records Act. It strictly deals with Presidential and Vice Presidential records. Period. So, last time I checked, Hillary is far from being the president, and is closer to a jail cell than the Oval Office.

Read the damn title, you legally ignorant tool.

Presidential Records Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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So, let's recap. Even if this applied to Hillary:

Section 10(a)(2) of HR1233

In General.--An officer or employee of an executive agency may
not create or send a record using a non-official electronic messaging
account unless such officer or employee--

(1) copies an official electronic messaging account of the
officer or employee in the original creation or transmission of
the record; or

(2) forwards a complete copy of the
record to an official electronic messaging account of the
officer or employee not later than 20 days after the original
creation or transmission of the record.

Hillary's server was seized in October 2015. The law, HR1233, had already been in effect for nearly a year beforehand. Even here, she broke the law. Because she failed to forward copies of her emails to an official electronic messaging account within 20 days.

Game, set, match.
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