FBI just seized the cell phone of House Freedom Caucus chair, Scott Perry, pursuant to a search warrant this afternoon....FBI just getting warmed up.

It appears that the Democrats have successfully weaponized Federal Law Enforcement and are now using it against their political enemies.
Yes, exactly right.... I know a truck driver that was in his companies office complaining severely about the way things were being run (he was telling the truth, but you all know how that must have went over), any how the safety director overheard his ranting in a controlled manor, and just didn't like what he was saying, so he went into his office to weaponized the camera system by reviewing footage extensively trying to pick up something on the driver. Well he got a view of the driver touching his phone while it was still in the holder, and sent the video to the driver's boss in hopes to get him in trouble or worse fired because he didn't like the driver.
Did they have a search warrant?
It was really stupid on the part of the law enforcement agency........ It was illegally obtained.

Did they not?

How do you know?

And, if you don't ....well, why go on a social media site and shrill about "illegally obtained"?

Such behavior......damages the ethic of a 'nation of laws' that America depends upon.

If you do not know.....to say otherwise is irresponsible. It is corrosive to America. It is, at best, vandalizing America's sense of law and order.

So, in the end, good poster Concerned American......you emphatically assert that the confiscated phone was illegally obtained.

Prove it. Show the forum that you are an adult to be taken seriously. A man of your word. A responsible citizen.


Or go.
Okay, 'retired LEO': Of course you know you need probable cause to obtain a search warrant in the first place, right?
Whistleblowers have come forward tonight stating they had no probable cause, and they knew it. The rank-and-file agents are pissed... This thing is blowing up in their own faces...
A local magistrate signs off on a federal warrant?

There's this little thing known as "jurisdiction"....It's way over the head of a dimwitted dullard like you.
How do you know it was a local magistrate? All we know is Scott Perry's phone was seized. You do not know who signed the warrant.

As for Mar-A-Lago, that warrant was signed by a federal magistrate.

So stop talking out of your ass.
Whistleblowers have come forward tonight stating they had no probable cause, and they knew it. The rank-and-file agents are pissed... This thing is blowing up in their own faces...
Sure, show where you sourced this assertion.
What have been their biggest cases in the last 8 years? That should help you answer the question.

I'm not here to answer the question that was asked of you. You are dodging a legitimate inquiry.

More important than that, is that you are clearly uninformed on the WHOLE role of the FBI in American law enforcement.
In those 8years you wish to install as the metric......you must include the thousands......friggin' thousands!....of cases that they themselves investigated and brought to justice and the thousands of case they assisted local law enforcement in solving or bringing to court.

You shrill about a handful of prominent cases that may or may not touch upon a political figure or political issue......all the while ignoring, or more likely, sadly unknowing about the vast and extensive --and needed --- expertise that FBI staffers bring to addressing crime nationally and locally.

Missouri Mike, with no intent to be pejorative towards your poor avatar......but, in my opinion, he is a fake and phony who does zero homework to authenticate his shrill and shallow opinionizing.

But, good luck in your other endeavors.
Whistleblowers have come forward tonight stating they had no probable cause, and they knew it. The rank-and-file agents are pissed... This thing is blowing up in their own faces...

Well, as a poster who repeatedly insists he was an alleged LEO....you should know better than post the above in the manner it was posted.

You have made an assertion.
So prove it.
Show us the reportage from a credible informed source that backs up what you shrilly claim.

Show us what level of due diligence you have embraced in your activities today....and, we hope, once embraced in your alleged former profession.


Or go.

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