FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

You have no idea of the content of the classified emails in question, why they were classified, by whom or when they were classified. Your argument is total supposition

Wrong again. Had you been paying attention instead of skipping all the factual posts you would have understood my argument.

We know 22 of them were deemed too damaging to be let out into the open air. Four of them were classified at the time of origination. A total of 2,079 of them were deemed classified by intelligence and other sources. It was Hillary's job to discern which emails were classified and which weren't.

I have plenty of idea what those emails contain. Classified information. My argument is based on pure evidence, and yours on emotion.

Except they aren't factual posts. They're speculative posts.
None were classified until their review for release. The 22 were upgraded to TS so they could not be released at all. State has said they weren't marked classified at the time. What you don't know is why any of them were classified. It could simply be because the information while routine may be critical to ongoing operations and therefore cannot be released.

We will know soon enough.
Any document discussing foreign affairs is considered classified automatically. State Department stuff, ya know? It doesn’t need to be officially classified by anyone.

Not foreign affairs. That would be everything at state. Try reading it again.
My point was any State Department business is already classified. She knows this. Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal.
Again, there is no evidence that is true.


"there is no evidence which is true"

In the real world we refer to that as a "state of denial".

Has any official confirmed that claim or do you always accept nutjob reports?

Those aren't "nutjob reports." That's actual evidence confirmed by various officials. Liberals like you will readily dismiss evidence when it puts you in a quandary.

Do you always accept what Hillary says?
Officials? Who?
What credible news source is reporting that?

I got my points from the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, various government websites, citations from Cornell School of Law, former US Attorney General Micheal Mukasey and Assistant US District Attorney Andrew McCarthy.

I don't get all my information from the news. I do research.
Bullshit! Post up the reports confirming this.
You have no idea of the content of the classified emails in question, why they were classified, by whom or when they were classified. Your argument is total supposition

Wrong again. Had you been paying attention instead of skipping all the factual posts you would have understood my argument.

We know 22 of them were deemed too damaging to be let out into the open air. Four of them were classified at the time of origination. A total of 2,079 of them were deemed classified by intelligence and other sources. It was Hillary's job to discern which emails were classified and which weren't.

I have plenty of idea what those emails contain. Classified information. My argument is based on pure evidence, and yours on emotion.

Except they aren't factual posts. They're speculative posts.
None were classified until their review for release. The 22 were upgraded to TS so they could not be released at all. State has said they weren't marked classified at the time. What you don't know is why any of them were classified. It could simply be because the information while routine may be critical to ongoing operations and therefore cannot be released.

We will know soon enough.
Any document discussing foreign affairs is considered classified automatically. State Department stuff, ya know? It doesn’t need to be officially classified by anyone.

Not foreign affairs. That would be everything at state. Try reading it again.
My point was any State Department business is already classified. She knows this. Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal.

So now everything is classified?
I guess that's why they have an unclassified mail system.
Hutch .. leave the girls to their own design. This email conspiracy morphs into other conspiracy excuses which the fully accept as facts. Ten years from now they'll still be yammering Clinton is guilty, and nothing can change that.
Probably because despite your bias.....she is guilty as shit......and has no business handling classified information. She cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Period.
Wrong again. Had you been paying attention instead of skipping all the factual posts you would have understood my argument.

We know 22 of them were deemed too damaging to be let out into the open air. Four of them were classified at the time of origination. A total of 2,079 of them were deemed classified by intelligence and other sources. It was Hillary's job to discern which emails were classified and which weren't.

I have plenty of idea what those emails contain. Classified information. My argument is based on pure evidence, and yours on emotion.

Except they aren't factual posts. They're speculative posts.
None were classified until their review for release. The 22 were upgraded to TS so they could not be released at all. State has said they weren't marked classified at the time. What you don't know is why any of them were classified. It could simply be because the information while routine may be critical to ongoing operations and therefore cannot be released.

We will know soon enough.
Any document discussing foreign affairs is considered classified automatically. State Department stuff, ya know? It doesn’t need to be officially classified by anyone.

Not foreign affairs. That would be everything at state. Try reading it again.
My point was any State Department business is already classified. She knows this. Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal.

So now everything is classified?
I guess that's why they have an unclassified mail system.
Sure....but we aren't talking about memos between offices. We're talking about telecommunications concerning foreign countries. These kinds of transimissions have to be protected from prying eyes.
Obviously, Hillary figures what difference does it make.
Leak whatever the Hell you want and embarrass the United States any way you possibly can. That's what Democrat and Progressive/Liberals are really good at.

If you ever wondered why the government is getting hacked so easily, it's because of the Progressive assholes running everything.
It has already been proven that Hillary did more than than Patraeus, who was charged.

Nope. You're confusing your desperate desires with 'proof'.

You insist you know better than the legal experts in national security law. We'll see what your assumptions are worth, won't we?

Just remember....I told you so.
No, I am going by the reported facts. It's funny how libs like yourself, who have never handled classufied or spent a career doing so, suddenly declare yourselves to he experts and try to clear Hillary of any wrong-doing. :p

No you're not going by " reported facts".
It is not established that the server was hacked. It's only your wishful thinking that leads you to believe that.
Putin has twenty thousand Clinton emails sitting in a vault. When he decides to release them he will.
He'd rather have to deal with Hillary than Trump is a theory held by some.
Others believe Putin would rather deal with Trump for strategic reasons visa vi Putin's expansionist plans for E. Europe.
We will see what happens.

Pooitin and Trump are butt buddies. They are both dictators.

That's interesting, Trump is a dictator and he hasn't even taken office yet.
You have no idea of the content of the classified emails in question, why they were classified, by whom or when they were classified. Your argument is total supposition

Wrong again. Had you been paying attention instead of skipping all the factual posts you would have understood my argument.

We know 22 of them were deemed too damaging to be let out into the open air. Four of them were classified at the time of origination. A total of 2,079 of them were deemed classified by intelligence and other sources. It was Hillary's job to discern which emails were classified and which weren't.

I have plenty of idea what those emails contain. Classified information. My argument is based on pure evidence, and yours on emotion.

Except they aren't factual posts. They're speculative posts.
None were classified until their review for release. The 22 were upgraded to TS so they could not be released at all. State has said they weren't marked classified at the time. What you don't know is why any of them were classified. It could simply be because the information while routine may be critical to ongoing operations and therefore cannot be released.

We will know soon enough.
Any document discussing foreign affairs is considered classified automatically. State Department stuff, ya know? It doesn’t need to be officially classified by anyone.

Not foreign affairs. That would be everything at state. Try reading it again.
My point was any State Department business is already classified. She knows this. Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal.

So your claim is that any email to Sidney Blumenthal is classified?

Prove that. With evidence. Which you aren't.

"there is no evidence which is true"

In the real world we refer to that as a "state of denial".

Has any official confirmed that claim or do you always accept nutjob reports?

Those aren't "nutjob reports." That's actual evidence confirmed by various officials. Liberals like you will readily dismiss evidence when it puts you in a quandary.

Do you always accept what Hillary says?
Officials? Who?
What credible news source is reporting that?

I got my points from the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, various government websites, citations from Cornell School of Law, former US Attorney General Micheal Mukasey and Assistant US District Attorney Andrew McCarthy.

I don't get all my information from the news. I do research.
Bullshit! Post up the reports confirming this.

I already did. You dismissed them. You flat out ignored it.

Look, you're desperate. No matter what evidence I post, you will issue some sort of weak contrivance to dismiss it. I posted laws, opinions from legal professionals who worked in the highest echelons of our government, the IC IG, even the FBI and DOJ who both say that Hillary's so-called "inquiry" is an "investigation" and "Law Enforcement Matter."

You are unreasonable, Hutch. And you have yet to disprove anything I've said. All you have are words.
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So your claim is that any email to Sidney Blumenthal is classified?

If I read correctly, any email to Sidney Blumenthal that discusses foreign affairs. Any emails discussing foreign affairs are automatically classified according to the State Department classification guide from 2005.

Neither the article you cited nor the Washington Post analysis it links to said that.

So who says that any email to Sidney Blumenthal.....or any email to Sidney Blumenthal that discusses foreign affairs......is classified?
Neither the article you cited nor the Washington Post analysis it links to said that.

What article? What Washington Post analysis?

The 23 emails that I linked to from the Daily Caller are the correspondence between Blumenthal and Clinton, which are clearly discussing foreign affairs. That is not only a breach of law and protocol, but the emails are themselves classified.

It doesn't have to be every single email, just those dealing with foreign affairs. I think Mudwhistle made himself very clear what he meant.

"Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal."

That is his quote in proper context. The spin is making me dizzy, Skylar.

He did not say "any email" he said any email discussing dealings with foreign governments in relation to the US is automatically classified, including correspondence between Hillary and Blumenthal discussing same.
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Neither the article you cited nor the Washington Post analysis it links to said that.

What article? What Washington Post analysis?

The 23 emails that I linked to from the Daily Caller are the correspondence between Blumenthal and Clinton, which are clearly discussing foreign affairs. That is not only a breach of law and protocol, but the emails themselves are themselves classified.

That's fallacious reasoning. Like assuming that a fighter jet and a tricycle are the same thing because they both have wheels.

You've noted a common characteristic. But not that the characteristic is what defines the emails as classified. Nor does either article, neither the Daily Caller article nor the Washington Post article it links to, indicate that any email to Blumenthal that discusses foreign affairs is classified.

Nor have I seen any source beyond folks here on a message board, that make such a claim.

Nor have I seen anywhere where any email that deals with 'foreign affairs' is classified.

Again, just folks here at the message board. Do you have anything that's, you know, credible and informed that backs that claim?
And is it just me, or did you just flat out ignore my link?

Its just you. I read your Daily Caller link. It didn't say what you did. I read the Washington Post analysis that the Daily Caller article linked to. It didn't say what you did either.

Your source so far, that anything sent to Blumenthal that discusses foreign affairs is classified....is apparently Mudwhistle.
Wrong again. Had you been paying attention instead of skipping all the factual posts you would have understood my argument.

We know 22 of them were deemed too damaging to be let out into the open air. Four of them were classified at the time of origination. A total of 2,079 of them were deemed classified by intelligence and other sources. It was Hillary's job to discern which emails were classified and which weren't.

I have plenty of idea what those emails contain. Classified information. My argument is based on pure evidence, and yours on emotion.

Except they aren't factual posts. They're speculative posts.
None were classified until their review for release. The 22 were upgraded to TS so they could not be released at all. State has said they weren't marked classified at the time. What you don't know is why any of them were classified. It could simply be because the information while routine may be critical to ongoing operations and therefore cannot be released.

We will know soon enough.
Any document discussing foreign affairs is considered classified automatically. State Department stuff, ya know? It doesn’t need to be officially classified by anyone.

Not foreign affairs. That would be everything at state. Try reading it again.
My point was any State Department business is already classified. She knows this. Anything that deals with foreign governments in relation to the United States is automatically classified and not to be disseminated to anyone without proper clearance. That includes Hillary's emails to Sidney Blumenthal.

So your claim is that any email to Sidney Blumenthal is classified?

Prove that. With evidence. Which you aren't.
No. That isn't incorrect. Now go back and read it again, Goober.
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Has any official confirmed that claim or do you always accept nutjob reports?

Those aren't "nutjob reports." That's actual evidence confirmed by various officials. Liberals like you will readily dismiss evidence when it puts you in a quandary.

Do you always accept what Hillary says?
Officials? Who?
What credible news source is reporting that?

I got my points from the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, various government websites, citations from Cornell School of Law, former US Attorney General Micheal Mukasey and Assistant US District Attorney Andrew McCarthy.

I don't get all my information from the news. I do research.
Bullshit! Post up the reports confirming this.

I already did. You dismissed them. You flat out ignored it.

Look, you're desperate. No matter what evidence I post, you will issue some sort of weak contrivance to dismiss it. I posted laws, opinions from legal professionals who worked in the highest echelons of our government, the IC IG, even the FBI and DOJ who both say that Hillary's so-called "inquiry" is an "investigation" and "Law Enforcement Matter."

You are unreasonable, Hutch. And you have yet to disprove anything I've said. All you have are words.

"Fox News could not independently confirm Lazar’s claims."

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News

See how easy you are.
If Fox isn't confirming it, no one is. They would certainly have it as breaking news 24/7 if they could.
Those aren't "nutjob reports." That's actual evidence confirmed by various officials. Liberals like you will readily dismiss evidence when it puts you in a quandary.

Do you always accept what Hillary says?
Officials? Who?
What credible news source is reporting that?

I got my points from the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, various government websites, citations from Cornell School of Law, former US Attorney General Micheal Mukasey and Assistant US District Attorney Andrew McCarthy.

I don't get all my information from the news. I do research.
Bullshit! Post up the reports confirming this.

I already did. You dismissed them. You flat out ignored it.

Look, you're desperate. No matter what evidence I post, you will issue some sort of weak contrivance to dismiss it. I posted laws, opinions from legal professionals who worked in the highest echelons of our government, the IC IG, even the FBI and DOJ who both say that Hillary's so-called "inquiry" is an "investigation" and "Law Enforcement Matter."

You are unreasonable, Hutch. And you have yet to disprove anything I've said. All you have are words.

"Fox News could not independently confirm Lazar’s claims."

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News

See how easy you are.
If Fox isn't confirming it, no one is. They would certainly have it as breaking news 24/7 if they could.

I thought Lazar was the guy from Area 51 that saw aliens....
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Nor does either article, neither the Daily Caller article nor the Washington Post article it links to, indicate that any email to Blumenthal that discusses foreign affairs is classified.

Given the fact that most of those emails are redacted, I would call that classified, as per protocol. There are still things in those emails that cannot be declassified. Those are emails between Hillary and Blumenthal.
Officials? Who?
What credible news source is reporting that?

I got my points from the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, various government websites, citations from Cornell School of Law, former US Attorney General Micheal Mukasey and Assistant US District Attorney Andrew McCarthy.

I don't get all my information from the news. I do research.
Bullshit! Post up the reports confirming this.

I already did. You dismissed them. You flat out ignored it.

Look, you're desperate. No matter what evidence I post, you will issue some sort of weak contrivance to dismiss it. I posted laws, opinions from legal professionals who worked in the highest echelons of our government, the IC IG, even the FBI and DOJ who both say that Hillary's so-called "inquiry" is an "investigation" and "Law Enforcement Matter."

You are unreasonable, Hutch. And you have yet to disprove anything I've said. All you have are words.

"Fox News could not independently confirm Lazar’s claims."

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News

See how easy you are.
If Fox isn't confirming it, no one is. They would certainly have it as breaking news 24/7 if they could.

I thought Lazar was the guy from Area 551 that saw aliens....


He is. This story is about his hacker brother Guccifer. It means, shining beloved in the tongue of the alien lord who gave him the technology to access Clinton's server without leaving a trace.

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